Beyond Chaos – A DiceRPG

[968] – Y04.068 – Ever Green II

The figure’s skin was like ash, peeled apart, not by the nature around, but by the death and decay that had occurred over a thousand years. Yet the tracks it had left behind were only hours past. Jurot noted the symbol the figure had managed to write in their blood beside them, and as he scraped it, he threw a look to Kitool, the pair exchanging head nods. Kitool clutched her staff tighter, while Jurot donned his shield, and upon the sight, Jaygak did so too. 

‘A Tribesfolk?’ Adam donned his shield too, and drew Wraith, while Lucy and Mara, feeling the air grow cold, and noting their companions arming themselves silently, drew their own weapons. 

Jurot held up his hand, before motioning forward, and he crouched down, though his steps were still swift. He followed the tracks, with Lucy following right beside him, while Mara followed Kitool, and Adam and Jaygak brought up the rear, the group having taken a triangular position in pairs.

They continued forward through the hilly forest, and as the minutes passed, they could feel it through the trees, smell it upon the breeze, the chill of death.

The bottom of the hill bore a hole, the earth having given way, leading to dark depths. Jurot entered first, and as Lucy stepped in, Mara placed a hand on her shoulder. She slipped in first, followed by Lucy, and then Kitool. Adam and Jaygak glanced between one another, the pair sighing, before climbing up within their heavy armour, sliding down the tunnel, the earth scraping against their armour louder than they expected. As they landed lightly on the earth, within the centre of the large chamber, the skeletons around them turned to face them.

“Sorry,” Adam whispered. 

Battle Order
D20 + 1 = 9 (8)

Attack - Wraith
D20 + 10 = 13 (3)
Mana: 25 -> 24
Ability: Divine Smite
Divine Smite empowered!
2D6 + 3D6 + 9 = 28 (7)(12)
28 damage!

Attack - Wraith
D20 + 10 = 13 (3)
Mana: 24 -> 23
Ability: Divine Smite
Divine Smite empowered!
2D6 + 3D6 + 9 = 26 (7)(10)
26 damage!

Wraith swerved through the air, tearing through each skeleton with ease, with such might that Adam’s axe accidentally sliced through another skeleton with each blow, each falling like blocks of wood, each of the people around him barely even swinging their weapons with any effort. 

XP Gained: +100
XP: 14 500 -> 14 600

“That was eas-,” Adam said, only to be interrupted by a blast of ice from the side. 

Constitution Save
D20 + 6 = 12 (6)

Health: 91 ->  55

As the cold blanketed the party, Kitool pulled back, her body moving without even a thought as she flipped through the air, dodging most of the blast. ‘Fifth Gate.’

“More uninvited guests?” a voice called from the darkness, the voice raspy and low, yet brimming with great power. “Deathsingers? Oh? And just what are you three?” 

Everyone here could hear the tone of voice. It was that kind of voice, like that of a hunter about to play with a kitten. 

The figure stepped from the shadows, pale and thin, the face of death itself. His cheeks were gaunt, his eyes dark, with hints of green swirls, and though he looked like he could blow over at a single breath, his body, floating through the air, remained completely relaxed. He wore dark garbs, and he floated through the air so casually, it was as though he had just been eating cheese and drinking wine. Behind him, following his fingers, several bodies floated through the air, trailing behind him.

“Who the hell are you?”

“How rude,” the figure said, raising his hand, calling forth words of magic. 

“Get down!” Jurot shouted.

Mana: 23 -> 20
Spell: Counterspell

Counterspell Check
D20 + 3 = 15 (12)

“Who gave you permission to cast a spell in front of me?” Adam asked, pointing towards the figure with his axe, the magic coursing through his veins before it rushed against the magic from the being floating before them.

“Oh dear,” the figure said, feeling the magic dissipate in front of him. He flicked his hand, tossing the bodies near the group, and reached out his hand. A green orb floated towards him.

Adam felt his hairs stand on end, and his eyes fell to the green orb. All he could feel was the intense magic coming out from the orb, and even Lucy and Mara could feel it, while the Iyrmen’s senses told them that whatever was happening before them, couldn’t be allowed to happen. 

“I suppose it is too late for me now,” the figure said, holding up a hand as Jurot’s axe tried to smash his skull, the staff remained a hair’s breadth away from his neck, and the glowing blade threatened to slice through where his heart was assumed to be. He flicked his finger and the trio of bodies flew backwards a moment later, though they managed to remain on their feet. The figure floated upwards, the ceiling beginning to glow for a moment, before he disappeared within it.

“Adam,” Jurot said, glancing aside, completely ignoring the groaning bodies on the floor, while green fire began to illuminate the area, each fire at the top of what appeared to be coffins. The chamber around them, now the main centre of attention for the group, was extraordinarily large, only now once the green flames brought light to the area, could they see its true size. 

Unfortunately the group couldn’t admire the architecture, which was ancient, from a time long before, due to the floating coffins. The lids fell, revealing five suits of armour, although as they shifted, Adam realised they were figures who were adorned in suits of armour, of intricate bronze, though rust had begun to take them. 

Fighting Spirit: 3 -> 2
Health: 55 -> 60

Attack - Wraith (Advantage)
D20 + 10 = 12 (2)
D20 + 10 = 25 (15)
Wraith: 3 -> 2
Mana: 20 -> 19
Ability: Divine Smite
Divine Smite empowered!
2D6 + 2D6 + 3D6 + 9 = 36 (8)(3)(16)
36 damage!

Attack - Wraith (Advantage)
D20 + 10 = 22 (12)
D20 + 10 = 30 (20)
Wraith: 2 -> 0
Mana: 19 -> 18
Ability: Divine Smite
Divine Smite empowered!
4D6 + 4D6 + 6D6 + 9 = 59 (19)(13)(18)
59 damage!

Onward Soar: 1 -> 0

Attack - Wraith (Advantage)
D20 + 10 = 12 (2)
D20 + 10 = 25 (15)
Mana: 18 -> 17
Ability: Divine Smite
Divine Smite empowered!
2D6 + 3D6 + 9 = 17 (3)(5)
17 damage!

Attack - Wraith (Advantage)
D20 + 10 = 12 (2)
D20 + 10 = 25 (15)
Mana: 17 -> 16
Ability: Divine Smite
Divine Smite empowered!
2D6 + 3D6 + 9 = 26 (6)(11)
26 damage!

As the suits of armour floated out of the coffins, they were forced back within by the might of magical sword, axes, and staff. Adam, like a ravenous beast, tore into the armour of the warrior, feeling the dread emanating from the heavily armoured creature. He broke through to air, scraps flying all around him, until the ancient guard fell still. A sickening crunch beside him also revealed Kitool had silenced another forever. 

‘…’ Kitool inhaled sharply. 

“Gah!” Mara growled as one of the two remaining figures who had stepped out grabbed at her throat, lifting her up with ease, while her red skin turned pale and her skin started to wrinkle. Adam turned to help, before Kitool beside him spinning, only to be grabbed by the last remaining guard, and she groaned as her skin turned pale and her veins black, the young woman’s body shaking.

“Mara!” Lucy shouted, pivoting towards her companion, her rage filling her with a deep heat. 

Fighting Spirit: 2 -> 1
Health: 60 -> 65

Attack - Wraith (Advantage)
D20 + 10 = 12 (2)
D20 + 10 = 25 (15)
Mana: 16 -> 15
Ability: Divine Smite
Divine Smite empowered!
2D6 + 3D6 + 9 = 25 (4)(12)
25 damage!

Attack - Wraith (Advantage)
D20 + 10 = 16 (6)
D20 + 10 = 19 (9)
Mana: 15 -> 14
Ability: Divine Smite
Divine Smite empowered!
Ability: Divine Smite
Divine Smite empowered!
2D6 + 3D6 + 9 = 29 (7)(13)
29 damage!

It was only after Adam’s flashing axe tore down one of the ancient guards, and the pair fell still, that the half elf realised the land around him rumbled and shook. “Damn! Let’s get out of here!” Adam shouted, before he unstrapped his shield.

XP Gained: +800
XP: 15 000 -> 15 800

Mana: 14 -> 11
Spell: Fly

Adam grabbed onto the a pair of the bodies which continued to groan, while Jurot and Lucy grabbed another pair, and they swiftly retreated out of the crumbling ruins, Adam dropping down the people outside, before flying down the tunnel to grab the others from the Rage Dancers who were waiting for him, passing them the bodies. Though they spent a short time doing this, time they could have spent looting the immediate area, Adam didn’t care for losing all the treasures beneath. 

Jaygak stared at the earth, which fell in on itself, while her companions set about dealing with the half dead party of adventurers. She stared down towards her sword. ‘…’ She was certain, compared to all of her party, she was the weakest. She wasn’t even the weakest by a little, but the distance between them was the difference between herself and the treasures lost to time. 

Quest Complete: Survive the Ancient Calamity
XP Gained: +800
XP: 15 800 -> 16 600

Lay on Hands: 19

Adam had spent five on Kitool and Mara to heal their conditions, and though Kitool seemed to return to her lively self, Mara was still paler than usual. He had also spent a point on each of the six figures before him, who he had recognised while healing them. The last figure hadn’t stirred upon Adam’s healing, which meant one of two things. 

Mana: 11 -> 8
Spell: Revivify

“Baktu, please return them to us,” Adam prayed, the diamond worth three hundred gold turned to dust, and not only did it scatter to the wind, it turned to light and disappeared out of existence. However, the figure remained still. ‘Damn.’

“Ah!” the young woman groaned, before crawling over to the young man. “John.” She panted for air. “John!”

“I’m sorry,” Adam said. “He’s dead.”

“What did you do?” she asked, her accusatory glare piercing through Adam.

“I tried to bring him back, but my spell didn’t work. He’s been gone for too long. I’m sorry.”

The woman continued to glare at him, slightly confused, considering their relationship, but soon tears welled in her eyes, and she thumbed the earth beside her. “Damn it. Damn it!”

The remaining four each came to their senses, noting their companion crying over the still body of another. They crawled over too, checking on the young man, who Adam had met several times during his adventures. He stared down at the dead man’s face, those lifeless eyes, unmoving like the rest of him. 

‘What’s going on this year?’ Adam thought. ‘Our paths have crossed again. The alchemist. The merchant. The adventurer. The other two, though, they deserved it more than this kid. What did he ever do to me? Pick a fight and get his ass beat? Does that mean this kid should have died?’

“You tried to bring him back?” Lucy asked.


“Why?” Lucy asked, and as Adam turned his head, she met his gaze. She could see it within his eyes. The half elf’s eyes looked past her to another time, seeing the flames of death engulf all around him. She wasn’t sure what happened, but in the past few years, Adam had changed. The last year, he had been shocked by the death around him, he had even been hesitant to fight. Lucy wasn’t sure if Adam was a killer or a little boy with the look in his eye. However, after a moment, the look in his eye changed.

“Because…” Adam said, his voice low, almost hesitant. “I can?”

Adam wasn’t confused by his words, but rather, confused as to why he needed to explain his actions, especially to Lucy of all people. Adam looked out to his companions and then down to the adventurers. Adam remained silent for a long while, deep in thought.

“This is all your fault!” the woman accused, drawing her blade towards the half elf. “You must have done something to him.”

“Hey, what are you doing?” Lucy asked. “Adam tried to bring him back.”

“Shut up! Shut up!” she screamed, before swinging her blade towards the half elf, which weakly scraped her armour. “It’s all your fault! It’s all your fault!” 

Lucy stepped forward, but Adam held out his hand towards her, allowing the woman to swing her blade at his armour. Her companions quickly grabbed at her, pulling her back away from the half elf, still struggling as she continued to scream and cry, Adam could see how little she resisted them. Even then, with the young woman sobbing before him, finally laying on the ground, Adam looked past her, seeing the fire all around him. 

The pair had both come across an insurmountable foe. The difference between them wasn’t just that Adam was strong, and richer, but that somehow, Lucy had been brought back, but John?

John, the racist punk who had picked fights with Adam, was dead.

He was dead now. 

He would be dead by the time she could come to her senses. 

He would be dead every day she would live. 

One day she would come to accept his death, but today was not that day.



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