Beyond Average Prequel [DiceRPG]

039. Guardian and Wailing


This chapter was barely 3K words before I edited it...


“Did you dream today?” Turot asked over a breakfast of some flat bread and soup.

“No,” Adam replied, for that was pretty much the usual for him. After what happened when he dreamt last, he wasn’t sure if he ever wanted to dream. 

Turot narrowed his eyes. “I was trying to send dreams to you.”

Adam smiled. “I thought you were protecting Lanarot from nightmares.” Turot did have his moments of childlike wonder, Adam couldn’t help but chuckle.

“Yes,” Turot said with a nod, “I was. I did both. I’m strong.”

“Stronger than me?”

Turot raised his brows, looking up at Adam as though the half-elf was an utter idiot. “No, I can’t beat you,” he said, quite matter-of-fact. 

“Oh,” Adam said, surprised that Turot was so in tune with the world. “What about Lanarot?”

“Yes, but I wouldn’t beat her. She’s my little sister.”

“Is that so.” Adam smiled a little wider. 

Turot nodded. “She’s a baby, we can’t do that. That’s bad.”

This was the first time he had heard anything about morals from the boy, or even from Iyrmen in general. He tried to think if he had heard such things from the Iyrmen, but couldn’t quite recall. 

“Bad?” Adam asked.

Turot nodded. He did not expound further as he finished his breakfast of flat bread and soup. Adam finished soon after him.

Iromin arrived soon after breakfas, and walked with Adam through the Iyr. “I would like to hear everything you are willing to share. I have heard much from Asomin, but there may be things you would prefer to say to me alone.”

“I thought the story was meant to be buried?” Adam asked.

“They will be, though my grandson has spoken to me of what has occurred. I am still the leader of the Iyrmen, and so that choice is for me to make.”

Adam thought about it for a moment and supposed it wouldn’t be a bad idea to tell him everything too. Iromin paid keen attention to Adam’s words, nodding by the end of the story. Iromin went into a deep thought.

“I have heard you fought well,” Iromin said, nodding his head. “Heinov has spoken highly of you, and I can see why.”

“He does?” Adam asked. Well, thinking on it, that wasn’t too surprising. “I suppose it’s the half-elf in me.” 

“Perhaps one day we will meet again, at a time you would be willing to spar with me,” Iromin said.

“Perhaps,” Adam said, shaking the elder’s hand before he was left alone. Adam went to bathe quickly, changing into his Iyr clothing, about to rinse and wash his clothes when he recalled he could just use Tricks. He cast it upon his clothes, watching as all the dirty and grime disappeared. 

‘I could have done that this entire time…’

Once he was done discovering his abilities, recalling he had another plan for Tricks, he returned to Sonarot to see Asomin and Rendor. The pair had been talking with Sonarot, with Rendor remaining some way away from the woman, who held Lanarot to her teeth. The pair saw Adam approach and nodded their heads in greeting.

“We will be leaving soon,” Asomin said. “Are you ready?”

Adam thought about it. He perhaps could have spent a few more days with the Rot family, and he hadn’t met with Mirot since he had returned. He supposed he should be heading out, though, as he had some unfinished business in Red Oak. With that he said his goodbyes, exchanging hugs with Sonarot, and then handshakes with Turot. He even said goodbye to Lanarot, who stared up at him with an angrily confused expression.

“I’ll be back soon, when you’re in a better mood,” Adam joked. 

“Here,” Sonarot said. She handed Adam a thick blanket, some of which had been recently knit. He could see it was black, with a blue outlining all over the place. It was soft to the touch, and smelt of the Iyr.

“Thank you,” Adam said, growing a little more embarrassed. “Uh, I don’t really have anything to give you at this time.”

“Then you can return one day with your gift,” Sonarot said, a cheeky smile on her face. He didn’t know Iyrmen could make such expressions.

Adam could feel the swirling of emotion in him, but he just nodded. Being a Brit, he was able to hide his emotions well enough. He vowed to return with a gift in kind.

Adam was given fresh rations, topping up to ten, and then they left the walls of the Iyr behind them, back into the world that had almost killed them. 

“We should arrive at Red Oak within five days if all goes well, six if we are gifted some fun along the way,” Asomin said, a smile creeping on his lips. 

Adam laughed, shaking his head. These Iyrmen, who had died almost days ago, were so eager to find some more fun. Perhaps he’d become this way after becoming a high ranked adventurer, seeking the thrill of near death experiences. ‘I doubt it.’

During their travels, due to how few of them there were, Adam had offered for his owl to take watch. Hades would be useful in seeing out and then awakening Adam if he had seen something. 

“We awaken quickly to danger,” Asomin said, “for we are men of the Iyr.” The words were so practised, Adam wasn’t sure if it was a song or if Asomin had said it often.

Adam assumed that was the thumbs up to go ahead. His plan was to summon the tower in the night and they would all sleep on the first floor, the ground floor being the dining room as usual. They would be guarded by his trusty owl, Hades, who he hadn’t spent much time with recently. Though that may change depending on what they would encounter, and if he still had the Mana to cast. 

The day passed by uneventfully, and they came across one of the small outposts of the Iyrmen. A quick scan revealed that no one was around, though there had been some recent foot traffic.

Mana: 18 -> 15
Spell: Tower of Adam

Adam summoned his tower beside the outpost, the walls of the tower offering far more protection to them than the walls of the small outpost, which came only to his chest.

‘Keep an eye out and let me know if there’s any trouble,’ Adam thought to his owl. Hades did not make a motion to reply, but Adam assumed that he understood. As night came, he made to rest in his new blanket. It smelt of the Iyr, of the Rot family. Even now he could see the scene, of Sonarot cooking some stew, Lanarot beginning to cry, and Turot trying to get her to stop by telling him one of the many tales he knew. 

It was midway through their second day of travel that the forest had become cold and silent. There was an uncanny silence to the area, and the coldness was unnatural. Adam sent his owl off in the distance to see if it could see anything, and Hades quickly returned. 

“He’s found something up ahead,” Adam said, motioning his head. They all moved onward, though Asomin had slowed them down as they came across the sight of a dead beast. 

It was a wolf, still as death. Asomin dropped down and then turned it over to reveal it’s horrifying visage. Half of it was as one would expect, the fur that on would associate with such a noble beast, but the other half was flaked. It was as though its skin had become ash, peeling off of its body as though the skin of a fruit, rather than the skin of a wolf. It’s body was thin, as though it had wasted away before it had passed.

“My god,” Adam whispered. He hadn’t seen anything like it so far, and he could only imagine what manner of beast could have done this. 

Asomin turned to Rendor, who nodded his head. “It’s quiet,” Asomin said. 

“Too quiet,” Rendor agreed. With that the pair kept their wits about them. Rendor cracked his knuckles, and Asomin drew his sword. Adam pulled up his shield, taking his cue from the more experienced pair. Whatever had done this was close.

Then, floating on a breeze, came the sounds, the whispers. The whispers carried with them a rage, filled with the wantings of death. 

Adam felt a cool chill behind him. He turned and then saw it. 

In the shape of a man, black and wispy, a ghostly creature. It was no man, though perhaps it had been, but now a shadow of its former self, but all the more powerful.

“A wraith,” Asomin whispered.

“Excuse me?” Adam asked, staring at the death-filled ghost. ‘Maybe he’s here to say hello…’ Adam dared not say it aloud, unless the Iyrmen thought him a fool. It had been a silly remark, though it was quickly proven to be untrue as the wraith roared. It’s form became more real, its hands turning to ghostly black claws, and then it flew forwards with blinding speed, the black smoke like tendrils fluttering in the air.


Battle Order
D20 - 1 = 12 (13)

 Asomin leapt into the fray first, his body turning red as he drew his sword. As he clutched his sword, it seemed to grow as he swung wildly against the wraith, his blade tearing into the black smoke that made up the creature’s body. The blackness seemed to disappear slightly under the heft blows, the tendrils still fluttering in the air. The creature screeched and brought up a cruel hand, though Adam bolted forward, not content to allow Asomin all the glory. 

‘I’ll be fine,’ he thought, ‘I have the Iyrmen at my side.

D20 + 8 = 11 (3)

D20 + 8 = 28 (20)
Critical hit!
2D6 + 8 = 15 (2, 5)
Damage resisted!
8 damage!

Adam thrust forward with his blade, though struck in between the wispy smoke, smoke which had not made up its true form. ‘Damn it,’ he thought, before he twisted from his hip and cut across the side of the creature, feeling his blade cut through some more smoke, though this felt like it had gone through too quickly. 

‘Damage resisted?’ Adam thought, his eyes going wide. “My blade is having some trouble,” Adam called out.

Rendor had appeared, as though from thin air, right beside the creature. He swung a fist, missed through the smoke of the creature, but then kicked the ghostly figure. Yet, when he kicked the wraith, it seemed as though he had struck something more solid.

“Your blade is normal steel,” Rendor said. “It won’t do as well against such unworldly creatures.”

Yet as he spoke, the wraith raised a hand, and the smoke entered through Rendor’s eyes, nose and mouth. The man became pale as he began to wither, though he pulled his head back to break the technique, coughing. 

‘What the hell?!’ 

Asomin roared with rage, taking the moment to strike true with his blade, not once, but twice as the creature let out a terrifying wail, then exploded into a mass of smoke. Adam threw up a hand to protect himself from the blast as the smoke dissipated into nothingness. Not quite nothingness, as a small black ball fell to the earth.

Rendor coughed up black smoke as he fell to a knee, his skin more pale than any man that he had ever seen, save one. Adam dropped down and then tried to cast a healing spell, though pain flooded through him and nothing happened. 

‘Oh, right.’ Adam grunted in pain as he pulled away his hand, shaking his head to clear the pain.

Asomin’s rage fell away as he placed a hand onto Rendor’s shoulder. “Are you alright?” he asked.

“Fine enough,” Rendor gave a faint smile. “It has taken my strength from me, I will need a rest.”

Asomin looked back to the wolf and then to Rendor. “We will need to move,” he said. “I do not trust it here, come.” Asomin helped Rendor to his feet, and then turned to Adam. “Rendor is not of the same path as I,” he said. “He will be weak for a night, but come morning he will have healed fine.” 

EXP Gained
Shared with Party
Otherworlder Bonus
EXP Total
Current EXP
Level up available!

Adam wondered why he received so much experience when it was fairly obvious that Asomin had done everything. He couldn’t figure out the system, though wondered if perhaps the systems was trying to keep everything simple to make it easier for itself. Did others also see something similar to him? He wasn’t sure, and he was fairly certain it wasn’t the case, no one ever talked about how much experience they received or what level they were.

Asomin picked up the small black ball, revealing it to all. “A core,” he said. He seemed unsurprised, lifting it up to his eye to look through it. 

“A core?” Adam asked.

“Similar to a gem, it can be used to fuel magic.”

Oh right, he knew that from his enchanting proficiency. Cores came from creatures formed of magic, though they didn’t always drop. Certain creatures did drop them more often, and the colour, size, and weight of the core all implied different things.

“I will keep it for the moment,” Asomin said. “Until we get to Red Oak, and there we will discuss the sharing of such items.”

Adam wasn’t going to complain about such a decent plan, though he hoped he would make it to Red Oak. They continued along to the next outpost, though Rendor was half dragging himself along. Adam kept an eye out with Hades, shifting himself into the owl’s mind every so often as they continued along until he could spy the outpost in the distance. He also could see some shadows about, though they were too far to really make them out. 

“There are people at the outpost,” Adam said. “I’m not sure if they’re Iyrmen or not, I’ll check once we’re a little closer.”

Asomin nodded, and as they approached, Adam shifted back into his owl. The instant that he did, he saw the flash of steel and then he was forced back into his body, letting out a soft gap. He shook his head and then paused for a moment. He tried to summon Hades, but nothing happened. 

“Oh fiddlesticks.” Adam sighed. “They took Hades out.” That was ten gold down the drain. This was why he didn’t want to pull Hades out everyday, he knew something like this was going to happen with his luck. The Iyrmen were great outlanders, he didn’t need to help them.

They crept ever closer. Asomin raised a hand and then whistled as the rest nestled against the trees.

D20 - 1 = 18 (19)
D20 - 1 = 13 (14)
Stealth = 13

Adam tried to stealth up against a tree, though his form was bulkier in his armour, and so he couldn’t quite hide everything. 

A whistle returned and Asomin whistled once more, before another whistle responded. Asomin turned to look at Adam with a nod and then continued along casually. 

As the group approached, they saw a group of Iyrmen, two with bows, and the rest with various melee weapons. Adam spied a man with an axe and took a moment to realise who it was.

“Oh,” Adam said as he extended a hand and shook Gorot’s hand. “Good to see you.”

“You as well,” he said. “Are you returning to Red Oak?”

“That’s the plan,” Adam nodded. 

With that the groups came together to mingle, swapping stories with one another. Adam noted they spoke of recent stories, of what they had seen and fought. The group had been dealing with the undead for some time, though the undead had recently declined.

“We have dealt with the creature which had summoned these unholy spawn,” Asomin said. He went on to speak of the story. “Though we had recently come to face a wraith,” he said. He motioned his head to Rendor, who was still quite pale. 

“That explains much,” Gidian replied. Gidian was the leader of the group. A short and stout woman, as though she had some dwarven blood in her, though she was rippling with muscles. She had the dark hair and eyes of the Iyrmen, and carried with her a large maul. “We have come across some of the more powerful undead, wraiths and banshees, though we have dealt with them.”

Adam’s brows raised in alarm. Multiple of each? What a terrifying prospect. He wouldn’t want to fight two wraiths in a season, never mind multiple wraiths and banshees over the course of a month. Though, then again, he wasn’t an Iyrman.

“Should I create the tower?” Adam asked.

“Please,” Asomin said, “it would keep Rendor safe.”

Mana: 18 -> 15
Spell: Tower of Adam

The tower appeared near the outpost, looking over it like a looming cloud. Adam invited everyone inside. 

“Which one of you shot an owl?” Adam asked.

“I did,” one of the women said, a short bow at her hip.

“It was a good shot.”

“Thank you,” she said. “One of your familiars?”

“Yes,” Adam said. “It was unfortunate timing.”

The woman reached into her pouch and then withdrew a small gem of white and orange, tossing it at him. “Here.”

Adam looked down at the gem. “What is it?”

“Gem to make into gem dust. As payment for your familiar.”

“Oh,” Adam said. “Uh…” He looked at her. He was going to decline, but she was an Iyrwoman. He had declined an Iyrwoman already, so it shouldn’t be too hard, but he thought it best to just nod and thank her instead. 

D20 + 4 = 14 (10)

He was unable to identify what kind of gem it was and what it was worth, though he could probably get Paul to do so once he was at the guild.

As they began to eat, Adam went up to his room to summon Hades, who appeared as black as the night. Adam reached up and scritched his crown gently. 

“Sorry about that, I didn’t realise someone was going to shoot you. I should have thought about it.” He kept scritching the owl.

Hades stared up at him, ice cold.

“Fair,” Adam said as he then dismissed his owl and went down to eat with the rest of the Iyrmen, joining them with their talks of stories. Adam didn’t really have many stories, other than his Balrog story. He didn’t want to mention anything with Jurot, that was far too awkward since Gorot was here, and it was pretty much as story of failure and stupidity on his part.

Adam eventually went to bed, snapping Hades into existence. He pulled the blanket over himself, wrapping the scent of the Iyr around himself before falling quickly asleep. He had so much to think about when it came to levelling. He had enough experience to gain at least one class, potentially two. He had no idea which class he wanted to pick, though he did leer at Guardian. There were some spells which were invaluable, and Divine Smite would be quite the power up. 

He could take two levels right now, gaining the ability to smite and cast some spell, as well as an extra ability to empower his martial powers. He paused to think for a moment.

Did smiting take from his entire pool of Mana?

That question alone had been too much for him.

Level up!
XP (3770) -> (3270)
Level (14) -> Level (15)
Gained: Guardian (1)
HP (140) -> HP (152)
Gained: Provoke, Religion

Level up!
XP (3270) -> (2770)
Level (15) -> Level (16)
Guardian (1) -> Guardian (2)
HP (152) -> HP (164)
Mana: 18 -> 20

When he awoke in the morning, he realised that he didn’t have a focus for the Guardian spells. Well, he would just have to pick spells which required no focus to use. Then he realised he could only pick one spell too, since he didn’t have enough levels or Charisma.

‘Oh, right.’

Morning came and the group gathered together to eat. When they had finished, Asomin led all eight of his companions onward to Red Oak. Adam hadn’t expected the Iyrmen to join, but he didn’t really mind so much, for they were quite the boost in power. 

It was in the evening when they heard the wailing off in the distance. Adam threw a glance to Asomin, who had narrowed his eyes.

“Banshee,” Asomin whispered and then motioned with his head, leading the group quickly now. Adam’s armour jangled noisily, not that he could help it, and as such he retreated slightly. Rendor and Gorot joined him, Gorot donning his shield, before they veered slightly off course in order to flank the area. As they rounded a cluster of trees, they came across a ghostly figure. It was the ghost of an elven male, though when he screamed, Adam knew he was a banshee, as the creature screamed with such sorrow.

‘Oh, that’s new.’ Adam didn’t know banshees could be male.

Battle Order
D20 - 1 = 6 (7)

Gorot went into a rage, leaping into the action with axe in hand. He swiped twice into the creature, who wailed with anguish as he then brought a finger towards Gorot. Adam shuddered at the thought of it touching him. 

She grabbed through Gorot’s body, causing him to gasp in pain as the hand squirmed deep in his chest, before the banshee pulled it out, leaving thin trails of white etherealness. Gorot shook for a moment, but kept himself firmly planted like a tree. 

Adam darted beside Gorot, though realised he didn’t have his shield in hand. He probably should have put it on earlier, he would need to remember that. He grabbed onto his sword with both hands, inhaling deeply.

D20 + 8 = 10 (2)

D20 + 8 = 23 (15)
Mana: 20 -> 19
Cast: Divine Smite
3D6 + 10 = 20 (6, 1, 3)
Damage resisted!
13 damage!

Adam flung too wildly, though managed to catch his blade at the end of its swing and then brought it down to pierce the banshee’s veil. His blade flashed white hot with radiant energy as he struck it, staring up at the banshee’s pained face.

“How do you like that?” he goaded, though quickly checked his Omen.

3, 4


As Adam was thinking, Rendor had appeared. His fists were a blur as he struck the creature, his fists meeting ghostly flesh, as though the creature was real to him. As he struck the creature, it screamed and then froze in place, staring at the Adam with its horrifying visage, still as death.

Gorot attacked with his wild rage, managing two hefty swings, though his axe sunk in a way as though it was moving through water, flowing through the creature.

D20 + 8 = 19 (11)
D20 + 8 = 25 (17)
Mana: 19 -> 18
Cast: Divine Smite
3D6 + 10 = 20 (4, 2, 5)
Damage resisted!
15 damage!

D20 + 8 = 13 (5)
D20 + 8 = 28 (20)
Critical hit!
D6 + 8 = 13 (5)
Damage resisted!
7 damage!

Adam struck the banshee with his blade, hot white with divine energy. It began to fade from existence, and yet it did not yet leave this world. As it floated down, Adam forced his blade through its face, twisting his sword as the banshee disappeared into nothing. Landing where it once stood was a small orb, completely wispy white with blackness flowing through it for a moment before it turned still, like marble. Rendor dropped down and scooped it up, looking at it.

“A core,” Gorot said, nodding his head. 

“I will hand this to Asomin for now. He has another, and we will split it when we reach Red Oak.”

“Can I have a look?” Adam asked. Rendor handed it over and Adam held it. It was surprisingly heavy, dense with magic. Adam wondered what kind of magical weapon he could make with it, though perhaps that was for another time.

He handed it back to Rendor, and then the wailing pierced through the air. They threw one another a glance and then rushed forward to help their allies.

EXP Gained
Shared with Party
Otherworlder Bonus
EXP Total
Current EXP


I'll have the drafts of 40 and 41 up in the next few hours over on Patreon.

Also let's clap for our boy for stealthing well for once (when it didn't matter). 13 isn't the worst thing ever!

Look at that Divine Smite damage! Imagine if he used Divine Smite when he crit? That would have been... 6d6 + 12 damage. (If he used both hands, otherwise +10.) I think we have the definite answer to how strong Adam is.


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