Beyond Average Prequel [DiceRPG]

003. The Adventurer’s Test

He pushed the heavy doors open and then stepped into the adventure’s guild, and then also walked into something else. He looked down to see a little boy that had dropped down onto his bottom ahead of him. Adam stared down at him, frozen in embarrassment.

The boy was probably close to nine or ten years old and held within his chest a small package of sorts that was wrapped in some parchment. He had short hair that was a mop of beaming-sun gold atop his head, and he had milky white skin. He wore a shirt that cut off at the sleeves, a pair of shorts and thick boots, all the colour of deep red, save for his boots which were of a dark leather. Around his neck was a necklace of string which had a token make of a thin sheet of metal that was also red. 

The boy looked up at Adam and then began to splutter forth words, “I-I-I’m sorry, so s-sorry,” he said as he tried to get onto his feet. 

“No, no,” Adam said as he reached down with a hand to try and help the boy up, “it’s completely my fault. I should have looked where I was going, young man.”

The boy looked up at Adam, his eyes filled with alarm and confusion, then curiosity and a little bit of pride sprinkled within them. He did not reach for Adam’s hand, instead rolling aside and then pushing himself up with a hand, the other arm still wrapped around the package which was pinned to his chest. 

“It’s alright,” the little boy said as he looked up at Adam’s face, his eyes going to either side of Adam’s head and then he held the package tighter. “You’re an elf,” he said innocently, his eyes still holding a curious sheen.

“Half of me is, yes.”

“Which half?” the boy asked as he tilted his head inquisitively.

“That’s a good question,” Adam said with a smile on his face. “A half of the whole?” 

“A half of the whole?” the boy narrowed his eyes as he tried to think about it. 

“It’s not a big deal, don’t worry about it. Where are you off to, young man?”

“I’m off to deliver a package.”

“Off to deliver a package? Where to?”

“I’m off to-” then the boy stopped and placed a hand over his mouth. “I can’t tell you mister, that’s guild confidently.”

“That’s what, sorry?” Adam asked.

“Confidently. It means I can’t tell you where I’m going.”

“Oh, confidential.”

“Confident, yes,” the boy said with a nod.



“That’s right. It means you can’t tell me.”

“That’s right, I can’t tell you it’s for mister Robert.”

“Alright, I’ll be sure to not know that. What’s your name? Or is that confidential too?”

“No, my name is James.”

“Well, good morning James, I’m Adam. I’ll let you go so you’re not late then.”

“Oh okay, goodbye mister Adam.”

“Goodbye mister James.”

The boy looked up at Adam and then puffed up his chest. Then he started to march on out until he was out the way before he bolted off to mister Robert, whoever that was.

Adam sighed with relief, it seemed as though the boy was fine after he had bumped into the little fellow. He then looked out to see much more of the guild, but all he could see were curious looks all over him from a large number of adventurers. Adam flushed with peach embarrassment, clearing his throat before he tried and failed to confidently saunter to the desk where a red haired woman waited.

She was tall and young, probably close to about twenty or so years of age. She had long red hair that was loose over her shoulders and down her back. She wore a simple outfit, completely red as the other boy,  a shirt that then went down beyond the counter where Adam dared not to peek over to sate his curiosity. He wasn’t a creep after all. Her face held an earthly beauty, with sprinkles of freckles all over her face. 

“Good morning. I’m Emma of the Red Oak branch, how may I help you, stranger?” she asked in a practised tone that was meant to sound cheerful and sweet.

“Hi, hello, good morning,” Adam said as he cleared his throat. “I’m Adam and I’m here to sign up to become an adventurer.”

“Alright Adam I’m sure we can get that sorted out for you,” she said as he reached down under the counter to grab a sheet of paper that was a form of sorts with some fairly basic questions about Adam.

Adam was uncertain whether or not he could write, but realised the sections were filled in what he could see as English, he supposed the language of basic, and then relaxed. He took the quill that was offered and began to fill out the sheet as best as he could.

His name was Adam, and he was…

How old was he? He hadn’t actually seen himself as of yet, only his body. He wasn’t certain if being too old was considered bad, or if too young was bad. He picked twenty-one as his age, hoping it would be fine and then continued along. The questionnaire was fairly basic and vague, so he replied in a similar manner.

He was able to use most weapons and armours, preferred to use his sword and shield, knew a little magic and a trick or two, as well as the ability to smith.

They asked him where he had been born and so he wrote that he was born in a small village some ways away, away from most civilisation, hoping that would be fine enough. He looked up to try and judge Emma’s face to see if he was doing things right.

D20 (1) - WISE (1) = 0 

It looked as though she wanted to stab him to death and so Adam quickly went back to writing, trying to fill out more. He revealed a single spell that might help him as he wrote he knew the spell Identify. He was going to write he knew how to enchant, but recalled the words of the dwarf. He decided against it and then pulled back away from the sheet and slid it over.

Emma took a quick glance across it and then dropped down the paper elsewhere. She looked up at him curiously for a quick moment. “You will need to take a few tests in order for us to correctly assess you.”

Adam nodded in response before Emma then led him to a door that went further in. He followed the woman, who was wearing a long black skirt that went down to her shins and some boots with a thinner sole to them. 

The room around back was filled with wooden weapons on either wall, but the room opened up further a few steps in. He could see a man with salt and pepper hair sitting down at a table drinking something, looking over some parchment. The man threw a look up at the newcomer and then nodded. He was a man with pale bronze skin, dark hair and even darker eyes. He wore a large breast plate, which had a sigil of some kind stamped against the front, and some segmented armour over the rest of his body. He also had a blade strapped to his side, a longsword like Adam. 

D20 (9) + SMART (4) + TRAINED (2) = 15

The sigil was that of a smith, the shape of which was fairly standard, with some intricate designs in the middle that revealed the head of some kind of feline beast, but right at the bottom were the initials BoB, those of the smith.

Behind him were a large number of weapons, these were all metal and finely built, a number of blades, polearms, axes. On the ground were a number of shields, square, round, an assortment of other shapes as well.

“Good morning,” the older man said with a raspy voice, standing up and then finishing up his drink. He threw a look to Emma. “A new recruit?” he asked as he placed down his drink and then wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.

“Yes,” she said as she handed over a piece of paper and then the other man began to read it. “This is Paul, our vice-master. He will be checking to see if you are able enough to become an adventurer.”

Adam straightened up and nodded. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, my name is Adam.”

“I can see that,” Paul said as his eyes drew away from the paper and then to Adam, a suspicious look within his eyes. “You say you can use some magic?” he asked with a brow that began to raise.

“Yes I know a little magic,” Adam said, “a trick or two, as well as some spells.”

Paul looked down across Adam’s heavily armoured body, his eyes also glancing between the blade and shield. “You can use a blade too?”

Adam nodded. “Yes I can,” he said as he then motioned to the weapons that were displayed behind Paul, “any of those as well.”

“Any of them?” Paul asked.

“Any of them.”

“Who taught you how to use them?”

“My father,” Adam said, “he taught me how to smith as well.”

“Your father is a man of many talents,” Paul said with an approving nod.

“He was,” Adam said, “my parents are dead.”

“That’s why you’ve come to be an adventurer?”

“Yes that’s right,” Adam nodded.

“Which trick do you know? I imagine you didn’t put it in there unless you were willing to show us.”

“I know Flame Missile, that’s why I don’t carry a bow and arrow.”

“Magic is a fickle thing,” Paul said as he looked over to Emma and then back to Adam, “you can’t rely on it always.”

“I don’t,” Adam said. “I rely on myself the most.”

“Smart boy,” Paul said before looking back at the sheet, “or rather, smart man.”

Adam nodded his thanks. With that Paul motioned his head and Adam followed him as the older man grabbed a pike and an axe, heading out with both in hand. There was a large room behind the weapons room which was filled with the skins and pelts of a myriad of creatures which were currently being stored away from damage.

Paul led Adam passed through it until they were outside near the sparring area where several other adventurer were poking and prodding each other behind Adam and Paul. The older man placed down the weapons aside the building and then motioned a hand to a set of rocks. 

“Let’s see how strong you are,” he said. “Start by picking the smallest rock, walk the small trail and then back, then pick up the next and continue.”


Adam started off by picking the small rock, which was about the size of his head. He squat down and then straightened his back, hoisting the rock up. It wasn’t quite so heavy, he managed to carry it with relative ease. He walked the small trail, about sixteen steps, and then walked back and squat down to drop the rock. He repeated the same with the next rock which was bigger, and continued this until the last rock, which had been a little over double the size of the original. He managed to carry it with minor difficulty, turning around to look at Paul as he panted slightly. It still took a little effort even if he could do it.

He panted and then looked back at Paul who nodded his head approvingly and then reached down to grab a water skin, offering it to the half-elf. “Here, drink it up.”

Adam took the water, thanking the older man before he sipped on the water. It was water mixed with something herbal before he realised it was basically a cold tea. 

Emma appeared and then handed over some paper to the older man before then leaving once again. Paul looked over it and then walked over to hand it over to Adam. It seemed to be a test of some sort, mostly math, but also a test about some typical questions such as what to do if you met with a large beast and were still low levelled and such. 

“Answer this and then we can spar,” Paul said. 

D20 (14) + SMART (4) = 18

Adam began to work through it. The math questions were fairly simple, merely talking about distances or the prices of things, easy multiplication, additional, division and the sort. The other questions seemed to be fairly basic questions about common sense, or at least that’s what Adam hoped they were. 

Paul checked through it quickly, his eyes scanning the paper, and after about a minute he nodded his head. “Full marks,” he said as he scrolled up the paper and then motioned with his head so they could finally spar. “Are you ready?”

“Yes I am,” Adam said as he stood and then stretched out his legs. “Can I drop my pack nearby?” Adam asked as he took off his backpack. Paul motioned to a haystack nearby and Adam dropped it behind it. 

“Oi, pass us a pair of the blades,” Paul shouted to some of the adventurers. One who had been lazing about and watching the others did so, grabbing a pair of the wooden blades and then tossed them over to Paul who cause them with ease. He held one to Adam who grabbed it and then Paul stepped back into position. “Come then, we’ll see if you can get a few hits in me first.”

D20 (14) + MIGHT (4) + TRAINED (2) = 20
D20 (11) + MIGHT (4) + TRAINED (2) = 17
D20 (15) + MIGHT (4) + TRAINED (2) = 21

Paul wasn’t trying his hardest to dodge, it was more as though he was forgoing attacking himself. Adam managed to slip through the blade, gently tapping Paul’s armour with each attack, managing to land all three.

A smile grew on Paul’s face. “Good, you know what you’re doing.” Paul adopted a new posture, grabbing his blade with both hands. “Come at me.”

Adam grabbed the blade with both hands as well as the pair readied to face one another. 

D20 (6) - QUICK (1) = 5
Adam attacks first.
Paul attacks second.

D20 (7) + MIGHT (4) + TRAINED (2) = 13

Paul seemed to wait for Adam to strike first, so the half-elf tried to slip in through the blade that Paul held out, yet Paul managed to deflect the blade with relative ease as he counter attacked.

Paul attacks!
Paul hits!
4 damage!

20 - 4 = 16

Paul struck the side of Adam’s hand with surgical precision, a doctor of the blade eager to strike. Adam winced as he was attacked for the first time. It was a new kind of feeling as his body began to stress from the assault of the blade, even if it was rather weak. The pair squared off once more as he tried another attack.

D20 (8) + MIGHT (4) + TRAINED (2) = 14

Adam struck once more, and yet Paul had anticipated the attack with ease, his blade was like a snake as it slithered beyond Adam’s blade and struck him across the shoulder. 

Paul attacks!
Paul hits!
4 damage!

16 - 4 = 12

Paul stepped back and raised a brow towards Adam, who grabbed his blade with both hands. He tried to clear his mind, inhaling deeply before he let out a sharp exhale, stepping forth once more to strike. 

D20 (12) + MIGHT (4) + TRAINED (2) = 18
D6 (2) + MIGHT (4) + DUELING (2) = 8
8 damage!

Adam managed to step forward, and though Paul went to block the attack with his blade, Adam managed to crash through the graceful deflection and struck the older man across the inner elbow. Paul reeled back from the blow, his eyes opened in alarm at the strike. He pulled his arm away from the half-elf, staring at the blade that had just struck him. 

“You don’t hit often, but when you do it’s quite the hit,” Paul said as a smile flashed across his face. “Would you like another round?”

Adam nodded and then stepped forward for another attack.

D20 (9) + MIGHT (4) + TRAINED (2) = 15

This time Paul was ready, not wanting to be struck by such a heavy blow again as he managed to step aside the blow. 

Paul attacks!
Paul misses!

 He skillfully turned his blade to strike again, but this time Adam was ready for his attack, and he struck the blade with his own, the pair bouncing away from one another.

“I think that’s enough,” Paul said as he motioned for the wooden blade which Adam tossed over. 

Adam’s heart was pounding wildly already, the four rounds of fighting had been quite stressful to both the mind and body. He needed a quick breather in order to heal, but Paul handed the boy the polearm. 

“Show me what you can do with these,” Paul said as he motioned a hand to the open area ahead of them.

D20 (17) + MIGHT (4) + TRAINED (2) = 23
D20 (3) + MIGHT (4) + TRAINED (2) = 9
D20 (9) + MIGHT (4) + TRAINED (2) = 15

Adam revealed some basic drills that he discovered he knew as he did them, and then he tried to get a little  fancy with it, but like a cheetah that allows a gazelle to run for too long, he let the chance slip, before he went back to the basic technique. With that done Paul handed him the axe. 

He wasn’t going to show off anymore, he just wanted to pass the exam now. He could always show off later when he could slay a dragon or two, right now he needed to join the guild so he could earn some money and explore the world.

D20 (9) + MIGHT (4) + TRAINED (2) = 15
D20 (10) + MIGHT (4) + TRAINED (2) = 16
D20 (9) + MIGHT (4) + TRAINED (2) = 15

He slashed at the air with the axe, raising his shield to hide behind it every so often, but continued to show Paul a basic routine. 

“You seem to know what you’re doing,” Paul said with a nod of his head. He turned to look back at where the others were sparring and then back to Adam. “Do you want to show me your Flame Missile?”

Adam nodded and then Paul stepped forward, raising his blade. “Aim for the tip of my sword,” he said as he looked into Adam’s eyes. “Don’t miss.”

Adam swallowed and then stretched out his neck, hopped a few times, and then raised his hand forward. He stared at the tip of the blade and willed forth magic to his finger tips, feeling the electricity flow through from his very centre and then shoot out into his finger tips. 

D20 (14) + SMART (4) + TRAINED (2) = 20

“My flame strikes true,” Adam called forth, bringing with the incantation a flame that coalesced into his palm and then shot out like a speeding bullet towards Paul, taking the form of a javelin that sparkled with embers.

Paul slashed through the flame with his blade, the flames disappearing like cherry blossoms on the wind. Paul sheathed his blade and then nodded. “I have confirmed your ability to use a trick and that you’re suitable enough,” he quickly scribbled something down onto the piece of paper that Emma had brought. “Take this to Emma and she’ll continue with your application. Well done.”

Adam smiled and then nodded his head. “Thank you,” he said, realising that he’s been rather thankful today. He supposed he was thankful for not dying, plus he was British so saying thank you was a normal thing to him. He was glad he wasn’t speaking to the same person for too long otherwise they’d probably notice.

He was going to be an adventurer!

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