Beyond the Bloodline

Chapter 56- Plans for Interstellar Mischief

“I wonder just what you thought I meant. Miss Big Bad ‘Dirty Minded’ Wolf.”

In the end, Miranda resorted to punching his shoulder to get him to loosen his grip before trying to flee, but Jamie caught her and pulled her in close, kissing her once more.

This time, however, she decided to be a little devious and bit his lips with her fangs, drawing a bit of blood before breaking away from him.

She jumped off the sofa bed and took distance from Jamie before ‘one thing’ could lead to ‘another’, but it didn’t take her too long to realise that biting Jamie might have not exactly been the best decision, given that caused her to ingest a bit of his blood.

‘I should feed from him later…’

That thought crossed her mind as she moved to another part of the pocket dimension in an attempt to ‘escape Jamie’s range’.

In the process of doing that, the sight of a silver spear lying around on the ground caught her attention and she walked up to it and picked it up.

“This spear…”

Like Jamie, Miranda was a Vampire-Werewolf Hybrid with her Werewolf side as her base. She was ‘the other’ Werewolf that the Chaos Witch had used the Vampire Bloodline infusion method on that Jamie told the Vampire Quintet about.

Well, she was the only other one who successfully became a Hybrid through it.

However, there was a slight difference.

Jamie was not called the ‘Perfect Hybrid’ for fancy.

Unlike Jamie who was completely unaffected by any of the two races’ weaknesses, Miranda just had a ridiculously high resistance to them.

Jamie had Immunity, and Miranda, as well as all the other Complete Hybrids, had crazy high resistances.

Silver weapons could still harm her more than other weapons, given the purity was high enough.

The purity of the spear in her hands was so high, that just merely touching it was making her hands feel a bit hot and fair palms turn red. (That was the only effect it had on her.)

Even though the weapon was so weak she could snap it like a twig.

“Oh, that’s the spear Estea was talking about.”

“Huh? Estea? You’ve met with that bad-tempered bitch?”

Miranda’s reaction upon hearing Jamie’s words was enough to show the woman’s dislike for her home planet’s incarnation, a feeling that went both ways.

“Yeah. I used the Galaxy Sword to kill something and may have left a semi-permanent dimensional tear in the planet’s fabric of space.”

Jamie’s statement, made Miranda forget her annoyance that Estea met with Jamie before her, giving the man a deadpan gaze as she spoke.

“You’ve only been awake for ten days…”

“Funny, she said something similar.”

The woman heaved an exasperated sigh, deciding to take her attention away from Jamie’s ridiculousness and focus on the weapon in her hands.

“I received the report that a dragon attacked you on Brentlet.”

“Yeah, I used him to stretch out a little bit.”

Miranda’s eyes seemed to flash with light as she studied the draconic aura on the spear, noting it was not something that could possibly come from any lower existence. (Transcendent Realm and below)

“Hey, Jay.”


“You do realise that dragon was sent by someone else, right?”


Jamie looked at her with an expression that asked why she was stating the obvious, but Miranda ignored it and voiced out another question.

“How about we go mess with the guy who sent the dragon?”

Miranda had a mischievous grin on her face as she asked him that, something that made Jamie chuckle as he voiced his agreement.

“I’d like to join you.

But first…”


The woman tilted her head to the side with an expression of confusion, and Jamie only sighed when he saw this action.

“Really Miranda? Of all times you chose to tilt your head.”


In the instant it took her to realise what Jamie was after, the man had already zeroed the distance between them and pulled her into his embrace.

But unlike the other three times, his lips did not go for her lips, but her neck.

When Jamie’s lips parted, his fangs peeked out from within and Miranda could swear that they were a tad bit larger than she remembered.

‘That’s just my mind playing tricks on me, right?’

In the time it took her to think that, Jamie’s fangs had already sunk their way into her neck.

◇ ◇ ◇

“I feel anaemic…To think I would actually feel anaemic.”


“Stay away from me, you starved wolf!”


Jamie could not hold his laughter anymore as he watched Miranda curl up at the corner of the restaurant while holding up a silver cross at him like he was some demon that needed to be vanquished.

He most certainly was not going to ask why she had that on her in the first place.

Anyway, right after their little ‘feeding session’ Miranda had forcefully broken out of the subspace and taken distance from Jamie while holding up that cross, and she had not let the man come within 5 metres of her for the past five minutes.

As for the talk about her being anaemic, she only said that because she was feeling a bit light-headed, something that was because of the sensation of Jamie sucking her blood straight from her neck and not because she was actually lacking blood.

[You seem to have had a good time, Lady Miranda.]

That voice suddenly rang out in her head, making her momentarily pause her action of ‘casting and binding’ Jamie. Her gaze turned to a certain point in the sky and she glared at the seemingly empty air.

Her eyes, however, were seeing the full appearance of the black-clothed dark silver-haired wolf floating in the air, who only smirked lightly before tapping the side of her lips.

Miranda raised an eyebrow in confusion upon seeing this gesture, but when she brought her own hand to the side of her lips, she instantly understood the reason why the other party had done that.

Her cheeks flushed as she rubbed her face to clean up the blood that was left on it.

“I was wondering when you’d notice that.”

Jamie’s voice rang out, and from a distance she could tell was within the five-metre range she was keeping him at previously.


She swung the silver cross in the direction of his face, but the Hybrid only glanced at her arm momentarily.

At that moment, he applied his Unreachability technique to her arm, expanding the space between the arm and his face from 50 cm to 5000m.

However, it outwardly appeared as if she had just suddenly stopped moving her arm, or was moving it very slowly for the more observant eyes.

“Really, Jay?”

“You gave me little in the way of a choice…”

Jamie spoke with a light shrug of his shoulders as he grabbed the cross in her hand and took it off like normal before locking his fingers with hers and continuing.

“Now then, my dear. You said something about messing with a certain Dragon?”

The moment he spoke, Miranda’s eyes suddenly sparkled with light as she quickly closed the small distance between her and Jamie while speaking.

“Oh that! Yeah, so the guy has this project on another planet called Zotov in the Laizuno star system. But this Zotov planet’s world laws are pretty powerful and it limits the powers of beings on it to the Transcendent Realm.

For him to get what he wants, he has no choice but to use avatars and subordinates that conform to the planet’s Realm Suppression laws as what he desires is on the planet, or would I say ‘in’? He does have to mine the stuff.

That’s not important anyway, what is, is that this guy has been on this project for millennia, and he has a monopoly on this item, a newly discovered metal called Ruindeum.

Its Destruction law energy conduction properties are off the charts and because he is the only Estean Race King with great influence on that planet, he’s been monopolizing sales of it.”

Miranda pressed her body against Jamie’s as she asked with a mischievous glint in her shining eyes.

“How about we go there and scatter his thousands of years of work, scatter all the groundwork he’s made, kill all his subordinates in that world, destroy his avatar there and ruin everything he’s been planning?”

The expression on her face as she spoke of ruining the fruits of this particular Dragon King’s labour was one that made Jamie sigh and shake his head.

‘Yeah, it’s my fault she turned out like this.’

With a smile on his face, he took her other hand in his and replied.

“Yes, my dear. I would love to accompany you in making someone’s life miserable.”


The woman made a small fist pump in the air upon hearing Jamie’s affirmation, quickly rousing her energy and beginning to trace out the spatial coordinates for Zotov.

‘I get to be on an adventure date with Jamie, destroy the plans of the idiot who sent someone to try and kill him…’

As Jamie’s attention was on his phone which he pulled out so he could contact Wanete, he did not see as Miranda’s expression changed, turning a bit cold along with her thoughts.

‘…and I get to throw a wrench in the plans of that ‘annoying Vestige’ who’s after Jamie.’

Her expression returned to normal and she returned her gaze back to Jamie with a smile on her face, ready to deploy the spatial magic required to take them to their destination.

“Hey, Wanete. There’s been a bit of a change in plans.

Scratch what I said earlier, I don’t think I’d be back for a while. Report to the Crimson Court that I’d be going off-world for a bit.”

After informing the young vampire of his intentions, he cut the call and then opened up the camera, pulling Miranda close to him and pressing down the shutter button.


“Oh, that came out nicely.”

Jamie spoke as he looked at the photo with him and Miranda both holding up peace signs. He sent the to Wanete with the caption ‘Going on an off-world date with Mira.’, before proceeding to reject the incoming call from her.

“All right, let’s go to this Zotov planet.”

As he said that, Miranda activated the six ringed magic circle rotating around her hand, breaking open a fissure in space, which revealed a scene of crisscrossing spatial storms and warped law energies within it.

Together, the both of them surrounded themselves with spatial law energies before jumping into the spatial gate, while also drawing a bit of ambient time law energies so they did not fall into time displacement as they travelled through the fabric of space to another star system.

And like so, Vampire King Waldron Vespera’s jinx came to pass.


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