Being the Demon Lord’s Daughter Is Boring, So I Escape to Become an Adventurer!

16 – Remorse

It was too late. Now that Damien was awake, there was no way I could close his office doors. Because the doors were originally closed, it was easy to tell that a trespasser had snuck in. As if that weren’t bad enough, the trespasser in question had also assaulted the Duke shortly before escaping. Such a person would be considered a… perpetrator.

But who in Celestia would dare strike the man known as the King of Adventurers? That’s right—me. However! In my defense, I acted out of… self-defense. If I hadn’t retaliated, I would’ve suffocated to death. Hmph. Not to mention, my head still stung from having bashed into his mandible.

What should I do now? What could I do? Maybe let things play out and feign ignorance? I wasn’t feeling very lucky though, and I was a terrible liar. If Damien confronted me, I’d have no choice but to spill the truth. Perhaps I should be prudent and plead guilty since the chance of him knowing it was me neared a hundred percent.

Unsatisfied with my options, I hugged my pillow tightly while stuffing my face into one of its sides. There wasn’t much time left, as my magic lesson with Lydia would soon begin. I would’ve had an easier time thinking if I ate something sweet.

Oh, that’s right. By now, the maid inspections might’ve finished. I looked upward to my right and tugged on the chain of my bedside’s bell. It didn’t ring on my end, as expected, but I trusted that the two of them were on their way over to me.

The worst-case scenario was me getting kicked out of the manor, and I was really hoping things wouldn’t escalate to that point. After all, staying with Damien brought numerous benefits: helpful maids, delicious desserts, and a feeling of comfort—it truly did feel like I was back at home. If I had lived elsewhere, I imagined life wouldn’t be as comfortable as here.

Several knocks hit my door. “Little Miss, may we come in?”

“Yes,” I answered. My body loosened with relief when I heard Farel’s voice behind the door.

Farel and Laura stepped inside, bowed, and faced toward me.

“Little Miss, how may we be of assistance?” Farel asked.

“I crave for sweets, please.”

Farel nodded. “Any sort in particular?”

At moments like this, it would be useful to have a menu, but as I didn’t have the luxury of time to request for one, I just said, “Cake.”

Farel nodded again. “Any cake in particular?”

“Any is fine, but please hurry. I have a magic lesson soon.”

“Understood. I will return posthaste.”

“Farel, leave it to me!” Laura said. “I’m much faster than you.”

“Laura.” Farel’s steely voice made Laura jolt. “What use is there if you hustle about and tumble the Little Miss’s snack? You may be fast, but your carelessness causes you to make mistakes and in turn sacrifices precious time. Do you truly think you are the most suitable for this task?”

Laura just stood there looking as if she were smacked on both cheeks simultaneously. Drooping her shoulders, she uttered, “… No.”

“Then, I will take my leave now. Please excuse me, Little Miss.”

At times, Farel was frightening. Before, it was her incredibly condensed fist, and now, it was her sniper-like remarks. I felt somewhat pitiful for Laura being subjected to such censure when she just wanted to be helpful. Wanting to raise her spirits, I asked about the bell system she had initiated.

“I really like this bell. How does it work?”

“Oh!” Laura sprung up. “It may seem simple, but there’s a lot happening behind the scenes.” Posing a proud akimbo, she explained, “The bell in this room is connected to several bells in our bedrooms and common workstations. As your appointed maids, we are responsible for all your needs.”

“Appointed maids?” But on the first day I arrived, several maids changed and bathed me. Had something changed since then?

“Yes. The head maid has designated Farel and me as the Little Miss’s primary servants. The other servants are no longer allowed to tend to you unless we are unavailable, but that is unlikely due to the protocol in place.”

Suddenly, this conversation had taken a technical turn. “Protocol?”

Laura adjusted herself politely and replied, “Yes. According to the protocol, this half of the mansion is restricted only to Master and the Little Miss. Currently, only four servants are authorized: Abel, the head butler; Carol, the head maid; and Farel and I, apprentice maids.”

Oh. That meant when I was roaming around earlier, I didn’t have to be so sneaky.

Wait. Didn’t that also make it obvious that I was the one who entered Damien’s office? I began feeling slightly queasy and held onto my stomach.

“Little Miss, Farel should be returning with the cake soon.” With a smile, she cheered, “Just a little longer!” assuming I was gesturing my hunger.

That’s not why I’m holding my stomach. My appetite had already shrunken away.

“Little Miss, I have returned,” Farel said while pushing a cart into my room. “Laura, can you help me set up?”

“Okay.” Laura pulled a wooden structure from the bottom of the cart and assembled it into a table in front of me.

After placing a cloche on the table, Farel said with a smile, “A slice of chocolate cake for the Little Miss.”

The cake was triple layered with an abundance of fruits and frosting. Normally, I would’ve savored such a bloated treat, but… “Umm…”

Sensing my reluctance, Farel knelt beside me, looking worried. “Is the cake not to your liking, Little Miss?”

Laura knelt on my opposite to chime in, “I would’ve chosen strawberry cheesecake. Would you prefer that instead, Little Miss?”

I shifted my head side to side as I alternated between the two gazes that were patiently waiting for a response. “May I… save it for later?”

“Oh my,” Farel said, “of course you may, Little Miss. As your maids, we serve at your every whim, unquestionably. There is no need for worry.”

Farel carried the cloche and placed it back on the cart. Shortly after, Laura flattened the makeshift table and removed it from my sight.

Farel knelt by my side again, pleading, “Little Miss, if you are feeling ill, please let me know and I will inform the head maid.”

That was the last thing I wanted. If Farel reported my malaise to the head maid, she would surely notify Damien, leading to a premature confrontation. I wasn’t ready to see him yet. Without a plan, I was defenseless. I’m scared.

“… Little Miss?” asked Laura.

“I’m fine.”


Although the two of them wore concerned expressions, they honored my response by pressing no further.

“Shall we start preparing for the magic lesson?” asked Farel.

There was nothing more I could do. As they were preparing me for the lesson, I was preparing myself to face Damien. Like yesterday, I would see him sitting in the veranda. But this time, would his demeanor be cold as usual, or perhaps hot from ire?


Around thirty minutes later, I was ready to attend my magic lesson with Lydia. Unlike the preparation for meals, I didn’t have to wear a load of accessories, but I still had to don a fancy dress. Given that it was probably the last time I would be allowed in this manor, I didn’t throw any tantrums. Farel seemed to have noticed my lack of resistance but managed to hold back, staying faithful on the grounds of servitude.

The two maids guided me to the first-floor veranda, with Farel leading and Laura at my back. When we arrived, Farel stopped before the door to check on me one last time. Placing her hands gently on mine, she said, “Little Miss, I’m sure you’ll be fine.”

To her soothing words, I nodded lightly. From her soft touch, I realized that I had been scrunching my dress the entire way here. The portions of the dress where my hands had been were creased with wrinkles.

Farel opened the door and the two of them signaled me to enter with a bow. The entrance appeared to be a rectangular film of sparkling sunlight, and walking past, I was greeted by Abel.

“Good afternoon, Little Miss. The Duke has already arrived. I will show the way.”

It was hard to see anything, as my eyes had yet to adjust to such high contrast. The only thing I could make out was Abel’s back.

“Master, the Little Miss has arrived.”

As Abel moved aside, Damien silently made his way toward me, his enlarging figure progressively covering more of the blinding light. I closed my eyes. I’m scared.

Unable to move, I tilted my head downward. The light that pierced through my eyelids continued fading until it became pure darkness. Damien was now close enough to block out all the light. Stronger than me in every way, I was at his mercy. With my eyes squeezed shut, I braced myself for punishment.

Then, a hand landed gently on my head, ever so slightly ruffling my hair. “Does it still hurt?”

For a moment, I was unable to register his words, but the stinging pain made me wince. Shortly afterward, a sensation of mint emanated from the hand’s touch and permeated around the crown of my head.

Was this… Damien’s healing magic?

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