Beyond M-Eclipse: Easy Mode LIVE

Chapter 6: Classmates and Angel


<11: 07 am>


‘I still can’t believe you all dared her into doing it…’ I texted into the group chat, remembering the incident from yesterday.

‘and we get something out of it, right?’ Jeff said, looking at the positive.

‘It is rather heavy-handed, at least.’ Malk chimed in, not fully being on either side. ‘Right now I tried exercising after a short period of meditating to see if it’ll work better for me’

‘Kinda of a muscleheaded way of doing it aint it?’ Kenni replied, finding Malk’s idea rather ridiculous.

‘I mean considering how she said it, there should be a wiggle room, right?’ Useph joined in. He is definitely not wrong. I only mention those two methods because most of us probably won’t even leave the house, some of us probably don’t even have much space to do even light exercise.

‘I think there should be?’ I said, not making the message sound too affirming. ‘Maybe if Karra is here to clarify that that’d be nice.’

‘she went on radio silent ever since she gave us the info.’ Jeff remarked. Kinda surprising. I don’t think she even posted anything about what I said online.

Lemme check for a moment… Nope. She hasn’t. Maybe she’s experimenting with something right now?



<11: 19 am>


Come on… Keep it steady… Be calm… Think of something nice… Like… Uhhh…





<11: 20 am>


Hopefully she didn’t try anything reckless again. Without her stream I wouldn’t really know what she’s gonna do. Speaking of streams…

‘Say, it feels like there are less streams on dungeons for a while now, except on Bammer.’ I pointed out. I think that’s the only streaming site with people still going about doing this, at least from what people online have said. I checked Ourshow and Flinch, but not Bammer.

‘think it was cuz of Karra’s stream?’ Kenni asked in the group chat.

‘no idea, could also be because of that broadcast, but people are definitely getting more scared of it.’ I answered. It’s a good thing that that’s the case, since the public at large are extremely underprepared for whatever these dungeons can provide. People should really slow down on exploring and probably wait until they can get enough info on this. Maybe if THOSE people who already know about the Mythical Eclipse would’ve already spoken up, we would’ve been at that stage already, but since they don’t show their presence when the supernaturals were still unknown, why would they do it now? Like they clearly don’t care enough about the limelight. In fact, what are they doing right now?



<11: 37 am(?)>


What the hell is this wanted poster? These creatures don’t have an eye for art in the slightest.

*Crumple* *Throw*

I threw the poster away but due to the low gravity of the planet it just sorta floated off awkwardly… Well then, let’s see what else this plane-

*Wee-woo* *Wee-woo* *Wee-woo*

Ah, those galactic cops found me… They are surrounding me with a bunch of building-sized spacecraft, all hovering over me.

I could hear them yell something in their native tongue at me, but I couldn’t care less. Also, do they seriously only send a few spacecraft? At least gather a large fleet first and foremost. Maybe you would have lasted more than a second if you did.

“Whatever, let’s quickly get this over with.” I said as I took out this off-shoot blade of mine.


I swung in the direction of the assailants, a quick circular motion that covered 180 degrees around me.

…And that’s all I need.


“Heh. You all made nice fireworks, at least.” I mockingly said as the debris began to fall down and cover the whole area in flames and smokes. Just a bit too easy.

…Now then, let’s go take a stroll elsewhere.




<11: 43 am>


Possibilities are endless. Could be something important, or it could not be.



<11: 44 am>


Ugh they’re talking about their sex life in the group chat again… Gross…



<11: 45 am>


Could be anything.

‘Kinda crazy that we found fantasy monster stuff before aliens or UFOs.’ Jeff remarked.

‘maybe if we humans stopped getting at each other’s throats we would’ve been there by now.’ Kenni typed in response. Always one to say something spicy.

‘I wonder if aliens also know about magic’ Malk put the idea out there.

‘Guess we’re just assuming that they exist now.’ Jeff said in response… Actually, did Coach say anything about aliens? I think I vaguely heard something about it, but she doesn’t seem to think of it as important, for whatever reason. If it’s not important then we should talk about something else.

‘That whole topic aside, what do you think will happen next with dungeons and superpower and all that?’ I asked, having read a few stories and feeling like things could go in different directions.

‘We don’t all read comics and novels like you do’ Useph is the first to reply. Real insightful, buddy.

‘come on now do you only do your sports and nothing else?’ Jeff is the one that came to my defense first.

‘Passive aggressive much?’ Kanni said. Hard to tell who this is directed at.

‘Personally I think as it stands we need to wait a while to know where the situation is heading.’ Oh, Orrel is chiming in.

‘My hope is that there won’t be any actual supervillains.’ Malk gave his opinion, and I get it. Last thing anyone wants is more danger.

‘sameee’ I typed in the group chat.

‘someone gotta be insane to want that’ Useph pointed out.

‘Some terminally online nutcases, probably. Hopeless nothing reptile or lizard-like showed up.’ Orrel mentioned. Uhh…

‘Don’t worry. I’ll punt anyone trying to bother you’ Useph said to comfort him.

Orrel’s lower-half is a red-scaled lizard man, while his upper body is mostly the same. It’s a weird uneven hybrid that’s hard to not notice.

Looks like this chat is gonna continue for a while and no sign of Karra joining in.

I don’t really have anything I feel like adding, so let me just go and play some game. No streaming today, just gonna relax and wait until night time.


<4: 39 pm>


*Ring* *Ring* *Beep*

“What is it?” I asked, wondering what he could want this late.

“<What’s that tone for?>” Jeff protested.

“I don’t think you’ll call me so late unless you want to egg me on to do something risky.” I said, knowing he isn’t afraid to do some risky stuff sometimes. I was planning on training this night as well, so I don’t want him wasting my time.

“<Put some trust in me will ya? I’m just wondering if we could to tackle that school dungeon toge-

“No.” I firmly said. If I was merely a normal human I would definitely not say yes to something like that. “If you want to do it, at least bring more people on board, and also supply weapons. Also haven’t you heard that it’s dangerous at night? At least pick a better time.”

“<Yeesh! Didn’t expect you to be that adamant…>” He said, probably not realizing the gravity of the situation.

“Maybe wait until Karra can stream again or something. At least she has some magic to be a hard hitter.” I said, just to further incentivise him to stop.

“<Fine…>” He said, conceding pretty quickly.

“Don’t think about something like that again, alright? It’s bad enough seeing what Karra did.” I said before-


-ending the call. That should be good enough. Now let’s see…


<11: 39 pm>


Now then… There shouldn’t be anyone in this area to bother me… Guess it’s time to-

*Shine* *SLICE*


…Okay what was that? Why is my head suddenly on the floor?

*Grab* *Stitch*

“Ugh…” My body did something unconsciously and stuck my head back to my neck… What just happened? That was almost like an out of body experience… No, it IS one isn't it?

Wait. In the first place, who the hell just did that!?

“Hmm… Still extremely rough around the edges, it seems.” Suddenly someone jumped down from height and came face-to-face with me. The large white robe and yellow shirt underneath is rather gaudy, and alongside the blue scarf give this person a color scheme that seems way more virtuous than what this person did just a minute ago.

The deep blue hair and pink eyes are also quite noticeable, as well as something akin to wings growing out of the sides of the head in the same color as the hair.

As for the overall look… I can’t quite tell the gender, I must say. Maybe more feminine-leaning?

“What are you staring at?” The person said, noticing my long pondering. “I really hope you don’t do this when you’re in actual danger…”

“I won’t, it’s just that… Uhh… How do I address you.” I explained myself.

“Oh. That. Whatever is fine.” She answered.

“Okay then. Then let’s move onto the actual topic at hand… What was that for!?” This is not going to be the last time I ask that, I can already tell.

“It was a quick test to tell where you are at in terms of power and abilities.” She answered, but is that really it? And there’s a more important question to be asked.

“Who are you?” I asked, wanting to know why she’s here.

“Someone with their own reasoning for investigating you. Someone I know asked me to verify something about you.” She vaguely said. “All you need to know is that I’m not interested in getting your way beyond that.”

“Investigating me? What are you, part of an underground criminal organization?” I mockingly said.

“Perhaps.” She said, clearly not taking my provocation seriously. “Anyway. It seems like you still have a lot of room to grow.”

“...Just how much do you know about me anyway?” I asked, shaking my head at these weird people suddenly coming into my life.

“Mainly your status as a Superhuman. Other than that I asked Rico and Walsuna for more details, and know your civilian identity.” So she knows those two? Just how many of these larger than life beings are connected to each other? “Hold on, you know WHAT!?”

“Calm down. I have no incentive to reveal it to anyone. In the first place, people like us love to be secretive, so the last thing we’ll do is reveal information that will put more eyes on us. It’s the same for you, isn’t it?” I know what she meant but I can’t help but feel a bit worried. “We haven’t shown ourselves to the world before many gained new power. If we didn’t strike then, there’s no reason for us to strike now.”

I’m still confused why so many powerful people exist, yet none dared to garner attention. Was there some sort of coven? Organization? It’s all too confusing and I already know they don’t want to explain it all to me.

“So, what are you exactly? You’re not human, are you?” I know that technically even a mere human can become powerful, but something about this person felt very off to me, the wing hair thing is just the most blatant indicator.

“There’s a pretty strict definition of what I am. You may consider me a true emissary of the divine.” She said in a roundabout way.

“Just say you’re an angel…” I exasperatedly replied. I guess that’s what the wing is supposed to represent, I guess.

“It’s a pretty important distinction, you know?” She said as she walked around, looking at me with squinted eyes. “No one else besides me can claim such a title.”

…Am I supposed to believe I am being scrutinized by a servant of God? I feel like I should be smited at this point if that were true.

“Hmph. If you’re worried about being damned for eternity, don’t be.” She said, still walking around me with a rather relaxed form. “The actual definition of an angel… is not quite what you humans came up with, and there is only one of me.”

“Or is there?” Suddenly, someone else joined the fray… and it’s the same person, but there are two of them? Some sort of illusion magic? Or is it something else?

“Perhaps there are three.” And then a third one joined in on the circling.

“Or the amount is up to the unfortunate four.” And a fourth…

“Just kidding.” And a second later, I was just left with one.

What is she doing? Trying to scare me? Because I’m not impressed.

“Keeping your cool? I supposed I never quite make myself seem so hostile to warrant a scare.” She casually said before taking a few steps back. “Anyway, don’t worry too much about it.”

I think most people would be worried about something like that…

“I’m so tired of people saying vague nonsense…” I make my opinion on these folks pretty clear.

“Hmph. Aren’t we all?” She condescendingly said. “Anyway. I don’t see you as a threat, so I hope you return that sentiment.”

“I promise to at least try.” I said in a tired tone as she began walking away.

“Oh, and one more thing. My duplication ability is pretty unique, you can’t actually replicate it, so keep that in mind.” She then walked off into the darkness.

“Haaah…” I let out a long sigh, another day, another person to deal with…

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