Becoming Usopp


Sanji was currently sitting on the railings of the ship as he faced the island. He wasn’t fond of smoking earlier but after being trapped in this body for so long he became used to those actions and as a result, was currently smoking a cigarette.

It was time to think things through now that he was successful in taking over this body. There were two roads for him to take. One where he would go to Usopp and reveal to him that he’s also a transmigrator just like him and they live happily ever after.

But the problem with that road was that he didn’t know how Usopp would react. He may feel pressured due to his arrival and may try to get rid of him. He was clearly aware that though his kicks were strong he was no match for Usopp’s bullets.

If it was only the bullets then he would have been still brave enough to talk things out with him but Usopp had also gained mastery in observation haki. Thus, after taking in all of these factors it was decided by Sanji that he would continue to act in the way the original owner of the body had been acting.

“There’s no time to waste then. Let me first quickly catch up with mastering the observation haki. Once I’m able to reach the armament stage then only I’ll be able to be in peace once my cover of being a transmigrator gets blown,” Sanji said to himself as he looked towards the sky.

“Hey, Curly-brow! Where’s your catch?” A voice entered Sanji’s ears making him turn his head towards a particular direction. There he saw Zoro’s small figure dragging a huge dinosaur’s corpse behind him as he made his way towards the ship.

“I left it behind,” Sanji said as he sucked another gust of air through the cigarette.

“Hah? What did you say?” Zoro asked as he was not able to decipher why Sanji would do something like that when both of them were clearly competing against each other.

Pointing inside the ship with his thumb Sanji said when he saw Zoro’s reaction, “Vivi was lying unconscious on the ground so I carried her back here,”

“Vivi? What happened to her?” Zoro asked as he let go of the corpse since there was no point in trying to show it off now.

“I have no idea. Though now after making her drink some water she became clearer headed and is not sleeping,” Sanji said as he didn’t feel like it was right to tell others about Vivi’s accidental consumption of an aphrodisiac.

“Where’s Usopp and Nami?” Zoro asked after looking around.

“Beats me. When I came here there was no one on the ship. I would have gone to look for them but with Vivi here I can’t leave her alone.” Sanji explained.

“True. Anyways Since Usopp is with Nami they both would be safe,” Zoro said much to Sanji’s displeasure.

Even though he knew that Usopp was much stronger than him he didn’t feel good hearing it from Zoro. This made him ask Zoro about his training with Observation Haki. Unlike, Sanji, who had been busy with his culinary activities most of the time and could barely get time to practice Haki, Zoro was able to practice full-time while on the ship. As a result, he found no shame in asking him for guidance and Zoro readily told him all the insights he had gained during these days of practicing haki.

Sanji mentally noted down all the important points that were told by Zoro and just when he along with Zoro was going to start indulging in a more serious discussion in it they heard the sound of a huge explosion nearby which made even the ship tremor due to the intense vibrations.

“What the hell was that?” Zoro asked clearly in doubt as to what was happening.

Sanji looking at the sky pointed towards a particular direction and said, “Look, that’s the sound of a volcanic eruption. You stay here and accompany Vivi. I’ll go and see how everyone is doing.”

With that said, Sanji stood up and rushed into the forest. This task was indeed a hassle but he didn’t wish to take a chance by sending Zoro there who might end up losing his direction.

A few moments later Sanji witnessed a scene of two giants fighting from afar. Each clash of weapons produced such sounds that made even his heart shook from the vibrations despite how far he was from them. The two giants were putting their all in their duel leaving no energy unused. Even looking at it from this far of a distance was enough to make a man excited as he anticipated what would happen next.

While the giants were engaged in their duel, Sanji made his way towards the scene and soon saw Luffy and Karoo who were watching the fight with exhilaration as they cheered for Dorry with all their might.

Relieved that he no longer needed to look for them any longer Sanji soon joined them.

“Sanji! You came! Look at our new friend Dorry! He’s fighting a duel currently.” Luffy said as he pointed his finger towards Dorry with excitement clearly written on his face.

As a result, Sanji was forced to cheer for Dorry.

When the battle was finally over Dorry came towards them in a cheerful expression with few barrels of rum in his hands and told him that they were going to have a feast today.

“Feast! Let’s goo!” Luffy shouted in a cheerful manner making Dorry laugh in his signature style.

While they were having a feast Dorry told him about the people who gave his opponent, Brogy some rum which he gave him as a gift to share. From that, Luffy got to know that Usopp and Nami were with Brogy.

As they finished with their meals another eruption from the volcano occurred signifying the start of another duel.

“See ya’ll later! It’s time for round two Ggyagyagyagya!” Dorry laughed as marched towards the arena. Seeing this positivity even in the face of an unexpected event Sanji couldn’t help but admire Dorry even more.

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