Becoming the Witch’s Familiar

50: The Witch’s Ruins

 “I’m not sure if I like the insides or the outsides of these ruins more.” Sara walked backwards down the stairs, finally finding a pace she can do so comfortably. The only one able to see in the dark, the succubus proceeded to tread with her tail in the lead, the first time she used her main body since the witch aided her nearly a week prior.


Less elegant than her contemporaries, Bellamy nearly fell step after step since she bore no legs in her gelatinous form. “I am just relieved to no longer be in danger from the rains…” Letting loose an exasperated sigh, the whole gang felt the weight of their travels with every step.


“Honestly, I’m just looking forward to a nice long bath after this…” The witch rubbed the frayed end of her hat. Her entire ensemble had seen better days, weak from the week-long expedition into some rainforests half the world away. 


Sara was instead anticipating something else.


Every step down into the ancient corridor below rubbed her thighs together, something that almost caused her to stop and address the problem altogether.


“Witch.” It felt strange to be maintaining the perspective of one body and consciously speaking with another, “Give me some mana. We’ll need it for the upcoming battle.”


As expected, the tiny woman shrugged, “I’m gonna need it for myself, Sare-bear! Why don’t you just suck it out of the next monster we meet?” Regardless of how she felt, she always had the energy to tease her former familiar, “In fact, I noticed you haven’t been doing that at all! What’s wrong, you’re too picky for draining other monsters?”


“No, it’s just that…” Aside from the flaming man, all the monsters were far too bestial for her. As a bridge she dared not cross, the opportunity never presented itself for her to relieve her carnal desires. “I… I’ve been too busy to feel… That way.”


Sara did not have to turn around to see the face the witch made. 


“Perhaps you can take some from me?” Bellamy finally chimed in. Whether or not she sensed the mood or not was up for debate, but her offer was appreciated. 


Upon reaching the bottom of the stairwell, Sara shifted her consciousness back over, “Maybe if we’re desperate. I’m not entirely sure if I can even drain you.”


Movement could be heard just outside the door. Great stomping and slight slithering bounced off of the smooth stone walls, most likely creatures on patrol. The sheer amount meant that they were drawing close to Eldura.


“Quick, Bell-Bell! Throw a piece of you out there and see what’s waiting for us!” 


Just as she reached into the slime, the alchemist grasped her wrist, “That’s not how that works!” Taking a second to recompose herself, Bellamy let go of the witch, “I mean, I cannot just ‘throw a piece’ of myself and have it be alive. All of the slime must be connected to the core or to existing material that is, or else I cannot control it.”


“Pssh…” With a loud ‘plop’, Ashara slapped the slime she had pulled back into the larger, sentient mass. “Let’s just go in swingin’ the-!”


Sara cupped the tiny witch’s mouth, smothering her as well as she could. Heavy footsteps echoed through the confined stairwell, somewhere the strategist in her told her should be the last place to be discovered and swarmed in. 


As the low rhythmic steps finally wandered into the distance, she finally released Ashara.


“You almost suffocated me in those freaky tits of yours!” 


The succubus almost smothered her again, this time with less consideration for her respiratory system, but allowed the witch to yell. The ruins were probably teeming with sounds, and with some of the creatures able to speak, shouts and yells were more than likely considered the normal din of these catacombs. 


“Look, I don’t know the last time you fought anything more difficult than the last shit you took, but when you’re trapped underground with dozens of creatures you have never seen before, you don’t just charge in.” The headache Sara fought for over a week now continued to pound, “Especially after the time we’ve just had…”


Bellamy nodded in approval, most likely enveloped in the same headache, if her slime anatomy allowed for it. 


“For now, we just need to stay low to the ground and not draw any attention…” 

Strange monsters roamed through the ancient halls aimlessly. Some appeared to hold sapience as they occasionally communicated with one another with either the tallman language or more esoteric tongues. Some were far more bestial by nature, monsters driven by instinct and routine as they followed routes less efficient than those who preconceived them. And some were beyond what would be described as either; amalgamations of what could be described as ‘natural’ and questionable with their multiple breathing holes, vestigial limbs and aberrant design that would be deemed inconclusive, even negative, towards the propagation of its species.


Naturally, Bellamy had no argument within their hiding space, but her compatriots were far more inclined to complain. 


Taking the time to sleep, even just a little bit, was touted by Sara to be instrumental in the upcoming battle and thankfully, the space discovered allowed them to do so. Alternating between rests proved difficult, yet necessary as on more than one occasion they were nearly discovered.


“I wonder what function this served,” Sara crawled out of the cramped space, grateful for the roughly four-hour break, “Seems strange you would know about this compartment along the side of this wall.”


The tiny witch shrugged, much more comfortably fitting in the space that hid them from the wide room before them, “Don’t blame me!” She slapped Bellamy’s breast once again, “Our goopy friend here was the first to suggest it!”


Unable to do anything but blush, the slime nodded, “I- I just remembered about a common feature used for temperature control within the common space such as this.” 


A tiny alcove with just a slight turn away from the room, the roof was short, but hid a hole that had just enough of a ledge for one of a normal size to lay upon. More space continued upwards beyond that, but the group decided that it was not worth investigating. 


“Anyways, it’s my turn! If something starts swinging at us, don’t wake me up!” Like a rat, she moved into the crawl-space with great aplomb, leaving the two monsters together.


Sara’s hand rubbed down on her lower stomach. The hunger pangs had only gotten worse since their arrival. 


“So, what is our exact plan of attack when we confront this other witch?” Bellamy’s question seemed genuine, almost concerned, even. “Because, to my knowledge, only one of us knows precisely what the opposing side can do, but is a little… less than forthcoming on delivering it.”


Taking a seat next to the slime, there was not much space, but more than what was offered in her temporary bedding, “I have no idea.”


A general needed to be honest but confident in battle. Sara had neither virtue in this circumstance. Eldura most likely knew they had infiltrated her home and almost certainly had something prepared for them, especially since she had full knowledge of their capabilities. “I might have an idea, one I’ve been preparing since we got here but-”


Her stomach growled once again. Not the one on her fake body, but the genuine one behind her. “I need to get some mana first.” 


“Well,” Bellamy shifted her gelatinous body a bit, “Go out and get some, there’s a few monsters with comparable anatomy roaming around.”

The succubus sighed, almost too loud to remain imperceptible, “I know we already told you how it works, Alchemist.” Her hands silently drifted down to cover her bare stomach, “I have no interest in sleeping with monsters.”


“And why is that?”


Sara stopped. The answer was obvious: a woman need not defile herself with the less forgiving anatomy of the various monsters that wandered these premises, lest she may irreparably damage her most sensitive areas. 


“You still seem to be at odds with the form you found yourself in.” Bellamy took on an accusatory tone. “The witch even pointed out how little you utilize what tools you currently have outside of when it is absolutely necessary to use them, something I would say this constitutes the usage of. And besides, we both are monsters now.”


The fact rang true. Both were men who found themselves not only within a different social status, but within a whole new species altogether, each with their own vast differences than humanity.


“Easy for you to say,” Sara refuted, pushing her messy hair out of her eyes, “You at least chose what you’d look like.”


Bellamy only shrugged, “I will concede as much, but regardless of willingness, we have both found ourselves within this comparable situation.” The giant goop hand of the slime gently grasped Sara’s shoulder, “I’m not sure who you were before, but now you’re the Succubus Sarakiel. Better than being dead.”


Questions and arguments still raged within her mind. But one thing shouted louder than anything else: she was hungry.

Sara walked out into the middle of the room. Instead of hiding her draconic aspects, she accentuated them for this target.


Taller than her, with horns of a similar shape, a man bearing the same elements was the best Eldura’s cavalcade of monsters had to offer. While not in the greatest of shape, the draconic man at least had the agency to wear a loincloth. 


“Hello there…” Playing the oldest card in the book, she drew close to the man, placing her most lustful qualities on display.


Snapping out of his concentration, the chimeric man looked down, his eyes nearly bulging out of his head, “Rrrh, good day, madam.” His voice sounded low and angry, but it was perhaps due to the locked jaw he had to deal with due to the strange magic that warped him. 


On closer inspection, he was a near fifty-fifty split between dragon and man, more than Sara was hoping for. All along the sides of his body were tightly packed tiny scales, red in color. His tail was thick and long enough to touch the ground, far greater than hers, while two horns cascaded out of his nearly bald head. If Sara had to age him, she’d say he was a man in his fifties suffering from andropause, but her hunger forced her to be less picky.


“I couldn’t help but notice how similar we are from afar…” Her tone was sweet, something her old brain screamed at her for, but was an insignificant buzzing. “I was recently changed as well and was hoping you might show me around here.”


Despite his slightly negligent appearance, there was a stoicism to him the succubus liked. His gaze was piercing, the draconic irises tightening as he focused in on her. Moving in to place her hand on his thigh, her womanhood grew excited she could see her reflection in his powerful eyes. “I… I’m kind of busy right now…”


It was time for the assault.


Pushing just a little bit of mana to sweeten her words, she pressed her still voluminous breasts into him, “Oh, but I could really use your help!” 


She was winning. She could see it in the pained expression he bore. 


“You said you’re new, right?” 


Sara nodded, selling herself to the act. She had come a long way from her first time.


“And why would The Great Eldura make another woman to compete with?” His tone shifted, as harsh as his reptilian appearance.


Thankfully, the air around where the succubus placed her hand betrayed him, “Well, she has… Been experimenting recently…” She made sure not to have a lilt at the end of her statement, questioning herself.


The man stood, still examining the woman who had thrusted herself upon him, “You… I think I heard about-”


“Take me here…” Sara grew tired of his resistance, she was far too hungry for his cock. 


Pouring the last bit of mana she had into him, his face went slack. His loincloth lifted with a sizable length and she was ready to see underneath it. Stroking the shape from outside, her own genitals reacted as well.


The overwhelming temptation to start sucking him then and there was great, but far too telling of what she really was, “Let’s find somewhere… private.”

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