Beyond Average Prequel [DiceRPG]

Side Story – Entalia’s Errands

I only just realised, after writing this short story, that I haven't finished Paul's...


It was a cool day as the hooded figure approached the large city, hearing the sounds of the city carried on the breeze. The figure hadn’t been in this city for almost a decade, and as she approached the gates in the evening, a guard raised their hand.

“Halt,” the guard said. “The city’s gates are closed. State your business.”

The figure smiled as they pulled down their hood, and then pulled off their helmet. Her eyes were slightly slanted, with an emerald shimmer. Her nose was thin and straight, going down like an arrow tip, and her lips were even thinner. Elongated ears jut out the side of her head straight upwards, though were pointed like a leaf. Her hair was long, like liquid copper that fell down to her shoulders.

“Good evening,” she said, her voice as gentle as a tune. “I’m just here to visit my brother. I believe he’s an adventurer within the city.”

“What’s his name?” the guard inquired, tilting their head slightly.

“Endale,” Entalia said.

The guards glanced between one another. “May we ask for your name?”

“Entalia,” she said.

The guard knocked on the gate and a moment later someone peered from above the gate. “Yeah?”

“Send a message to Endale. Tell him his sister, Entalia, has come to visit, and we need him to confirm.”

“Alright,” the other guard said, soon disappearing.

“Sorry miss, but it’s protocol to not allow anyone through without the proper sigils or papers.”

“I understand,” Entalia replied, expecting as such. She had run a little late on the way to the city, but a small nuisance at the gate was much better than sleeping in the tower. The delicious food, the atmosphere, the company, these were all worth a minor inconvenience.

It took close to an hour before a figure appeared over the gate. The man had eyes which were slightly slanted, with a familiar emerald shimmer. A nose which was thin and straight, lips which were even thinner, and the same leaf shaped ears she possessed. His hair was short, cut in the way of the humans, rather than freely grown.

“Sister,” he said.

“Brother,” she replied.

Endale nodded to the guards, flicking a gold coin to them, before he disappeared. The guard saluted the woman and then allowed her inside, where the quietening city greeted her behind her brother.

“I’ll take you to the inn I’m staying at,” he said.

“You aren’t staying at the guild?”

“I prefer the inn, though it is a little more expensive.”

“I didn’t expect you to be so frivolous.”

“Life is such a way,” he replied.

Entalia smiled. To think her little brother would spend the even a single copper more from his hoard. This could only mean one thing…

He eventually invited her into a fairly decent tavern, one which was made out of heavy stone, with a single guard standing outside. The guard nodded his head to Endale, glancing to Entalia.

“Your sister?” the guard asked.

Endale nodded and the guard bowed his head to the woman, before then allowing them inside. Wooden floors and furnishings greeted them, though there was a section off to the side where there were several booths as well as some magical runes. Endale placed down a small gem and led Entalia towards the booth, ignoring all the others, and they ignored the pair.

The booth was plush, and there was a small bell. Endale rang it and then placed two gold pieces on the table. After a moment, a servant arrived. They were dressed all in black, covered head to toe to hide their identity. They slid both gold pieces into one hand and placed them into a side pouch, and out of the other retrieved a small tea set. They also turned and placed a small gem into a small slot in the wall and the runes around it lit up before they retreated.

“It’s not everyday I get to see my sister,” Endale said, pouring them some tea.

“It’s not everyday I find that my brother has grown up,” Entalia said, smiling at him. “Who is she?”

Endale sighed, looking down at the tea cup. “A feynt woman by the name of Terra,” he replied.

“I didn’t know you liked them big.” Entalia smiled as she sipped on her tea. It was quite sweet, just how she enjoyed it. “How long?”

“Five years.”

“Does she know?”

“No,” he replied.

“Aren’t you planning to tell her.”

“Not right now. We both have our secrets, so we’ll keep them for now. There’s no need to poke around when it’s not yet wanted.” Endale sipped his tea. “Though I’m sure that’s not why you’re here.”

“Checking up on a little brother is an older sister’s role. It’s been almost ten years since we last spoke, so why can’t I come here to check up on you? Must I need another reason.”

“No, but there is another reason.”

“There is,” she said, placing down a sword on the table. It was a dwarven sword, one which had been enchanted.

Endale picked it up, scanning the blade with his eyes. “A dwarven blade, enchanted. Owned by a half-fey.” The words came out confused. “Interesting, but I don’t understand.”

“Remember the scent,” she said. “The young man who possessed this blade is someone of interest.”

Endale’s eyes fell up towards his sister. “You asked me about Terra, but I didn’t expect you to have someone. Who?”

“A half-elf by the name of Adam, but…”


“He’s someone who the gods keep an eye on.”

“What?” Endale raised his brows in alarm. “Which gods?”

“Belle and his kin, though there are two others who have taken an interest in him. One being…” Entalia paused for a moment, a chill running through her spine. Her brother took the hint. “The other is a being not from our world, one which has invaded. It’s a terrible creature, one which I could not defeat in its weakened state.”

Endale raised his brows in further alarm. “You couldn’t defeat it? It couldn’t be a creature on the level of a god, could it?”

“It is, I’m certain of it.”

“How could that be? Another Breaking?”

“The boy, Adam, is connected to it.”


“He…” Entalia smiled. “I can’t say.”

“If you can’t say, then I won’t ask. It sounds troublesome.”

“He’s very cute,” she said. “He isn’t mine just yet, but I’m going to eat him up soon.”

“Be kind to him, he’s only a half-elf.”

“It won’t be long until he’s stronger than me.”

Endale stared into his sister’s eyes. “How long?”

“At the rate he’s improving, I would say a year at most.”

“A year at most? How old is he?”

“In his twenties.”

“Sister, please…” Endale sipped his tea again. “Your jokes are going a little too far.”

“He’s favoured by the gods and higher powers. He’s going to be someone of note soon. He’s already revealed most of his powers to that brat, Aksak.”

“The Prince?”

“The very same. I’m certain if the two fought, it would be close.”

Endale remained staring at his sister. “What have you gotten yourself into?”

“Nothing, yet. I came to tell you about him since it would be best if you formed a good relationship with him.”

“I’ll keep it in mind.”

“If he ever needs your help, don’t hesitate to help him. Let him know who you are.”

“Does he know who you are?”

“He more than knows,” she replied, smirking at him.

Endale almost choked on his tea. “You did? Really?”

“I did. Really.”

Endale rubbed his forehead. “I’ll be sure to meet with him one day.” He sighed. “I should tell you that our older brother plans on descending soon.”

Entalia narrowed her eyes. “Politely?”


Entalia remained silent. She hadn’t expected her older brother to be so bold. “How much are we talking about?”

“He’ll bring everyone.”

Entalia clicked her teeth. “And you called me troublesome.”

“What should we do?”

Entalia thought for a long moment. “I’ll speak with Prince Aksak and Adam,” she said.

“You’re going to the frost giants for help?” Endale almost choked again.

“They aren’t so bad, and I’ve returned his sword to him.”

Endale started to cough, tears in his eyes as he tried not to choke. “What?”

She smiled. “I made a trade. The greatsword for this blade.” She picked up the sword, which disappeared.

“I’ll try to meet him as quickly as I can. I didn’t expect you to give up such a powerful sword for this one.”

“It was great, but with this blade, I’ll always have a connection to Adam.” She smiled. “Do you know where he plans to descend?”

“I’m not entirely sure, but I’m pretty sure he plans on heading to one of the smaller kingdoms. My best guess is the kingdom you currently reside in since he won’t expect you to fight him.”

“What a shame for him,” she said. “It just so happens Adam quite likes that kingdom. I didn’t expect him to be so stupid to pick the kingdom home to the Iyrmen.”

“I’ll doubt he’ll fight the Iyrmen. He’ll make some sort of a deal.”

“He won’t,” she said.

“Are you really intent on fighting him?”

“I quite like that kingdom,” she said. “I won’t share it.”

Endale sighed. “If that boy is so special, I’ll see what I can do.”

“Thank you,” she said, reaching up to ruffle his hair.

It was then the sun turned black and a cold shudder ran through her body. She narrowed her eyes as Endale caught her look.

There was a moment of silence before chaos began to erupt within the city. She leapt out with her brother, looking to see the people all around staring at the black sky. Not much later, her entire body grew cold.

“It’s back,” she said.


“The creature I faced,” she said. “It’s back.”

“We need to divine where it is.”

“It’s in the north, near the giant kingdoms.”

“Does it have a death wish?”

“It’s after Adam.”


She was about to rush out when a voice entered her mind. ‘Relax,’ the voice said, so smooth and sweet. ‘He’ll be fine.’

‘I didn’t expect to hear from you,’ she replied, her thoughts full of spite. This was Belle, the father of the tyrant known as Bandlor.

‘I don’t have much time to speak with you, but I won’t allow anything to happen to him.’

She clicked her teeth and clenched her fists. She threw a look to her brother and then sighed. “Looks like it’s being dealt with.”

Endale’s face was contorted in rage as well, feeling the intent of the God of Chaos. However, at his sister’s words, he relented.

“He’s not so easy to kill anyway…”

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