Becoming the Luna

Chapter 331

He makes sure to ring up Kieran, it was a Tuesday and the Head Beta has been working from home. 

He needed someone to watch over Dream for him, there was no telling if he would come back and find the Omega gone, Dream could definitely do that.

He also didn't want to call anyone else, anyone else would skin him alive before he even had a chance to explain or fix things.

He could sense Keiran going chilly on the other end of the call and he's starting to wonder if he hadn't miscalculated because Kieran was starting to come off like he might just skin him alive too.

It was hard enough explaining things to Shana when he woke up after Dream had knocked him out, he hadn't even considered calling her or Mae, they were scary.

He had no time to explain things to Kieran and that's not just because he's on a time limit with his bothersome parent but also because he has no fucking idea what went wrong, he just woke up to no Dream and it had been that way ever since.

For him who had been within touching distance with Dream for more than three days straight, it was starting to tell on him.

He comes back to find his mom at the door with a guilty expression on her face.

He raised a questioning brow at her weird actions but she's quick to cover up, her expression souring at the way he boldly exposed his mating mark.

So, she had figured it out huh? Well, that was good for her because after brunch with her, he was putting her in a cab to the city, he had too much on his plate to be worried about her disappointment.

'He had too much to lose on the line…'

He thinks absently, guiding his mom out of his apartment so they could go downstairs.

'He stood to lose Dream…'


Kieran glared at his phone as he drove down to the Pack House in a hurry, one hand on the steering wheel.

He had immediately started for his car after he had gotten past pleasantries to the Alpha and he had requested a special favor.

He was barely listening to the rest of Dale's nervous rambling, cold rage burning slowly in his stomach, was there a penalty for punching the Alpha? Cause he was about to get several sentences.

He got to the Pack in record time, unsurprised to find Dale's car gone, he understood the Alpha's need to get his mother far away from Dream but what he didn't understand is the rest of the information he had received, it only went to prove that something was wrong with Dream.

He hurries up the stairs, his phone clutched in his hand, breezing past the mostly empty Pack House, most were at work or in school.

He hadn't misheard when Dale said that Dream was in his own apartment and not the Alpha's right? He thinks to himself when he gets to the top floor, pausing momentarily to decide.

He decides to go to Dream's apartment first, bad news first… only to bump into who has to be Erin looking harried and a lot confused.

"Oh!" She jumped when she saw him. "G-good morning H-head B-beta s-sir." She stuttered nervously, bowing slightly.

Kieran just pauses to give her a weird look, who the fuck was she calling sir? "Sup Erin, it's Kieran by the way." He says shortly to her, brushing past her to Dream's apartment.

Erin is left gaping and speechless again, maybe… maybe she should just head to her office and get some work done.

Kieran frowns when he tries Dream's door and finds it unlocked, walking in.

"Dream?" He calls in a soft voice, no need to startle the other if he was asleep.

He gets no response and panic bleeds through his mind, without stopping to try to figure out what, he dashes to Dream's bedroom straight, finding no one in the well lit space.

The bathroom catches his attention and he hurries there, cautiously, no need to earn himself a bucket to the head or soap to his face this morning.

It's quiet, the bathtub filled and lightly covered with bubbles, that was weird, the shower was empty too so where could Dream be? Or he wasn't here and instead, probably in Dale's apartment.

Bubbling from the bathtub alerts him however before he could leave and he rushes over, dipping his hands inside to pull out a pale and shivering Dream…

Someone was going to get hurt for this…

Apparently he had fallen asleep in the tub and slid underwater just as Kieran came in so he hadn't started to drown or anything, he was just shaken and Kieran was beyond livid.

He covers up the shivering Omega who for the first time looks as small as he actually is, small, fragile, very breakable…

He picks out a sweater and sweatpants for him before going to prepare sweet tea, he sits quietly on a chair while Dream is wrapped in blankets on the bed.

Kieran is so jittery that he needs a smoke but he's not going to do that and risk hot, sweet tea to his face, although with how down and colorless Dream looks, he doubts the feisty Omega would be able to work up enough energy to even do that.

He's curious but he chooses to not ask, he doesn't know Dale's part so he wouldn't be able to offer any help even if he asked but he was definitely doing whatever Dream asked for.

"Kieran?" Dream asks in a small voice, damp hair starting to curl up around his sickly pale face, eyes big on his porcelain face.

"Yeah?" Kieran responds, voice gritty.

"Co-could… could you do me a favor?" He asks in a shaky voice.

Kieran swallows back the response that he would easily kill anyone Dream wanted him to, instead giving a much more subtle response. "Sure… anything."

"I need to stay away from everyone for a while, could you help me with that?" He asks earnestly, tea mug clutched desperately in small hands.

Kieran reads right through Dream's carefully put words... he wanted to hide away from Dale.

"Fuck yes."

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