Beloved Husband of a Billionaire

Chapter 20: Crazy Asian genes

The number of times Miguel saw Mr. Kingsley could only be counted in less than ten fingers. To be precise they only interacted eight times. The last time Miguel saw Mr. Kingsley was during the dinner with Victor two weeks ago. He knew Mr. Kingsley never returned to the estate because when the landlord arrived, the number of men wearing business suit would increase. Miguel put two and two together and realized that these people were Mr. Kingsley’s bodyguards. Miguel also noticed that his landlord was never alone. He was often accompanied by the spectacle-wearing lean secretary or the bulky bodyguard with a black buzz cut hair.

            With the domineering landlord gone, Miguel gradually settled comfortably in the villa. He would often talk to the workers when he had the chance. He became close with Ricardo and his wife Lucia.  The 50-year-old man maintained the gardens, the greenhouse, and the farm. Lucia took charge of the maidservants because Ystell was sent for a vacation. No wonder Miguel did not see the gentle old lady. Lucia told him that Ms. Brown had been with Mr. Kingsley ever since he was a baby and that she never left him even for a vacation. Now she was currently enjoying the tropical beaches of Bali with a friend of hers.

            Miguel also made friends with Russel, an 18-year-old all-around boy. The teen took care of the animals and helped Ricardo with other tasks. Mr. Kingsley brought him to the estate when he was young.

            The guards were a bit intimidating to interact with, but Miguel always smiled and said a polite greeting whenever he came close with them. Eventually, they became less uptight and said a few words to him.

Through chat, Miguel kept in touch with his best friend, Marian, about his papa’s condition. Whenever Miguel talked to his papa via a video call, he had to be up in the wee hours of the morning to compensate with the time difference. This went on for a week until the ever-observant Marian noticed the dark circles under his eyes. She told him to call during his day-off. Uncle Gilberto was getting stronger every day. The last aggressive treatment for the first cycle was done. It would take a few months before they begin the next batch of treatment.

Miguel’s worries were lessened but the fear of being left alone remained. In the months that passed, his papa’s remaining black hair became white and his cheeks sunk. His papa whom he always considered as a strong man became frail and weak.

Miguel could still remember that time last week when he met a neighbor who used to live in their village. The guy was the same age as Miguel but he worked at a big company in their home country. He was rewarded a vacation as part of his commission and decided to meet with Miguel. Miguel was so happy to meet with someone familiar that he told him his woes while working in U country. Miguel did not expect the neighbor to ask him why he was working three jobs just to pay for the old man’s treatment when the old man was going to die anyway. Suffice it to say, Miguel learned to keep his problems to himself and never opened up with other people. That was also the last time that he talked to that neighbor.

In the days that followed the party, Miguel became more acquainted with the CEO of their company. Glinda would often make him deliver some files to the CEO’s office. Miguel realized that Mr. Daniels was a kind and caring boss. Unlike most bosses, he was neither overbearing nor rude. He was also patient and did not scold Miguel for making a mistake. This made Miguel’s work in the company much more bearable and less stressful.

“Join us in the club.” Marcy invited Miguel after they closed the spa. She saw the hesitation in Miguel’s face.

Ever since Miguel learned that his father had cancer, he rarely went out with other people. He opted to go home straight to save some money. Besides, he felt bad having fun when his father was ailing back home. It just did not did not sit well with him.

“Come on. You never joined us since you came.” Abigail, the redhead, looped her arms around Miguel.

Kim, the brunette, sent him an encouraging look. “Work hard, play harder.”

Eventually, Miguel nodded and allowed himself to be carried away. Miguel sat shotgun on Marcy’s car while Kim joined Abigail in her car. He thought that they were going straight to the club. He was surprised when they dropped in to Marcy’s apartment. Apparently, the ladies had to transform to their evening look. Miguel almost could not recognize them when they came out with a different outfit and a bold make-up. They looked very different from when they wore their scrub suit at the spa. 

He stood up, ready to go only to be pulled in the room by the girls. “What are-?”

“You can’t enter the club wearing that.” Marcy pointed to Miguel’s white shirt and yellow cardigan. Aside from working as a manager of the spa, she also designs clothes in her spare time. Abigail and Kim were her models. She planned to resign after she earned her much needed capital. It would only take less than a year.

Miguel stood in the room watching the ladies look through some stuff. Marcy had a few clothes that were unisex. What made it difficult was to find an outfit for Miguel’s small figure.

“Hmm. This won’t do.” Marcy lifted a blue denim jacket from a rack. It was a bit large for Miguel.

Abigail was tall and had the figure of a model. She also looked at the other outfits that were on the rack. “This!” She lifted a soft black jacket.

Marcy hummed. She held it in front of Miguel. It was still a bit wide on the shoulder area but it wouldn’t be too noticeable in the club. “Yes!”

Miguel’s black denim pants matched the jacket. As for the shirt, it was alright to use the same one that he was wearing. He was made to sit on the stool while Kim applied light power on his face and fixed his eyebrows. Then she fussed on his hair.

“There you go.” Kim moved away which allowed Miguel to see himself in the mirror.

Miguel looked sharp and handsome but when he smiled the dimples on his cheeks would betray his cute self.

Since everyone was ready, they took a cab to the club. The ladies walked together. Miguel followed behind them. The ladies entered the door without any trouble but when it was Miguel’s turn, he was stopped by the bouncer.

The bouncer pointed at the sign. “No minors allowed.”

Miguel’s ears became flushed. “I’m not a minor.”

“Go home kid.” The bouncer’s gruff voice sounded fierce.

Marcy and the others sat on a booth. But when she noticed that Miguel was missing from the group she started to look around.

“What’s the matter Marcy?” Abigail asked.

“Anyone knows where Miguel is?” Marcy asked.

“He was just behind us.” Kim looked around.

“I’ll go find him.” Marcy stood up.

“I’ll go with you.” Abigail also stood up.

The two ladies looked around but they did not see Miguel in the club.

“Could it be that he is outside?” Abigail wondered.

“Let’s check it out.” Marcy walked towards the entrance.

They found the slender boy standing in front of the big buff bouncer. The bouncer gave Miguel an intimidating glare.

“What’s going on here?” Marcy asked.

“You know this kid?” The bouncer pointed to Miguel.

“Yes David. He is with us.” Marcy and the others were a regular at the club but not Miguel. It was his first time.

“I shall allow no minors inside. Ya know the rules Marcy.” David folded his arms in front of his chest and widened his stance. He wasn’t going to bend the rules just because he knew the women.

“He is not a minor David. You could have just checked his ID.” Abigail said in a deadpan expression.

“Show him your ID hon.” Marcy urged Miguel.

Miguel brought out his employee ID from the school. It showed his picture and indicated his date of birth.

The bouncer scrutinized the ID and the boy’s face, trying to check its authenticity. The person in the picture looked too young. The possibility of fake IDs was high. His eyebrows were furrowed. Seeing as the bouncer was doubtful of his employee ID, Miguel took out his passport that he always kept in his pocket. He showed it to the bouncer. The bouncer checked it thoroughly. He read his birthdate and nationality and looked at Miguel again. He finally allowed Miguel to enter the pub.

“Crazy asian genes.” The bouncer muttered.

When they went inside and finally sat down, they told the story to Kim who couldn’t help but laugh.

“I did my best to make you look more mature. Sorry Miguel. It’s just that you have a youthful face.” Kim grinned.

“I wish I would be carded too.” Marcy laughed.

“They do not card aunties.” Abigail teased.

“Hey, I’m not that old. I’m only 27 this year. Abigail is actually younger than you, Miguel. She is just 17.” Marcy covered half of her mouth when she spoke.

 “What? No way!” Miguel was taken aback. He thought that Abigail was older than him. She was the tallest among them.

“It’s just the clothes, the make-up, and her height.” Kim giggled. “No offense Miguel.”

“Alright, alright. Why don’t we order the drinks?” Marcy signaled a waiter to come over.

They ordered a few drinks. When the ladies were drunk enough, they stood up and sashayed to the dance on the floor. Miguel waved his hands. He refused to join them saying he did not know how to dance. But the ladies still dragged his skinny body to the mass of writhing bodies.

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