Beyond Average Prequel [DiceRPG]

062. Adam and Giants

[I didn't sleep too well so this chapter was kinda rough. I'll fix the last few chapters when I wake up.]


Battle Order
D20 - 1 = 14 (15)

Quick Save
D20 - 1 = 16 (17)

Mana: 34 -> 31
Spell: Fireball
8D6 (1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 5, 5, 6)
27 fire damage!

Onward Soar
1 -> 0

Mana: 31 -> 28
Spell: Fireball
8D6 (1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6)
30 fire damage!

Quick Save
D20 - 1 = 4 (5)

Health: 230 -> 112

The giants ahead of Adam were rearing to throw a rock at him, but it only kicked the andrenaline through the half-elf’s system. Adam leapt down, surprising the giants with his actions as he landed. He grabbed onto his die, bringing it out as he dropped onto the ground.

The die faces spun wildly as Adam drew forth the energy through his body, his entire form growing with heat as the magic travelled through him. “Burn,” Adam growled, summoning forth a small marble of red from the heavens, which fell swiftly towards the giants.

Roaring flames expanded across the giants, engulfing them with deep fire. The giants howled in pain, screeching in their own language. Adam was going to show no mercy, however, because they had tried to destroy his towers.

He inhaled deeply, smelling the sulphur in the air, and then held the die out once again. The faces spun wildly as he called forth the magical energy again, feeling the burning through his veins. The stress of casting such a powerful spell twice was taking hold, but he forced it through regardless.

“Burn!” Adam exclaimed, summoning another bead of red, which engulfed the giants again. They howled in pain as their bodies singed with the flames, the smell of burnt giant soon filling the air. It was a sharp scent, one which nearly caused Adam to gag. He lifted an arm up to his mouth to cover his mouth.

The giants wailed. “Geaoom!” They charged Adam, grabbing onto large clubs made of small trees that had been uprooted.

‘Oh no,’ Adam thought as they charged him, each of them surrounding him within moments. He raised his blade, but he was unable to dodge and weave against the blows. The giants clobbered Adam with their giant clubs, scattering his mind. The finally blow almost swept him off his feet, and his arm felt as though it was going to shatter like glass being dropped from a great height.

"Adam!" Rojer exclaimed, weaving his magic. "Can you handle a another?"

Another? Another what? Adams mind was still scattered, and as Rebounder shouted out a warcry, Rojer's voice cut though.

"Can you handle a Fireball?"

A Fireball? What was he… Adam understood instantly, for when one was threatened by such a powerful spell, one sobered up quickly.

"Do it!" Adam shouted out, gripping his blade harshly. The flames engulfed him as they did the giants. There was no way to hit all the giants without hitting Adam, and so he had to take the full force of the spell.

"Wait for me lad!" Redboulder shouted as he marched Adam's way to support him.

"No!" Adam exclaimed, preparing himself for the onslaught against the giants. "Stay back!"

As a mud giant reared up with his club, he howled in pain as an arrow struck through his shoulder. Adam stepped aside from the blow, the giants crying to one another in their language. It didn't matter how much the giants cried, for they had come across Adam at the most inopportune time.

Mana: 31 -> 28
Spell: Fireball
8D6 (1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6)
27 fire damage!

Quick Save
D20 - 1 = 12 (13)

Health: 112 -> 85

He felt the magic flow through him again. His heart pounded wildly within his chest, crying at Adam for how quickly he was throwing out these spells. Yet he bent the will of the magic trough him again, summoning forth what power he could.

"Burn, damnit! Burn!" Adam shouted as a bead of red shot down towards him from the heavens. He brought up his sword to try and save himself, but his magic was far too powerful.

Against the burning flames engulfed the four, the flames licking at their skin. Adam's armour was red hot to the touch, and it singed his skin. The smell of the giants battered him as harshly as the Fireball, and he heard the final wailings of dying beasts. After the wailings turned to gurgles, silence fell across the land, and then the giants fell across the land.

Their weight shook the earth, but Adam stood. He did not stand tall, for he was a man who had taken the abuse of giants and two Fireballs right atop him.

"You mages are a crazy lot!" Redboulder cried, rushing up beside Adam. "Are you alright, boy?"

"I'm fine," Adam said, doing his best to dismiss the worries of the dwarf. "A good night's rest will do me good." Adam pulled back away from the giants and to his tower. He leaned up against it and rubbed the side of his neck.

"Lemme heal you," Redboulder said, making the motions of his heal spell.

"No, save it." Adam threw up a hand. "Keep your Mana in case we're assaulted in the night. I have some left, more than enough to put me right."

"If you're sure," Redboulder replied, apparently not one to argue about such matters.

EXP Gained
3x Mud Giants
Shared with Party
Otherworlder Bonus
EXP Total
Current EXP
Level up available!

Elowen and Ylra soon appeared at the scene. Jon had remained within the other tower, but had crept out once everyone else was outside.

"Mud giants," Adam said.

"The stupidest of all giants, unfortunately." Elowen shook her head. "They usually remain by themselves, out of the way of most civilised folk."

“What would bring them out?” Adam asked. “If they prefer to remain away from most people, then I assume this is a big deal.”

“A big deal may be one way to say it,” Elowen replied. “If there are mud giants this far, then we can assume a few things. There are most likely no mountain giants near this area, for the mud giants would never try to enter a region if there were any mountain giants around. Mud giants and mountain giants will never be found within sight of one another, not unless there is to be a war between them.”

“If the mud giants are here, near the human cities, it means that they are coming to invade them.” Ylra chimed in.

“Invade?” Jon’s voice came out meekly. “Do you mean they’ll attack?”

“They’ll be attacking the nearby villages,” Ylra confirmed. “They must be coming to claim the mountain for themselves. Though mud giants prefer the earth, if there is an unclaimed mountain, then they will conquer it to spite their ancient enemies.”

“Ancient enemies? Do all mud giants hate mountain giants, and vice versa?” Adam asked.

Ylra nodded. “They are ancient enemies. Long ago, when the giants had first roamed the lands unabated, many tribes formed. Mud giants and mountain giants quarrelled for centuries, though no one is certain why. For centuries their blood was spilt, painting the plains red. Eventually the giants had carved their path, a path which still exists today. The My’dai and Mu’dai are enemies, and rivalries still exist between the various giants.”

“Who are the most powerful, or the most noble of giants?”

“The most powerful?” Ylra asked. “The storm giants are the most powerful, and the sky giants believe themselves to be the most noble.”

“Is there a rivalry between them?”

“A small rivalry, nothing compared to the hatred between the My’dai and Mu’dai. There are very few rivalries in this world that can be compared. That of the abyss and the Paladins of Azzai, the elves in Riverwood and the Kingdom of Asher.”

“I don’t believe now is the time for old tales,” Elowen said. “We have pressing matters to attend to.”

“Right,” Adam said apologetically. “So these giants, they are aiming to conquer the mountain?”

“That is our best guess,” Ylra replied back, crossing her arms as she fell into thought.

“Can we handle them?” Adam asked. I’m feeling pretty bruised after our little scrap with the three of them.”

“Not many can do what you did,” Ylra said. “I saw the fight, with you calling upon so many Fireballs, facing the might of three My’dai, and then standing against the might of two Fireballs yourself.”

“There’s a phrase from where I’m from,” Adam replied, hiding a smirk. “I’m just built different.”

“It appears to be the case.” Ylra nodded. “Are you feeling well?”

“Well enough.” Adam shrugged. “There’s no need to complain about it, we’re safe right now… right?”

“I doubt we will come across more My’dai for now.” Ylra walked over towards them, peering across what they were wearing. “They seem to be scavengers, those sent out to find food. If they do not arrive in the night, no one would bat an eye. Though by noon the My’dai will know.”

“How do you know so much about giants?” Adam asked.

“Giants are my expertise,” she replied. “I have been training to aid Lady Elowen since my birth, and I learnt their history and their language.”

“How romantic,” Adam replied. “I’m glad that there are so many capable people around me.” He rubbed his shoulder. “Though I think I’m going to need another bath.”

“We will wait on our baths so you may heal your fatigue.”

“It’s alright. I can wait until you are done.”

“We insist,” Elowen said. “We are still fresh to fight. If some more giants appear, it would be best that you are healed.”

“Hmm. If they arrive, I’ll be sure to assist.” Adam noted that he’d keep his underwear on in case there was a fight. He could always use his Tricks to dry them off after.

With that Adam returned to the bath, stripping down and entering the hot water. He shuddered, his entire body twitched with pain as the hot water only caused his burns to scream out.

‘Now that was a fight!’ Bandlor exclaimed into Adam’s mind, flying atop the half-elf’s head.

“Oh,” Adam gasped. ‘I didn’t even… Bandlor?’

‘Yes? It is I!’

‘How did you survive the Fireballs?’

‘I flew around it.’


‘Regardless! That was a most wonderful bout! I hadn’t expected them to rush you all at once, but it was a wonderful display! You are more powerful than I thought!’

‘I was just lucky,’ Adam replied. ‘My spells were powerful enough to put a dent on them, but I don’t think I would have been able to survive another moment against the giants.’

Bandlor flew to the other side of the bath and then perched against the edge. ‘Luck is also an ability, isn’t it? You are one who weaves Fate.’

‘I suppose you’re right…’ Adam shrugged his shoulders. ‘I think I need to buy some new armour.’

‘It is good fortune that you are meeting with the frosted ones, for they are able to smith great works.’

‘They are?’

‘Indeed! Mighty are the weapons which giants forge. Giantmade, as one would say. They are able to smith powerful weapons with their enchantments, though I suppose their armour is far less capable in comparison.’

Adam hummed in thought. Why were giants so much better at making weapons than armour? Was it a cultural thing? He wondered if he could smith with them if he met them.

‘Perhaps I should change my request,’ Bandlor mused into Adam’s mind.

Adam decided against humouring the god-owl, sinking deeper into the bath as the water seeped into his pores. He sighed out and closed his eyes, relaxing. He had gained a hefty amount of Experience, though he was still unable to level in either Warrior or Wizard.

Bandlor clear his godly throat into Adam’s mind. ‘Perhaps,’ he emphasised, ‘I should change my request.’

Adam left Bandlor to wait for a long moment before he sighed. ‘Oh mighty Bandlor, do tell me what your request is.’

‘No, no, not yet.’ Bandlor puffed up his chest. ‘You are too weak at the moment.’

‘I did swallow two entire Fireballs and three mud giants in one go. How many did you handle?’

‘If only I was in my godly form! Oh how I would have revelled in slaughtering those beasts!’

Adam sighed. He hoisted himself out of the bath and dried off his underwear with his trick, before then cleaning his clothes and changing into them. He cleaned up his armour, all the while thinking about armour he could easily don and doff.

‘Hey Bandlor?’


‘Is there armour which I can equip easily?’

‘I have heard of such a thing. Redboulder would be best to ask about such a thing.’

‘Redboulder? Is it because he’s a dwarf?’


Adam wondered if that was appropriate, but he decided he may as well ask the dwarf, there was no harm in it.

The cool air struck him and Adam shuddered. He wrapped his cloak around himself as he walked over to the dwarf, who was currently sitting outside the bath tower, keeping an eye out.

“Hey Redboulder,” Adam said, checking around himself for an unseen enemy,

“Adam,” Redboulder nodded, his own eyes falling across the entire landscape.

“I’ve been thinking about how awkward it’s been to don and doff my armour, it just takes too long. Is there armour that exists which can easily be donned or doffed?” Adam asked.

“Aye, yer talking about swift armour. Yeh can find it about the big cities with enough time, or yeh can ask a smith ta make it and find an enchanter to enchant it.”

“I see, I see.” Adam nodded his head. “That’s good to know.”

“It’s a big expense, though. About five thousand, sometimes more, fer a single set o’ plate mail.”

“Sounds like it’d be worth it though.”

“Aye, but yeh want it enchanted with all sorts in that case.”

“Can someone stack enchantments like that?”

“Depends how good the enchanter is.”

Adam thought about it for a moment. “Alright, that’s good to know. Thanks for sharing your wisdom with me.”

“Aye, anytime lad.” Redboulder nodded.

Adam went to inform the women that they could go and bathe. Jon was off in the corner, his knees brought up to his chest.

“Are you alright?” Adam asked, setting himself beside the giant boy.

“I’m fine,” Jon said, a voice so meek one would never have expected it to be from a giant form.

“You sure?” Adam asked, placing down his chain mail beside him.

Jon nodded and remained there, as solemn as a rock. Adam scratched his chin in thought. What could he do to assist the young giant?

“Hey Jon,” he said, raising his hand. “Do you need to cool down?” Adam channelled his magic through himself and blasted a small puff of air at Jon, who pulled back away from him.

“What was that?” Jon gasped.


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