Becoming Monsters

7: Roomies With Benefits

*beep* *beep* *beep* *beep* *beep*

*knock knock knock*


The woman in question came out of her sexplosion coma, eyes unfocused as she heard strange knocking and her name from the bathroom door. Rubbing her hair, her hand came away with a wet glob of spunk. Years ago, it might traumatize her, today it was just another morning covered in cold cum. Then she remembered yesterday and groaned because she forgot to turn off her alarm.

“I'm coming!”

“[No, that was last night! Your bathroom isn't completely soundproof!]”

Honoka snorted, turning off her alarm as she faced her morning tower. Taking care of it, she came and realized Diane was beating her door like a drum and making lewd shouts like a naked cheer squad to some professional porn spectacle.

Honoka laughed hard now while she ran the shower. “Keep it quiet! I have neighbors!”

“[I know! They keep hitting the floor and yelling at me!]”


The young woman finished her shower and exited with a towel wrapped around her body. Diane waited outside in a plain white T and white laced panties, quickly brushing past to relieve herself. Honoka put on a crimson sports bra and matching panties, also throwing on a white skirt even if it wasn't her usual morning attire, pushing it down her hips as far as it would go. She was setting out her breakfast when Diane came back, the casual way she exuded sexy making the shy Honoka horny again.

“Ooo, breakfast of champions!” Then she moved closer and got a better look at it, the whole amount of it all. “Ah, I'm hungry, but are you perhaps cooking for the entire apartment building?”

“This is me, every day.” Honoka pulled out two hardboiled eggs and handed them to Diane. “I can spare these for you right now, but I’ll go shopping in a few hours. There are some things I want to test so I'll need more food this weekend, anyway. Dishes and silverware are in that cupboard.”

“You eat all this?” Diane asked, skeptical and queasy.

“I’ll be blunt, it isn't pretty. I should be done in half an hour if you want to camp out in the bathroom, maybe take a soak in the jacuzzi tub.”

“No…I'll watch.”

Honoka nodded, warming a little that Diane wanted to experience the bad with her. Ten minutes later, a blob of bloated, jiggling fat and sitting in her computer chair, Honoka faced a very pale but determined succubus who Indian styled on the bed.

“So,” Honoka said, folding her arms.

“So.” Diane looked more nervous, her hands clasped in front of her and wringing her tail.

“A lot happened yesterday, and I was devastated with how you treated me.”

“I'm sorry, again.”

Honoka held up a hand, shifting a bit to settle her distended tummy. “It's done, and I accept you had your reasons. However, it made me put my life into perspective and you showing up on my doorstep might make this more difficult or be a Godsend, I'm not sure yet.

“I quit my job and got a delver’s license.” Diane gasped and covered her mouth. Honoka leaned her head back and looked up at the ceiling as she continued. “I barely know anything about delving or levels or even what my Class is capable of. I just couldn't take sitting in a room all day, drawing other people’s stuff for the rest of my life. I needed a change, and I found myself next to some delvers at my bus stop. It felt so right. When I was getting my license, I was offered a spot in a Race and female-only guild but I wasn't sure if joining a guild is a good move for me, so I decided to turn them down. And then you showed up.”

Honoka paused, trying to put her thoughts in order. “I didn't sleep much last night, I kept looking at my Status and going over things in my head. I think my Class and Race are connected. Just like a fighter type Class gains experience by fighting, or a crafter type gains experience by making things, I gain experience by collecting. Specifically, I think it has to do with having sex often and with multiple partners.”

“Are you…ok with that?” Diane asked hesitantly, remembering Honoka’s religious values.

“No, I need to be honest with myself, I think I'm always going to remain conflicted about it.” The young woman brought a hand up and massaged her eyes. “However, I can accept a polygamist lifestyle if it means finally accepting who I am and what I want to become. No sleeping around just to collect power, I need each partner to connect in a meaningful relationship. I can’t and won't do it any other way.”

“Don't know if I like the fact that I need to share, but I know better than most every Race has special needs. This looks like it might be yours. So long as you can accept I need to feed and that monogamy isn't in my future either.”

Honoka nodded, frowning a bit when she thought about it. “Guess I’d be a hypocrite if I won’t accept your own conditions.” She frowned some more while they both ruminated and Honoka’s stomach shrunk to a pregnancy size.

There came a short knock at the door. Honoka arose, waddling a little as she opened it and brought in her deliveries for tomorrow. She made a mental note to change the schedule, not needing to wake up so early for breakfast.

“What about the guild you mentioned?” Diane asked, standing when she realized what was happening and helped put away the food, both sitting closer to each other on the bed.

“It isn't a guild yet, just two girls who asked me to join until they found a fourth.” Honoka gave Diane a significant look. “A fourth non-human. Who’s female.”

“You want me…? I can't delve! People get eaten in dungeons!” The succubus crossed her arms, shaking her head in a definite negative.

“You might not need to. Much. Anyway, it is going to require us to find out how exactly my Class works before I call them up and make an offer. I need to level up.” Honoka finished by wiggling her eyebrows up and down suggestively.

Diane thought she understood, her smile blinding. “What does this mean…?”

“Maybe I'm rushing things, maybe this is too soon. I spent the last few days with some of the best highs and worst lows I've ever encountered, but I am not going to live the rest of my life waiting for it to happen.” Reaching her hand out, Honoka took Diane’s and held it tight. “Bronagh Mór-Ríoghain Diane Lonnegan, will you marry me?”

“Wait, WHAT!?” Diane snatched her hand back, yelling as she crawled off the bed in a hurry. “Marry? I thought you just wanted to have sex!”

“I said that wrong, I'm sorry,” Honoka panicked, jumping off the bed and pacing around the small room. “I also meant to just have sex with you, but then I ruminated about what I wanted, and I love you, and I don't have a lot of experience and then I got scared you’d want to leave and…”

“You love me?”

Honoka stopped, turning to look into those deep green eyes, both blue and green sets tearing up. “Yes,” Honoka said, the word bringing with it all she possessed and all she was.

“…then yes, I'll marry you!”

With arms wide open, they went into an embrace, somehow sharing all that happened the last few days and throwing aside all the problems with moving so quickly. Right now, as tail and wings encircled them like a cocoon and dark lips rose up into plush red ones, they didn't care. The moment might have lasted longer, but with a rising skirt, Honoka’s erection made itself unignorable, tapping with the beat of her heart against Diane’s naked thighs.

“Is that a baseball bat under your dress or are you just happy to see me?” Diane’s smile became absolutely devilish, reaching down to grab the hard dark meat.

“We aaAH,” Honoka stepped back, slapping the kneading hand off as the succubus laughed, “I want to jot my Status numbers down so we can have an idea how long this will take, how many times we’ll need to do it or anything else that might be important.”

“Sounds like fun, I'll fetch my toys.”

Honoka logged on her computer and pulled up an old spreadsheet file. She’d long ago made a file of her Status, thinking she'd be tracking daily changes. Today, she was going to make her first real entry.



The black woman clicked her tongue, irritated she was still digesting breakfast. Honoka made new boxes in her spreadsheet and gleefully put in that 98% for her progress to the next level. She was going to level up today, after five years, and waiting was for the woman of yesterday. Standing, she stripped off her clothing in record time, a hunger in her eyes when she searched for her fiancé.

“Hold on, give me a minute to set up. Where’s an outlet?” Honoka raspberried in frustration, pointing to the wall next to the bed as Diane brought a small plastic bin to the indicated plug. “While I'm getting ready, tell me the numbers.”

“98% progress to level two, 23% harmonization, whatever that means.” Honoka flopped onto her bed, splayed on the covers, her shaft sticking boldly into the air.

“Hmm, should have checked the harmonization before you proposed. Is it a fixed progression, or did it lose points between the second round of sex and me showing up on your doorstep?” She pulled out a variety of vibrators and plugging them in, even producing a surge protector to run them on. “Most important today, though, is what effects your numbers: quantity or quality. Are you fine if I take charge?”

“So long as it ends with you insensate with pleasure.” Honoka looked over at the various wands, dildos and massagers. “Why don't you own any battery-powered ones?”

“Not enough oomph, and I've sometimes gone longer than a pair of Ds have the juice to power.”

“There’s a joke in there, but I just want you to hurry up!”

“Impatient much?” Diane took off her shirt and panties, crawling over and giving Honoka a quick peck on the cheek. “First, I think we need a baseline, something to start from and work our way up to something more complex. So, this time I want you to pound me, no foreplay, no prep, no reciprocation from me. I just lay like a lump while you finish as quickly as you can inside.”

“That sounds…mean.” Honoka ran her hand along a freckled cheek, feeling bad even if this wasn't her idea. “I don't want to hurt you.”

“Aw, you are adorable. A succubus is made for sex.” She positioned herself with her knees on the floor, the rest of her body draped over the bed, her cleavage smashed delightfully to Honoka’s view. “Normally, a Missionary would be the ideal position for this, but my wings cramp so I think Corner Doggy Style will work fine.” Diane reached over and pulled over two familiar potion vials Honoka missed from under the pile of toys, uncorking them and grimacing as they went down. “Yck! Remember, nothing fancy, this is for science.”

Honoka jumped off the bed and came around, getting a face-full of the most magnificent juicy gabooty in the world, so full and thick, even sitting there raised and tilted to Honoka’s eager black shaft, the freckled assets looked invitingly ready for a slap and jiggle. The black futanari wanted to, but reminded herself For Science! and lightly moved the green tail out of the way instead with her right hand, using her left to ease the Beast into the waiting flower. The initial breach brought a small spurt of vaginal juices all over the wood floor and with it an intoxicating scent to the horny woman impaling the tight snatch. Honoka grinned, stopping to let Diane adjust to the girth.

“I thought you said no reciprocation?” Honoka teased, running a finger lightly along the cleavage of succubus glutes, eliciting a shake and a squeak that sent delicious ripples in the smooth skin. “You seem awfully wet and ready for me.”

“Bite me!” Diane didn’t move her body to help, although her tail flicked around and curled around Honoka’s waist, drawing the woman’s shaft further in.

“Maybe later.” For a moment, Honoka spiraled into worried introspection as she discovered herself acting very un-Honoka-like. Sure, she played with the idea of dirty talk and taking charge within sexual fantasies, yet she always shied away from acting out her desires, even alone to herself. Now she was engaged, half her penis buried in a woman she just told she would have sex rough enough to involve biting.

Is this me, or am I being controlled by my Race and Class? Honoka might have stopped and pulled out, but there was no ceasing as her urges took over and she finished shoving her dick all the way into Diane’s now-sopping twat, causing the succubus to moan softly. Then the black woman moved, and it got…awkward.

Honoka never did this before. First, she was short but not short enough to stand and thrust, her knees bent, forcing her to lean over Diane’s rear and brace herself to the edge of the bed. Second, she didn’t possess a perfect sense of rhythm, plus sex was hard to perform. Honoka initially tried to push her entire sixteen inches to move in and out like a black jackhammer, but after popping out and reinserting three times, she gave up and went for a more realistic movement, rocking her pelvis back and forth a few inches as quickly as she could manage. Even this small amount of motion was enough to bring on sweats and cramps. Then there was the Diane problem.

“Are you…ugh…watching a…cooking show?” Honoka gasped breathlessly when she looked up and saw Diane with her phone out and a video playing some kind of chef competition.

“I’m trying to distract myself, see how that affects the numbers.”

Honoka growled, picking up the pace, but she experienced other troubles. Typically - at least as much as the futanari had experienced - the succubus felt as tight as a clamp, each side closing around her penis like it tried to push the massive shaft out again. Right now, it remained a good fit, but the grip was gone and the pressure eased up. Diane was serious about not helping, she was relaxed and though it felt really good to Honoka, it wasn’t mind-blowing.

Eventually, physiology came to the rescue when Honoka orgasmed, causing Diane to automatically squeeze down as if trying to drink the black woman dry yet still loose enough to let everything out. Last time, it was like putting a hand against a faucet and turning it on, pressurized water spraying all over the kitchen. Now, without Diane’s participation, it was more like a lazy waterfall dribbling onto the floor between the succubus’ legs. It only took about a minute, but the exhausted woman stumbled backward and collapsed on her back atop the faux wood, rubbing her calf in pain. Honoka barely registered a blue box showing up in her vision before fading away. Diane turned around with a concerned look scrunching her freckles together.

“Charlie horse!” Diane laughed, cuddling over to Honoka lovingly.

“Starting Monday, we are hitting the gym,” the wicked ginger announced, forcing Honoka to groan and pout. Shaking the black woman’s arm, Diane’s voice rose in excitement. “Well, come on! What're the results?”

Sparing her fiancé a glare, she pulled up her Status and scrolled down. “I’m now level two and 0%. Harmonization is 28%. I also received a notice for two unspent Attribute points to distribute.”

“In any Attribute, no restrictions? It didn’t say what Attributes you are restricted to? You can distribute your points anywhere? I don't know if there is another Class that happens to. Hmm,” her face grew contemplative as she considered the rest, “the level up was expected: if a person is a 99% and kills a jabberwocky, they still reset with zero for the next level. Will need to monitor that more closely now that it reset. Though, five points isn’t bad if that’s the bare minimum. You could screw a coma patient twenty times and get harmonized. As for the Attributes, hold off doing anything with them until next week. Now,” Diane pushed herself up, her wings swooshing through the air in an animated display, “Church is looking for me, which means I am going to pretend I am a boiled lobster in your jacuzzi while you go out shopping. I’ll text you a list and wire a thousand into your account, no buts!” She said with a smile as she shook hers, grabbing her phone and walking into the bathroom. “I’m slumming in your place, we are nearly married, some of the stuff I’m asking you to buy is alchemical components. They are expensive. Lastly, I have a bit of savings to float both of us until we can get this delver thing up and running.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Honoka stood up, thinking about her life and finding herself very, very happy. Maybe it really wouldn’t last, there was plenty to do and more ways it might go wrong than right, but the young woman felt fulfilled as she followed into the bathroom and got a warm glow watching Diane jumping into the bath, excitedly running the hot water. Honoka was a woman with a honey-do, though, stopping in the shower to rinse off the sex and step back out, putting her clothing on and adding a red T with the FBB game logo on the front and white sneakers. Gathering her phone, she frowned at it as if it was all Phone’s fault when she realized it was still turned off.

I am going to regret this. Honoka turned it on and quickly stuffed it in her bag, grabbing her gaming earphones with bluetooth mic and heading for the door. “I’m leaving, call if you need anything else, I love you!”

“Loves!” Diane replied with some splashing, apparently not willing to wait for the tub to finish filling.

Outside, locking her door, she noticed an expletive-filled note on her door from her downstairs neighbors complaining about the noise. Stuffing it in her bag, walking down the stairs, she pulled out her phone and paired the headset, ready to run the gauntlet while she shopped.


“We almost won!”

Honoka winced, Zelda’s exaggerated drama hurting her ears. “Second place isn’t like you guys lost.”

“But we almost won! I can’t even right now, someone else take over.” The trans woman finished talking.

After sifting through the hundreds of missed messages from everyone Honoka ever met in her life, the harried young woman decided to triage while riding the bus and connected the FBB team on a group call to sort everything out of the way. It took a while to gather most of the group on the call. Honoka was filling out forms to rent a minivan for the weekend in the car rental place, alone aside from the attendant.

“If we brought our Amazon Druid, this would have been a walk in the park. Money, sponsors, an unending sea of pussy.” The frequently foul-mouthed Jezebel, or carpetDIEM, sounded wistful. “Who gives up pussy to second placers?”

“What I want to know,” Frank, sensible Frank, spoke up with his deep baritone, “is why you’re leaving the guild? You just said you quit your stupid job—”

“Which you should have done earlier!” Jez cut in with some heat.

“—so you have plenty of time to game. Even if you don’t want to compete, you’re still welcome to play whenever you can.”

“Thanks, I mean it, and I might do that.” Honoka finished filling the forms, making her way back to the desk. “Look, I need to go, but let’s meet up next month. I’ll be able to spill everything then, ok? Say hi for me to Kat and thank Jeremy for taking my spot.”

“This is your last warning, you, you…” Jez must be about to explode in profanity, “…inconsiderate person! Don’t turn off your phone!”

“Gotta go, bye.” Honoka tapped her phone, ending the call. The rest of the rental procedure was painless, she rented cars from here before and maintained an account, though this was the first time she would drive a van since she left Gainesville. It was also cheap because she planned to have the van back tomorrow morning. Receiving her lease and keys, she went outside to get in the black mini and cranked up the AC: it was humid today.

This is going to hurt. Dialing her mother, Honoka winced as Uzume picked up after the first ring.


“Hi, mom.”

“Honoka Imani Jefferson, why are you ignoring my calls?”

Honoka winced again, starting the van and merging into the Boston morning traffic. “I’ve been ignoring everyone’s calls, not just yours.”

“Don’t sass me, what is going on?” Honoka’s kaa-chan sounded mad: villains and daughters beware when the Little Tsunami grew angry.

Honoka took in a deep breath, trying the rip the band-aid right off approach. “I met a girl on Wednesday and we sexed and then she moved in and I proposed to her and she said yes and we’re getting married but I quit my job and signed up as a dungeon delver because I finally figured out how my Race and Class work and—”

“Stop.” Honoka clammed up as her mother paused to let them both adjust. “Start over, I want to hear everything.”

It took over two hours, Uzume grilling her daughter over everything, not caring Honoka was currently in a supermarket and pushing an overfull cart down the aisle towards the checkout. Some of the more explicit material was said in hushed tones. Honoka even spent ten minutes in an empty bathroom going over some particularly delicate matters. Honoka simply wanted the conversation to end.

“There is no helping it, your father and I will be flying up tomorrow.”

“Mom! Classes begin on Tuesday, how are you going to manage it? Why not wait until next weekend?”

“Don’t you use that tone with me, I am still angry at you. And besides, if we wait that long you might be married to a whole harem by then and drowning in babies. No, we will be there tomorrow night and will leave Monday morning, plenty of time before classes.”

The mortified daughter flushed, her purchases reaching triple digits on the tally screen, each beep climbing the total cost higher and higher. “Are you disappointed in me?” The checkout boy gave her an odd look.

“…no.” The hesitation meant something but Honoka didn’t understand what. “You sound happy, confident and you are even following my advice like a dutiful daughter. I only expected all this to happen in the next year, not the same week! Haha!”

“I wasn’t expecting it to happen at all.”

“No one anticipates love, but you are taking advantage of it and that makes me happy. See you tomorrow, love you.”

“Love you, 母ちゃん.”

Honoka hung up and paid for the food, her eyes bugging only a little at how much it totaled. This market was more expensive because it catered to the Race community, so Honoka was able to buy most of the same foods and brands she usually bought. The bag boy was helpful and the two of them loaded her minivan up before she pulled out her phone and searched for the place Diane told her to get magical supplies. Predictably, it was across the Charles in Cambridge outside of Harvardtown, near the FDR building where she got her license yesterday. She regretted purchasing the food first and maxed the AC to keep everything fresh on a hot day. A half-hour later, she drove up to an Art Deco building of stone and glass, the sign a simple bubbling beaker in blue neon. Finding some shade to park under, Honoka decided she was done talking to people for now and left the headset in the van, walking briskly inside the shop.

Willy Wonka’s factory meets an exotic flower shop is what Honoka’s impression of the place was. Even before the sights, though, the wall of smell is what hit her. Not unpleasant, just overwhelming, so many scents to parse out. Honoka sneezed as she walked past rows of bubbling brews in what she thought was a display and not actual alchemy.

“Hey, how ya doin’?” An older, comfortably overweight man in a thick leather apron came around the corner, his bushy beard and safety goggles doing little to hide a massive grin. “Lookin’ for something specific or just browsing?”

Honoka was about to reply when she sneezed instead, barely aiming it into her shirt. She pulled out her phone and brought up Diane’s message, handing it to the large man while she wiped her eyes. “Got a list.”

“Oh, you know Diane?” Honoka was surprised until she realized he read the name at the top of the messaging app. “Tell her Marco said hi.” He flicked her phone a bit before nodding and handing it back. “Looks like her usual components, just a lot more than what she typically orders each week.” Marco went back behind his counter and pulled little packets or vials off the shelves, filling up a medium-sized brown paper bag. “Cash or coin?”

“What?” Honoka was distracted by the colors and odds and ends of the shop while also controlling her breathing to avoid sneezing again.

“Cash it is, though we do include a five-dollar surcharge for any purchase not using coins.”

“I keep hearing about gold coins, can you explain it to me?” Honoka split her attention between a flower that looked like an orchid on a high shelf, though it displayed some nasty teeth and it looked back at her.

“Sure sure.” The man shimmied a stool over to one of his taller shelves, stepping up and scooping some red powder into a baggie. “Dungeons create an assortment of magical things, no two dungeons alike, except for coins. They all make enchanted coins in copper, silver, gold and crystal. It became a bit of a universal economy among people dealing in dungeon commerce. The exchange rates fluctuate, yet for the last couple of months it has held steady at around fifty dollars to a gold, ten dollars to a silver, two bucks to a copper, and if you ever find a crystal, they come in around ten thousand dollars.” He stepped off the stool and put the red powder in the paper bag. “That’s everything on the list. Anything else I can get you?”

Honoka looked around. While she perused all the bubbling and brewing around her, she got a mischievous smile painted on her face.

“What kind of recreational potions do you have?”

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