Beyond the Bloodline

Chapter 11- Against the Dragon

“Quintuple Casting!”

Dragons were reputed in any world for their astounding magic prowess, and this dragon was not any different from the rest.

In an instant, five magic spell circles, each one consisting of rings that represented the flow of magic, the crest within the centre representing the elements of magic, and the runic writings around the crest that described the types of spells being invoked.

Given that each of these spells had three rings, they were all Third Tier Magic spells.

‘Storm Bringer, Flamebourne's Revenge, Spear of Adversity, Earthen Rain, Glacial Shatter.’

Wind, Fire, Light, Earth and Ice.

Five elemental spells were cast in an instant, with their damage output completely maximized.

The air around them began to stir with electrifying energy, and the wind picked up, howling like a raging tempest.

Dark clouds gathered overhead as if responding to the magic, and a gust of wind shot forth like an arrow, tearing through the air with incredible speed and force.

Right beside it, was a giant spear of white flames that emerged from the flame magic circle.

Energy converged at a single point, forming a dazzling projectile of pure light that hurtled through the air like a shooting star, accompanied by dozens of irregularly shaped rocks that each contained potent magic energy.

Lastly, a surge of frigid energy built up in the centre of the last circle, unleashing itself in the next moment in the form of a massive ice shard hurtling through the air, its sheer size and momentum making it a nigh-unstoppable force capable of penetrating fortified defences.

All these happened instantly and simultaneously, a dazzling and skilful display that had the Vampires looking on in awe.

However, there was one slight problem with these spells, a flaw that all the Vampires who had seen Jamie’s duel with Nelo earlier instantly noticed—a shared characteristic among all the unleashed attacks.

‘They’re all Projectiles…’

And just as they expected, the Hybrid only smirked evilly, holding up his right hand and snapping his thumb and index fingers.

Dozens of distortions in space appeared in the air in front of Jamie, before spiralling into large black portals rimmed with blue energy, arraying in front of him in an arc, as if forming a defensive barrier.


The Dragon let out a shout of confusion upon the emergence of the large portals, hurriedly trying to cancel the magic but finding that he was unable to.

Each portal had a ‘field’ around it, one that attracted the projectiles when they got close and with the combined ‘fields’ of the many portals, the attraction range increased exponentially, as well as the force, preventing the Dragon from being able to hastily redirect the spells.

And just like with Nelo, all the projectiles fired flew straight into the darkness beyond the portals, after which they shrunk and disappeared, with all the combined energy of the attacks condensed into a basketball-sized orb in Jamie’s open right palm.

‘Wormholes Creation?! Just how good is his spatial mastery?!’

The Dragon internally screamed, all while generating multi-layered barriers with as much magic power as he could draw out in one go, infusing law energies to fortify the barriers.

‘If there’s one thing wormhole creators like doing, it’s sending your attacks back to you right after absorbing them!’

His thoughts were correct, and the actions he had taken were logical.

Sadly, he wasn’t fast enough.

Twelve large blue-rimmed portals manifested all around him, their positioning sealing off any paths of retreat he could have taken.

Before his multilayer barrier could envelop the other half of his body, the portals all spat out energy iridescent-coloured energy beams that surged with a velocity that defied sound, perforating holes through his wings, bashing his scales and rending the flesh underneath.

While the dragon was being bombarded by the energy from its own attacks that had been doubled in power after going through Jamie’s hands, the Hybrid took off his suit jacket and stretched his arms and legs, before turning towards the Vampires in the distance and creating two portals.

One which he dropped the jacket into and another from which it fell out into Davina’s hands.

“Now, time for some physical activity.”

Right after saying those words, Jamie motioned to jump into the air and towards the dragon, but his spatial perception picked up something strange.



He couldn’t even finish letting out his surprised voice as a streak of red light burst through his portal enclosure, tearing through one of the portals with a resounding crack and beelining straight towards him.

A compression shockwave similar to high explosive blast waves slammed into his body, knocking him off balance and into the air.

As he soared through the air, a silver light flashed in the corner of his vision, but before he could completely react, ‘something’ pierced into his chest, penetrating right through his heart and bursting out from the other side.



The force sent his body tumbling towards the ground, crashing with his back and carving a deep furrow into the ground as his back slid through the earth, kicking up a giant cloud of dust that rose up to the darkening skies.

“Lord Westley!!!!” X10+

The Vampires all reflexively shouted out at the sight. The leading quintet simultaneously activated their skills, roused their energies and launched dozens of projectiles all enhanced with blood magic.


“Dual Light Magic: Orb of Piercing Light + Astral Smite.”

That voice rang out, commanding the ambient magic power to condense into a giant orb of golden light with three large rings of light spinning around it in orbit.

The pulsating orb of luminescence then released a giant ray of light that shot towards their location, forcing them to scamper out of the way as fast as they could.


Unfortunately, the orb of light was only the first out of two spells, and some were not fast enough to escape the fist-sized bullets of purifying light that came right after.

At the same time, the dust cloud cleared up, revealing two male humanoid forms.

One was sprawled on the floor in a pool of blood, with more of the crimson liquid spurting from the wound in his chest and staining his clothes.

Standing above him was a heavily injured yellow eyes man, with red hair and similarly coloured horns jutting out of the sides of his head, and a long tail extending from his lower back.

“You’re fucking dead, damned Vampire!”

He shouted out loud, his voice tinged with rage as he twisted the pure silver spear in his hands, piercing it deeper into the chest of the other man on the floor.


The man on the floor spat out a mouthful of blood, his skin turning slightly pale as the sensation of pain spread out from his chest and wracked his brain.

“If your lizard brain hasn’t already figured it out, I’m not a Vampire, but a freakin’ Hybrid!

Silver—has no goddamn effect on me!”

Jamie shouted out as he reached out with his right hand and grabbed the silver spear stabbing into his chest, shocking the red-horned man—the polymorphed dragon he was fighting.

Merely touching silver inflicted a vampire with the same kind of pain a normal human would feel when someone poured hot water on them, much less getting stabbed with it.

But for the Vampire-Werewolf Hybrid that was Jamie, silver weapons held no advantage over any other ordinary weapon.

‘What?! He’s ‘THE’ Hybrid!?’

The Dragon’s mind momentarily blanked out upon the realisation that he was fighting the same person he had come to prevent the Vampires from getting to.

And that momentary lapse in concentration was enough time for Jamie to tighten his grip around the silver spear and break it into two halves with his superhuman physical strength.

He then used his left hand to grab onto the Dragon’s arm and pull him closer, before throwing out three energy-enhanced punches.

The first struck the Dragon’s forehead, causing sparks to dance in the air as the energy on Jamie’s fist collided with the Dragon’s defensive aura coat.

The second landed squarely on his jaw, the excess force rattling the foundations of the earth beneath them.

And finally, with a resounding impact, the third punch collided with the Dragon's chest, sending shockwaves rippling through his form.


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