Beyond Average Prequel [DiceRPG]

021. Balrog the Bane


Sorry about any mistakes, I'm running on little to no sleep again...


“Balrog the Bane has been plaguing the Edgelands for a while,” Paul said. “I hadn’t expected him to arrive near here though. How fortunate that we are here to help you in the matter.”

“It has been a long while since our village has been attacked by bandits, “Juhn said. “We have heard of this Balrog boy, though we have not heard much.” The elder shrugged his shoulders.

“He has quite the bounty on his head. Five hundred gold pieces. Mattias Moonblade has quite the bounty too, about two hundred gold for his head.”

“Seven hundred gold between two heads,” the elder said as he rubbed his chin. “What would it cost us for you to handle this?”

“We’ll claim all the items on the bandits,” Paul replied. “This is quite the quest though. At least a full steel ranked party,” Paul said as he glanced back to see the man in metal, the iron ranked warrior, and Alten. “Though if we receive help from the village, we should be fine. What say you, Robert?”

“Depends on how much you’re offering,” Robert said.

“We’ll split the loot. Equal parts between the four of us, and then also one share for the village for their help. We’ll split the bounty five ways too, and there may be more bountied ones in their group.”

“Meaning they would be quite powerful as well.”

“Meaning everyone here would gain quite some prestige.” Paul threw a look to Adam. “What about you?”

“An equal share?” Adam asked, as though to have Paul confirm. Paul nodded. “How many stamps?”

“Don’t worry about the stamps,” Paul said. “We’ll need to reassess your rank either way.”

“If I may,” Lazina said as she stepped forward. “What if I joined the fray?”

“I don’t know your strength,” Paul said. “What can you do?”

“I am able to inspire you during your fights, and if you need some healing, I have some abilities with that.”

“How about a half-share?” Paul said. “The villagers can have a half-share too, but we’ll remove the upfront fee.”

“It is acceptable,” Juhn said with a nod of his head. 

Paul threw a look towards Alten and Robert, who nodded their heads. Then he threw his head towards Adam, expectantly.

Adam thought about it. This sounded like a tough fight, which meant he would need to level up before it. Adam nodded.

“I’ll speak with the villagers and sort out defences,” Paul said. “You all get some sleep early, I know magic is one of those things you need to sleep on.”

Adam took that as his cue to leave. The villagers offered him a shack to sleep in, which he graciously accepted. The shack was a small room with a bed to one side and a small window above that allowed in some air and the moonlight once the night would come. 

Adam thought about what he should level in to. Wizard or Priest, both were a good idea. However, his bonus for Priest was not quite as good, and with that, Adam did not need to think on it further. Other than the spells he needed to pick, but he decided he would pick the spells when he’d finally sleep and level.

Dinner was served not long after, and everyone was gathered to eat, except for some warriors that were on duty, and a few more that were currently making arrows and wooden javelins. Dinner was a simple affair, some stew and a slab of meat. The stew was heavily salted, with onions and carrots, and some sort of tender meat, whereas the slab of meat was a little juicier and thicker, heavily salted and lightly spiced. 

“Three archers will target a single bandit,” Paul said, “whichever is easiest to hit, and then they will take cover. We will barricade the entrances and we’ll see which sides they assault before we move. Robert and Alten will be grouped together with some archer support. Adam and a pair of warriors will take another side, supported by Lazina. I’ll take a warrior too, and then the remaining warriors will take the last side. This is if we’re being assaulted by all four sides, otherwise one group will remain in reserve.”

“I will be fine without a warrior by my side if I sleep,” Adam said. “I have heavier armour, I can hold a side as long as I have Lazina supporting me.” Adam assumed she was a Bard, which would be extremely useful if she could inspire him and heal him. He had pretty decent healing abilities, but they would run out sooner or later, and the extra health would allow him to remain in the fight for longer, especially since his defence was so high. 

Paul eyed Adam up for a short while, but then he nodded. “If you have so much faith in yourself.”

“I have a few ideas in mind,” Adam said with a nod of his head. 

“Then the warriors will assist you from range.” Paul seemed to understand the sentiment that Adam had in mind, which no doubt came from his experience with spellcasters. 

“I will be sure to assist you as best as I can,” Lazina said. “I have a few spells available to heal you, though from range my healing it weaker.”

“Can we create a path where it will lead to me alone? That way I can take them on one by one.”

Paul nodded and threw a look to a villager, who nodded in return and motioned with her hand. She was an old woman, tiny and short, and Adam was sure that Juhn had called the woman mother. 

“If anyone needs any help, shout watermelon and assistance will be sent to you,” Paul said. 

With that the meeting was done and Adam headed to bed. 

“Are you worried about tomorrow?” Lazina asked, having followed him.

“No,” Adam said. “Well, a little.”

“I will support you.”

Adam smiled. “I am not worried for me,” he said. “I just don’t want to fail the people here.”

“The Vice-Master has great faith in you, I am sure it is not misplaced.”

“I hope not.”

“Would you like for me to sing you to sleep?” Lazina asked.

“Would you?”

Lazina nodded. 

“That’s awfully kind of you, thank you.”

Adam reached the shack and Lazina glanced at the other, apparently the shack she was sleeping in was right beside his. 

“Head to bed, my voice will join you soon.”

“Actually…” Adam said. “I need some time. A little more than an hour.”

“I will play my flute for a while,” she said.

Adam entered his shack. He reached into his pack and retrieved some of his powdered gem. He kept it within his pouch as he began to whisper a tale of adventure, about a young wizard who was seeking aid. At the end of the tale, a little more than an hour later, he blow out the dust which swirled into substance. Ahead of him was an owl, which took flight towards the window. It was as dark as the night.

Owl familiar gained.

Adam thought for a moment of what he wanted to call the owl, but he decided against it for now. “I’ll name you tomorrow,” he said as he brushed the owl across his head gently, feeling the soft feathers against its crown. Then he dismissed the owl so it disappeared to where it came from.

He glanced at his bed and thought about how he’d sleep. He wanted to remain in his armour, but it seemed that it might cause much distress to the bed, and so he stripped down and then went to bed. Lazina’s gentle tones guided him to slumberland.

Level up!

XP (1200) -> XP (450)
Level (8) -> Level (9)
Trained Bonus (+3) -> (+4)
Wizard (2) -> Wizard (3)
HP (84) -> HP (92) 
Mana (6) -> Mana (11)
2nd Gate spells available!
Spells Learned: Mirror Mage, Shatter

Morning had welcomed Adam with warmth. His eyes flashed open and the first thing that came to mind was his owl. He reached up and summoned the creature, which looked down at him as it clutched to the window sill.

“Good morning, Hades,” Adam said.

The owl stared at Adam, its eyes cold and deathly. 

“I thought it was a nice name…”

He had another thing on his mind however, and so dismissed the owl and rearranged his spells.

Spells Available
Language Insight, Wild Gem, Magic Arrows, Mirror Mage, Sleep, Shatter, Shield
Divine Spells Available 
Guardian Shield, Bless, Bane, Half Life

Then finally, he checked the final ability, perhaps his most important ability.

8, 17

That wasn’t so bad. If he needed to force a miss or a hit, those would be fine. An eight would be useful for him to use too, under certain circumstances.

With that he leapt out of bed and then changed into his armour. He left his pack behind, keeping it under the bed, but took with him his spell components, his amulet, and of course his weapons. He had a pair of javelins at his side, and on his shoulders flowed his crimson bear cape. He had left behind his sack filled with bear items, though wondered if they would be fine left there.

“Did you sleep well?” Lazina asked, with her voice like floating clouds. 

“I did,” Adam said, nodding his head. “Yourself?”

Lazina eyed him up for a long moment and then nodded. “You seem very different today,” she said.

“That’s because I am different today,” Adam replied.

“I can feel it in the air.” Lazina nodded her head. 

With that the pair headed to the centre of the village together, which wasn’t far at all. The walls had been pulled up and barred, the various people of the village ready to fight. There were a couple of hundred, but many were children. There were perhaps fifty warriors ready to fight, all of varying abilities. Many were teens and elderly, so Adam wasn’t sure how much they’d manage.

“Slept well?” Paul asked.

“Well,” Adam replied. “You?”

“Well enough,” Paul replied. “Are you ready to take on some bandits?” he asked as though they were about to play cricket.

“I’m ready.”

They all shared some breakfast, and for some of them it could potentially be their last. The drumming was light, though was heavy to the mood of the place. 

“I should mention,” Adam said, “that if anyone hears any loud thundering noises, that’s probably me.”

Paul threw a look to Adam and smirked. “Thunderwave?” he asked.

“A wizard never reveals his secrets,” Adam said, “but no.”

Paul pulled back, slightly confused. There were a few other spells it could have been, but Thunderwave was a good guess.

Adam glanced aside and summoned his owl, giving it a command through his mind as the bird flew into the air from a fair ways away. A warrior watched and then grabbed their bow.

“No,” Adam said with a hand raised. “Hades is with me.”

“Hades?” Paul asked.

“My owl.”

“You didn’t have an owl.”

“I do now.”

Paul left it there, a knowing look in his eyes. 

Adam closed his eyes, and moments later, he had the wind under his wings. He circled around above the village, looking beyond to see if he could spot the bandits. He kept circling a few times, or rather, the owl continued to circle as he saw the world from its eyes. He could feel all the sensations of the owl, but there was no emotion to it. 

D20 (17) + 3 = 20

Then he spotted them. About two miles away came a large band of bandits, each wearing dark clothing, each armed with various weapons, and each ready for a fight. 

Adam opened his eyes to see Paul’s gaze upon him. “They’re here,” Adam said.

The warriors threw him a look, reaching for their weapons. Paul finished his soup and then cracked his neck. 

“Where?” Paul asked.

Adam looked up at Paul. He closed his eyes and then tried to see where in relation to the village they were coming from, though by now they had broken into two large parties and were heading around to the entrance that was east, with the rising sun, and north.

“East and north,” Adam said before he returned to his mind and then stood, getting ready.

“Damn,” Paul said. “East will be rough, we’ll be fighting against the sun. Adam and I will face them.”

With that the warriors quickly moved, funnelling various items around so that there was a small path leading in to the village if the bandits broke through, but they’d still find the wall made up of Paul and Adam.

“I’ll take pause for a moment,” Adam said. He checked using the owl once more to see the two groups were almost in sight of the villagers, still north and east, but the eastern group help the most people. “Nevermind, it works out well.” Adam said with a small smile on his face. He hoped the group remained clustered together.

Then they took their positions, with Alten and Robert off to the north, and Paul and Adam to the east, with Lazina supporting them. The ranged warriors all hid between buildings, out of sight. The walls were half dropped to allow them to parley still.

Spell: Half Life
HP: 92 -> 97

Adam slipped on his shield and then clenched his die in the same hand, keeping a hand to his side. He didn’t need his blade for the first few moments of the fight.

“Balrog, I presume?” Paul asked. 

Stood ahead of them was a large man, a mountain of muscle, with shoulder length dark hair, with dark eyes of the night, and pale skin. He wore splinted mail, as black as his eyes, and a grimace on his face. A large battle axe at his side glinted under the sun, which was following behind the army of bandits.

“The Bane,” he said. “That’s right. I heard you’ve heard of me.”

“I have,” Paul replied. “Balrog the Bane, plundering the villages of the Edgelands for a long while, a thorn to King Angar’s side. Why are you here though?”

“The Edgelands no longer had anything for us to plunder,” Balrog grinned wide with his toothy grin, surprisingly white considering his dark aesthetic. 

“Plundered it until it was all gone, is that right?” 

“That’s right. You got the goods?”

“I’ve got a pretty nice sword right here,” Paul said as he unsheathed his blade. “You’re going to have to take it from my cold, hard, dead grasp.”

“Oh, ay, I expected as much. You iron ranks are pretty damn stupid, huh?” Balrog said as he narrowed his eyes. “Hmm. You aren’t iron rank, are you?”

“You’re a few ranks off,” Paul said with a chuckle.

“You’re outnumbered though and we’re decked out.”

“Funny that,” Paul said as he raised his sword up. “Fire, my oath.” The blade within Paul’s hand lit with flame, and Adam stepped aside from the intense heat. “Me too.”

Balrog withdrew his own axe, which turned as black as death. “Get ‘em boys!”

Battle Order
D20 - 1 = 14 (15)

Stepping ahead of Balrog came a pair, wearing leather with metal plates stamped inside their armour, their long blades striking towards both Paul and Adam.

Paul managed to deflect both blades, the flames licking against his blade causing the thug to falter. The other thug managed to slip through as Adam almost caught the blade with his hand, forgetting he didn’t have his sword in his hand. 

HP: 97 -> 90

Adam winced as the blade struck him harshly against the side. Adam looked up at the thug, who had long red hair and pale skin. 

“You should have surrendered,” the thug said with a wide grin. 

Adam raised up an open hand. “You’re too loud,” he said as Adam clenched his fist. He was looking beyond the thug though, his eyes focused on the crowd. He felt the surge of electricity shoot through from his core and through his veins. 

11 -> 9

Spell: Shatter
4D6 (1, 3, 4, 6)
14 thunder damage!

The air shuddered as a thundering blast echoed through the forest. The bandits behind Balrog coughed as many were crushed under the force of the spell. Yet, Adam did not stop there. Once more he called upon the strength of his magic, though due to the quick succession of casts, it required greater effort.

Overdrive Soar
1 -> 0

9 -> 6

Spell: Shatter
4D6 (2, 4, 5, 6)
17 thunder damage!

8, 17 -> 17

The air shuddered once more, but this time Adam had placed the spell almost directly ahead of himself, but focused over on Balrog. He made sure Balrog felt every single one of his bones crumple.

Many of the bandits that stood were bleeding from their noses, their bodies like wrinkled paper as they dropped to their knees, gasping for air.

Balrog cracked his neck and then stepped forward. “Get the wizard boy! In the armour, go!”

“By Omir’s might,” Paul whispered, though he swiftly made a move to strike the thug ahead of him, slashing him with the flaming sword. The thug screamed out in pain. 

“Aim for Balrog!” Paul exclaimed. “Adam’s got the others!”

The javelins showered over the air, and the archers aimed their bows to Balrog. He was pelted by missiles, causing him to wince as he stepped back. He was wounded, that was for sure.

“The man stumbles, the man fumbles,” Lazina said. “Perhaps you should sit?”

Balrog snarled at her, waving a hand up in the air. “Kill them! Kill them!”

HP: 90 -> 66

Adam hadn’t expected the shower of bolts, as the thugs ducked down and allowed the bandits to loosen their bolts. Adam was struck by six bolts, one of which had pierced through the chain against his side, though only tore off a bit of his skin. He let out a grunt of pain, but kept his shield up. Unfortunately for him, it seemed that the bandits knew how to focus fire too. The pair of thugs turned their attention to Adam, who managed to fend them off with his shield. At least, that’s what he thought as he was struck in the side once more by their longsword.

HP: 66 -> 59

“Adam!” Paul exclaimed aloud. 

“I have him!” Lazina said.

Adam looked up. “No,” he said. “I’m fine.” He raised his hand again, and once more called forth the power through him. He could see the bandits were still grouped, but Balrog and his thugs had stepped forward, and they were far too enticing.

6 -> 4

Spell: Shatter
4D6 (1, 2, 4, 6)
13 thunder damage!

The shattering force of his powers ripped through the air like a tornado as the various beings ahead of him began to crumple. Three fell, including the thug that had faced Paul, and so Adam leapt forward to the empty space, drawing his blade. Even Balrog threw up a little blood.

“Come at me!” Adam exclaimed, ready for a fight.

Tough Spirit
1 -> 0
HP: 59 -> 72

Adam flexed his muscled, feeling the vigor return to his bones. “Come at me!” he taunted once more, ready and eager to come to blows. 

Balrog, with the roar of a lion, struck forward with his black battleaxe. Though he would almost hit twice, Adam raised his shield and called forth his magic. 

4 -> 3
Spell: Shield
Defence: 18 -> 23

Adam dropped his shield in order to prepare himself, but he didn’t expect a third blow as it struck him square in the chest, knocking the wind out of his lungs. He gasped for air as Balrog glared down at him. 

HP: 72 -> 55

Yet Adam remained, standing tall with blade in hand. Balrog looked down at Adam and then glanced at the fiery blade of Paul.

“Run, damn it! Run!” Balrog exclaimed, turning now, exposing his back to Adam. 

Unfortunately for the dark-haired killer, Adam had a trick up his sleeve. 

17 -> 0

17 + 8 = 25

Adam didn’t want to miss, and so willed the force of fate to guide his hand as he struck Balrog across the back of his head with his pommel.

D8 + 6 = 14 (8)
14 damage!

With that, Balrog’s body fell to the ground, unconscious.



My rolls today, absolutely insane. How did 75% of the people attacked with 25% chance to hit.

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