Becoming Usopp


Usopp didn’t wanted to be ruthless but it was something that needed to be done for Kaya’s safety. He aimed his next few shots at Klahadore’s limbs and all four of them got crushed unable to be used normally ever again. With that he finally sighed in relief as his job on this island was already finished.

Kaya who had been following Klahadore discreetly since the moment he left the mansion clearly saw what all had happened. Initially, she was worried about Usopp’s well-being and had the barrel of the gun in her hand pointed directly at Klahadore in case she felt that Usopp’s life was in danger.

Seeing Usopp single handily dealing with Klahadore she couldn’t help but have a sense of pride bud up in her heart because this was the man she had chosen to love and give her all to. She soon got out of the tree trunk behind which she was hiding inviting the attention of Usopp and the rest towards her.

“Kaya? What are you doing here?” Usopp asked and just a second after he had done so he felt Kaya’s warm body embracing him as tears started dripping down her eyes.

“I-I discovered Merry’s injured body outside my room in the morning and with what little strength he had left he told me about Klahadore…” Kaya told Usopp everything that happened, from Klahadore keeping an eye on the mansion which prevented her from escaping to her leaving the mansion to follow Kalahadore with a gun to solve the matter by herself.

“You should have looked for me instead of trying to take things into your own hands silly,” Usopp said as he slowly patted Kaya’s back and comforted her.

After a while, Usopp introduced Kaya to Luffy and the rest and after finding out that Usopp had joined their crew she gave her intro with vigour. Soon they all left for Kaya’s mansion as Merry still needed to be treated.

Kaya had already done first aid on him earlier which prevented him from bleeding to his death. Her only job now was to ring the doctor and also to move Merry to a bed as she was too scared of making noise earlier by trying to move him to the bedroom.

By the next day, Merry was thoroughly checked up by the doctor and the title of the saviour of the village went to Merry who was quite ashamed of it as he couldn’t refuse it because of his young lady’s orders.

“You sure you don’t want the villagers to know about your contribution,” Kaya asked Usopp a bit disheartened because she wanted to change the view that the villagers had of Usopp.

“It’s alright, this way it's better. If words of this spread then this village might come under danger since I’m a pirate now aswell. Moreover, the last thing I want is for you to be targeted by Marines and used against me.” Usopp said while holding Kaya’s hand.

Hearing Usopp’s words Kaya tightened her grip clearly touched by his way of thinking. “It’s just a pity…that others won’t know about how awesome you are” Kaya commented.

“It doesn’t matter, what matters is that you know the truth and always will,” Usopp whispered into Kaya’s ears as he gently brought a strand of her hair behind her ear with his right hand and proceeded for a kiss. Kaya too reciprocated and a few moments later the two of them lost themselves in the ocean of pleasure as waves of lust stirred in their hearts.

Usopp stayed with Kaya in her mansion for a month before the ship that Kaya had promised Luffy as a reward for his help in saving her life from the pirates was finally ready. Kaya had tried to delay it as long as she could because giving the ship earlier meant getting separated from Usopp quicker.

Unfortunately for her, she cannot delay it forever and finally told Merry to get the readied ship outside the island. Meri was more than happy to do so as he had personally taken the responsibility of making the ship as sturdy as possible while inputting his own designs and because of all the efforts he had put into it, the shipbuilders decided to call it the ‘Going Merry’.

Merry was quite pleased with this naming and had been all excited to show the ship to his young lady and the rest. Now that he had finally gotten the order he immediately started getting things done and as a result the next day the ship was already on the island exit waiting for them.

“Whoaaaa It looks awesome!” Luffy said as he jumped on his feet and ran towards the ship.

“It really looks perfect for a crew with only a few members like ours,” Nami said to herself.

“Indeed, I kept that in mind and therefore manoeuvring the ship is not very difficult, There are rams fitted…” Merry started explaining how to control the ship to Nami who listened to all his instructions very keenly.

“Thank you, honey,” Usopp told Kaya who was standing beside him while in his arms. During this past month, the relationship between the two of them strengthened to the point that it could never be loosened.

“Don’t I at least deserve a kiss?” Kaya puffed her cheeks as she looked at Usopp wrongly. Seeing this Usopp couldn’t help but laugh as he said “Yes, you indeed do.”

After sharing a long and passionate kiss with each other it was now time to say goodbye. Luffy and the rest had already boarded the ship because they wanted to give Kaya and Usopp the space they required.

“Will I ever see you again?” Kaya asked even though she believed that he definitely would, a small strand of worry in her heart still made her ask him this question.

“You will, The next time we meet I want to see you look much healthier,” Usopp said.

“Mhmmm” Kaya nodded as tears slowly started falling from her eyes. Seeing this Usopp held her in his arms tightly and kissed her forehead to comfort her.

“Until we meet again then,” Usopp said with a smile as he waved her goodbye.

“Till we meet again,” Kaya waved back with her tear-stained face that carried a smile of hope that he would return.

Soon after the Going Merry set sail as Usopp finally began his journey with Luffy, Zoro and Nami.


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