Beyond the Bloodline

Chapter 2-Enter the Wolves

On the sixth day, David who had gotten fed up, woke up and chose violence.

He summoned a ball of flames three times as strong as the one he summoned a few days ago, unleashing it upon the door before the other four could stop him.

It resulted in an earth-shaking explosion, but when the dust settled, there was not so much a scratch on the door, leaving both the young Vampire and his companions equally bewildered.

“What the actual fuck?!”

The teenager could not help but scream out in annoyance, angrily striding towards the door and kicking one of the dimly lit magic circles with his energy-enhanced foot.

However, the instant his foot touched it, the letters on the circle seemed to come alive and the energy he infused into his foot was sucked into it, the glow of the circle intensifying for a moment and spreading towards the nearby circle, before dying down right after.

“…I’m not the only one who saw that now, was I?”

“No, you were not.”

The five Vampires immediately got to work, searching for other dimly lit magic circles like that one and pouring their energy into it, getting the other subordinate Vampires who followed them to do the same for the ones they could not reach.

After draining more than half the energy from all of them, a loud clicking sound rang out as all the runes and magic circles finally came alive.

“I see. I thought we had wasted the past five days, but it seems we did not.”

“Yeah. I can see it now. This thing would not have worked even if we put in energy on the first day as the runes we had spent the past five days fixing with the help of my Clan’s rune manual were still broken.

But since we’ve fixed the runes now, it can work properly.”

They spoke amongst themselves as they watched the massive doors open up, revealing the interior of the hall, one which was a sight to behold.

Caryatids, carved in exquisite detail, adorned the walls, their outstretched arms holding the weight of the structure.

Mighty pillars of different designs stood tall, supporting the ceiling adorned with intricate stone carvings. At the centre, an enormous stone statue of a humanoid being stood, its features both intimidating and mesmerizing.

At the far end of the large hall, was an inclined elevated platform, which was a white coffin that like everything else in these ruins, had various runic-like markings on it. These runes made it look mystical and beautiful, and it was also somehow untouched by time and the elements.

The air was heavy with the weight of time, ancient runes glowed faintly on the walls, and the energy concentration they could sense within the room was far higher than anything they had ever sensed.

The hall echoed with a haunting silence as if the secrets of ages past were waiting to be revealed.

“Well…shall we?”

At the sound of the Runemaster Wanette’s voice, the de facto leader of the quintet, they stepped foot into the hall, each one of them keeping the door under close watch in case it suddenly closed in on them.

“So, no boss battle?”

“Don’t fucking jinx it!”

“Shut up you two!”

The twins were silenced by the fourth member of their group, a male Vampire named Nelo who had a perpetually annoyed look on his face.

Although they had their misgivings about being yelled out by him of all people, they understood the need to be careful in this area.

However, before they could even take another step forward, they all sensed incoming presences and swiftly turned around in the direction of the doors, just in time to see a group of six young men and women like them suddenly blitz into the room.

David’s lips twisted in slight displeasure as he looked at the newly appearing six and spoke aloud.

“Now who the fuck let the dogs out?”

“I don’t care who did, but they definitely need to be put back into their cages, it stinks in here.”

His twin sister complemented his words while pinching her nose and waving her hand in the air with a revulsive expression on her face.

“You abominable blood sucke-!”

One of the six cursed while stepping forward, but he was held back by one of his companions, resorting to just glaring at the five young Vampires in the end.

‘Even though we closed the doors to slow them down, they still caught up. I guess they have someone good at runes on their side too.’

Wanette thought to herself as she stared at the six intruders, her pupils darting around in her eyes as she scanned them from head to toe, noting using her analysis skill on them to check out their statuses.

‘Three Superior stages and three Intermediates.

I’m guessing these intermediates are probably nonstandard types, the kinds who can fight those stronger than them, great.’

She sighed with exasperation while fiddling with the ring on her finger, activating the telepathic ability it was imbued with and sending the details of the six to her companions.

It was then that more than two dozen black-clothed men and women emerged from down the hallway, catching up to the six who came earlier.

“And their reinforcements are here…”

“Guess it’s gonna come down to a battle in the end.”

“Don’t kill those six though, we can use them as hostages for their race later on.”

The voices of the Vampires rang out as they readied themselves for battle, with their potential opponents, all six of them, taking similar actions.

Dialogue wasn’t an option in this scenario, as they knew both groups had come here for the same target.

The problem was, there was only one target, and said target definitely could not be shared between the two groups.

Besides, both groups also wanted to beat the shit out of the other side, after all, they were from races that were natural enemies with each other.

And knowing that the five who initially entered this room were Vampires, the other six could only be Werewolves.

And just like the Vampires, they, the younger generation were sent here as their race’s more powerful members currently had their hands tied, figuratively, of course.

Without further ado, the fight between the two groups commenced, the large hall serving as the stage for their clash.

The air crackled with tension as their energies swirled around them, the Vampires channelling elemental powers while the werewolves initiated partial half-beast transformations, gaining wolf ears at the top of their heads, long bushy tails from their lower backs along with enhanced physical capabilities.

Fierce auras exuded from their partially transformed forms, while they also used their nature-like energies to manipulate elemental forces to clash with the Vampires.

The twin Vampires displayed perfect synergy in battle, moving in perfect harmony as they engaged three of the werewolves with their combined spell sword abilities.

Spells clashed with the Werewolves’ auras, creating dazzling displays of elemental power.

The other werewolves were handled by the three other Vampires, deftly wielding swords, and spears to meet the werewolves’ ferocity with precision and skill.

Attack skills erupted on both sides, releasing devastating forces capable of shattering buildings.

However, the ancient runic enhancements of the hall proved more resilient than normal buildings, acting like damage sponges that absorbed all the power in the attacks being tossed around.

The battle raged for fifteen intense minutes, and in this short time, both sides fought fiercely.

The subordinate wolves and Vampires also fought fiercely, but their battles mirrored those of their masters—swift and decisive.

Although both sides possessed secret artifacts and treasures to enhance their abilities, the opposing side was definitely not going to sit back and watch them activate those things.

Naturally, the Vampires who had stronger members, won the fight, though not by a landslide.

In the end, the werewolves were all defeated and rounded up on the floor at the centre of the large hall.

“I remember reading that the humans teach their kids that every Werewolf would rather commit suicide than be captured by a Vampire…I don’t see any of them trying to kill themselves.”

“Be quiet, you’d egg them on.”

Davina replied as she flicked her twin brother’s forehead, before turning her gaze in the direction of the white coffin at the end of the room.

“Seems like our target is more inclined to the Vampire side of things…”

“Be careful, appearances can be deceiving.”

“Yeah. And we still haven’t gotten the boss battle yet.”

“Is your brain filled with nothing but games?”


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