Becoming Usopp


“This would be enough for three to four days,” Sanji said as he puffed out a cloud of smoke. He was currently looking at a thick dinosaur whose life he had just kicked out.

After observing the slain animal from all the corners, only after he was fully satisfied with it he said, “No chance that Marimo would be able to get a bigger one,” (A/N: Sanji calls Zoro Marimo a lot. Initially, I didn’t know what that meant and after searching for it I found out that Marimo is a green ball of algae found in water, some type of aquatic plant if I’m not wrong. Sanji calls Zoro a marimo because his green hair resembles a Marimo. Just something I found worth sharing.)

With the thought of triumphing over Zoro in this competition, Sanji grinned to himself as he started dragging the dinosaur by one of its horns as he started walking back towards the Going Merry.

On the way since he was all alone in the forest Sanji’s mind started wandering a bit. Even though he was quite a simp when it came to women, he was not dumb. He’s been clearly aware of the changes in the relationship that has been happening between Nami and Usopp.

He has also several times seen Usopp and Nami matching eyes with each other when all the crew are together and having an enjoyable conversation. Initially, like every man he was filled with spite towards Usopp but his tobacco helped him calm his brain down.

Even though he was quite angry at this but when he thought about how Usopp was able to calm down Nami easily when she lost her temper a few days ago he couldn’t help but accept the things the way they were. He knew that he was not capable of doing it the way he was now.

This led him to think of how things had gone with Usopp when they were in Whiskey Peak. He was able to feel up a woman without any difficulty and the most important thing to note was that this woman was their enemy a few minutes ago. He had accepted him as his teacher at the spur of the moment but he never took it seriously.

It was only now that he was all alone by himself in this deep forest that he was able to clear up all the things that had been wandering here and there in his mind. With a deep sigh, he made up his mind to not chase over women meaninglessly like how he’d been doing all this while. Though this doesn’t mean that he won’t act as a gentleman when it comes to women. It was too late to change something as inherent like that now and he was clearly aware of it.

Sanji solidified his thoughts by taking another whiff from his cigarette and exhaling it but as he did it, he started coughing out and along with it a bunch of curses also came out of his mouth as the cigarette fell on a puddle thanks to his coughing.

Realizing that his throat had parched a lot he moved towards the direction of the river. A few minutes later Sanji was crouching along the edge of the river and washing up his face and hair after satiating his thirst.

Now that he was all set and ready to go, he decided to walk along the edge of the river as it would be much easier to drag the dinosaur along this way when compared to doing the same in the thick jungle.

While he was dragging the huge corpse of a dinosaur towards their ship, Sanji saw something lying on the ground not very far from him. Curious he increased his pace and soon widened his eyes when he saw that it was a blue-haired human that was lying on the ground.

“Vivi!” Sanji exclaimed as he ran towards her fallen figure. It only needed blue hairs for him to realize that the person was Vivi.

When Sanji got close to her he realize that her body was sweating profusely and she could barely open her eyes.

“S-sanj-“ Vivi tried to guess the figure’s identity through his voice as her vision was all blurry at the moment.

“Yes, it’s me,” Sanji said as he grabbed her hand to check her pulse only to find that her body was blisteringly hot. Not minding the heat, he focused his mind in order to check her pulse.

“From the looks of it, she’s not going to make it,” It was then that a sudden voice entered his mind which caught Sanji by surprise as he looked all around him like a scared kitten.

“Who is it?!” Sanji asked when he found that no one was present near his visible range even though the voice felt to be coming from just beside him.

Just when Sanji thought that it was only his hallucination the voice came again, “The woman has eaten a fruit which has a very high concentration of narcotics. If it was only one or two then she would have easily been saved…but she has eaten much more than that and what you see currently is her body’s response to clear out the drug but it unfortunately won’t be able to and within half an hour her exhausted body will succumb.”

When the voice came again Sanji was on high alert and tried his best to figure out the source of it but to his dismay, though the voice felt like it was coming from right beside him there was no one to be found.

“I can save her if you want…” The voice trailed.

Hearing this all of Sanji’s attention focused on the voice as he no longer cared about the source of the sound. “You can really save her?...what do you want in return?” Sanji almost lost his composure when he heard that the voice had a way of saving Vivi but then he regained himself as he realized that there must be a motive behind this unknown voice trying to help him.

“You’re smart, I appreciate that. What I want from this exchange is your trust. I’ll help you save this woman and in return I want you to trust in me as your future partner.” The voice said.

“Trust? Why do you want my trust? And what do you mean by partner?” Sanji inquired.

“Due to some inexplicable reasons, my soul got bonded to you while I was traversing this cosmos. Unable to set myself free I could only wait to gather up enough energy to do so. A few days ago when you were practicing that haki think in the kitchen by yourself I felt that it was also enhancing my powers. In short…I want to help you get stronger as quickly as possible so that I can also gain enough power to free myself from you,” The voice replied unhurriedly and explained his state to Sanji.

“Interesting,” Sanji said to himself as he exhaled a puff of smoke to make things easier for his brain to understand.

“I don’t know what you are and I also don’t completely believe you but since saving Vivi takes priority at the moment, I’ll choose to trust you. Tell me, how can I save Vivi,” Sanji said as he looked towards the red-faced Vivi who looked as if she was struggling to even breathe.

“I’ll be transferring to you a set of acupuncture techniques after which you would clearly be aware of how to go about the procedure,” The voice said.

“Acupuncture? Is this method trustable?” Sanji raised his doubts about the method.

“What do you know? I was a famous doctor during ancient times. There wasn’t one patient who after getting treated by me was not saved.” The voice said in a furious manner as he told his previous identity to Sanji.

Feeling that what he was saying was the truth from how furious he was Sanji nodded and asked the voice to transfer it.

“Alright, remember to not reject it when my mental sense tries to put this information into yours,” The voice said.

Hearing this Sanji nodded and was met with the voice’s words, “Alright, I’ll begin now,”

A few moments later the sound of Sanji’s crying echoed all around the area as the birds that were resting in the trees all flocked towards the sky in an attempt to escape from what they had thought to be a predator nearby.

Sanji's body which had been lying unconsciously on the ground soon stood up once again as he slowly started stretching up his body. After cracking his neck and other stiff parts of his body he smiled to himself as he said “Body takeover complete, I also would be able to have my fun now Usopp hehe~”

A/N: From the response I got from all my Patreon when I had released this chapter I believe this would be the point where many of you guys will be leaving this book. My goodbyes to to you guys. And for the few of you lovely peeps who are willing to continue this, I'm going to release four more chapters today to curry favours from you all :)

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