Beyond Average Prequel [DiceRPG]

034. Minotaurs and Trouble

“You look like you slept well,” Entalia said as they made their way out the fort. This time they went around the long way, through the winding path within the hill. There was a corridor that they travelled, winding this way and that, like a coiled snake. The walls around them were dark, though that didn’t bother Adam so much. A couple of the group were carrying torches to light the path.

“I did,” Adam said. Again his sleep had been dreamless, but that didn’t matter to him. He had spent the morning preparing his spells, looking over his spell book, making sure he had the correct spells prepared. 

He had seen the shapes, the runes, the strands of magic that often led him elsewhere. He checked his status, and a single spell ` out to him. 

Tower of Adam

Finally, finally he could have a comfortable bed and a hot bath wherever he went. He smiled to himself. He would need to find a way in order to improve the spell so there was always tea about, though the thought stopped.

‘Wait a second…’

Chill, warm, or flavour non living material.

“That’s good to hear,” Entalia said, bringing him from his thoughts. 

Adam could feel her gaze against his skin, like an ever present sentinel. She was interested in him, that was for sure, but Adam didn’t know why, and how interested she was. She had taken special care to speak with him, and had been nearby at all times. Adam remained on alert with her behind him, though Heinov was no longer so worked up about the elf woman. It seemed as though the pair had worked things out. 

The group of eight made their way onward, heading westward. With each step Adam took, he had travelled further than ever before. The excitement filled the adventurer, spurring him to move quickly as they trekked through the heavy woods. 

They travelled throughout the day, stopping at a nearby encampment. Lunch was fairly light, mostly a soup that Arit cooked. They would travel for a few hours, rest a couple of hours, and then continue until they would find camp. That was the plan for the days, unless something happened.

“Tonight we’ll approach an old fort we had used long ago, it may be ruined now, but it should be fine for use.” Asomin slurped the rest of his soup. “Then it will be hard camping,” he said, looking towards Adam and the pair of others. “Hard camping,” he repeated.

Robert shrugged. Alten pulled back and sat tall. “It is no matter,” he said.

“Well,” Adam said. “I can make it a little easier.”

The group all turned to look at him with their expectant eyes, causing Adam to shrink slightly under their gazes.

“I have a spell that allows me to create a small tower, two levels. Each level can be different, for example one could be a dining room with a small area for fire and cooking, as well as some chairs and such, and another which could be a bedroom…”

“So you have the spell as well?” Entalia asked. “If you are offering to cast such a spell, I could also offer it as well. Two towers for the eight of us should be comfortable.”

“You would be willing to cast such spells?” Asomin asked.

Entalia looked at Adam, who nodded in response. “I think it’s a good idea to keep us well rested and ready for a fight. Sleep is important, and the tower will also offer some protection too.”

“They are third gate spells,” Asomin said. “They are better used for other spells.”

“I think it’s worth it. It’s only one cast a day, and it will keep us at tip top shape.”

“Tip top shape?” Asomin asked.

“It’s a saying, it means we’ll be ready to face any opponent.”

“Tip top shape…” Asomin whispered. “It will be so.”

With that settled they moved onward, heading towards the ruined fort. Their movement was slower now, though not by much. Asomin’s blade continued to slice away at the branches, letting them fall like leaves in the wind. 

The fort wasn’t ruined, in fact, it was in great shape. One could say it was in tip top shape, though that wasn’t the issue. The group stopped, and the minotaurs who had inhabited the fort, turned to look at them. An awkward moment elapsed.

“Iyrmen?” the minotaur asked, his voice low like gravel.

“Yes,” Asomin replied. He had yet to give a signal. 

There were dozens of minotaurs at the fort, which would have been quite the hard fight. However, the minotaurs weren’t reaching for the weapons as of yet. One hopped down the wall and then approached the Iyrmen. He was tall, taller than any of men and fey, with bulging muscles that seemed to be sculpted out of rock. Adam couldn’t really make out much more about the minotaur, for he wasn’t used to their kind.

“We apologise for our transgressions, but we had need of the fort.” The minotaur snorted out some air from it’s wide nostrils.

“The undead?” Asomin asked.

“No, it was not the undead. They are a minor issue, but it is what controls the undead.”

“What controls the undead?”

“We do not know, yet. Many of us fell to the undead and many of our kind have joined… whatever it is. The rest of us have retreated, some to your old strongholds.”

“It has been long since we of the Iyr have met with the horns, a century ago if I recall right.”

“Long has our time gone,” the minotaur said, his voice lower now as though he was reminiscing of another time. “When we were a force that could rival you, men of the Iyr.”

Asomin nodded his head. “You have your stronghold, and we ours.”

“Yet it has fallen,” the minotaur said. “We beseech you for your aid. Would you be willing to aid us in destroying this foe?”

“Whatever this foe may be, it is an enemy to us both.” Asomin extended a hand. “Once again, we will establish our bonds together, in the ways of the stories from long past.”

The minotaur shook the Iyrman’s hand. They were invited into the fort with open arms, though Adam remained suspicious of the minotaurs. Robert and Alten were the same, though Heinov and Entalia didn’t seem to mind at all.

There were about fifty minotaurs here, and Adam finally caught on to the fact that a large number of them were children. Almost every minotaur was above six feet tall, but all those closest to six feet tall held slightly less pronounced features, not quite as lean or muscular, and seemed to behave far more docile and shy at the approaching strangers.

They were invited to eat, and much to Adam’s delight, they were offered fruits, vegetables, and some meat soup. Adam wondered if perhaps they would eat something weird, but no, they were pretty normal. These minotaurs, even with their horns, were people just like he and Asomin. 

He still wasn’t sure about Entalia, elves seemed to be very different. He didn’t see her eat, save for some fruit here or there. He wasn’t even sure if she slept, as he had yet to see it. She had been awake when he slept and awake by the time he awoke. Then he recalled that elves didn’t sleep, they mostly meditated for a few hours, exploring the realm of magic with their minds.

‘Oh right…’

They ate with the minotaurs, Asomin speaking with them of how they could deal with the threat. All the while Entalia seemed ecstatic, though Adam decided against asking why, for someone who smiled so much was probably up to no good. Not the kind that was evil or such, but just those who were being silly. 

The minotaurs around were staring at the pair of fey, their eyes suspicious of those pointy ears. No doubt they had heard a great number of stories, and very rarely did the minotaurs and elves interact with one another. They were probably as suspicious of Adam as much as he was suspicious of them.

Night hadn’t come soon enough for Adam, who kept his wits about himself. He didn’t summon his tower, it seemed it had been unneeded as the minotaurs cleared a few houses for them. They had made quite the small village for themselves with the fort, with some vegetables already growing nearby. There were plenty of trees that also bore fruits about too, from generations past.

They made watches once again, this time allowing Entalia and Adam their sleep since they were casters. It was always best for casters to rest up first so they had their spells ready to go, even if Adam hadn’t actually used any spells for the day.

“Are you always on edge?” Entalia asked as they were making their way to sleep.

“Most of the time,” Adam replied. He had already died once, he didn’t feel like dying again. Plus he had only just started to explore the world and there was so much to see.

“It’s good to keep your wits about you,” she said, “though not all the time. Don’t you trust everyone here?”

“I don’t trust everyone here.”

“Do you trust anyone?”

“I do.”

“What about me?”

“I can’t say I know you well enough yet.”

“Well,” she said as she leaned, “I do hope we get to know each other better.”

Adam turned beet red and then pulled back. “I should be getting to bed.”

Entalia waved her hand as he left. 

That night had been a dreamless night again, though he did have some trouble falling asleep. Morning came to him, but this time he checked his abilities.

11, 12

Today was going to be a bad day. Two neutral numbers? How useless that was!

Adam joined the group for breakfast in the morning for some more stew and vegetables, before they then readied themselves to set out. Adam noted that there were six minotaurs joining them, and he didn’t like that one bit. He also noted that all but one were women. The women were slightly thicker in every way, though they also held quite a bit of muscle. Almost all of them carried with them great-swords, though a few carried with them mauls, effective weapons against the undead. The more the merrier, he supposed.

They marched their way out, heading deeper and deeper into the forest. Travelling through the forest became more difficult with each step, and as they continued, the sounds of the forest became deathly quiet. No longer did they hear the chattering of various forest beasts, only the wind accompanied them now.

“It’s too quiet,” Heinov said.

“It was so,” the minotaur said, “when they came.”

“When what came?” Heinov asked.

The minotaur sniffed the air and then his eyes snapped to the trees. The rest of the Iyrmen had sensed something as well, as they all drew their weapons. 

“Them,” he said as the darkness further began to take shape. They were creatures, the forest animals they were so used to, yet they were covered in some kind of slime that pulsed. There were large wolves, squirrels, bears, and so many more creatures. 

Battle Order
D20 - 1 = 1 (2)

‘Oh come on!’

Health: 130 -> 103

Might Save
D20 + 8 = 10 (2)

Might Save
D20 + 8 = 11 (3)

As Adam reached for his shield, a shadow appeared over him before he was slammed from each side by a mass of fur and slime. He found himself on his back as two wolves crashed against him, trying to bite into him. They made no sounds, save for their gnashing teeth and their stumbling footfalls. 

Samurai Spirit
3 -> 2
Health: 103 -> 108

D20 + 8 = 14 (6)
D20 + 8 = 20 (12)
D6 + 8 = 12 (4)
12 damage!

D20 + 8 = 11 (3)
D20 + 8 = 23 (15)
D6 + 8 = 14 (6)
14 damage!

Adam stared up at the creatures, which had brought him down to his back. They were snapping at his armour mindlessly. He kneed them against their faces, forcing them away, and then rolled onto his front before getting to his feet. He turned and swung wildly as he drew his blade, cutting against a slimy wolf, managing two blows against it. Yet, even though his blade drew blood, the creature did not roar in pain or snarl. The only sounds he could hear were the sounds of fighting, of blade against skin, of teeth against armour and skin, and the grunts of men and minotaurs. A rumble echoed throughout the forest.

A shiver ran down his spine. Something was wrong, very wrong.

Health: 108 -> 86

Might Save
D20 + 8 = 13 (5)

Might Save
D20 + 8 = 9 (1)

Once again, the beasts bit into his armour. Adam grunted as one bit against his calf and then tried to drag him down. He kicked it away, though another managed to bite against his other leg, toppling him over mid-kick. 

“Unhand me!” Adam exclaimed, though felt suddenly embarrassed by it. What a ridiculous phrase, far too upper class for him.

D20 + 8 = 9 (1)

D20 + 8 = 28 (20)
Critical hit!
2D6 + 9 = 17 (2, 6)
17 damage!

Adam grabbed onto his blade and tried to thrust it into the wolf’s neck which was right beside him, but he thrust it straight into the air, inches away from the creature’s neck. He stared at the creature for a moment before finally forcing himself up, his embarrassment and anger fueling him as he stood, rooted as though he were a tree.

“Why do I,” Adam snarled as he swung his blade wildly, “always miss?” His blade swiped along the wolf’s neck, cutting it clean off. “Nevermind,” he said. The slime pulled away from the large wolf, squirmed, and then fell still. 

He heard the movement of a paw behind him and quickly turned, catching the claw with his blade as he started to circle around the large wolf. “Bad boy, sit!”

D20 + 8 = 11 (3)

D20 + 8 = 25 (17)
D6 + 8 = 12 (4)
12 damage!

Adam tore into the creature with his blade, taking a moment to look around to see everyone being swarmed by all the creatures. There was the rumbling of thunder, the rage of Iyrmen, the heavy shambling of heavily armoured men, and then the utter glee of the elf woman, whose blade was cutting through the creatures as though they were made of paper.


Health: 86 -> 77

Might Save
D20 + 8 = 19 (11)

The large wolf managed to bite around Adam’s wrist, trying to drag him down again. However, Adam’s legs tensed, exerting through his heels as he remained upright, still as firm as a tree.

“I said,” Adam pulled up his blade again, “sit!”

D20 + 8 = 10 (2)

D20 + 8 = 11 (3)

Adam swung wildly twice, though the wolf managed to tug down his wrist in order to cause him to stumble, his blade almost slipping out of his grip. The wolf tried to drag him down and clench his teeth, but Adam managed to pull his hand away from its maw. 

‘You have to be kidding me!’

Samurai Spirit
2 -> 1
Health: 77 -> 82

D20 + 8 = 20 (12)
D20 + 8 = 24 (16)
D6 + 8 = 11 (3)
11 damage!

D20 + 8 = 10 (2)
D20 + 8 = 19 (11)
D6 + 8 = 12 (4)
12 damage!

He cut the wolf with a powerful swing, yet it remained silent. He struck the beast again, his blade piercing through it’s shoulder, and though the slime squirmed, it did not fall. Adam stared at the creature, confused. It should have dropped, yet it was still up, on its last legs. It fell down and tried to snap at his heels, no longer having the strength to stand. He looked at the creature, its dead eyes, its awkward movement. 

D20 + 8 = 23 (15)
D6 + 8 = 13 (5)
13 damage!

D20 + 8 = 28 (20)
Critical hit!
2D6 + 9 = 14 (2, 3)
14 damage!

He felt bad about it, but he forced his blade through its head, watching as the slime fell away from its form, squirming before growing still. Adam turned. He saw Alten fall unconscious as a wolf took him down, and the leapt into the fray. He pierced his blade through the creature’s skull, and the slime fell away from it before it grew still. He glanced around to see that most of the creatures had been dealt with by the others, though Alten was down.

Mana: 24 -> 22
Spell: Aid
Health: 82 -> 87

Adam realised he didn’t have any other healing spells prepared. “Just a little help, if you don’t mind,” he said, calling forth Aid to heal Alten, himself and Robert. Robert nodded at the half-elf as Alten opened his eyes wide. The moment he saw Adam, his eyes grew wide and he screamed, trying to pull away. He eventually gathered his wits about himself, glancing around to see everything was fine.

“You’re welcome,” Adam said, standing as he looked about the creatures. Every single one of them had been covered in the slime, which were more like tentacles. The slime had taken the beasts, like a tumour which had sprouted and then grown before spreading through them.

“Mind control,” Entalia said. “That of…” She froze. Her face squinted into surprise, then suspicion. She dropped down and then picked up one of the tentacles, which squelched in her grasp. 

“What is it?” Asomin asked.

Entalia remained staring at the tentacle. “No,” she said. “It’s nothing.” It was definitely something, but she had decided not to tell them. There was something going on here, but no one was entirely certain what it was. 

EXP Gained
3x Slime Wolf (+600)
Shared with Party (-100)
Otherworlder Bonus (+500)
EXP Total
Current EXP
Level up available!

What the hell was a slime wolf?

The group continued on, not stopping to skin the creatures, or burn them. There was a hurriedness about them, as even the Iyrmen didn’t want to deal with whatever this was, with the tumours and the mindless beasts. They travelled for a long while until Asomin eventually stopped them. There was a small clearing ahead , a small hill that was treeless. 

“Are you able to still cast your spells?” the Iyrman asked, glancing at the pair of fey-bloods.

Entalia began to weave her magic, inhaling deeply as she did so. There was something mesmerising about her casting, as though it wasn’t a spell, but rather a song and dance, weaving magic with the way she moved. 

Adam looked out to where he wanted his tower and then pulled out his die. It the numbers spun wildly though the die did not move. He closed his eyes for a moment as he began to whisper, calling for the energy from deep within him. Within his mind he was forming his tower, and throughout the enchanting and the movement, he willed it to life. 

Mana: 22 -> 19
Spell: Tower of Adam

After a long while, the pair finished their spells. Three towers stood ahead of them. Adam narrowed his eyes. Three towers? Adam looked to Entalia, who smiled smugly towards him. 

‘Show off.’

The minotaurs poked at the towers before they began to mutter to one another. Eventually they all entered the towers, with Adam having made a bedroom and a dining room, Entalia having made one with a bedroom and a bathroom, and then the third with two bedrooms. It would be quite a tight squeeze, but with two people on watch, it would be fine. 

Adam went straight to the bath, washing up as Arit went right to work on cooking some food for them. They needed to keep their morale high, and after what happened, a good meal would be a decent start of it. During the casting, he and Asomin had gone to hunt, returning with a large boar.

Adam sighed as he dipped into the bath. A bath was a man’s castle, to think and let ideas flow through his mind. Adam remained there, letting the water soak away his worries as the day’s events played out in his mind. What were those tentacle slimy things? They seemed to grow on a person and then control them. Did they only join one creature? Could they split off to more? No, otherwise they would have tried to go for them. 

What was Entalia so worried about? The woman had been thinking of something, something dark, that was certain. She was keeping something, though Adam doubted it was for a nefarious purpose for she was so forthcoming before.

Adam was finished with his bath, strapping on his sword belt when Robert and Alten arrived. The pair were haggard, sunken eyes and dark faces painted the pair of men. Adam threw a nod their way and the pair nodded back. 

“Thank you for before,” Alten said, breaking the silence. 

“No problem,” Adam said, nodding his head before he stepped out. He didn’t want to deal with that awkwardness. 

The meal was delicious, though he had expected as much. Arit was quite the cook, he was probably the designated cook out on the field. Everyone was chatting, exchanging stories over meal time. The people seemed far more relaxed now, though that was the effect of a good meal and good company. 

“What of you?” a minotaur asked. “What stories do you have.” The minotaur woman had fought quite well during the bout, or at least he assumed so, she didn’t seem too injured.

Adam stared at her, finishing his soup. It had been delicious, though that was expected with Arit. Adam stared at the minotaur for a long moment.

“Do you know the tale of a halfzer and a ring?”



Chapter 35 on Patreon sometime tomorrow.

Pretty sure next chapter is going to be insane, one way or another.

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