Beyond the Bloodline

Realms-Ranks-Levels-Energies-Laws-Dimensions (SPOILER ALERT!) 😶🔥for Beyond the Bloodline


These are the realms of power, ranks Energies and information about Laws that would be frequently used for the earlier parts of the story, Explanation of some abilities and Laws Would Also Be Here. It is quite long though.

Firstly, the calendar should be addressed; 📅

A general calendar is one that lasts ten thousand years, after this, another general calendar begins. The 51st general calendar means that it is the 51st set of 10,000 years since this calendar system was adopted, at least, within the universe the story is set in.

As for the months and days of the week, those are normal.

7 days a week and 12 months a year for most planets, if a planet has a different system, it would be stated.

Also, our Main Character’s birthdate is unknown for now, just know that he’s old ASF 🧓🏽. He doesn’t look like it though.

Secondly, the System.

The type of System within the Universe of the story is the ‘Devour Class System’. But putting it bluntly, that’s just a fancy name for the regular ‘Level Up’ system most fantasy novel readers are already aware of.

Still, I’d explain it either way.

Each person has a Status Board that shows their power and existential records that have been computed in the form of stat values.

The Status Template for the system is as follows:






Existence Level -









Condition- Normal

Magic Tiers-


Unique Skills-. |

As seen above, each person has two ‘Levels’, their numerical Level and their Existence Level, also called Existence Realm.

By Claiming an opponent’s life, one takes a portion of their Soul Energy, Regular Energy, Life force, future potential (if any) and a few other Existential Records that are all combined into ‘Experience’, increasing their own Level. 🎚

Now then, the Existence Realms. 🔥

These are the realms of power/existence or the level of existence that will be often referred to.

Note that;

(Each Realm/Level of existence has three stages;




(Destructive power levels stated mostly refer to their full power and they would/might be worn out or exhausted after using attacks of such a scale, this also applies to higher realms.

This also means that they can deal enough damage to harm beings or existences with the equivalent level of durability or defences.

Beings with creation powers can also create as much as their destructive equivalents can.)

The ways/methods of increasing realm/level of existence also apply to the higher realms.

One can increase in realm via absorbing energy cores of monsters or other existences of this level or higher. Can also increase through training and gaining battle experience. Other unique methods also exist.

(Yes, levelling up is NOT the ONLY way to get stronger, especially when one hits a ‘Wall’ in their Levelling.

When most people reach the peak of their Existence Level stages, they face walls and become unable to level up.

If the peak of a stage could be likened to some sort of barrier that prevented the person’s power from going to the next stage, it could be broken forcefully by absorbing so much power that the barrier would not be able to take it anymore and end up breaking. But until that is done, one cannot level up.

Also, people’s levelling speed varies, as such, depending on the person, levelling up may not be the best means to get stronger.)

From Lowest to Highest, the Realms are:

Bronze Realm - Weakest Realm/Level of Existence: You would find most human civilians and civilians of other weaker races here. The default state of most races.

Silver Realm - Next Level after the Bronze realm, takes about five average Bronze Realms to Defeat 1 average Silver.

Gold Realm - Where the strongest Experts of most NORMAL worlds are, Skilled Swordsmen or magicians, belong here too. The average Gold Realm is equivalent to 10 silvers.

Master Realm - The level of Master Swordsmen or Great Mages, above the peak of human limits. Children of some races could be at this level from birth, depending on the parents or the race. It is common among non-human races like devils, giants etc. Could take tens of Gold Realms to defeat a Master. Can wreck entire towns on their own.

Grand Master Realm - At this stage, most have unlocked a unique ability or skill depending on the type of energy they use. Mages on this level are called Arch Mages. Easily able to single-handedly destroy single or multiple cities depending on the stage.

Epic Realm - Here, one has a higher level of existence and energy level, possible skill or unique ability upgrades, not common though. The destructive power of the combat-oriented existences in this realm scales from destroying mountains to small islands.

Legendary Realm - At this stage, one begins to shed their mortality, preparing to ascend into a Higher/Superior Existence. Destructive power ranges between destroying large mountains, islands or small countries.

At this stage, one gains nodes on their souls that allow them to connect with the ambient law energies that are omnipresent within the universe and manipulate them the same way one can manipulate ambient magic power

Sovereign Realm - This is the peak of 'Mortality', at this point, normal realm increment methods would not work, one needs to prove their qualification to break through their mortality before they can go to the next rank.

This can be done by performing a great feat or achieving a breakthrough in their skills or techniques. An example is a swordsman creating their own sword technique or their own Ultimate skill.

Another example is an Alchemist creating a high levelled potion or a blacksmith creating a Legendary sword they could not previously create. (Something Leagues above their current skillset.

Here, one can easily bring down a large country single-handedly. Sinking small continents is within the realm of possibility.

Transcendent Realm - At this point, one is effectively not considered a 'mortal' anymore, one's soul and body are upgraded to a higher level. This is the transition stage between lower and higher existences.

Most gain an increased Lifespan, higher than what the other lesser realms can grant.

(E.g., an elf 🧝🏽‍♀️🧝🏽‍♂️ that normally lives 500-1000 years, becomes able to live up to 5000 years. Just an example though, elves on this level have longer lifespans than that.)

This would increase as one goes above to higher realms.

Destructive power range: Even the weakest can destroy Large countries at the very least. Scales up to Continent level, and by the Superior Stage, the majority of combat-oriented Transcendents can sink multiple continents.

Realms Above Transcendence: Would be added when they have been named in the story.

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Stats. ➖⚫➕

The Realms of Each existence are proportionally related to their stats and Levels.

1-20-F       Bronze

20-50-E      Silver

50-100-D     Gold

100-200-C    Master

200-300-B    Master

300-400-A    Grandmaster

400-500-S    Grandmaster 

500-600-SS   Epic

600-700-SSS Epic

700-800-X1   Legendary

800-900-X2   Sovereign

900-1000-X3 Transcendent

There are 1000 levels up to the peak of Transcendence and the stats one would normally possess within a certain level range are listed above.

Each Stat has three sub ranks, the Negative sub ranks ‘X-’, the Neutral sub ranks ‘X’, and the Positive sub ranks ‘X+’.

Within each sub rank, there are Stat Levels that number 1-100. When one gains a stat; B- for example, that stat is at are at ‘B- Level 1’. With every main level increase, that stat ‘B- Level’ increases, eventually reaching Level 100, whereupon, one gains the ‘B Level 1’ stat.

Take that to ‘B Level 100’ and one gains the ‘B+ Level 1’ stat, and so on.

Level X00 To X33-- '-' Stats

Level X34 To X67-- ' ' Stats

Level X68 To X99-- '+' Stats

These are the level ranges for stats, but this is not always consistent, especially in the cases of Nonstandard Existences.

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As for what Nonstandard Existences are;

These are beings/existences who possess power and abilities that are at least a level higher than what beings in their realm of existence normally possess. 

All Nonstandard Existences possess the capability to fight against beings at higher stages/realms.

For example, an Intermediate Stage Epic Realm Existence who possesses enough power to fight against an Inferior Stage Legendary.

Although they may possess this capability, this does not translate to them automatically gaining victory against their higher levelled foes, but such is usually the case.

Even if the Nonstandard existence is among the minority who do not attain victory in combat, merely battling beings entire realms or stages higher than themselves is already considered a great feat in itself.

(P.S: Our MC is as Nonstandard as could be.)

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Basically, skills are basically specialised proficiencies and abilities that existences possess through various means.

They can be acquired by training & experience, one can create skills too depending on the situation, and most often; innate talent is also a huge factor in the type and power of skills gained.

Each skill is a Rune on the wielder’s soul that is a combination of energy, ‘Experience’, and a few other things.

Skills encompass a wide spectrum, ranging from combat techniques, magical practices, craftsmanship, and so on.

They are Ranks and Grades amongst skills, with the ranks being:






Unique Series.

Any higher ranks would be added when mentioned in the story.

Unique Series skills are skills on a different grade entirely. Each one of them (Combat Oriented or Not), is broken.

Even a ‘Weak’ series skill is far stronger than their Unique Rank Counterparts.

It is impossible for there to be two existences within a World possessing the same series skill, as each World only has one available ‘copy’ of the skill.

And NO, this does not mean that every world has every Series Skill; You may scour a hundred planets and only find 5 copies of the same Series Skill.

Identifying Series skills is quite simple, as they all possess modifiers.

Examples of said series skills, included, the 'Mystic Series Skills', 'Child Series Skills', Incarnation Series Skills', 'Breath Series Skills', ‘Heaven Series’ etc.

Among the ‘Child Series’ for instance, there would be the ‘Child of Fire’, ‘Child of Earth’, ‘Child of Lightning’, ‘Child of Gravity’, ‘Child of Space’, etc.

I think we should all know who has the ‘Child of Space’ skill. 😉

Each Series skill has a passive effect on the wielder that takes effect even when the skill is not active or awakened at all.

It should also be noted that 'Series Skills' are 'seeds' for something more powerful. As for what that is, you’re gonna have to read to Find Out.

Skill Grades.

Certain skills below the Unique Rank can have Grade modifiers attached to them. (E.g., Fire Magic(L) or Fire Magic (Low).

The Grades are as follows:






Any higher Grades would be added when mentioned in the story.

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List of Energies that would be spoken about and referred to frequently in the series;

Cosmic Energy,








Celestial energy,

Demonic power/energy,

Holy power/energy,

Nature energy,

Life energy,

Death energy.

Would be updated as the series goes on.

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Magic Tiering;

Magic, ether and every other energy that can be used to cast spells all have tiers.

So far, only Magic Tiers 1 to 6 would be stated. If more are introduced then this auxiliary chapter would be updated.

Each Spell cast using this tiering system would have a particular pattern.

There would be a circle/ring which represents the flow of magic or the energy, a mark or crest in the centre representing the element of the magic and then there would be writing in some magic/ancient/runic language that describes the type of spell being invoked.

This is something that almost every spell cast would have. If there is a difference in the magic system of that planet, it would be stated.

The more circles/rings a magic circle has, the higher the tier. So, in a case where a phrase like—

'A three-ringed magic circle spread out...'

—is written, then that means that the magic circle is a Tier 3 magic circle.

Lastly, the realms in which it would be possible for one to comfortably cast spells of the Tiers.

While there may be exceptions to this, the norm is that one has to be in these realms or a range of realms to cast the corresponding Tier of spells.

Tier 1 - Bronze Realms and above. Virtually Anyone.

Tier 2 - Gold - Master Realms and above.

Tier 3 - Superior Stage Masters - Grandmaster Realms and above

Tier 4 - Epic Realms and above

Tier 5 - Legendary Realms and above

Tier 6 - Transcendent and above

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Universal Laws. 🌌

Universal laws are the set of rules that define what is possible and impossible within the universe.

They are the building blocks behind major principles of the greater universe; upon which everything operates, ensuring that events and phenomena can be predicted and understood, and also introduce limitations and constraints on the abilities and actions of individuals and entities.

Examples of Laws Include; Creation, Destruction, Proliferation, Decadence, Necromancy, Swords, Water, Earth, Life, Darkness, Karma, and of course, no list of Laws could ever be complete without our good friend, the Son of a Bitch Law known as Causality. 😶😒

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True Name; 📛

The true name of any being is the closest thing to their soul, touching their true name means touching their soul. 

This was why most beings carefully protect their true names from being fully known. At most, their parents would know their true name, as they are usually the ones to give it.

However, this only applies to those on the Transcendent level and below. In other words, when a being goes above Transcendence, their true name changes and the new true name is known by that being alone and no one else.

It is possible to control a being in many ways from their thoughts to their actions if one possesses the true name of their target. It is also possible to make the person commit suicide.

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World/Planet Rankings; 🌐

Things would be going Interstellar in this series, and as such, it is necessary to state this very important ranking.

There are Lower Worlds/Planets, and there are Higher worlds.

Higher worlds may also be referred to as Higher/Primary Planes in some cases.

They are the planets closer to the core of their galaxy, and are in turn affected by the galactic cor energy emissions, increasing the ambient energies in them and making them stronger.

Beings from lower worlds would also not be able to withstand the ambient energy pressure from higher ones unless their strength reaches a certain level.

Lower Worlds have lower power limits, meaning beings above a certain level of power cannot enter lower worlds without either sealing their powers or being kicked out by the world’s defensive laws, and Causality.

World Ranks;






Would be updated as the series goes on.

P.S: MC's home world, Estea, is an Ancient World.

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Boundary/Bounded Field

A boundary field is a technique that involves knitting a network of energy and spreading it on a base area, such as a piece of land, a building etc. to create a mystic boundary line that separates the inside from the outside. More powerful boundary fields can also be spread across larger distances and even in space too.


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