Beyond the Bloodline

Chapter 20-The ones who came to Steal, The ones who came to Deal…

Back to the current situation, Jamie looked at the six figures who surrounded him on the couch, while also keeping themselves out of melee range and asked a question they certainly didn’t expect.

“Are you the ones they sent to deal with the dragon materials?”

The man who spoke, presumably the group’s leader, gave Jamie a strange gaze as to him, it could not be any more obvious they clearly weren’t the people he just asked about.

Chuckling lightly, he replied.

“Well…we’re certainly here to deal with dragon materials. Just that we’re also probably not the ones you were expecting.

Dragon scales and bones make for good business, you know?”

Hearing his reply, Jamie nodded in affirmation before muttering to himself.

“I see…so you’re not the ones who came to ‘deal’ with them, but to ‘steal’ them.”

The Hybrid then held up his meat skewer and bit off the last piece of meat on it, before pointing the remote towards the Tv and saying.

“In that case, I guess I can continue my movie.”

And just like that, without any regard for the fact that he was currently surrounded by Six people of unknown power, he continued watching his movie.


The leader was dumbfounded as in all the possible scenarios of Jamie’s reaction he had, seeing him go back to his movie without care was not part of them.

However, just before he could take a step forward and speak, he noticed that his whole body had been rendered immobile.

‘Why can’t I…?!

At a time he didn’t realise, and through a means he could not comprehend, his body had been completely frozen within its current state in space.

The Hybrid proceeded to leave them there, immobilized while still being fully conscious and then proceeded to continue watching his superhero movie in silence.

Not up to an hour later, the doorbell rang and the Hybrid casually flicked his fingers in response, an action that somehow unlocked and opened the door of the suite.

Coming in through it, were Wanete and the twins, along with a few other people wearing suits.

“Lord Jamie. The guys from tha-what the heck?!”

David’s words very quickly transitioned into an exclamation of shock when he walked into the room and noticed the six black-clothed figures surrounding Jamie who was watching his movie without a care in the world.

His reflexive thought was to attack but Davina stopped him and pointed out how the six figures were all just standing still while doing nothing.

“Um, may I ask what’s going on here?”

“Hold on for a moment, the movie’s almost done.”

The other people who had entered along with the Vampire trio were very confused regarding what was currently happening, but Jamie was far too engrossed in the movie’s final battle scene to even pay them any mind.

When he finally finished the movie, the Hybrid nodded to himself in satisfaction and murmured a rating like he had done earlier in the day, before turning his gaze towards the suit-clad group and asking.

“Are you guys the ones who came to deal with the dragon materials? Or are you part of those who came to steal them?”

As he was speaking, the woman in the forefront of the group suddenly realised she had lost all feeling in her legs, and that whatever was paralyzing her was slowly spreading up her body.

With six other ‘paralyzed’ figures in front of her, it didn’t take her long to figure out how and why they got that way, making her hurriedly pull out her ID card and reply to Jamie’s question with a flustered tone.

“Yes! I mean, No! - I’m part of the people who were sent to deal with them. Here, see my ID!”

The others who were with her were surprised at her strange reaction but the woman was more focused on making Jamie believe she wasn’t part of the Thieves.

“Hmm…guess you aren’t thieves in suits like in that movie. What was its name again? Something about seeing me now and suddenly not.”

Jamie muttered to himself with a pensive look on his face, while using his energy to limit the spatial immobilization range.

Contrary to the woman’s thoughts, Jamie didn’t do anything to her. She was the one who unknowingly stepped into the range of the spatial immobilization technique Jamie had cast and its effects were being applied to her while she was waiting for Jamie to finish the movie.

“Anyway, seeing as you are definitely the real people who came to deal with the materials, what do you think we should do with these friends of ours who came to steal the materials?”

“…You can hand them over to the appropriate authorities. We know what charges to press against them.”

“That so? Very well, You humans do you.”

The Hybrid remarked as he picked up the remote and began scrolling towards the next movie on the list, while the woman had called up her guards to apprehend the still immobilized six figures in black.

“Um…we can’t move them…”

One of the guards spoke in a slightly embarrassed tone as he still could not figure out how the black-clothed group had been immobilized when touching them directly and scanning with his energy.

Two finger snaps later, in a sequence Davina noticed to be the reverse of what Jamie did earlier in the day, the six figures dropped to the floor unconscious and the guards were able to now handle them with ease.

“Just asking but the Dragon in question consumed a good dosage of strange poison before its death, is that going to affect anything?”

“It depends on how far it spread and what type of poison it was, along with how long it's been since its death.”

“I see. Well, I highly doubt you’d be able to discover what poisoned it, hence the reason I asked in the first place.”

The woman could not understand what Wanete meant by what she said, but Jamie asked about where to place the corpse before she could question the vampire any further so her attention was diverted.

After providing Jamie with the Spatial expansion artifact she had on her in the form of a suitcase, the Hybrid used a bit of object transference to move the corps out of the subspace opening and into the open suitcase; a process that took only a few minutes to complete.

Jamie then gave them a comprehensive list of things he wanted to be done with the flesh and scales, picking out multiple classy shoe and blazer styles from a magazine he bought earlier in the day.

He had a few more things constructed with a lot of the parts, and then left the rest and the most valuable part—the Dragon’s Heart, for the company to buy off him.

The cost of his orders was then deducted from the money for the things he sold.

“Oh, also, use some of the bones and make a few generic, standard issue type one-handed swords for me. About 6.

How long is it gonna take to complete all these?”

“Around 5-8 days.”

“Faster than I expected.”

The man’s blue eyes widened a bit lightly upon hearing the woman’s reply, but after being told that they had some Legendary Dwarves working with them, it made sense why the order was going to take such a short time.

“Hold on, Lord Jamie. We’re supposed to be leaving in 2 days.

The plan was to have the items sent over to our destination.”

“Wasn’t that plan decided on because we thought it’d take like 2 or 3 weeks to get everything done? Now that it’s gonna be done in around 5 days, why don’t we just stay?”

Wanete had a few misgivings regarding them suddenly altering their plans, especially when she had already reported that they would be arriving in 2 days.

However, Jamie managed to talk her into agreeing and told her to inform the Higher-ups she was reporting to that the delay was all his intention.

After finalizing a few more details, the woman from the company left with the dragon corpse filled suitcase, off to take on a few more orders that night while Jamie continued watching his superhero movies along with David.


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