Becoming Usopp


“Usopp I found this among the piles of treasures that I got from Arlong, Are you interested in them?” Nami said as she passed Usopp a pair of revolvers that she found while separating the treasures she got from Arlong.

The revolver was in pristine condition which indicated that it had never been or rarely been used before. Usopp though could understand why this was, the revolver was made for human use and was not made to fit into the big hands of the majority of fishmen.

“It looks neat,” Usopp said as he started playing around with the revolvers. The barrel was of appropriate length, not too long and not too short and the grip fitted well with his hands.

He aimed the muzzle towards the wall and other objects in the room and finally, after his curiosity was satiated did Usopp remember something which he was forgetting, “Do you also have bullets for these?” Even though Usopp could shape metal into balls by filing them he still didn’t have enough expertise to create bullets with such accurate dimensions to fit the cylinders of these revolvers.

“And here I thought that you’ll never ask,” Nami said with a chuckle as she passed him a bag full of bullets that she had found after a bit of searching.

“Sweet!” Usopp said as he accepted the bag of bullets with happiness clearly written on his face and hugged Nami tightly as he thanked him.

“Ah!” Nami exclaimed in pain.

“Are you hurt somewhere?” Usopp asked her in confusion.

“No, it’s just that I just got a new tattoo done on my upper arm and the area is still sensitive and painful,” Nami said as she showed Usopp the new tattoo that she had made over the previous Arlong Pirate mark.

“It’s a neat work,” Usopp complimented as he continued, “but do you know what’s even neater?”

“What is?” Nami said as her eyes grew expectant thinking that he was going to say her name.

“These revolvers,” Usopp said with a laugh as he smooched the barrel of the revolver that was in his hand in delight.

Seeing this Nami couldn’t help but have an annoyed expression on her face as things didn’t go the way she had expected but still, she was happy that Usopp liked the revolvers which she gave to him.

After a while, the drowsy Luffy along with Zoro joined them and helped Nami in segregating the treasures that they could take in with them on the ship with them and thanks to their collective efforts the job was finished before lunch.

Sanji soon came outside the house to tell them that the lunch had been prepared for all of them and everyone soon came inside the house to see the mouth-watering food that was being placed on the table by Nojiko.

After finishing the lunch, it was the men’s turn to place all the treasures onto the Going Merry which though sounded tough but was done within half an hour because of the inhumane power possessed by Zoro, Usopp and Sanji.

After the task was over all the arrangements were made to set sail on to the next island. An hour later the Straw Hats were finally ready to set sail once again. Nojiko and Genzo were looking at the Going Merry from below as the preparation for setting sail were all finished.

“Goodbye Nojiko, Genzo san…I’ll come back soon!” Nami said with a bright smile on her face as the ship finally started sailing.

“Goodbye! Even though you’re now on a pirate ship try to mend your ways and stop stealing like before!” Genzo said.

“Alright! I swear this would be my last time!” Nami said with a grin as she showed Genzo his wallet that she had stolen from him an hour back when he wasn’t paying attention.

“Hey! That’s my wallet…you brat! You did it again!” Genzo lashed out at Nami who looked unbothered by it and just pulled out her tongue to tease him.

“Goodbye, Nami! Take care of yourself!” Nojiko said loudly as her eyes met with Usopp's as she caressed her stomach with one of her hands.

Seeing this Usopp couldn’t help but smile back at her but because of the distance between the two, this was not caught up by Nami.

After Nami it was the turn of everybody else to say their goodbyes to Nojiko and Genzo. As the ship was getting further and further away from the land the port of Cocoyashi village became visible to them and along with it a crowd of villagers who were waiting for them also entered their eyes.

“Goodbye NAMI!! We’re forever grateful to you!”

“Live your life Nami!”

“Don’t worry about us anymore! It’s okay for you to be selfish for once!”

The cheers and shouts of encouragement from all the villagers whose lives she was trying hard to save all these years made her all teared up and lost for words, as a result, she could only wave her hand back at them.

A few minutes later the ship had sailed quite a distance away from the island but Nami continued to wave back at them until she could no longer see them and the villagers did the same.

With that Nami bid her goodbye to her people while the rest of the crew just observed her. Sanji took out a puff and decided to smoke as he too was reminded of all the Baratie members whom he had left behind to start this journey.

The silent nostalgic state of the crew was replaced with normality after a while as Nami took over the steering wheel and manoeuvred the ship into a particular direction while observing the compass.

“Hey, Nami! Where are we going next?” Luffy asked Nami while sitting on the railings.

“Our next destination would be Loguetown. We’ll be restocking our supplies there before attempting to enter the grand line,” Nami said still a bit worried about whether they be successful in entering the Grand Line or not.

“Loguetown? That’s a funny name hehe,” Luffy said to himself as he jumped onto the sheep’s head built in the front of the ship thinking that his sitting there would make the island appear much more quickly.

“I wonder how things would go at the Loguetown,” Usopp said to himself thinking about all the things that could go wrong there on that island.


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