Beyond Average Prequel [DiceRPG]

092. Adam and Icewyrms


I checked this morning and I got a new Patron so here's an extra chapter. 



“We will focus our attacks on one of the them,” Joti said. “I will not be attacking them, but I will use my magic to keep them grounded. I will chant for as long as I am able, but it will require much of my concentration. If I break my chanting, I will do my best to begin my chanting once more.”

The icewyrms continued to blast at the barrier, their rage overwhelming their minds. Sometimes they would slam themselves against it, or cut against it, but the runestone’s power did not falter. There was something eery about how the giants ignored the impending danger around them.

“They have an ability to blast ice,” Adam said. “If they both focus you, it will turn out poorly for us. We’ll need to distract them away from you.” Adam paused for a moment. “Does their blast even effect you?”

“Not the cold, but they do blast out ice. It might break my chant if I am struck.”

“What if I corner one by myself and the three of you deal with the remaining o-” Adam then looked up.

D20 + 5 = 13 (8)

Try as he might, Adam was unable to see the creature in the sky, nor the glowing he had seen previously.

“There may still be the third icewyrm,” Karasmith said as she crossed her arms and fell into thought.

“I will be create an arena for us to fight within,” Joti said. “The third will not bother us as we deal with the two. If I am unable to form the arena before the third enters it, Gant will keep it occupied.” His eyes fell onto Kara and Sera, a question in his eyes.

“We will defeat it and then assist Gant and Adam,” Sera said.

“I’ll let you know if I need help,” Adam said. “I have a few tricks up my sleeve to keep the creature at bay.”

4, 17

“Very well,” Joti said. “It may be that my spell creates a storm within the arena. The spirits may be upset this morning, they have yet to speak to me.”

Adam frowned. “The storm will affect my spell casting, though I should be fine. Are these creatures weak to fire or anything else?”

“They are weak to death,” Gant said, not helping in the slightest.

“They have no weaknesses,” Joti said, “but their only strength is in their breath. If you are able to focus its attention away, it may choose to use its claws and bite instead. If that is the case, then it will be easier for you to deal with it since you are in heavy armour.”

“My armour doesn’t really do much against their breath, but I guess it’s more useful against their claws and bite…” Adam mused to himself, agreeing with the giant’s thoughts. “It’s times like this I wish I had plate mail.”

“You have the cloak, which should protect you against its breath,” Joti said. “The frost will not affect you quite so harshly.”

The icewyrms continued to blast their breath against the barrier. Adam turned to look at the two of them.

D20 + 5 = 8 (3)

Adam squinted his eyes. “How powerful are they exactly? Could I manage to defeat one by myself?”

“With a little effort,” Joti said. “Be careful, for when it grows weaker, it will become a more dangerous beast. If it sees death, there is a small chance that it will embrace Winter into itself. Then we will need to retreat.”

“Embrace Winter?” Adam asked.

“You will know if it occurs.”

“That doesn’t sound good…” Adam frowned. He wished Bandlor was here, he’d be able to ease his worries.

“Are you ready?” Joti asked. “Once I withdraw my weapon, I will need a short time to create the arena. In that time you will need to keep the creatures away from me.”

Adam looked down to his sword, the glowing runes providing him with a sense of safety. He finally stood, feeling the excitement of battle beginning to fill him. “Let me prepare my spells,” he said. Adam then waited a moment and looked up to Joti. “Uh, can I cast spells from within the barrier?”


“Can I cast them and have them take effect outside?”


Adam looked outside. “…” He continued to think for a moment as he thought about the most useful spell at his disposal. “Joti.”


“Should I cast a bunch of Fireballs?”

Joti looked to Gant, whose face was puckering in such a way that one would think he had eaten a lemon whole. Joti asked something in giant and Gant replied. They continued to discuss for a few moments.


Adam looked up at the icewyrms, clutching his die with one hand. “Well I guess that settles it.”

“We will prepare ourselves in case they flee,” Joti said, looking to Kara, Sera, and then Gant.

Adam cracked his knuckles. “Will we eat icewyrm for lunch?” Adam asked.

“If you do not burn it too much,” Joti replied.

Adam looked back at the giant, whose face was stone cold as it always was. “I’ll do my best.” Adam chuckled. He turned to face the icewyrms. He was about to chant his spell, but felt his blade warm up. He looked down at it before he cleared his throat.

“Aren’t you lucky?!” Adam declared. “You will become my first sacrifice in the name of Arya, Goddess of Swords!” He donned his shield and then clutched at his die tighter.

44 -> 41
8D6 (1, 1, 1, 2, 5, 5, 6, 6)
27 fire damage!

Onward Soar
1 -> 0

41 -> 38
8D6 (1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 4, 4, 6)
22 fire damage!

“Burn, you damn wyrms!” Adam exclaimed, feeling the electricity run through his body. The magic started to pour out of him as a bead of red cut through the white, before exploding out to engulf the pair of icewyrms in fire and heat. The creatures screamed out as another bead falls down from the heavens, lighting up the area as the flames covered them entirely. They howled and beat their wings, slashing at the barrier with their talons.

Joti kept his hands around the hilt of his blade, ready to pull it off the runestone if that was required.

“Can you cast more?” Karasmith asked, her voice and eyes filled with intrigue.

Adam smiled. “Let me show you how many I can do.”

38 -> 35
8D6 (1, 3, 3, 3, 3, 5, 5, 6)
29 fire damage!

“Engulf my enemies in fire,” Adam chanted as the magic flowed through his core again. He clenched his fist as another bolt of fire rained down from the heavens, expanding into wild flames across the wyrms, which screeched and cried. As the flames expanded, the wind around the barrier picked up, and the snow raged harder to dissipate the fire.

Battle Order
D20 - 1 = 7 (8)

The wyverns screeched as they pulled away from the barrier, darting upwards like speeding bullet trains. They disappeared into the storm as Adam glanced around, trying to find the wyverns. The wind and snow began to wrap around the group before Joti placed his sword onto the runestone and summoned the barrier again.

“What happened?” Adam asked, his eyes still flickering around the snowy sky.

D20 + 5 = 11 (6)

“They retreated too quickly,” Joti said.

The other giants clutched at their weapons tighter, their eyes scanning the horizon. Gant stared up at the sky, with the women checking a side.

“Is that good or bad?” Adam asked.

“Only time will tell.” Joti dropped down to a knee and then he picked up some snow, some of it dropping down the cracks of his fingers. He glanced around before he clenched on the snow and then bowed his head, whispering a chant.

Adam’s eyes continued to scan across the horizon and the skies until Joti stood up and then sat down, crossing his arms. The others joined him in doing so, and Adam joined the circle after a moment.

“The icewyrms have left too quickly,” Joti said. “The third is missing as well. The wind and snow do not speak highly of our chances today.”

“I’m sorry,” Adam said, rubbing the back of his neck.

“What are you sorry for?” Gant asked.

“Well, I offered to Fireball them and that made them flee.”

“We do not know if it was your spell which made them flee.”

Adam furrowed his brows. “What else could it be? I’d run away if someone threw down three Fireballs on me.”

“There is another factor at play,” the giant replied back.

“Earlier, you mentioned you had seen seen an iceworm,” Joti said. “You may have truly seen something, though it was no iceworm, the wind did not say.”

“What did it say it was?” Adam asked, as politely as he can.

“It did not say anything.”

“There is interference,” Karasmith said.

“There is.” Joti nodded.

“What could interfere with the world like that?” Adam asked, leaning in.

“Too many beings could interfere,” Joti said.

“What’s the plan?” Adam asked.

“We will remain here for the day. They will not return, not after their defeat. We will hunt them down, but our journey will become more dangerous now.”



I am still going to post an extra chapter for each new Patron!  | Come join my Discord too!

Make sure you check out Wayfinder by TheRottingBard! He's sent a lot of love over.

Wow. I can't believe I wrote a fight and the creatures ran away...




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