Beyond the Bloodline

Chapter 47- Arrival in Nightingale II

The initial reaction of the Sovereigns to Jamie’s appearance was one of surprise as none of them had even sensed his presence till they saw him with their eyes.

And after that surprise, came fear.

Instinctive fear that came from deep within their souls.

All the Legendary Realm and Sovereign Realm existences who were present could sense the dense universal law energy that surrounded this man’s body.

Together with the rest, they could all sense the faint feeling of bloodline suppression that this man’s mere presence gave them.

The greatest reactions, however, came from the Sovereign Realm existences who dabbled in the law of space.

They all had pale faces and cold sweat pouring down their backs, not even having the peace of mind to admire the work of art that was this man’s handsome face.

Spatial laws around the bodies of those with high prowess in manipulating space were usually warped on a normal basis.

They also possessed high natural spatial perception, and within this perception of theirs, other spatial law manipulators appeared as black spots where they could not sense anything within.

Of course, this small spatial warping could easily be ‘switched off’ if they were skilled enough, but that was not the case right now.

The issue was that the ‘Black Hole’ in their spatial perceptions that Jamie was causing just by standing there and tapping the phone in his hands, was large enough to surpass the maximum ranges of their spatial perceptions.

Basically, Jamie’s mere presence rendered their spatial perception abilities useless.

Naturally, he was doing this on purpose.

Jamie finished what he was doing on the phone and placed it into his pocket, before beginning to descend the boarding stairs of the aircraft.

His silver hair, like moonlight captured in strands, cascaded smoothly, while his clear blue eyes, like crystalline pools of untouched water, drew one in with an uncanny depth.

But it was his pupils, those elongated, black slits, that hinted at something more predatory beneath the surface.

He was impeccably dressed as always, donning a fitted black suit that accentuated his lean and statuesque physique.

Beneath the jacket was a finely tailored grey shirt that contrasted elegantly with the darkness of the suit, and the perfectly knotted black tie added a touch of formality to his ensemble.

In his suit blazer's breast pocket, a neatly folded handkerchief peeked out, a subtle but deliberate hint of refinement. It was as if every detail of his attire had been carefully chosen to enhance his enigmatic charm.

And it was definitely working.

With each step Jamie took, both the universal law aura that he exuded and the blankness he had caused in the spatial perceptions of the Sovereigns present began to recede into his body, and by the time his polished shoes touched the ground, he appeared no different from an ordinary person, with his appearance taken out of the equation, of course.

Yet, all those present knew that beneath this façade of normalcy laid a well of extraordinary power.

Upon setting foot on the ground, he casually slipped both hands into his suit pockets, exuding an air of nonchalance that only added to his allure that had the female vampires staring at him in light dazes.

His lips curled into a small knowing smile as he surveyed the assembled crowd.

"This is quite the welcoming party.”

Jamie’s voice when he made that remark was a smooth baritone that carried an undercurrent of intrigue and amusement.

“This is the bare minimum. The Higher Ups had planned for a grander welcome, however, I took the liberty of rejecting that notion on your behalf; That didn’t seem like something you’d fancy.”

“Good call. It was nice having such a welcome the first few times, but now I only see it as boring and time-wasting.”

The Hybrid spoke about how he had come to like having a much simpler welcome to Nightingale whenever he woke up from his self-imposed slumbers as he and Wanete walked side by side, his voice snapping the dazed vampires back to reality.

For a moment, Jamie’s gaze moved in the direction of the Tepes Clan representatives, giving them a knowing look before turning back to the car in front of him.

‘So, they recognize me, huh? Not like it matters.’

He shrugged his shoulders and tossed that little thought to the back of his mind, redirecting his attention to Wanete.

“Mind pulling up that map of yours again?”

“Here, Lord Jamie.”

Jamie panned the Nightingale Continent map on the tab screen and pointed out a particular region before questioning.

“This place, Educrux. Who’s in control of this Region?”

Hearing his question, Wanete turned her gaze over to another direction, locking gazes with the Sovereign Realm Junior Elder from that family responsible.

The man naturally got the hint and flashed over to her side in the short moment it took for her to turn her gaze back to Jamie.

“The Lorelith Family is responsible.”

The Vampire introduced himself with a light bow, which Jamie acknowledged with a nod before posing a question to him.

“What’s the status of the Avalore Mountain? Does it still stand?”

“Yes, Sir.

Do you perhaps wish to make a visit?”

His question put light frowns on the faces of the other Vampires present but the man ignored them all while waiting for Jamie’s answer.


Wanete, I’d have to trouble you to inform your Higher Ups that my meeting with them would be delayed quite a bit. I have something I need to retrieve from the top of the Avalore Mountain.”

The Avalore Mountain was one of the tallest mountains in Educrux, shrouded in mystic legend. It was said to be a place where the energy of the universal law of knowledge flowed like a gentle stream.

It was told that atop this hallowed summit, seekers effortlessly harnessed the energy of the law of knowledge, making Avalore a sanctuary for enlightenment.

There were even rumours that transcendents went there too but these were unverified.

Jamie placed his hand on his chin with a pensive look on his face for a few moments, before finally coming to a decision and informing Wanete about the details.

As the two conversed while walking, they appeared like a Company CEO and his secretary, something David voiced out as a comment after he finished speaking to the Evangelista Representative present.

“Speaking of CEOs, I wonder how the companies I started up last time I was awake are doing now? Oh well, they’re not really a priority at the moment...”

‘…Recovering my power, however, is.’

Jamie did not voice out the latter half of his statement, given that he did not exactly want to broadcast to the world that he had lost his power for some reason.

‘Though I bet the transcendents might be able to figure it out when they notice how the Law Energy surrounding me does not come from within my body.’

Then again, he did not care.

If one lived as long as Jamie did, there was no way that they would not consider the possibility of losing the power they gained over the years due to some unknown means.

They’d naturally have measures in place that would help them handle higher levelled opponents in their weakened states, or a few methods to recover their power.

At least, the ones Jamie was close to would.

Bottom line was that though the Hybrid was currently a Legendary—which was still pretty strong—he had a lot of things that would make it so he did not necessarily lose out in a fight against higher realms.

That aside, Jamie and Wanete, along with the rest of the young Vampire quintet entered the designated vehicle waiting for them and were soon driven out of the airport in a convoy.

The driving Vampires did wonder why they simply did not choose to use the Teleportation Waypoints present but he knew he wasn’t going to get an answer to that so he just kept quiet and drove silently.

◇ ◇ ◇

As the Convoy drove towards the location of the Crimson Court’s Headquarters, the Sanguine Citadel, a figure materialised in the sky above the airport and gazed at them in silence.

It was a woman dressed in a plain black dress reminiscent of a maid’s uniform, the fabric neatly pressed and impeccably tailored to her form.

Her hair was a mesmerizing shade of dark silver, cascading in a sleek sheet down her back and contrasting elegantly with her porcelain skin, while her eyes were a striking shade of emerald green.

What caught the most attention about her appearance, however, was not her delicate yet regal facial features, but the wolf-like ears that peeked out from her silver locks and the tail that extended from her lower back, swaying with a subtle grace.

‘Lord Jamie has arrived on Nightingale and is heading towards the Bloodrealm. Considering that he asked about Avalore, then he must have some business there too.’

She thought that to herself as she watched the convoy drive into the distance, before turning her gaze towards the watch on her wrist.

“Well, time to report to Lady Miranda.”

The Werewolf muttered in a low voice before waving her hands and breaking open a spatial gate, disappearing beyond the gate and out of the Vampire’s continent as a whole.

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