Beyond Average Prequel [DiceRPG]

094. Adam and the Dangers


This chapter was not nice and chill.



Tough Save
D20 + 7 = 9 (2)
D20 + 7 = 17 (10)
250 -> 226

Tough Save
D20 + 7 = 21 (14)
D20 + 7 = 23 (16)
226 -> 207

Adam gripped onto the rope tighter as two blasts of frost and ice struck him. He winced with pain as he looked up to see that the rope was frozen and that both he and Karasmith had been targeted. The icewyrms flew off and Adam could only see blurred shadows from the corner of his eyes. 

“Kara!” Adam exclaimed in a panic. “Smith!” he quickly corrected himself, “are you able to hoist me up?” The wind took away much of his voice, though it managed to trail up to the giant woman. 

“Yes!” She shouted back, looking down to check on him, watching as he let go of the rope and fell a few feet, grunting as he dangled at the end. He looked up towards Karasmith, threw her a thumbs up, and then tossed a look at the icewyrms, seeing them veer around to blast them with ice again. 

Battle Order
D20 - 1 = 5 (6)

Agility Save
D20 = 17 (17) 

44 -> 40

Wise Save
D20 + 6 = 16 (10)

The giants up ahead climbed quicker, Adam still dangling at the bottom as he reached for his die. His body shuddered with a deep chill and he looked up to realise his grave mistake. The wyverns were not aiming to blast him again with their ice breath, instead they darted forward towards the dangling Adam, who was many metres away from the giant.  

The wyrms slashed at the rope, shredding through the ice and rope with their mighty talons. The rope remained together for a moment, but then snapped all of a sudden.

"Oh no," Adam whispered before his breath was stolen from him, dropping down through the air with no support. 

Adam’s die slipped from his grasp, but he managed to snatch it from the air. It was important he didn’t lose the die in his dire moment. His eyes remained fixated above, staring even beyond Joti. 

He summoned forth his magical energy, feeling the wind rushing along his body. "Up! As far as I can go!" Adam shouted. His entire body shuddered as he displaced himself, staring up at the sky without any giants. He turned his head to see Joti some ways underneath. He began to fall down towards the giant, who reached out an arm. 

‘Thank god for this spell,” he thought. ‘Thank Arya,’ he corrected himself. Adam gasped as his body jolted, no longer falling but instead rushing away. A pair of talons had gripped around his shoulders. The talons were connected to a giant white beast. No, not a beast, but a beautiful creature filled with beauty and magnificence. It had been some time since he had last flown on one. There, above him, was a giant white dragon, careened with its neck to face him. Its eyes were icy blue, colder than any frost of snow he had ever seen, and its gaze pierced through him. It opened its toothy maw towards him, revealing the spittle and the dagger like teeth. 

His entire body filled with the coldest of fear, gripping his heart tightly. It was as though his heart had frosted over, the cool soon filling his every pore. He couldn't hear Joti's shouting, or the rushing wind, or the heavy beating of wings. All he could think of was his fear.

'I’m going to die,' he thought. 'No. No! I don't want to die.'

The dragon dragged him away, flying further away from the giants, leaving them behind in the snow storm. Adam struggled against the creature, his eyes wide. 

Might Save
D20 + 9 = 21 (12)

Wise Save
D20 + 6 = 16 (10)

He thrashed against the creature’s grip, but it did not let go. Its talons were locked onto him like a vice, as though he was the greatest treasure it had ever found. 

“Let go of me! Damn it! Let go!” Adam cried out, trying his best to flex his muscles. No matter how much he strained against the creature, he could not escape its grasp. 

Adam's heart pounded as he felt the fear sank deeper into his core, as though trying to claim his entire being. "No!' he cried, “no!” In his desperation he reached out for someone, anyone, to help him, but no one came. Then his hands clasped around something, something strange and yet familiar, and he realised he was not alone. There, clutched tightly within his trembling fingers, was a long blade covered in giant runes. Big brother. No one would come to help him now, but he didn’t need it. 

D20 + 10 = 29 (19)
D20 + 10 = 25 (15)
3D6 + 9 = 25 (5, 6, 6)
26 damage!

D20 + 10 = 27 (17)
D20 + 10 = 15 (5)

"For Arya!" Adam cried out, recalling his promise in the moment with the help of the blade, and he slashed ferociously at the dragon's talons. He managed to glance a blow against the creature’s leg, causing it to shake for a moment, but it did not give in. He caught a glance down to see the icewyrms flowing beneath him, but he looking down to see the icewyrms flying underneath. He would need to do so much more to defeat a creature like this. 

Onward Soar
1 -> 0

D20 + 10 = 23 (13)
D20 + 10 = 12 (2)

D20 + 10 = 26 (16)
D20 + 10 = 13 (3)

Wise Save
D20 + 6 = 24 (18)


With utter desperation, Adam flung out with his blade once again, though this time did not clatter off the dragon’s scales. The fear took root into his heart, and with the piercing grip of the dragon, it was too much for him to swing his blade with any accuracy. 

The creature tried to whip at Adam's blade with its mighty tail, but he managed to slash away from it, keeping the blade secure within his grip. Though the creature had missed, the situation was growing direr by the second. 

Adam inhaled deeply and then thought of Arya and her aid, as well as her task for him. Then came the thought of Bandlor, who had risked so much for Adam, and his mind cleared. Bandlor would have been ashamed of him, being captured so easily by three overgrown lizards. No longer did the fear grip him. 

‘Think Adam, think! You can get out of this!’ His mind raced as he tried to find a way to leave. 

6, 7

His Omen wasn’t going to help, except for when he does eventually free himself. Then he realised the spells at his disposal.

Tough Save
D20 + 7 = 12 (5)
D20 + 7 = 17 (10)
40 -> 36

Adam clutched his die tightly, not that he needed to since his spell did not require it, and he called forth his magic. “Down!” He shouted, feigning an attack with his sword before his entire body shuddered, and then he was free, almost frozen in the air before he started to fall. He threw a look back to see vague shapes in the distance, the snow obscuring most of his vision. 'I need to get away as quickly as I can!' 

36 -> 32
207 -> 191

“Down!” Adam declared, willing his magic again. If he could only-

His body shook and pain flooded through him, and he found himself falling at the same rate as he had been. He should have stopped for a moment if his spell had worked, and yet he was still falling down. Further below him he saw a crevice within the ground, and his eyes went wide. ‘Oh shi-‘

Agility Save
D20 = 4 (4)
191 -> 161

He was unable to veer away before slammed against the edge of the crevice, his armour conforming to the shape of it, before he bounced into the hole. 

Agility Save
D20 = 7 (7)

He had thought to cast a spell, but as he reached up, his thoughtlessness had gotten the best of him, and he watched as his die slipped out of his hand. In his panic he tried to snatch it, only to punch the die away. 


That wasn't good. His die was one of the key components for many of his spells, without it his abilities would be limited. 

161 -> 128

Tough Save
D20 + 7 = 21 (4)

He continued to hurl towards the ground, clipping rocks constantly with his body. He reached down for his shield, only to hit his elbow against something. He managed to grunt through the pain, and with a grimace, he managed to clutch at his shield. He tried to cry out, but his body continued to strike against different rocks, bouncing off them all to the next. He couldn’t even cry out a word to will himself away. 

Was this the end? Falling down a dark hole, slamming from one rock to the next, his armour denting, his body breaking. 

161 -> 0

Then all fell black, his final thoughts cursing himself for not taking the Fly spell when he was able to.



I am still going to post an extra chapter for each new Patron!  | Come join my Discord too!

Make sure you check out Wayfinder by TheRottingBard! He's sent a lot of love over.

Uh. I guess he's dead...



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