Beyond M-Eclipse: Easy Mode LIVE

Chapter 4: Stay Night


<9: 13 pm>


*Tap* *Click* *Tap* *Tap* *Click*

{must’ve been practicing you got a lot better}

{another win!}

{You’re getting quite good at this}

“That’s what being holed up in the house for days will do. I got practice.” I said, knowing full well it’s not the only reason. “Alright, that was the last game for now… Where do you guys even come from?”

For whatever reason I have almost triple digits concurrent viewers. I didn’t really say anything as I kept playing the game and tried to be a little bit entertaining. Now I can’t help but ask.

{Do you know anything about the woman?}

{Saw your school friend’s stream right?}

{know anything about Wiina?}

{Was it staged?}

{give us the scoop!}

Oh. So that’s why. I guess it made a bit of sense. It all looks too coincidental so some might think it’s scripted. Trust me, it’d be better if it was. Should I try to deny it? Or…

“I really know nothing about that. She usually doesn't discuss her stream idea with any of us schoolmates anyway.” I said, denying being involved in any way. They should only think of me as a mere schoolmate who had never been involved with her stream.


{Was she seriously that close to death?}

{You never saw that woman before?}

“Chat, I’ll be real here, you’ll probably have better luck asking a homeless man than me if you wanna know who this Wiina person is.” I said, feigning ignorance the best I can. “Also, I have watched a lot of Karra’s stream before she started gaining more traction and let me tell you, she doesn’t like half-assed things, so in my opinion, it’s not staged, she actually almost died, and I don’t think you should make fun of her for it.”

{hitting the nerve huh}

{So she was seriously that lucky?}

{what if she was one of the viewers who ran in to help?}

“‘What if she’s one of the viewers’? I guess that could be it, not like the dungeon’s location is a secret.” I said, trying to not sound too convinced. “At least it’s better than some of you thinking that it’s all staged or whatever. Seriously, no shame.”

{hey I wasn’t saying any of that}

{I personally just wanna know if you have a clue on that woman}

{had Karra said anything to you since the stream?}

{you’re kind of our only other stream to know more since she got suspended}

“Right, she got suspended for a whole week for that. Mods sure worked real fast once something started trending…” Can’t imagine her reaction being good, but honestly she could use that time to learn how to better defend herself. “Mind you, if she starts using my channel to continue streaming then I’m also gonna get in trouble. My channel is small but I’m not gonna risk it.”


{That’s fair}

{How close are you two?}

{Waht about the other guy?}

“Jeff doesn’t stream, and he was also hounding me about this.” I answered. Having to hear his rant for a while was not fun when trying to feign ignorance. Playing dumb is not my strong suit. “Seriously though, if you wanna find someone like her, maybe prowl around in the dead of night, test your luck.”

{The fuck does that mean?}


{is that a clue?}

“Anyway, I’m turning in for the night. If you wanna know what Karra is up to then check her socials, not mine. Night.” I said before turning the stream off and switching my voice back. “Test… Test…”

Good thing I don’t really do facecam otherwise I have to shift that around too.


I walked towards and opened up my closet and grabbed my getup, alongside this rapier resting inside it, and my second phone.

Now then, let’s go take a stroll. Let’s see what is there to find out on this particular night.

“[Vanish]” I muttered as I opened the curtain and window, cloaking my body with a spell to keep myself invisible.


I keep myself afloat high above many buildings and start looking around to see if there is anything happening close by.

Hmm… Doesn’t look like there’s any monsters flying around here, at least. Let’s land on the roof here and check around.

I actually hope people didn’t take my advice to heart, some nutcases are waiting for victims for them to use their new form’s strength on like this is feudal Japan with tsujigiri1An act in which a samurai test out their new blade or technique on helpless victims, mainly during night time..

…Shit, maybe I shouldn’t have said all that. Guess I have to look around so people aren’t actually venturing around, especially in the alleyway.


Let’s hop around roof to roof and take a look if anything sinister is going on. With my night vision I should be able to catch a glimpse of someone before they catch a glimpse of me, especially with the height.

I am seeing some cars driving by, but those are very sparse compared to being the Mythical Eclipse. Most people are still staying indoors so they don’t even go out in the first place, from safety reasons to the halting of many jobs. It would probably start returning to normal in a month or two once they figure out how to compromise for those who were changed by the event, especially the more drastic ones.


I can hear faint footsteps in this direction so let’s go check that out first. I don’t worry too much about people who are driving around, they can most likely drive away if they’re about to be attacked.

*Hop* *Evade*

“Whoa!” In the middle of jumping around I was almost hit by some sort of arrow made from darkness. Once I landed back down on the roof and saw who shot it at me, I saw a familiar face.


“Hmm…” She looked at me with some scrutiny as she jumped up towards the same roof I am now on. Her long orange ponytail swaying in the wind and her white and orange hoodie are prominent features that make her easily recognizable. “Not a bad getup, I’d say.”

“And I guess I should’ve expected you to do something like that, Senior Rico.” I said, feeling slightly apprehensive. Connecting the dots between her and Coach Wana and it became clear that all the strange rumors of these two having inhumane fighting prowess were no mere fiction. They have a history of fighting each other in the gymnasium before she graduated from the school, few could really believe it. It’s surprising that people aren’t more suspicious of them before all of this even happened, and especially afterward.

“Senior, huh? I guess that’s appropriate in a few ways.” She said as she looked around, circling me. “I already heard it from Walsuna, so no need to put your guard up, I know your story.”

“Then what was that for?” I said, remembering the arrow spell she aimed at me just a minute ago. It was definitely not a blank.

“Just testing your reaction skill, to see if you learned how to change direction mid-air, stuff like that.” It honestly just sounds like you want to shoot a moving target just because you can… “I guess I shouldn’t keep you company for too long. Looks like you’re looking for something.”

“I’m just patrolling the area for a bit. Who knows what could happen in the dead of night.” I said, not disclosing my concern for my earlier statement. “And I have been cooped up in my house for a while, I want some fresh air.”

“Is that right? Well, don’t let me distract you then.” She said, keeping the subtle tone of sugary malice. This is the first time I’ve ever heard her mask-off, and it really is unnerving. Just what the hell is she?


And there she goes… Despite being put in more of the loop than most, it’s clear that there are still a lot of secrets no one is feeling obligated to answer. I guess I was lucky Coach Wana is entertaining some of my questions, despite my initial reaction towards her.

‘What the Mythical Eclipse does is slowly unveiling the masquerade.’ That’s what she said. What that quote told me is that she has always been extraordinary, and there are probably those that are like that, hiding it just like I am hiding my newly obtained power now, at least on my civilian front.

…I could probably try to think more about it, but as it stands, this event does reintroduce magic for the masses, alongside other fantastical elements supposedly lost from history. That’s all I need to know.

I want to live comfortably, so I shouldn’t get involved in any conspiracy or unearthing secrets. No need to push my luck when I don’t need to.

“Alright… Take a deep breath…” Just talking to and recomposing myself after that encounter. Let’s go back to doing what I was doing before, just taking a stroll from roof to roof.


…Maybe at midnight I’ll also go to a clearing in the wild to test out more of my abilities and keep it polished. It'll help with keeping my two identities separate if I can learn how to use more kinds of superpowers, and of course learning and practicing magic will help too. I still don’t know how to use the storage spell yet. If I could, I wouldn’t have kept these clothes in my closet all locked up, hoping Mom and Dad wouldn’t get suspicious. Oh, and the rapier, obviously. I think she called it ‘An old scrap from bygone times’.

As for the second phone, it probably wouldn’t function when put inside the pocket space, but if I keep it on me and anyone calls me at an inopportune time then I could also blow my cover. So that’s another thing I need the convenient magic for… Or I could just put it on silent, that’s another way to do it.

Anyway, what was I gonna do again? I think it was… checking around to see if people are actually wandering out because of me. Look around for a bit, then use the rest of my time testing and experimenting.


…Should I even go through with that? At some point it’s gonna feel like an obligation, like I’m some sort of superhero. I would definitely not call myself that, despite some superficial similarities, so I’d rather not act on it.

Doesn’t mean I won’t help someone in danger, but I probably won’t patrol around the entire state at night or whatever. This body needs very little rest to be in tiptop shape, but mental exhaustion seems to be impossible to ignore whoever or whatever you are.

“Get the hell away from me!” …Did I jinx it by thinking about this? What a bother…



<10: 17 pm>


*Swing* *Evade*

What the hell is wrong with this creep!

“Hehehe! One hell of an unlucky gal. Just what did you think was gonna happen strolling in the night?” This creep said, with his large bipedal-lizard body towering over me with those large claw hands also creeping me out. It’s so gross. Have you ever washed it, or even yourself just in general!? “Hmm, stereotypical blonde chick look, but not bad at all. Could definitely ditch that ugly yellow hoodie.”

“Stay away, I warned you!” I held my hand tightly on my baseball bat. I’m not afraid to use it! “Also, fuck you! You ugly bastard!”

“Think that bat will save ya, girlie?” His voice is smug and shows an ugly grin. “Even a sharp knife won’t scratch me, what do you think that’s gonna do?”

He’s just bluffing! He’s just bluffing!

*Swing* *Grab*

“Tch! Let go!” Damn it! Let go of my weapon, you cheater! This is unfair! Stop showing that ugly perverted grin you fucking-

“I’m usually not a fun police, but excuse me for butting in.” Huh? What now!?

“Who the hell are you!?” The lizard man shouted, also hearing someone speaking up from the rooftop.

*Leap* *Smack*

Suddenly I can see a figure getting between us and pushed him away, like noticeably pushed back a few feet.

Most of her clothes are dark in color so it’s not easy to make them out, but her bright white hair is easy to see even in the dark night. I can see her holding a weapon in her right hand, a very long thin blade, something akin to a rapier.

“I’m surprised your personality is multiple times more rotten than that appearance.” She mocked the lizard guy, clearly not seeing him as a threat, and putting herself between us.

“Who do you think you are, you bitch!” Meanwhile he isn’t keeping his cool at all. “Know your place!”

“Hmph, how frightening.” She replied, oozing with sarcasm. “I’d rather not waste this lady’s time, so let’s get this over with. Leave.”

“Hah! You must be an idiot to think th-


“AAAHHH!!!” A loud blood-curdling scream registered in my brain before I realized that the man’s left hand detached from his body.

“I. Said. Leave.” The tone of her voice changed as she glared at the lizard-man clutching at the stump where his left hand used to be.

It was almost instant at how fast she swung her blade. It was scary how quick she was and how ruthless that act was. I know I should thank her for dealing with that guy for me, but I can’t help but find her terrifying anyway.

The lizard man ran away, completely frightened and it looked like he was crying as he ran off.

“Now then, what are you doing?” She turned to ask me with a tone that is only a little bit more gentle.

“Ah. Erm. I was gonna sneak into a dungeon nearby, just the first floor.” I muttered out. I know she just saved my life but I am still feeling intimidated.

“At this time? Many miscreants are about, especially those who had gained power from the recent event.” She clearly isn’t impressed by my reasoning. I guess I was asking a bit much. I was hoping that people would be too scared to move around in the dead of night, and also I don’t want my parents to find out I am going out. “Outdoors at night have a vastly different atmosphere now that people have access to much higher levels of strength. Those with evil intentions feel much more empowered and willing to test out their power more than those with peace and goodness in mind.”

“So what. You’re telling me to go back home?” I’m getting close to the dungeon already, and I want to test out if I can fight these small monsters. I have seen some VODs from yesterday and know that they shouldn’t be that strong.

“It would be in your best interest.” She answered, not quite at the point where she’s ordering me just yet. “I don’t believe such a place holds much value to you, unless you know about the inner workings of the dungeon.”

“Inner workings?” What are those, exactly? Did some news on them came out? I wasn’t really checking anything today.

“Monster materials, possible item drops from monsters, traps, things of that nature.” She clarified… Hold on, what?

“So there are treasures!?” I mean if this was a video game you would’ve expected stuff like that, but in real life? All the more reason for me to explore it!

“...Why wouldn’t there be?” She said in a tone that makes it sound like I’m the one that lacks common sense! “All of that aside, you are absolutely not qualified to tackle the dungeon. The first few floors hold next to nothing of value anyway.”

“Hmm…” I guess that means I really need to risk my life, and I don’t know what’s really down there.

Also, I really want to know who in the world this woman is. She clearly knows a lot when even the authorities seem just about as clueless as everyone else. I SHOULD ask her, but damn is she scaring me with what she did earlier. Actually, maybe I should only ask the one thing I really want to know.

“By the way, do you know anything about a human with snake hairs?” I asked, just shooting my shot here.

“Human with snake hairs? Merely a variation of a demi-human snakekin. Like with all kinds of demi-humans they mutated when they grew stronger and can use their animalistic qualities more proficiently… But you’re just a human… I assume this is about someone close to you then?” She answered and tried to verify.

“That’s right. My friend has changed and she’s been feeling a bit down, afraid of herself…” I said, remembering her pained look. If her parents didn’t tolerate her change then I feel like things would’ve turned ugly insanely fast.

“I see… I guess it’s hard to cope with the fact that you have changed into something some might consider… less human…” She said as she took a few steps forward. “But hey, at least this girl has you by her side, right?”

She playfully poked my shoulder with the hilt of the rapier.

“I have said this to someone else earlier, but this is still a growing period, you and her have time to grow. Don’t waste your life now when it has value for someone else.” She advised. She’s not wrong, I know that, but it still feels frustrating that things don't go as planned. “Need me to escort you home? Normally I wouldn’t offer, but as I said, it’s dangerous during the night.”

“...If you could, that’d be helpful.” Ultimately I couldn’t go through with it… Maybe it’s because I feared that something like the earlier incident might happen again.

Way to go, Lynda, just chicken out, great…

“Then let’s get moving then.”

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