Becoming Usopp


“Cactus Island…Cactus Island we’re going to the cactus island~” Luffy sang as he sat on his favourite spot on the ship. They had already set sail and according to Crocus’s words, they would reach there in two more days.

Nami was continuously monitoring the sea and the helm of the ship. She was extra careful because of all the dreadful tales she had heard of the Grand Line and had no plans to mess this up.

Zoro and Usopp were currently training their bodies by lifting huge weights. After a while Zoro stopped training and sat in a meditative position to further work on his newly learned observation haki and as for Usopp he continued on training up his body.

Usopp had been lacking in his physical training lately, so he continued his training as beads of sweat dampened the wooden deck below his feet.

Time continued to pass by and after diverting through some unexpected storms thanks to Nami’s excellent navigational skills they finally made their way to Cactus Island.

“WOOHOOO look at that big cactus! I just can’t wait to try it!” Luffy said in excitement.

Seeing the excited state of Luffy Usopp couldn’t help but feel a bit guilty at the moment because of his false narrative earlier.

‘According to the information we have, there is only one town on this island named the ‘Whiskey Peak’ so we’ll have to procure all the things we need for our journey from there,” Nami said as she looked towards the approaching foggy island.

“Great! We need to procure food items as well as it’s been a while since we last took in fresh supplies.” Sanji commented.

“Hopefully they stand up to their name and have some sake prepared,” Zoro commented while yawning.

As the ship entered the fog engulfed valley their whole surroundings become quiet which made their hearts a bit anxious. Not long after the sounds of humans entered their ears but on a closer observation, they realized that it seemed to be the sound of people shouting and abusing while clashes of swords could be heard.

“What’s going on? What’s with this noise?” Luffy asked in a confused manner.

His doubts were soon answered as the fog was quickly lifted and the surrounding became visible to them. Near the dock, crowds of people were surrounding four people and from the looks on their faces, their intentions were everything but friendly.

“So, you’re a traitor, Miss Wednesday, we all wouldn’t have even known if not for the timely arrival of Mr 5 and Miss Valentine.” A person in the crowd growled at the four.

“Mr 9…Miss Monday…Why are you guys-” Vivi tried to persuade the two out but was interrupted by their resilient replies.

“It doesn’t matter anymore Miss Wednesday. Even if you’re a traitor the times I spent with you and the bond that formed between us couldn’t be faked and from the looks of it, it definitely looks like you’re in need of some help so what kind of a teammate I would be if I’m not even able to take a bullet for you!” Miss Monday replied. On her feminine yet masculine face there was not even a shred of doubt as those words of conviction escaped her mouth.

“It’s the same for me, Miss Wednesday! What kind of a partner would I be if I can’t even stand up for my direct partner? Prepare yourself, you bastards! I'll show you all today what I, Mr 9, am made of!” Mr 9 roared out.

“You guys-” Vivi’s eyes couldn’t help but moistened as never had she thought that even after her identity as a spy was revealed these folks would still be there to help her but before she could even get a chance to wipe those tears off her face horror took over her face.



Two blasts, one followed by another happened and right in front of her face, the former resolute faces of her comrades were smashed down onto the ground devoid of any consciousness.

“Miss Monday! Mr 9!” Vivi exclaimed in horror.

Mr 5 and Miss Valentine soon made their way through the crowd and looked down on the two traitors lying unconsciously on the ground. “That’s what you get for meddling in other’s affairs,”

Seeing this scene Igaram could only bite his lips as he knew better than anyone that there was no escape for them. Just when he was preparing himself to launch a suicide attack after pushing Vivi into the sea he saw the appearance of a pirate ship just behind them at the entrance to the town.

It was not only him as everyone else aswell saw the arrival of Luffy and the rest. Sensing that there seemed to be no other better option Igaram quickly shouted in order to attract the pirate’s attention.

“Pirates! This lady here is the Princess of Albasta! I beg you to save her and in return, you can ask anything from our kingdom as a reward!” Igaram’s voice resonated all around the area.

On the ship,

“Hey, Usopp did you hear that?” Luffy exclaimed at this sudden situation.

“I sure did,” Usopp replied as he focused his gaze on Mr 5 and Miss Valentine.

“A princess! Let me have a look at her” Sanji too exclaimed as he focused his eyes to have a good look at Vivi and needless to say his eyes soon turned to that of hearts.

“Looks like a waste of effort if you ask me,” Zoro suggested as he had no intention to help a stranger who was baiting them with money.

“One billion Berry! Not even a penny less. Do you still want help?” Nami shouted out her demand.

Hearing the words Mr 5 and Miss Valentine both started laughing their ass out as Miss Valentine said “KYAHAH did you hear her Mr 5? She’s demanding a billion berries from the princess of a country whose citizens are on the verge of a rebellion! Hahaha I just can’t control my laughter”

Hearing her words Vivi couldn’t help but grit her teeth as it was true that they were in no position to hand out a billion berries to someone and needed every money they had to contain the rebellion that might occur anytime.

Just when she was about to refuse their help, she was stopped by Igaram’s words “Princess Vivi, don’t act recklessly, betting on these pirates is your only hope currently. You must remember that anyone can fall but you, the princess of Albasta, couldn’t! You must deliver the truth to the masses and address the misconception about your father that they had been harbouring deep in their hearts!”

Thus, despite knowing that she was being taken advantage of Vivi reluctantly accepted Nami’s demands.

“Excellent~,” Nami said with a grin, symbolic of an evil merchant, on her face.


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