Beyond Average Prequel [DiceRPG]

018. Great Sword and Great Pie

There was a long silence within the inn, a silence that seeped into every crack of the walls in order to shy away from the awkwardness. However, that silence was soon broken, as though a window being smashed by a little red-haired teen with a snake tattoo, using a mallet to smash through to create shards of awkwardness.

“This is Alten? The Alten that lost to you, iron Adam?” Elly asked, her lips wide into a grin.

“Well, actually, I was only a copper rank when I beat him.”

Elly burst out with laughter, slapping her hand onto the counter. “A copper rank!” she exclaimed as a few of the other patrons chuckled, though some shied away when the heavily armoured man stepped forward.

“Silence yourself, brat!” the heavily armoured man then turned to face some of the laughing patrons, all the while Alten’s face was becoming as red as Elly’s hair.

“Eleanour,” Charles said, “do not upset our kind customers, especially those with the deepest of pockets like the kindly gentleman there.” Elly’s face became sour when she heard that name, but she did not say anything beyond that.

“What are you doing here, half-breed?” Alten asked, his fingers twitching as they sought comfort at the handle of his sabre.

Adam thought for a moment in response. “Apparently I’m here to teach you my name,” he said,” because you didn’t learn it the first time.”

Alten winced, but soon he disappeared behind the heavily armoured champion that he had entered with, the same heavily armoured man that Paul staved off last time. He was a mass of metal, his entire body hidden beneath his armour, like a golem.

“Silence, boy, if you know what’s good for you,” the champion said.

“I’ll talk whenever I want, I don’t answer to a man that hides his face behind his helmet,” Adam quipped in return. He was rather proud of that one, as he always was with his terrible quips. That was a part of being British, to be proud of whatever terribleness one does, for it is at least British terribleness, which is much better than any other terribleness.

“Should we take this outside?” the champion asked.

Adam turned to look at Paul, who shook his head. Adam thought for a moment. He was certain that his health and his abilities would allow him to beat the champion, though the champion did wear plate mail. The defence provided by plate mail was about as much as his chain and shield, which allowed the champion to use a great sword, like the one strapped to his back, an awfully inconvenient place for a great sword to be.

“Paul says I can’t,” Adam said, “not unless you offer me a decent wager.”

“Your life,” the champion said, “is my wager.”

“My life is worth more than yours, so it isn’t exactly a fair trade.”

“Oh!” the champion exclaimed. “What, because you have feyblood you believe you are better than I?”

“No,” Adam replied with a smile, “I’m just not a piece of shit.”

Adam was too slow to react, and the next thing he knew he was looking up at the ceiling, Elly’s face directly ahead of his face.

Health reduced by 5.
67 Health remaining.

“Are you just going to let him lay his hand on you?” Elly asked with a wide mischievous grin painted on her face.

She had a point. The man had struck Adam quite harshly, and his pride was now wounded. However, the champion did throw the first punch. Adam placed his backpack aside, listening to the roaring laughter that erupted in the inn. He hoisted up his shield and then kissed his Belle amulet.

“Just a little help, if it would please you,” he incanted as renewed life filled his bones.

Mana reduced by 1.
5 Mana remaining.
Health increased by 5.
72 Health remaining.

Then he brushed the top of the amulet. “A shield, if it would please you,” he incanted as he felt a warm glow running across his body.

Mana reduced by 1.
4 Mana remaining.
Defence increased by 2.

He checked his other, rather important, ability.


Then he donned his shield and stood up from behind the counter, emerging like a shark from the water, watching the champion as he shook the hand of a drunkard that had been rather joyful a halfbreed had been struck. Adam caught Alten’s eye and then grabbed his helmet and put it up.

“Robert,” called Alten, “behind you.”

Robert, the champion, turned to look at Adam, who was ready for a fight.

“Your life then,” Adam said.

“Outside!” growled Charles. “Take it outside, damn it!”

D20 - 1 = 10 (11)
Robert attacks first.
Adam attacks second.

With that Robert stepped towards the doors, grabbing onto his blade, ready for a fight as he stood in the door way, blocking the exit. That was fine by Adam, he didn’t need to step outside for this fight.


D20 + 7 = 11 (4)

Adam barely managed to climb over the table, half rolling off of it as graceful as any dwarf, rather unbecoming of both an elf and a Brit. However, he drew his own sword and then charged forward, barrelling past the withdrawing Alten, who had stopped aside to allow Adam to run by.

Robert critically hit an attack with his great sword.
Health is reduced by 25.
47 Health remaining.
Robert missed an attack with his great sword.

D20 + 5 = 13 (8)

The great sword struck the charging Adam square against his chest, causing him to stop in his tracks as he felt the blow reverberate through his entire body. He almost fell back, but caught himself onto his feet. He gasped for air, but inhaled deeply in order to gather himself. He wouldn’t allow this man to attack him so freely, as the second blow rained down from above, he caught the blade with his shield, the blade glancing off the side.

Health is increased by 5.
52 Health remaining.

D20 + 7 = 14 (7)
D20 + 7 = 26 (19)
D8 + 8 = 16 (8)
16 damage!

His blade struck harshly against the champions armour, causing him to stumble back. Yet that was not yet the end of the assault that Adam wished to rain down against him.


D20 + 7 = 12 (5)
D20 + 7 = 20 (13)
D8 + 8 = 9 (1)
9 damage!

Adam struck the heavily armoured champion harshly once more, blade against plate, striking through and bruising the man against his leg. Robert grunted, bringing his great sword up. Again he would see the unstoppable force that was Adam, but this time it would be against him.

Robert critically hit an attack with his great sword.
Health is reduced by 8.
44 Health remaining.
Robert missed an attack with his great sword.

D20 + 5 = 24 (19)

Robert was no slouch, that was for sure. He was a well trained warrior, tasked with guarding the son of a soldier, and not just any soldier, a Captain apparently. His blade caused Adam’s legs to shake wildly, the first blow managing to slip under his shield, but just nicked him slightly. Adam was rather glad he hadn’t done much more damage, otherwise he’d have to start second guessing himself.

“Know your place, brat!” Robert grunted as he brought up his blade once more, but this time Adam side stepped the attack.

1D10 + 3 = 13 (10)
Health is increased by 10.
54 Health remaining.

“I know it,” Adam said as he gripped his blade tightly once more. “My place above you.”

Health is increased by 5.
59 Health remaining.

D20 + 7 = 17 (10)
D20 + 7 = 17 (10)
15 + 7 = 22
D8 + 8 = 11 (3)
11 damage!

Adam had almost missed with his attack, but he couldn’t just miss when he was talking so much smack, and so he summoned his abilities to weave fate in order to allow a single strike to pierce into Robert’s shoulder, managing to push the man back again, out into the street.

The next two blows came like a storm, almost throwing Adam off. He managed to bring his shield up, growling as he called forth his magics to protect him.

“You won’t strike me!” Adam roared, his heart racing, his body not quite as confident as his words.

Mana reduced by 1.
3 Mana remaining.

Robert missed an attack with his great sword.
Robert missed an attack with his great sword.

Robert snarled, as ferocious as any lion, trying to batter Adam, but coming across that large shield of his as Adam managed to block both blows.

“Damn it, damn it!”

Health is increased by 5.
64 Health remaining.

D20 + 7 = 8 (1)
D20 + 7 = 10 (3)
13 + 7 = 20
D8 + 8 = 15 (7)
15 damage!

Adam struck back, alarmed by his terrible luck. He was glad he was almost tapped out of everything but his magical abilities, which he’d need to use for any subsequent shield spells. Yet as Adam brought down the blade, striking against the man’s helmet, he watched as Robert stumbled back.

There was a moment of silence as the man rocked but caught himself, shaking his head. Robert looked up, and through their helmets, they caught one another’s gaze.

Robert was moments away from falling.

Robert, gripping his blade tight, forced himself forward. His steps were unsteady, and Adam could within his eyes that the man was only fighting for his pride.

Robert missed an attack with his great sword.
Robert missed an attack with his great sword.

Adam managed to block both blows with his sword, the second clash guided by Belle’s magic. Then Robert stood there, ready to tackle potentially the last blow he’d ever experience.

D20 + 7 = 17 (10)

Adam was cautious now. There was no point in attacking a man wildly only to catch himself another critical hit, considering he had faced several already during the course of the fight already, yet he was too cautious, and Robert caught the blade.

Robert missed an attack with his great sword.
Robert missed an attack with his great sword.

Adam skid away from the blade as Robert swung, missing him twice, as Adam gripped his own blade. He could see the effort it required Robert to continue to raise his blade. There was no sense of urgency now, and he had the upper hand. He just needed to guide the battle to its final destination.

D20 + 7 = 27 (20)
2D8 + 8 = 20 (6, 6)

Adam stepped forward, guided by something that was possessing him in the moment, striking steel with steel as the sound rang for but a moment and Robert dropped. The man was still.

ROBERT (500)
1450 + 1000
Level up available!

Adam turned back to look at the crowd, which had been watching with baited breath. The pair had barely moved from the entrance, now just steps away from the inn, all could see that Adam stood victorious over a large man in plate mail. Adam noted that there was another crowd, one made up of civilians that had surrounded the nearby inn. There were exchanges of a few coppers between a few of them.

Adam’s eyes then met Alten’s. The pair stared at one another, long and hard. Alten’s eyes tried to pull away, but they dared not to.

“Do you want a round two?” Adam asked.

“No,” Alten replied.

“No what?” Adam said as he stepped towards the boy, blade in hand.

“No, Adam.”

Adam stopped. “So you do remember,” he said, voice laced with darkness.

Alten did not respond, his eyes were wide. His forehead was thick with sweat, his eyes filled with alarm. He nodded slowly and swallowed.

“Good,” Adam said as he motioned his head to the fallen Robert. “Tend to his wounds, he may very well be alive.”

Adam sheathed his sword and then stepped towards the counter, sitting down on the stool he had been struck from. He placed down the helmet onto the counter and then looked up to Elly, who was no longer quite as chipper as she had been.

“A drink, please.”

Elly poured him an ale quickly and slid it over before storming off into the kitchen.

“What’s wrong with her?” Adam asked as he sipped on his ale. It was warm, plain, and yet it was the sweetest ale he had ever had, for victory was the sweetest of all flavours.

“She lost a gold coin,” Paul said with a small smile on his face, flashing a gold piece to Adam.

Adam furrowed his brows in confusion, unsure of what that had meant.

“Betting on you seems to make me a winner,” Paul said as he sipped on his own ale.

Adam smiled. “I hope you remember that.”

“I don’t forget so easily,” Paul replied.

“Does this mean I’ll be ranked up to bronze.”

“I’ll think about it.”

Adam smiled as he continued to drink.

“Good fight,” Charles said, bringing forward a hearty meal of pea soup, bread, some fruit and then a small pie.

Adam stared at the pie, wondering if it was the pie he had asked Paul about. He snapped back to attention though when he saw Charles there, waiting with a brow raised expectantly.

“Oh, uh, thank you,” Adam said.

“Where did you learn to fight?”

“My father taught me.”

“Well shit, he must be one hell of a fighter.”

“He was.”

Charles nodded. “What about your magic?”

Adam paused and then looked up to Charles for a moment, who had a knowing look within his eye. “My mother.”

“She must be one hell of a mage.”

“She was.”

“Who was stronger, your mother or your father?”

Adam sipped on his ale. “Have you ever been married, Charles?”

“I have,” Charles motioned his head to Elly who had just returned, her face still sour. “Where do you think Elly came from.”

“The kitchen,” Elly said, giving her father a look as though he was an idiot.

“Then,” Adam said as he tore into his bread, “you know the answer to the question.”

Charles laughed. “That I do!”

Elly was unsure of what was happening, throwing each of them a curious look. Adam continued to eat the food, which had been a fine meal after a fight, leaving his pie until the end.

He looked at the pie long and hard for a moment. It was golden crusted, meaning it probably went through an egg wash, and it was still warm. He cut into it with his knife and fork and watched as the gooey insides began to flow out. It had been made with apple and apple jam of sorts, and when he finally brought it to his lips, his taste buds were his with a sweetness and a sourness that came from the apples. It was surprising, the apples seemed to be very different to the apples of his world, but they were delicious all the same.

Paul finished with his pie fairly quickly, finishing his ale as he excused himself to bathe and sleep. Adam threw him a nod and continued eating.

“Don’t get yourself to any trouble,” Paul said as he pat Adam’s shoulder, but Adam made no such promises. With that, Paul was gone.

Adam wondered how many problems he could manage to get himself into in the next few minutes, but he decided against thinking about such things in case it would make the problems come true.

With the pie finished, Adam sighed with delighted satisfaction.

“First time trying an apple pie from Appleton?” Elly asked.

“Yes,” Adam said with a shy smile. “Could you tell?”

“You all get the same look,” she said. “Father says your type of men need to find a good woman.”

“Good women are like good men,” Adam said. “Hard to come by, and when they do, they’re too good for you.”

Elly cocked her head to the side, her eyes unsure of what he meant. Adam just smiled. Honestly, he had no idea what that had meant either, so he couldn’t really help her.

“I think I should get to bed,” Adam said, thinking of his experience and level up.

Elly dangled him a set of keys. “Room 11, it’s upstairs and to your left. There’s a bath at the end of the hall, you can’t miss it.”

Adam thanked her and headed up. He checked the room first to see it was almost twice the size of his room at the guild. It had a small double bed, with a chest at the foot of the bed, as well as a bedside drawer which he could probably keep his clothes in. There was also a window atop with a small shelf that would allow him to dry his clothes over the night.

He hid away his items and then went to bathe, finding the baths to be a little bigger than the guild, but all the while very much similar. He sighed as the warm water covered up to his neck and began to shower. He wondered if there was a way he could have such luxuries on the road. He was certain there was a spell that would allow him to create a home temporarily, though it was fairly high level. He’d need to check once he levelled up later.

He sank into the water and allowed it to heal him of his wounds. Once he was done with his bath he went to his room, now in his comfortable pyjamas, and checked on his spell book, just reading through it as he relaxed in order to recover.

Health increased to maximum.
72 Health remaining.
Mana increased by 1.
4 Mana remaining.

With the rest completed, he decided he may as well level up. He wanted to make sure that if in the night a creature appeared, he had enough strength to deal with the threat. He realised that his current level, he was far stronger than the average person. That double experience cheat certainly was coming in handy now. He wondered at what level he would be able to travel solo and deal with most creatures, though he would also need a way to escape if need be…

With that he fell asleep.


That was pretty stressful to roll for. The amount of critical hits against Adam is insane. I think he's only rolled three natural 20s so far? 

Next chapter is a level up!

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