Becoming the Luna

Chapter 327

Dream's words hit him like a bucket of ice cold water, if he's leaving it better be now, Dream has always been particularly abrasive towards him so the only explanation to whatever was going on here was that it had to be a result of his heat.

"Dream, I know you're not thinking right now, I'm not going to do something that we are both going to regret." He explains in a level voice, already charting out his escape.

The pillow that smacks into the side of his head nearly makes him topple over, did Dream shove a pan down the pillow when he wasn't looking?

"Not thinking right? Really? You're going to use that excuse, I was thinking right enough though to make my way over to your apartment at midnight." He throws himself on the bed, rolling from end to end and purring softly before he could catch himself.

"W-what?" Dale splutters, eyes wide as he watches Dream roll around on his bed, his bathrobe hiking.

"It's a choice, Alpha." Dream sits up to say in a silky smooth voice. "I don't have a gun to your head now, do I?" He asks coyly, tucking a lock of hair behind an ear.

Dale gulps, Dream might as well have him tied up in a basement, blindfolded with a gun and a couple knives raised at him.

Yeah… no.

Dale turns tail around and dashes out, making Dream flop back on the bed with a groan, why was it so hard to convince Dale? How hard was it to get someone you cared about to take care of you during your heat? Frustrated, he throws another pillow at the door.

Well, that didn't mean he planned to leave Dale's bedroom, if the Alpha was going to be chicken then he would just get to making a nest, Dale should definitely go find somewhere else to live for the next couple days, he decides, getting up to stomp over to Dale's wardrobe.

The first thing he does is yank off the bathrobe he has on, searching for what item of clothing had the most of Dale's scent on it, coming up with a black t-shirt.

Wearing it brings its length to somewhere around mid thigh… perfect.

Reaching into the wardrobe again, he pulls out an armful of clothes and waddles over to the bed to plop down down on the bed, 

He does it again and again until the bed is positively overflowing with clothes, he spends precious time, carefully pawing at it to arrange it in no specific order, instincts guiding him.

Dale paces just outside his bedroom, worried and curious at the sounds he was hearing from within, what was going on in his bedroom?

Although he had been quick to turn Dream down and back away, Dale knew he couldn't leave Dream all alone to face his heat, not only because of how gruesome it was but also that anyone could come wandering up… he feels a growl starting up at the back of his throat and he's quick to cease to pursue that line of thought.

So he was invariably trapped, he couldn't leave and yet if he stayed it was only a matter of time before Dream's heat got to him, well if this isn't a fun situation to wake up to.


Dale spends the next several minutes in an intense argument with himself, all conclusions to the argument seemed to favor him getting back in his bedroom to Dream, he groans in exasperation, this wasn't the time for his brain to be playing devil's advocate.

Don't get him wrong, there's nothing he wants more than to go to Dream but the last thing he also wants is to take advantage of the one he loved.

His bedroom has been quiet for a while so he decides to take a sneak peek, you know, just to check how his honey is doing only to be stunned speechless.

W-were those his clothes? Was Dream wearing his shirt? 

He had almost forgotten that Omegas in heat nested but they usually did that with the clothes of their mates…

His eyes go wide at this, a sharp gasp leaving him even as he makes his way over to the bed, watching Dream sleep on his bed, looking quite uncomfortable.

The first difference he notices is how Dream's nose twitches, no doubt catching a whiff of his scent, turning to face Dale's direction even in his sleep.

His cheeks are now flushed a deep pink, short shorts out in the open as Dale's t-shirt hikes up all the way to his chest to reveal a soft tummy, that same provocating shade of pink.

Just as Dale's is about to convince himself to leave again, Dream's eyes fly open to reveal soft amber eyes which are fixed on him, pupils dilated.

"Dale?" He calls out softly, recognition in his hooded eyes.

Dream's scent blooms, the scent of honey and jasmine's thickening, getting warm and heavy and Dale's scent spikes in response to this.

Dream clearly recognizing him even in the haze of his heat that was clearly beginning tips the decision to a positive one, Dale steps forward, heart settled.

"Hi, honey, I'm home." He says in a gentle voice, coming over to the bed.

This makes Dream fall on his back on the bed, giggling sweetly. "What took you so long?"

Dale nearly freezes up again at this, his brain short circuiting, if anyone told him that Dream could be sweet he would have prescribed bed rest for them but the again stranger things have happened.

"I'm sorry I'm late." he says, meaning his words as he pushes all of his clothes down from the bed to make room for himself, the original source was here anyway.

Dream also doesn't seem to mind that he was basically tearing apart his carefully made nest so that was another point, the Omega sitting up to welcome him to bed.

He's still cautious, it would cause irreparable damage to him if this made him lose Dream for good, but this wasn't even negotiable, if Dream hadn't managed to convince him, he would have gone down to the clinic to get something to knock him out and then settle in to take care of him.

It would be a hellish situation but he wouldn't be making any grave mistakes.

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