Beyond Average Prequel [DiceRPG]

053. Adam and Dragon

The dragon soared towards them, a speeding bullet of white against an otherwise untainted beautiful sky. Adam’s heart pounded wildly as he watched it approach, his entire body filling with the heat of excitement.

A dragon.

A real, bonafide dragon.

This wasn’t a wyvern or a drake, this was one of the greater dragons that ruled the skies, those with intelligence and a regalness unmatched by most creatures.

“I’m very sorry, my friends,” Elowen said. “We should have warned you that we were being chased by a white dragon, but we hadn’t expected her to come so close.”

“That is life,” Adam replied, leaving it there.

“It’s too late for such warnings,” Andal said, readying his shield and his hammer. He was ready to fight, to risk his life, for there was little else he could do.

In times like this, Adam felt so small. So insignificant. What could they do against a dragon? A dragon was a mighty creature, although white dragons were known to be quite primal, not as intelligent as their other counter parts.

The dragon’s wings shot out on either side of it as it descended towards them, the harbringer of icy death. It landed not too far from them, it’s long neck craned upwards as it looked down upon the group.

“Give her to me!” Vandra’s voice snarled, echoing through the mountains. Birds retreated from the scene, all but one.

‘If only I was in my real body, I’d have shown her what for!’ Bandlor eclaimed into Adam’s mind.

“Vile Vandra, you will not take this babe from us!”

“No, I don’t want to hear your words! I want the babe!” The dragon roared into the air, blasting out a breath of frost, ice and snow escaping into the air, enough to lower the temperature of the area a few degrees.

“Why do you want the baby?” Adam asked.

Vandra’s icy blue eyes turned to face Adam. A chill formed deep within his body as he stared at the dragon, a being so powerful that it could tear him limb from limb.

“Who are you to speak to me?”

‘This brat needs to be taught a lesson!’ Bandlor flapped his wings. ‘Come Adam, let us deal with the dragon.’

“My name is Adam, oh beautiful Vandra,” Adam said. “I speak to you, not yet an enemy, but someone searching for knowledge. Surely you have no need for a baby, it has yet the ability to even speak or-”

“Silence at once!” Vandra blasted ice above them, allowing the shards to splatter against them harmlessly.

Adam decided it was best to quieten at her words, and he realised he probably wouldn’t have the chance to parlay with her. Then again, what did he expect? He was but a weak little half-elf, and she was an awe-inspiring dragon. The difference between them was vast.

“I am sorry, oh Sir Andal,” Elowen said, gripping her blade tight in one hand.

“Apologise to me once we have dealt with our foe,” the dwarf replied.

“So, you wish to face me? Fine then! I will slay you all!” Vandra roared.

Battle Order
D20 - 1 = 10 (11)

Lady Elowen was first to act, leaping into action. She bolted towards the white dragon, though she did not run alone. Redboulder, her trusted dwarf companion, rushed off after her.

“This may be our last fight yet, master Redboulder,” Lady Elowen said.

“Aye, and if it is, ah’ll be meeting my maker with pride!” Redboulder replied, trailing off behind Elowen slightly.

“Your arrows will not miss with these flames,” Rojer incanted, pressing a hand to Ylra’s shoulder.

Ylra reached into her quiver and retrieved an arrow. She paused for just a second to gather herself, judging the wind, before she let loose two arrows rapidly. The arrows whizzed through the air, catching aflame as they were shot, and they struck Vandra through her scales.

The pair swiftly retreated with one another, the half-elf and human moving with the babe to keep her safe.

Vandra didn’t even acknowledge the arrows which struck her, her attention too focused on the pair beside her.

“You, girl of the old Sansant, have chosen the wrong enemy!” Vandra roared as she snapped at Elowen, her teeth crushing through Elowen’s armour. Elowen grunted in pain, trying to keep her voice within her throat, before she was tossed into the air, and Vandra slammed the half-elf woman into the earth with her mighty talons. Cracks formed under the half-fey’s unconscious body.

“Lady Elowen!” Redboulder exclaimed, hammering the dragon across her side, though Vandra swiped Redboulder aside with her powerful talons.

“Worthless bearded one!” Vandra cackled as she leapt into the air and then descended towards the scout and the mage. As she landed towards them, the earth shook.

Wise Save
D20 + 5 = 8 (3)


Adam quivered under the sight of the mighty dragon, his eyes wide. The Dragon Fright took to his body, causing his entire body to seize up. How could he face such a creature? How could he beat it? This was a dragon, a creature that could grab one of those golems and then toss it around like it was a doll. His vision blurred, his body grew heavy, and he dropped to a knee as the queasiness filled him.

“Oora!” Andal exclaimed as he leapt into the fray, ready to strike the creature with his dwarven blade.

Kay was there too, right beside the dwarf, swinging her battle-axe. It clattered against the scales, harmlessly, though the half-orc continued to swing ferociously.

Imma shot forth a bolt of flames towards the creature, striking it against its back, and yet it never once acknowledge the attack.

Adam looked towards Jay, who shook where he stood. Jay knew how futile it was to face the dragon, he remained frozen in place. That was right, for what could these mortals do against such a magnificent beast?

“It’s useless… we can’t do anything,” Adam whispered to himself, his legs still twitching. He needed to flee, and yet… they remained planted in the rock.

‘Snap out of it, boy!’ Bandlor flew around Adam’s head. ‘Fight! Fight for glory! Fight for victory! Fight! Fight! Fight!’

Wise Save
D20 + 5 = 16 (11)


‘You’re right,’ Adam said, inhaling deeply, flexing his muscles taut as he fought off the Dragon Fright.

“Awaken my lady!” Redboulder shouted as he healed the half-elf, bringing her back up. “We must fight yet!”

Another flaming arrow struck Vandra, who whipped her head against the second arrow, which splintered harmlessly against her head before she soared up towards Ylra, before her attention was caught by the crying baby, who was in the pack of the mage.

“My precious!” Vandra hissed in drakken, swooping down towards the mage. Rojer raised up a hand to cast something, and yet he was quickly brought down by a heavy swiped of Vandra’s talons, pinning him under the earth. She snapped her head towards Jay, who was too frightened to scream, and she swatted him aside as though he were a fly.

“Imma,” Adam called out. The woman turned to face him, about to cast a spell. “Haste me.” Adam ran past her as she slapped his back, and Adam felt his entire body vibrate, and the world became a blur once again.

Vandra let out a roar of victory, having found her prize. She leaned down to pick the babe up between her teeth, her wings out to leave, for none of these bugs were worth her time.

Samurai Spirit
3 -> 2

D20 + 9 = 17 (8)
D20 + 9 = 27 (18)
D6 + 8 = 13 (5)
13 damage!

D20 + 9 = 17 (1)
D20 + 9 = 18 (9)
D6 + 8 = 14 (6)
14 damage!

Onward Soar
1 -> 0

25 -> 22
Spectral Sentinels


D20 + 9 = 16 (7)
D20 + 9 = 16 (7)

Adam skip to a halt behind it. He inhaled deeply to centre himself, and without a word, he began to carve into the creature’s thigh with his sword. He cut into it deeply, pushing through the thick skin of the dragon hide, and notched his blade between her scales.

Vandra roared in pain, throwing her head back as Adam struck her harshly. He pulled his sword out of her, and then grinned wide.

“You cry like a squirrel, little drake.”

Vandra snarled and then turned to face Adam, only to find a mass of owls surrounding him, keeping her pinned down.

“Snivelling brat!” The white dragon roared back.

Adam pointed his blade towards Rojer. “Don’t die just yet, we still need your help,” he said, making sure the mage wasn’t going to die.

As Vandra reared her head towards Adam, the area filled with the roar of a dwarf eager for a fight. “Roksodan smite ye!” Redboulder exclaimed as the area around him glowed a deep white, rocks forming all about him, which showered against the dragon’s body.

Ylra withdrew, trying to gather some distance between herself and the dragon, and she shot forth two arrows as she retreated, though none of them caught aflame. Elowen rushed over to fight the dragon, but none of them distracted Vandra from Adam.

Spectral Sentinels
3d6+3 = 11 (2, 3, 3)

222 -> 183

Tough Saves
D20 + 6 = 13 (7)
D20 + 6 = 11 (5)
D20 + 6 = 26 (20)

Adam’s owls struck against her head as she crashed against Adam’s thigh with her great bite, and yet Adam did not wince.

“Is that all you’ve got?!” Adam coaxed the dragon for more, which she happily obliged by slamming Adam aside with her claws. He had never been hit quite as hard before, his entire body shaking. His spell threatened to drop, but he grit his teeth and threw a punch towards the dragon, blade in hand still.

“Why aren’t you dead?!” Vandra snarled, confused as to why Adam was still up. Almost everyone else had crumpled, and Adam seemed completely fine.

“You’re just tickling me,” Adam replied back, smiling wildly. “Come on, little squirrel! You can do better than that.”

‘Bandlor, help out Elowen! I’m fine by myself.’


Samurai Spirit
2 -> 1
183 -> 188

D20 + 9 = 19 (10)
D20 + 9 = 22 (13)
D6 + 8 = 13 (5)
13 damage!

D20 + 9 = 19 (10)
D20 + 9 = 20 (29)
Critical hit!
2D6 + 9 = 17 (3, 5)
17 damage!
188 -> 190

25 -> 22
Healing Word

D20 + 9 = 11 (2)
D20 + 9 = 29 (20)
Critical hit!
2D6 + 9 = 17 (2, 3)
14 damage!
190 -> 193

Adam’s blade was a flurry of death, striking the dragon with his dwarven blade. He was joined by Andal, who clattered his own blade against the creature’s side.

“You’re not dead yet, master dwarf?” Adam teased, ducking under the powerful tail, and then stabbed into it. His heart was pounding wildly, and the dragon was beginning to shake and shudder with each blow, letting out roars of pain.

“Aye, I won’t be falling today!” Andal brought up his shield, and the tail struck against it, pushing him backwards away. A dwarf being pushed aside was a rare occurrence, but Adam had seen it twice today. Still, fortune seemed to be on their side as Adam regained part of his health.

“Rojer! To me!” Adam exclaimed, bringing the mage to life as his allies continued to batter the wailing white dragon. Jay roared with terror, swinging his greatsword wildly as he cut into the tail, almost tearing it out of the creature.

Three white arrows struck the dragon’s side, very obviously the Magic Arrows spell, and Imma stared at the dragon with wide eyes.

Kay slashed against the creature’s thighs, right where Imma had struck with her magic.

“We’re close!”Adam shouted. “Come on!”

A flash of blue and white lightning showered over the dragon from Rojer’s finger tips. He lay on the ground, his body still bruised from the blows of the dragon, but his eyes were determined.

The crying of the merman child began to echo through the area, joining the cacophony of sounds from the fight.

“This ends today!” Elowen exclaimed. She leapt onto the back of the shaking dragon, blade in hand. Bandlor swung around the dragon’s head, with Vandra trying to snap at him, exposing her neck for Elowen.

“For Arya!” Adam exclaimed as Vandra turned to face him. The jaws of death opened up, a flash of blue and cold escaping her mighty maw.

“For Arya!” Elowen cried out as she thrust her blade into the neck of the dragon.

The mighty white dragon let out a choking screech, her entire body shaking violently, before she froze and fell to the rocky ground. Elowen lay on top of the dragon, clutching to it.

Redboulder slammed his hammer down against the creature’s shoulder, and Rojer continued to shock it for a moment longer before the mage eventually noticed it did not move, save for the twitching from the lightning.

“Is it dead?” Jay asked.

EXP Gained
White Dragon
Shared with Party
Otherworlder Bonus
EXP Total
Current EXP
Level up available!

“Yeah,” Adam said. “It’s dead.”

“How can you be so sure?” Jay looked up at Adam.

Adam smiled.

“I suppose you can apologise now,” Andal said, walking over towards the Lady.

Elowen sat up on the dragon, staring down at him. She hopped off. “I am sorry for the danger that has befallen you because of our folly.”

“No one died,” Andal said.

“Please,” Elowen said, motioning to the dragon, “take the dragon’s carcass.”

Adam snapped his head towards Andal. Andal shook his head. “We should bring proof back to the guild, I’m sure there’s a great reward on offer.”

A reward? For slaying a dragon? How much would that be? Adam couldn’t help but think of how much gold he would receive for helping in slaying a dragon.

Andal pat Adam on his arm. “A moment?” Andal asked. Adam followed Andal some ways away, leaving the group behind to check on the carcass of the dragon, with the crying of a merman child breaking the silence.

“What is it?” Adam asked. It was rare Andal ever spoke to him privately, but it had always been about Adam’s secrets.

“You know how to use third gate spells for both the arcane and the divine, you wield a blade as good as any man I have ever met, and you know drakken.” Andal stared up at Adam, his eyes narrowed. “Are you a dragon?”

Adam choked on his saliva. “Excuse me?”

“Are you a dragon, lad?” Andal repeated, staring up into Adam’s eyes.

“N-no! I’m not a dragon! I like dragons, but I’m not a dragon.”



“Are you a god?”

“No, I’m not a god.”

Andal remained staring deep into Adam’s eyes. “Aye, alright then.”

Adam nodded. “It’s like that,” he said.

The pair returned back to the group.

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How did Adam get two crits in a row? What?

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