Becoming Usopp


A/N: I wanted to take it slow but since we're 2nd on trending...Its time to release some more chaps :)

The Going Merry sailed through the open seas which was a respite for the crew as they had been troubled by an immense hailstorm from the last sixteen hours. The uncertainty of the grand line truly would make a person go insane if they were not already mentally prepared for it.

You might be chilling on the deck enjoying the lightly clouded blue sky as the sunlight kisses all of your exposed skin from time to time giving you the warmth you were in need of but the next second there would be no ounce of sunlight penetrating the clouds and before you would be able to realize that you would be struck by hailstones falling with the clear intention of ruining your day.

The last hailstorm that they encountered had just finished off and what welcomed them were the open seas clear of any clouds. On seeing this Vivi told them that this was a signal that they were only a couple days away from reaching Nanohana which cheered them all up a bit.

Chopper along with Luffy were seeing the deck filled with a bunch of hails had stars appear in their eyes as they picked a bunch of them and started munching on them. The cold ice stone was an ideal treat when considering the raging sun that was currently just overhead.

The hails were pretty large in size and would take a large time to melt even though the sun was raging. Seeing these stones spread off the deck and Chopper and Luffy sucking on them like babies an idea popped up in Sanji’s mind.

He wasn’t a cook in his earlier life but after merging himself with Sanji he became aware of so many things that each cooking session became like a delight to him as he truly enjoyed them and kept on wanting to try new things.

Thanks to this, everyone on board the ship had the fortune of tasting quite a lot of delicacies during these days thanks to Sanji. After collecting a bunch of hails in a bucket Sanji carried them to the kitchen. He thoroughly washed each of them to ensure that there was no dirt on them and when he was satisfied with them, he began his preparation.

A while later Sanji served everyone with a large globule of hail each of which has been perfectly sculpted by him in a shiny ball of ice. The globules had a tinge of yellow on them thanks to the lemon syrup that had been poured over them. They were served to everyone while placed in a small bowl with an adequate amount of lemon syrup poured over them such that one can keep on dipping the icy globule in the bowl to have a taste of the sweet lemon syrup.

Seeing the dessert, it was natural that everyone’s spirits were raised as with great delight they all rushed to pick their bowl when Sanji came close to them.

Looking at the icy globule sparkling with a tinge of yellow Usopp couldn’t help but ask, “This looks amazing Sanji. What’s the name you’ve come up with for this dessert?”

“I call it, Lemon Blast,” Sanji said with a smile as the image of an ice candy from his former life popped up in his mind.

“Good name, it suits it pretty well,” Usopp praised as he then became involved with eating the savouring the dessert before it completely melted.

After giving everyone their dessert Sanji walked back towards the kitchen but was intercepted by someone mid-way.

“Sanji, can I get more syrup on my bowl,” Vivi asked him with an innocent gaze.

“Sure, follow me,” Sanji took the bowl from her hand and said as he walked towards the kitchen with Vivi in tow.

Soon the two of them arrived in the kitchen and Sanji soon poured the lemon syrup on her bowl and was about to give it back to her with a smile.

During all this time Vivi had been constantly staring at Sanji to the point that it would not be wrong to say that she was glaring at him.

“Don’t you have an explanation to give me regarding how you took advantage of me?,” Vivi said with a straight face as reached for the bowl from Sanji.

Sanji just gave a smile hearing her words and asked in a doubtful tone, “What are you talking about? I don’t quite understand Vivi?”

“This again?!” Vivi said in a raging voice. She had been constantly trying to hint this thing to Sanji and all of those times he gave her this response which her even doubt her memory for a moment but the touch of another’s person’s lips over hers was too real to be a dream!

She had no doubt regarding the validity of her memories and had been trying to confront Sanji about it during the last few days but had been giving similar statements each time trying to brush over the topic by acting like it never happened!

Needless to say, Vivi was quite furious about it. Initially, she just wanted to thank him over it while voicing out her misgivings regarding the barrage of slaps which her cheeks encountered but after the series of denial by Sanji she started doubting her own charms.

As a princess, she had always been self-aware that she was beautiful but after seeing the continuous strings of denial to acknowledge what had happened between the two of them from Sanji she began to doubt it. It looked to her that he wanted to have nothing to do with her at all which became a blow to her self-esteem.

“If you’re going to keep on denying it and acting like it never happened then fine! I’ll do the same!” Vivi yelled as she rushed out of the room fuming leaving the dessert as it is in Sanji’s hands.

Seeing this Sanji could only shake his head with a sigh. He took out a cigarette from one of his pockets and lighted it up to freshen his mind.

From the way Vivi raged out of the kitchen, Sanji was sure that she had earlier considered the option of the two of them being together and that was why she became so furious when she saw him acting like this with her.  Though acting like this just after a kiss could be considered a bit naïve but since she was a princess, she would have been educated to take these things more seriously than regular folks.

The problem Sanji was having with accepting Vivi’s initiative was his own fear. He feared what had happened to him in his earlier life would repeat itself.

He still remembers the scene vividly in his mind. It was his wife’s birthday, and instead of the usual dinner-at-night arrangement, she was used to he had planned to take her to a resort in the afternoon. In the morning he deliberately gave an excuse of work in order to give her beloved a great surprise.

After making sure all the arrangements had been made properly, he sneakily entered his house to surprise his wife with a bouquet of flowers. They were jasmines, her favourite. When he reached the hall, he found no trace of his wife so he smilingly moved toward their bedroom. As he slowly walked towards his room, he heard a muffled sound along with the sounds of constant hitting from that direction.

“Is she repairing something?” He muttered to himself as he arrived at the front of his door and the voice was much clearer than before. A small part of his brain had already given him the answer he needed but the rest of it wanted to deny it altogether.

He could clearly feel his heart pounding as he slowly reached for the door handle before turning it inward as he pushed the door slightly to form a narrow opening. The moment the scene entered his eyes his heart stopped as his eyes widened.

His mind went blank for a couple of seconds as he stupidly stared at her beloved riding a man while getting rammed by him. Her face, which was enjoying it to the utmost clearly entered his eyes as it became difficult for him to breathe with each passing second.

Realizing that he might end up doing something drastically bad to the two of them he quickly left the scene but the images of his wife enjoying the sensation of another man kept on flashing in his mind not giving him a moment respite.

With these images constantly flashing in his mind, he aimlessly drifted all around the town and was greeted by truck-kun not long after.

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