Becoming Monsters

53: The Bones And The Bees

Abra was not having a good day. Or week. Really, with dozens of large crates atop a flatbed trailer towed by her large bumblebee Beetle, the insectoid girl was like a Jewish refugee ten steps ahead of the Gestapo. What clothing she wore was either torn, bloodied in light pink Klingon blood or still faintly smoking. A dozen other pets of various sizes and shapes buzzed around her, all of them similarly hymenoptera themed in one form or another. The crates were hexagonal and appeared made of wax, though many of them were heavily damaged.

The woman herself slumped against a trailer tire, drinking milk out of a bottle Aruna provided. The dutiful boy eyed the exposed hole where the gate used to hang, expecting trouble. A month ago, Honoka would have thought him extremely paranoid. Today, Honoka walked up behind her step-son and patted his back, flicking her head towards the gate and asking with a finger moving in a circle to make a circuit around for their safety. Behind her, Ken took to the air as Honoka knelt on the ground across from Abra.

“I’ve been furious at you for days now,” the wasp girl said, her odd harmony voice more growly than sweet at the moment as mandibles chittered her words. “Had a plan: was going to swarm your entire place and drink blood honey for days. Then I arrived and realized you got hit as well and I…” Grumbling, the wasp shot a proboscis out of her mouth into the bottle and slurped up the last milk drops. “I don’t know. It doesn’t matter anyway, I figured out how I’m going to die on the elevator ride.”

“What happened?” Honoka asked, unable to stop herself eyeing the blue and black wasp - large as a soccer ball! - circling her head, radiating enough cold Honoka felt the chill five feet away.

“After lunch on Sunday, I returned home and found my place under attack. Whole…freakin’ horde of monsters broke in, curb stomping my babies! I spent who knows how many hours fighting Fire Wolves and a Demon Turtle. Afterward, barely alive, I spent days sifting through wreckage to salvage whatever was left.” Both sets of wings buzzed, pushing her off the wheel with a chitter of pain. She calmed herself down before letting Honoka ease her back against the wheel. “I picked a unique Class Feature that no other Tamer besides me was stupid enough to choose, probably because anyone picking the cursed Feature Darwin Awarded soon after. Pooled Points lets me share HP with all my pets in a single giant health bar.”

Honoka let out a low whistle. That sounds like a serious Feature, Honoka thought. “Theoretically, you could possess nearly infinite HP if you picked up enough pets. You’d be like the T-800: unstoppable, uttering cheesy one liners while reloading your SPAS-12.”

“I used to think that. Now, it may be the reason I sink slowly into the vat of molten metal.” Mandibles twitched upward at the stupid joke, interrupted when the wasp woman convulsed and coughed onto cracked stone, blood and honeyed mucus splattering to the ground. “I’m at 2%. Been losing health steadily all week, which tells me I have a stray. My pets don’t come with magical homing beacons, and I was breeding a Love Hornet hive for the last couple of months. A Love Hornet drone is the size of a pinky fingernail. I’m missing one. I think it was swallowed by one of the wolves that escaped. While it is probably stinging the monster slowly to death, that single insect is getting digested over and over again, which means a dead Abra.”

“Hold on, I’ll get some potions!” Honoka yelled, scrambling to her feet but stopped when Abra shook her head.

“No good, me and all the pets reached our alchemical tolerance days ago. Even your cleric would only give me another hour or two.” Honoka wasn’t sure because the face was so inhuman, but maybe something in how the chitin flexed upward made her think Abra smiled peacefully. “I don’t like it, but I miss my parents and brother. I’ll get to see them again. Too bad I won’t try out that wicked futa-cock before I go, though I’m happy to not be angry with you.”

Whatever Abra expected, it wasn’t Honoka’s face pinched in simmering frustration or the ugly groan through her teeth.

“Why do women keep noble sacrificing themselves around me?” Honoka asked, vicing temples with her palms as she tried to think through the problem, pacing circles along the same path as the wasp above her. “My brothers will testify in court I am not this lovable.” Checking her pockets, Honoka grumbled when she realized her phone was on the table in the hosting room.

“KENNETH!!” Honoka shouted into the air, startling Abra and her hive, the courtyard filling with startled buzzing before dying down. Moments later, the teenage bat landed superhero style and stood - trying hard not to look like he was trying to look cool in front of the ladies - flicking his long bangs out of large soft brown eyes.

“I need you to find Banda and one or two more wives to have them fetch the milking pumps with all the hoses and attachments. Bring them down to Basement 4. Inform everyone else there’s going to be some allocation, though I don’t know what yet. Then ask Diane where her potion case is and have that brought down with the pumps.” Honoka studied the monster insects and attempted to logistic them into the basement without getting stung. “Oh, and if Gwyneth said yes, ask her to join the Fellowship descending into Khazad-dûm.”

Kenneth gave Honoka a confused look, causing Honoka to slump and sigh.

“Ask Gwyneth to come down to Basement 4 if she said yes and then tell your mom you need to read the Lord Of The Rings or else your aunt will beat you up.”

Kenneth quirked an eyebrow, silently doubting any beatings coming from Honoka.

“One of your other aunts. Now scoot!”

“I’m touched you want to help, but it’s too late,” Abra insisted as Honoka strode over and helped the large insectoid woman to her feet. Over seven feet tall (214 cm) , the height difference had Honoka looping one lower arm over her shoulder and hobbled the two of them to the main building of the complex where the stairs to the basement floors resided. “The math is grim and certain. It wasn’t as bad at first, but I’m losing a percent an hour for the last half a day. This is it. I am happy I won’t die alone.”

“Will you shut up?” Honoka griped, already huffing from lugging the wasp only a dozen yards. She didn’t appear that heavy, yet chitin carapace must be as dense as steel. “I signed up for a dating app because I wanted to avoid making life and death decision like this with every girl I meet. Catch a movie, eat cheap food, laugh a bit and schedule a second date. Let the relationship grow organically, find another girl I can share my life with, make the next step when we’re both ready. Instead, half my harem is populated with girls delirious with blood loss or dragooned without any choice when they joined up. Who would rationally say no to marriage if the other option was death?!”

Honoka wiped sweat off her brow and kept going. “Sorry, ignore my frivolous ranting. You don’t need to hear about my problems, so let me tell you what I am going to do. Even if I was vanilla human and had a Class that leveled up when I did macramé, I would still save your life or die trying. It is the human thing to do.”

Abra snorted and Honoka rolled her eyes.

Anyway, instead of a hopeless knitting club, you get a house full of abnormally capable women. Which includes a cleric over level twenty, a high level alchemist and my cheat powers. If that doesn’t work, my uncle just so happens to also be visiting from Florida. He’s a world recognized expert on Racial medical treatment and a high level Enchanter. If none of that works, the entire family has been stockpiling those magical points we talked about - that unlock fantastical powers, some literally listed as deific - for two weeks. Why stockpile valuable points like that instead of spending them immediately you ask? Because there are no takes-backs and your own Pooled Points is a perfect example of what happens if we make a mistake.

“Where was I?” Honoka shook her head, the exertion causing her to ramble. “Oh yeah: I will break reality itself if that’s what it takes to save your life. Not just because I’ve fallen for you - you had me at Chifusa’s tits - but because no one should ever live their life thinking they are alone.”

Abra didn’t reply, nodding as all five of her compound eyes became a little sticky, trying her best to assist Honoka helping her across the courtyard.

“Good. Now, call all of your pets to follow us down those stairs through that hallway. I have a plan. What I need from you is information.” Honoka paused, catching her breath and wondering if she should allocate now to finish or save the MP for her crazy idea. Saving MP won out and they continued to bloodily stumble. “Racial Features, how your Class works, estimated sizes of individual HP for you and your pets, your favorite hentai, anything.”

Abra’s antenna waved back around behind her head, hairs also moving independent of any breeze and tickling along the back of Honoka’s neck. From the buzzing behind the two women, the swarm was on its way. “Not a lot to say about my Race and Class. Tamers are a dime a dozen, but what I could figure out online is that all six of the apis queens are Tamers. It has to do with one of my Features, I think. I produce honey that’s magically congruent with the thaumatic energy of any bee or wasp or hornet I have collected as pets. The potency and amount of honey I produce at any time is measured through how many pets are available and how high a level I’ve built them up as.”

“What are your pet types?” Honoka asked, glancing behind and getting a little phobic from the swarm.

“My Class limits what kind of monsters I can tame, so the hive is all apis derivatives. Beetle is a giant bumblebee I found in the Juno dungeon. When I unlocked a Class Feature called Grow Big And Strong, I’ve been slowly leveling him into a mount. He’s level nine, my only leveled pet at the moment and probably accounts for three fourths of all the health points in the swarm. My top selling food product comes from the Ice Wasp queen, four drones and thirty-three workers. Ice Wasps are local to this dungeon, known for their deadly stings and being extremely territorial. My Ghost Hornets have one queen, seven drones and five workers. Ghosts look like normal hornets, except they can turn invisible. I ordered them from a dungeon in Africa. My last two species are newer and I haven’t tested them out much, both from a dungeon in China and costing premium dollar. The Love Hornets pupated one queen and two drones, but the four Spinner Spiderbees haven’t metamorphosed yet.”

“Important tangent: what are the traits of a Love Hornet?” Honoka asked, taking the stairs very carefully with the two of them.

Abra shrugged with her upper arms. “Their sting is an extremely powerful aphrodisiac and in certain high doses has been known to permanently increase a person’s Charisma while driving them to insanity levels of lust and sexual need. I was thinking of marketing a love honey, maybe team up with an alchemist to manufacture a lube or something.”

“Ok, giant red flag there: with magic, don’t cross the streams. Magical Resonance Shock is when a magic of one type gets mixed with an identical type of magic and the two either cancel out or something goes catastrophically wrong. I once took the wrong type of potion and it almost killed me. I wouldn’t want to get stung by any of your pets, but treat me, Diane and probably even yourself as deathly allergic to Love Hornets from now on because we all run on sexual energy.”

“Good to know,” Abra said, studying the open and mostly empty space she found herself in. “Oh, and my favorite hentai is anything with tentacles, especially La Blue Girl.”

All the basements underneath the compound were large rectangles four hundred feet long (122 m), two hundred feet wide (61 m) and fifty feet deep (15.3 m). Arun built them as all-purpose storage for the tenets he envisioned would stay here, but now they were whatever the wives needed them to be. Basement 1 become the family’s gym and armory, but the other three were mostly empty. Basement 4, filled with the echo of insects buzzing as the hive hovered down, had one far corner stacking spare bedding, cushions and other sundry things the rooms up top would needed when people occupied those rooms. Otherwise, it was just uncomplicated smooth gray stone, harsh lights shining from the ceiling.

“Ok, not a lot of time. I’m going to look over my Status options while you tell me more about your Race. Physical characteristics, magical abilities, whatever.” Honoka pulled up her blue screens, organizing two submenus for allocation. “And I need details: you can be adorably shy worrying about confessing to your senpai later.”

Abra eased herself to the floor, sitting down an interesting procedure as she extended her wings so they didn’t bend into the floor, her large abdomen shimmying out of the way as she otherwise sprawled. “I’m not sure what you’re after. Apis are a common Race that fly and have stingers. The toxin I inject causes extreme pain and some acid burns but usually isn’t life threatening. The stinger itself is the deadly weapon, a twenty inch spearhead that can punch through steel. Most Apis go into construction because their abdomens secrete a wax-like substance hardening into something with the dual properties of plastic and concrete. The tallest building in the world, kitty corner to the Burj Khalifa and standing over a thousand feet taller than the previous tallest building in the world, is made almost entirely out of apis wax.

“Queens get a few more extras,” Abra explained dryly, putting her hands on her boobs and giving them a shake. “For one, my stinger is also an ovipositor. I’ve done a little reading: I no longer have a normal womb. According to another queen that got pregnant and posted her entire experience on Tube-U-R, I have sex normally through my hooha, but the sperm travels to my egg collection in my abdomen. Once the eggs are fertilized, my stinger - which, despite looking like hard chitin is actually more like a dick - will grow painfully hard until I deposit those eggs into some girl’s belly. Every month, for my ‘period’, I lay a clutch of unfertilized eggs and the whole affair has me laid up for the entire day. Whether my stinger is ejecting toxins or eggs, it feels really, really good, much like how I imagine guys feel when they deposit their own stuff. It is both the most painful and most pleasurable thing I have ever experienced. There’s a guy in town who buys the eggs and I have no idea what he does with them.”

“Anything else? I won’t know if it’s important or not until I hear it.” Honoka was ready to trigger the allocations, just needed everyone else to arrive.

“Only the reason Apis are monstera non grata in Africa and the Middle East. Queens have the ability to enslave other apis and make them pets. It is wildly illegal in the US, but one of the queens in Saudi Arabia has collected a private army of thousands and it looks like she’s spending all her time either kidnapping more people or breeding an even larger army. The President tried sending ARCON there earlier this year. Even Golden Girl couldn’t do more than thin their ranks a little before the whole team retreated. I follow the rules, but every couple of months a government mage stops by and checks to make sure I haven’t enslaved anyone. Which I think is a gross example of government overreach and an invasion of my privacy, but they do it anyway and they do it with guns pointed at my head.”

Abra was interrupted by loud clacking as four skeleton beasts with the milking pumps strapped to their backs descended from the top of the stairs. Behind them followed Banda and Gwyneth, the holstaur clutching the collection of metal cups and hoses in one hand and four large bags of oats in the other. The lich held a large leather case that clinked with each step. Gwyneth’s two other lackies were the last to arrive and close the door behind them, their hoods thrown back to show mindless skeletal faces, each lugging two of the empty large fifty-gallon drums Banda used to store milk in.

“1%,” Abra stated ominously, growing scared as her mandibles chittered.

“Alright!” Honoka shouted as she clapped hands together. “Skitter needs a blessing, stat!”

Gwyneth and Banda paused to look at each other.

“[I thought you said her name was Abra,]” the confused lich whispered to Banda. “[Who’s Skitter?]”

“[Hono-chan makes obscure geek references all the time, we just nod most of the time as if we get it.]” Banda’s whispered voice was exaggerated and sarcastic, though she did trot faster down the steps. “[Ask Diane or Eve later, they get most of them.]”

“Skitter is the star of Worm, and do I have to start a book club? Never mind that now.” Honoka yanked off her breakaway pants and pulled off her tank, naked except for her new white bra and straining jockstrap. “First, I need you to combine Selfless Healing with Sustaining and drain your MP and HP by fifty percent into Abra. She might not look that bad, but she has a strange Class Feature and she’s at 1%. Gwyneth, help me set up the pumps.”

The next fifteen minutes flew by as Honoka and Gwyneth arranged the equipment and checked the TCs in each were charged and ready to go. Banda, removing her bed sheet because it was getting in the way, glowed with a brilliant light as she knelt over Abra and poured a blessing into her. Abra flushed and might have been panting as her stinger flicked in and out, Banda’s position placing her leaking and sloshing naked breasts directly on top of the insectoid girl, like two beanbags. Gwyneth appeared uncomfortable and kept averting her eyes from the other girls in the room, eliciting a giggle out of Honoka when the chocolate futanari unhooked her bra and slipped her jockstrap down.

“I’m sorry, I’m not laughing at you,” Honoka said to Gwyneth, sharing a smile with Banda as the holstaur cleric finished. “I’m kinda laughing at myself and how I used to be like you. Three months ago I would have rather died than be naked in the same building as another girl, now they line up and take a number.” Softly running her hands slowly up and down her hard length, Honoka motioned for the lich to follow as they joined the two women rounding third base. Midway, Honoka stopped at the leather potion case and grabbed two sets of C&A vials. “If this is something you can’t handle, still time to back out, no hard feelings.”

The horny hornet unconsciously massaged those milky tits smothering her before yanking all four hands away, forcing a moan as the large pregnant woman gushed milk from the ministrations. While Abra stuttered something that might have been an apology, Banda gave the girl a wink and stood back up.

“I…” Gwyneth did look like she would bolt, then something changed her mind as she removed the long leather gloves she wore. “This isn’t about sex for me. I mean, there’s nothing for me to get hot and heavy with, I don’t have flesh or urges anymore. Before the Change, I fantasized and made one mistake with someone I never met, but I can’t have that anymore. For me, this is having people who aren’t afraid of me and who want to spend their lives with me.” Her hands exposed, white bony fingers clicked lightly as she worked on the layers of robes she wore before the multi-colored fabrics fell away and revealed the skeletal woman to the room. “If that means I have to spend time cleaning a little jizz off me, I’m fine with that.”

Hehe, ‘little.’ Honoka knew she was a deviant, but looking at a skeleton and thinking dirty thoughts hadn’t been on the fetish list before today. Yet here she was, lusting at six and a half feet (199 cm) of slightly yellowed, off-white bone and thinking how much fun it would be to rub up against that. If Gwyneth’s skull hadn’t been clue enough, the rest of her body wasn’t exactly the same as human skeleton normal. The ribs were thicker and there were more of them, tapering down into where her abdomen would be, forming the outline of modest breast shapes on the front of her cage. Arms and legs had too many bones in odd places, making her limbs thicker, extra ossein tipped or ridged with asymmetrical spikes and horns. While Honoka couldn’t get a good look at the back, the spine appeared thick and gnarly and probably spiked along the dorsal edge. All together, if a woman only glanced at Gwyneth, they would mistake her for a walking human skeleton. Only after detailed observation would discover the tiny differences that set her apart from other undead.

“Well, you definitely put the bone back in boner for me,” Honoka said, receiving some not-sexy groans from the other two women in the room. “Shut up! Puns are the highest form of comedy, Change My Mind! What’s your HP?”

“14%,” Abra said with some wonder in her choral voice, sitting up off the floor and wiping milk from her face. “I have a good idea how many health points I have and that number shouldn’t be possible, not from a single blessing.”

“Welcome to Becoming Monsters,” Banda said, slapping her boobs together in a satisfied way as she checked her own Status and nodded. “I think our guild name is also our motto.”

“Now I’m bugged we don’t have a motto,” Honoka muttered, standing over Abra and oozing precum down her cock as her mind wandered. “When we’re done here, I’m polling the family for what it should be and then properly translate it into Latin.”

“Umm…” Abra said, her multi-faceted eyes locked on the swaying meat hanging over her body.

“Right! Sorry.” Honoka absently rubbed her legs together, using her thighs to clean up (or at least spread around) sopping drippage spewing from her own pussy. She was still a little worried over the increased libido and fluid production her female parts expressed in the last week. With so many other problems it kept getting shoved to the backburner. “Before we seal the deal, I need to ask both of you if you want to do this. I don’t just mean sex: do you want to marry me and the other wives, love each woman in this family and become involved in what I’m increasingly worried is some kind of Biblical-scope conflict?”

“I see what you mean,” Abra said, though she was removing the remains of her clothing as she spoke. “I want to live. That makes it really hard to say no. Still, I’d already made up my mind to do this on Sunday. I don’t know if I’ll be much help in a fight. Now that I’ve had a taste, I’m tired of living alone. Everything else is a bonus.”

“And while I also suffered from loneliness, gaining a purpose is more important to me.” Gwyneth walked around and knelt next to Abra, helping the wasp out of her sweater. “History books often downplay how meaningless everything is to a slave. Being forced against my will for years, it was the knowledge that my actions were not my own I hated most. Doing something of my own free will has been lost to me for so long I forgot what it means to be a person. I accept this obligation. Also…I hope your Class can return a portion of my humanity, however brief.”

“Now I feel like a selfish jerk,” Abra said, her face turning upward into a shy smile (or the equivalent of one) as she looked over at Gwyneth. “Friendship and hot futa-on-insect action don’t sound as lofty as free will and purpose.”

“Everyone’s different,” Banda said from the milking machines, screwing the metal cups into the hoses, her own bloated teats leaking like crazy after the surprise stimulation. “I joined because I wasn’t producing milk and wanted to get away from my aunt and an arranged marriage. Eve initially signed on because she was bored. Padmava wanted security and safety for her children. Our reasons have evolved but those were our thoughts at the time. What I’m saying is it doesn’t have to be something big and you shouldn’t discount something that appears small. Everyone’s different.”

While Banda talked, Honoka became distracted with the nakedness of Abra’s body. It wasn’t only because Honoka was a deviant pervert: every eye in the room stared at the gorgeous femininity of the insectoid woman, a clear sign of an abnormally high Charisma score. The form of the tall woman was long and spindly in her arms and legs, compact and curvy in her core - with hips and breasts cartoonishly exaggerated compared to her…ahem…waspish waist - with a fat abdomen curving behind her. Yellow and black chitin covered much of her limbs, shiny and hard, like the exoskeleton of a yellowjacket, broken by the patches of thick hair on her arms, legs and on top of her head.

This was all noticeable when her clothing was on. With the clothing off, Honoka discovered the chitin did not cover every part of the insect woman’s body. In a jagged diamond shape, from below her neck to all the way down between her legs, the chitin broke apart like ice breaking on a lake, little polygons of exoskeleton spreading over a bright yellow skin until the center of her mass was clear of shiny hardness and left with inviting flesh. Because of the stiffness of the chitin, it was as if her breasts were naturally thrust together in their own pushup, the cleavage deep and thick. With a little disappointment, Honoka found Abra’s breasts lacked nipples, but that was made up for when Honoka discovered a bloated, puffy vagina three times larger than normal on such a proportionally tall woman. This mother of all pussies wasn’t just damp, it gushed honey, a veritable fountain waterfalling between her legs and onto the floor.

From an evolutionary point of view, it made no sense. Or maybe it did, the queen’s vulnerability made up for with protection from her hive, leaving only the basic drive to propagate the species. Honoka didn’t care, not many things since the Change made much sense to her. This bee was about to get pollinated.

“[…oka?] Honoka?”

The sexually-fogged Ymirian shook her head, realizing Banda shaking her shoulder. “What?” Honoka asked dumbly, still out of it.

“I said, you should give them the potions,” Banda explained slowly, sharing a leer with her wife. “Then you can go to town.”

“Yeah, ok,” Honoka replied, glancing at her hand that wasn’t jacking herself off and the four vials there. Holding them out, she passed the C&As to the two fiances. “Sorry, my Race makes me a little distracted when I’m aroused. Those potions are a Contraceptive and AntiSTD, or C&A. They have a synergistic effect, so the wives still take both even after we become exclusive. Diane has made so many of them over the years they are her trademark potions and have proven to prevent pregnancy even from my radioactive cum. I recommend you take both right now and if you want children…I mean…”

“It is fine.” Gwyneth didn’t look fine, but she held the potions in her hand. “No emotions, remember? I don’t see that it makes a difference for me, though. Not like I possess the proper equipment.”

“Better safe than sorry. Hono-chan isn’t normal either.” Banda, ever practical, opened one of the bags of grains and stuck the metal scoop inside.

“Here’s the plan,” Honoka said, recovering and moving between Abra’s legs to position entry as the two women took their medicine and gagged. “Going for straight sex with Abra, nothing fancy. When I cum, I’ll pull out and hose Gwyneth. Not sure how collection works with a skeleton: try opening your mouth and spinning around? After you’re both collected, I’ll make more complex allocations to myself and Abra and we’ll see if my crazy idea will top off your HP. Afterward, we’ll rinse and repeat when it dips down again. Either way, I promise you we’ll do whatever it takes to keep you alive.”

Abra nodded, and Honoka crouched onto her knees, straddling Abra’s hard abdomen. It was weird, Honoka’s wet snatch relishing the warmth, the mild pulsing as the apis woman’s stinger thrust in and out giving enough stimulation that her juices doubled in excretion. Honoka grit her teeth from the building wave inside her womb. Sliding along the exoskeleton, Honoka placed her tip at the entrance of the overly engorged lips and slowly eased inside.

Honoka wished she had words to express the sensation of sliding into Abra, but they caught in her throat. Abra’s pussy was impossibly wide and deep, even the Beast unable to feel uterine walls as the futa slid entirely inside and hilted herself. Instead, pressurized honey spurting out like a Nederlander kid’s finger in a leaky dyke. Honoka belatedly realized the honey inside of Abra had a higher viscosity than the honey coming out, air likely creating a chemical reaction to her fluids. This added a tension to the motion, making an ethereal tightness caressing Honoka under a unilateral compression. Sliding back with her knees and hips, Honoka thrust in again and found the honey non-newtonian the faster she moved. Pounding faster and faster, Honoka exerted more and more force, until she grunting heavily with each motion and drenching in as much sweat as honey after less than a minute.

“Oooh! Oh, Hono…I can’t…I, I, I’maaaAACHCHCHCHCH!!” Throwing her head back, Abra’s whole body spasmed and nearly bucked Honoka off. Even as honey poured out, both pairs of hands latched onto Honoka’s arms and bent her over top of the apis woman, burying Honoka’s face into the soft canyon of Abra’s cleavage. The chching sound emanated from rapid opening and closing mandibles, growing louder as the woman continued to orgasm.

“Is that supposed to happen?” Gwyneth asked, speaking with a tone of worry in her hollow voice. “Her stinger, I mean.”

“I don’t know, it doesn’t look sharp anymore, it keeps bloating like a balloon,” Banda replied further way, probably having a better view of the stinger. “If I had to guess, it looks almost like a giant…cock…”

Buried in boobs, Honoka wondered why Abra’s skin suddenly changed color when that final word slipped out of Banda’s mouth. Honoka couldn’t react beyond craning her neck backwards before Abra’s abdomen proved supernaturally flexible and flipped that stinger 180 degrees, penetrating Honoka’s exposed pussy.

“HoooOOAyyooAH!” Honoka lost coherent thought when karma savagely plunged into her snatch. Something would have torn if Honoka hadn’t already been so horny, the thick stinger stretching even the abnormal limits of Honoka’s sexual cavity. And Abra didn’t waste any time, the hydraulic nature of the stinger allowing it to jackhammer in and out with a furious rhythm. The natural grip of Honoka’s vagina slid her back along the abdomen before the beating against her cervix pushed her back into Abra’s honey hole. Back and forth, push and pull, Honoka became a limp dildo extension as she was not only pounded but was forced to pound in equal measures.

And deep inside her lizard brain, Honoka discovered she loved being used like this. Craved it. Maybe all those years of rigid self control flipped the submissive switch somewhere along the line, and her body reacted. Only a few minutes of ragdolling brought a double climax exploding from both sexes, a little blue box her reward, which she was incapable or reading right that moment.

Because Honoka retained no control over her fate - ejaculation and femjaculation happening outside of her control and without any ability to stop herself - she came while both the stuffed turkey and stuffing. Passionate sensations blitzed throughout her body as she jettisoned her love mayo into the sugar cave, two secretions mingling into a golden eruption that tsunamied upon all four women present. Gripping onto those arms that held her with unconscious rictus, Honoka hilted herself again as the stinger sped up from fast thrusting into a true jackhammer.

And then, suddenly, stabbing into the cervical cavity, it stopped. Throbbing. Honoka hazily worried it had become a stinger again and pierced into her abdomen. Flashes of nature films and how certain wasps actually injected their eggs into hosts induce blind panic. Which didn’t stop after the throbbing became deeper, thicker, and her abused pussy stretched further.

*chck* The sound and flash from a phone camera was accompanied by a wicked bovine chuckle. Honestly, Honoka didn’t know Banda had it in her. Easy to forget the normally docile heifer was friends for years with the diabolically mischievous Eve.

“Fascinating,” Gwyneth said dispassionately.

For the first time in her life Honoka felt the sensation of being filled. Not with cum - as she imagined her wives were familiar with - but instead with rubbery orbs the size of small eggs.

Precisely the size of eggs.

Each orb inched the stinger cock out as her womb bloated obscenely. With a wet shlorp, it fell out, plopping a few more eggs onto the ground before sliding away. Honoka felt Abra relax underneath her still ejaculating body.

“What does it say about my life that I’m about to Super Soaker my latest sister wife with my wife’s giant penis?” Banda asked rhetorically, pulling Honoka out of the pussy pot and maneuvering the stream directly at and into an unprepared Gwyneth. No blessings, no allocations, it wasn’t a flood so much as a few last gallons of hot load sieving through the skeleton woman as she struggled to block some of the worst of it with her hands, gurgling in half-hearted protest. The futagasm finished, Banda carefully lay Honoka on the ground and sighed, semen and honey soaking her fur in a slurry that might be easier to shave off instead of shampoo.

When Honoka eventually recovered - noticing her second blue box collecting Gwyneth - she tried to brush her hair out of her eyes only to find herself in the same conundrum as Banda, feeling the goop and dreading the eventual cleanup. The visceral feminine need to bath pushed her battered body upward when a more urgent, violent necessity superseded Jizz Honey.

The eggs needed to go!

Her entire body contracted downward, centering on her womb, abdomen bending to squanch out the first two. Attempting to catch her breath in a moment of respite, the next contraction forced the next orb through, and the next. Desperate, shoving her flacciding cock out of the way, Honoka was shocked to learn the eggs had grown in to racketball diameters, their translucent dusky gold color refracting light around her. With a strained yell, the final four all pushed out like a pearl necklace, her pussy ravaged and blessedly empty as she recovered fragments of her sanity.

“If this is how you treat your dates, I feel sorry for the guys,” Honoka said, shivering a bit in dreadful sympathy.

“Never done that before,” Abra replied, rolling onto her side with a groan and spreading her abdomen out behind her. Her skin and previously yellow chitin were bright red, though the yellow hue returned slowly. “Never lost control like that, either. Haven’t been on a date in five years, either. I’m really sorry. I own the fact that I did it, and I’ll do anything to make things right, but I completely blacked out for a few minutes there.”

“Nothing to forgive, you’re not the only one with complicated sexual urges.” Honoka propped herself on her elbows, the dungeon already hard at work at cleaning up the mess, the ground mostly clean at this point. “Call it advanced karma for when I lose control sometime in the future. Besides, that is totally something we are going to do again. You ok, Gwyn?”

“Although I am unharmed, I am very sticky.” The lich stood, flicking off and flinging gobs coating her bones. “I’m not sure if I like the sensation of becoming basted, but I’m also not sure if I dislike it. I would also prefer you use my full name in the future: I was never a fan of the shortened version. More importantly, did it work? I see a blue box, but I do not know what it means.”

“It worked,” Honoka said, pulling up the two new entries in her Status.

Ch53 AbraCh53 Gwyneth

With the two new entries, Honoka made adjustments to the submenus she worked on earlier, syncing the proper dials one to another. When she finished - only a hint of pain behind her eyes - Honoka nodded, prepared to host another episode of the Allocation Show.

“Ok, this is about to get weird for you girls. My Class abilities are mostly painless and often pleasurable, but the biggest thing the wives deal with is the surprise of either losing something they’ve grown blind to or gaining something they never had. Gwyneth, I’ll pull a few things from you but for now, you’re mostly going to feel the same, maybe a little sluggish in your thoughts as I borrow Intelligence and Wisdom. Abra, I’m about to give you all the size, Health and Endurance in the family as well as goblin regeneration. There’s plenty of room in the basement, though make sure you don’t accidentally roll over on top of any of us. I will pull all your Charisma and extra tit size off of you, so don’t freak out when your bazoongas turn into maguppies.”

Abra and Gwyneth shared a silent glance, finding camaraderie in the moment and held hands. Looking back toward Honoka, they nodded and readied for the next adventure.

“It’s morphin’ time!” Honoka said, moving the Status dials to 100%. “Boob Ranger Power activate!”

There was no questioning Honoka’s improvement at not just allocating, but estimating the effects of allocation on both herself and the wives. The SOS system had proven successful, the harem accustomed to growing and shrinking and changing at odd times. They accepted their new normal and became blase about it. A text buzzes, the wife in question performs mental gymnastics to figure out if they need to change clothing or not. A few of the wives even slept through the effects none the wiser, nonchalant when they check phones in the morning.

Mishaps happened, of course. The number one complaint was when they missed the SOS or were doing something they couldn’t get out of. Quinn gave Aunt Shilo a surprise strip show one morning while cooking breakfast, Dolly once hid in a closet at the whole foods market for an hour and Eve experienced an unfortunate shock using the bathroom facilities known as the Brown Incident. The little goblin swore revenge. Honoka was still scared over what the devious sadist had planned.

The biggest problems, though, materialized when Honoka tried something new. That’s when the wives fled to empty rooms and braced for impact. Because while Honoka was fantastic at math, she often lost sight of all the variables.

“I feel a great disturbance in the Force,” Honoka muttered as intuition tried to tell her something, breasts already doubling in size, just warming up. Dark skin stretching cracked through the air, expanding faster than typical allocations. “As if all the wives suddenly cried out in terror, and were angry with me.”

Honoka received her answer quickly, Banda bending over and screaming as she lost height. The screams were because milk in her breasts violently expelled out of swollen teats when they shrunk in size, fountaining like broken sprinklers under high pressure. Of course, the Collector girl belatedly remembering what happened to Diane allocating in the van. When Honoka switched between Ymirian and holstaur and back again, the milk in those tits were stored away wherever all the traits are stored in between allocations. Same thing with other allocation materials, such as naga venom. This meant Honoka didn’t lose milk when she allocated: it was in stasis, same as the milk Banda produced Racially. However, most of the wives currently lactated because of pregnancy. That milk worked on a different set of rules, filling up breasts regardless of Racial or Status properties.

Ergo, because Honoka took all the extra inches of tits in the family onto herself, that translated into a situation identical to Diane’s windshield shower, every wife forced to expel pregnancy lactation as their breasts shrunk.

“Note to self,” Honoka said aloud, her own boobs weighing hundred of pounds and resting on the ground, Honoka now laying bodily on top of her sloshing funbags, “pregnant wives need to be milked before allocating breasts.”

“Ya think?!” Banda complained nearby, massaging abused nipples as she expressed the last dregs from swollen yet still diminished G cups.

Honoka’s distraction and worry was enough she wasn’t enjoying the growth as much as she typically did. With tits now sized over sixty inches from her chest, their diameter was much more spherical than should have been normal, those rounded orbs each a taut twenty two inches in diameter and already expressing enough lactate it looked like Honoka had two garden hoses streaming out of her chest cushions. When Honoka tried to move a little, she realized she didn’t have the Strength, her black orbs firmly planted with over four hundred extra pounds of mammary and milk pulling her down.

“This is…interesting?” Abra said, voice booming through the cavernous room. Still laying on her side, the waspish girl stretched out from seven and a half feet (229 cm) to somewhere around twenty two feet (6.7 m). Proportionally resized, this made the apis queen go from a little taller than an average person to having the weight and dimensions of a box truck. The woman’s breasts shrunk significantly while losing the allure of an overactive Charisma score. Honoka was terribly disappointed she missed the growing bug show.

“Sorry,” Abra said much quieter, studying herself and feeling her new changes. “If I don’t look at you tiny people, I don’t feel much different. Got a lot of energy and I’m taking this whole thing abnormally well, but otherwise don’t feel different. Shouldn’t I be moving in slow motion or worried about oxygen molecule size?”

“The energy and placid attitude are from your boosted forty-four Endurance and seventy-two Health scores,” Honoka said, randy again from the orgasm building in her milking breasts, wishing her arms were long enough to reach her nipples, settling on just massaging warm tits. “Higher Health will allow you to take more potions and higher Endurance will allow you to digest food faster. You also have goblin regeneration, which will benefit you more the longer you have it on. Everything else about your perspective and lack of overheating to muscle bone tensile ratios and molecule resizing is Status shenanigans. Even the moving slowly thing is a Hollywood cliche: doesn’t actually work like that in real life. The only differences you’ll experience are perspective and size-weight related…”

Honoka’s voice wander off, three women in the room giving her hungry leers. Realizing what it was, Honoka snapped her fingers to break the Status hypnotics.

“Ok, I get it, I have all the boobs and Charisma, as well as one of Diane’s Class Features because I want to play around with it. I have Milk Of The Taurine and Healing Milk from Banda, so these puppies only need a milk production blessing from our resident cleric to churn The Honoka Dairy into overdrive. My Intelligence and Wisdom are boosted from Gwyneth, so I have plenty of MP. While Banda is turning my boobs into Mega Tits; Gwyneth, have your minions grab those bags of oats and pour them into my mouth.”

“Then what?” Abra asked, looking at all the machines as well as lingering on Honoka’s breasts.

“Then you…oh, right.” Honoka looked around and found the potion bag nearby, motioning at Gwyneth while Banda started her blessing. “Look in the case and find two purple vials with a W on it. Give one to Abra, then pour the other into one of the milking cups and mix it with some of the milk I got pouring out of me. The milk should provide enough healing for the entire swarm, diluting the potion enough to mildly effect all the pets in the room. Especially Beetle. Then Abra grabs a teat and the pumps work on the other one. This should blow up everyone enough to spread the milder effects of magic milk and maximize Health regeneration.”

“Blow up?” Abra asked, worried as she slurped up the potion with her proboscis, essentially putting the entire vial in her black tube then spitting the glass out.

“Yeah, the potion you drank is a Wonka.” Honoka pulled up her Status as she talked, wanting to try something. “As in the blueberry girl from Willy Wonka. For a few hours it makes your body an empty balloon that can be filled with anything.”

The Class Feature Honoka grabbed was Diane’s Specialization (sex), focusing at it in her Status and tried to reason out how Dolly got it combining with other traits (when she turned her arrows into clouds of death). “We’re filling you and your pets up with as much healing milk as possible, with all the HP recovering effects of drinking dozens of healing potions without alchemical tolerance problems.”

Abra nodded along, though her chitin was deepening to a redder hue.

Diane’s Class Feature wasn’t difficult, a drop down menu opened up. However, par for the Herald course, it didn’t only combine Class Features. It could combine with Racial Features. “I fee-fi-fo-fumed you to fit milk inside before you pop. I reckon we’ll have you topped off at 100% before dinner.” Picking Milk Of The Taurines, Honoka leered as it worked and she felt her nipples harden and lengthen, essentially sporting two long and thick boners on her breasts. “And we’ll repeat this process every couple of days, for as long as we need to, until your bug gets free or we find out a better solution.”

“This might work,” Abra muttered, looming down at Honoka with beads of goo on the sides of her eyes. “I’m going to live.”

Honoka tried saying something meaningful, but Banda finished her blessing. A whole wave of heat washed into Honoka’s body from her chest to her nip tips. This was not a campfire girl scouts built to roast s’mores: this was the scorching plasma of a wayward sun flare rippling through the solar system to decimate planets. The hot milk shooting out of her nipples no longer washed cars or watered a dry patch of grass, they rockets out in streams with enough force to lift Honoka into the air before being crushed between the ground and air, the hefty milk tankers eventually proving heavier than lactation propulsion.

Not that Honoka paid attention, despite being curb stomped by her own boobs. Her breasts radiated enough erotic chemicals that she nearly reached climax out of her mams while her erected penis slid between undercleavage, sandwiched within two warm rising chocolate cakes on either side.

“Alright girls, you heard the plan,” Banda said, fetching two hoses and latching them onto a single bloating teat. “Abra, start sucking. Gwyneth, tip that bag into Honoka’s mouth before she gets boob blocked. Honoka isn’t doing much of anything aside from orgasm for the next hour.”

As Honoka neared her first boobgasm, a skeleton took the open bag of oats and tipped it into Honoka’s abnormally widening mouth and dumped the entire eighty pounds into Honoka without pause. Including the metal scoop Banda forgot she had placed in there.

Ch53 Info

For a brief moment Honoka understood, realizing that not only had she swallowed five pounds (2.3 kg) of industrial steel scoop, but that her latest Class Feature was going to allow her to digest it. And inside the mind of the gluttonous pervert, all kinds of options she couldn’t wait to try opened up to her. With an excited glint in her eye, Honoka lusted around for anything else to eat. Bit late, though, because those lust filled eyes rolled up into her head when her breasts exploded with waves of pleasure, which then tipped the Beast over the edge. Both orgasms played tug of war with Honoka’s consciousness and attempted to black her out with pure sensation.

As the current responsible wife in the room, Banda ensured things moved along. Splooge and milk rained or puddled over the floor, Abra jamming her proboscis into the main duct of Honoka’s left tit and the right tit had four hoses draining milk out of that breast as quickly as possible. When one fifty gallon drum filled up, Banda took it off and opened the top, letting all the buzzing pets swarm the milk and drain it dry as quickly as the next barrel was ready. Some blue Ice Wasps became so bloated with milk they couldn’t fly anymore, each one wobbling up the side of the barrel to slosh even more of the milk inside them.

Banda was fairly proficient in judging the amount of milk a boob held based on size. She wasn’t to Honoka’s superhuman ability to glance at something and know how big it was, but giant milky breasts were the holstaur’s specialty. Right now, Honoka’s expansion tapered, each tit about nine feet in diameter (275 cm). The Native American wife knew that placed the volume somewhere in the vicinity of 3000 gallons (11,357 L). They were going to be here all night.

Abra was so full of milk at this point she felt like she gained half again her weight in creamy liquid. Pulling her proboscis out, the wasp woman gasped for air and clamped her hands hard on the teat to staunch the deluge a bit. As she did, she realized this long and veiny dark nipple was harder than just some turgid bit of chest spigot. It felt like a…

“I am going to hate myself tomorrow unless I try this out,” Abra said, turning on her hands and knees, lifting her abdomen up into the air and using her lower hands to guide the protruding, throbbing and gushing teat-cock into place between her legs. It wasn’t an easy task, nipple too thick to fit inside even her gigantic pussy, but it also proved spongier than a normal cock, like a heavy foam pillow. Compressing the tip inside, it expanded as she oozed her sticky twat over the taut expressing teat.

“Ooooh yeeeessss,” Abra moaned, pushing slowing to to slowly let the bloated jugg faucet into bottlenecking pussy, honey and milk spewing in equal measure. The teat wasn’t very long, yet thick enough to hit the sides of Abra’s wide cunt, filling her up in a way the wasp hadn’t felt before. Her stomach already distended with milk and stretching her chitin plate apart to expose lines of yellow skin underneath, her vaginal canal tumesced with milk. She clamped down savagely with pelvic muscles to retain as much of the hot cream inside her as possible. Falling back, the apis girl created a small whirlwind when her wings buzzed from hilting onto the areola. Sitting down further, Abra squished her bulk upon the breast like a Pink Diamond bouncy dildo ball. Abra lost herself to feeling herself fill up vaginally as she lightly bounced on the tit for further penetrative stimulation.

Although it seemed like light bouncing to the waspish woman, Abra’s gigantic size came with six tons of weight (5444 kg), all of it bouncing on a single breast like some kind of toy. This wasn’t just painful, Honoka though her boob was about to burst and splatter everywhere. Knocked screaming out of her orgasm entirely, Honoka waved at Gwyneth frantically.

“Ah! Get her to stop bouncing!” Honoka shouted, the pain crippling enough for her to pull up Eve’s Status menu. “Then have her stick the other teat in her abdomen hole but make sure she doesn’t sting me! I am finishing this!”

As the skeleton lady nodded and ran around to the giant woman, Honoka gasped in relief when all her pains reversed themselves into pleasure, her softening cock rising for round three. Pleasure replacing pain did not suddenly clear the cobwebs, her thinking still clouded as much now as it was before. The only reason she was able to navigate through her Status at all was simple: practice. With every orgy roller coaster she found herself riding, Honoka was getting used to mind-numbing orgasms.

Banda unhooked the hoses from the right boob while Gwyneth explained everything to Abra in loud and simple words. Nodding her insect head, Abra wrapped her freakishly flexible abdomen around and plopped the stiff teat inside with help from Banda and the skeletons.

“I’m not sure what this is going to do, but it will probably knock me out!” Honoka yelled, her mental fingers poised over the allocation dials. “Get ready for the rest of the milk!”

Which is when Honoka allocated everything back, keeping only Eve’s Painz Gone! Racial Feature.

There is a fine line between pain and pleasure. Both are intense signals the brain interprets from nerve impulses. The exact sensation a woman experiences separated the two in the brain by less than inches. Honoka experienced intense pleasure before, far more than any pain she experienced, yet she felt both and lived to talk about it. She surpassed the human experience in both and kept conscious only through the power of the Status, mentally scarring her and begrudgingly gifting a tolerance most of humanity blessedly lacked. Orgasms became commonplace, though they remained intense and explosive because of the unique hormone chemistry inside Honoka’s brain.

This was not an orgasm, though. This was pain so wildly powerful that it would knock even Honoka’s mind out cold if she experienced thousands of gallons shoved through two relatively tiny nipples in the space of five minutes. She lacked a frame of reference. Like a man passing a kidney stone the size of a watermelon, or a woman birthing a baby the size of an overweight gorilla. Status was the only reason there wasn’t an actual explosion. Yet Honoka experienced no pain, drowning in pleasure of equal intensity. Despite being so inured to pleasure of all types, Honoka didn’t last five seconds before her brain shut down and she fell limply back, breasts emptying quickly into Abra.

“Ohh! I don’t…I don’t know if I can…AAAH!” Abra blew up like a helium inflation fetish cartoon, body heavy with milk instead of air. The weight forced trembling legs and arms to collapse, not falling far as her entire body swelled in diameter. It began in her womb, quickly spreading, going from a giant pregnant wasp into a more ovoid shape. At the same time, her abdomen quickly shot into a spherical shape and ballooned into a grotesque ball three times as large as it had been before it couldn’t hold any more and the pressure inside shot the tit out. Both abdomen and tit showered milk before Abra thrust her stinger out to plug the hole on her end. Abra tried to keep as much milk as possible inside herself, the sensation of filling and stretching and expanding unique and enticing. In the end, she had to pull the teat completely out of her twat, rolling across to the ground with a crash, all four of hands clamping over her pussy, slowing leakage to a small dribble instead of a gush.

Gwyneth didn’t think of herself as adventurous. She moved into the dungeon and built her castle because she desired being alone. In another life, she spent a lot of her time LARPing with friends as a teenager. Playing someone else was an easy escape, a glove she could wear at any time. Now that she found herself joining a purpose, she wasn’t sure what to do. Sex, allocation, Heralds: there wasn’t any time to digest where a bipolar necromancer fit into that. Peering around the devastation only an hour into her new life, Gwyneth wondered if she made the right choice.

“Is it always like this?” the lich asked her sister wife, a pregnant holstaur with breasts growing out to the size of sofa chairs.

Banda had been called slow when she was younger. Leveling improved her naturally low Wisdom score, but dealing with mental deficiencies made her more patient and empathetic. Walking over, Banda gave the skeleton a gentle hug between her breasts, both of them covered in so many cooling fluids it didn’t matter.

“Yes it is,” Banda said, observing a bunch of rotund insects sleeping beside their giant rotund queen, then an insensate Honoka lifted tenderly by one of the skeleton minions while the other minions walked around the basement to collect scattered and soaked clothing before the dungeon slurped them up. “And at least for me, it is worth every bizarre minute.”

Gwyneth nodded, hugging back even if the skeleton didn’t feel anything, wondering if she would ever feel the same.

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