Big Boss In The Harry Potter World

Chapter Thirty Back To School

On the Hogwarts "Extra-slow" train - of course it is an ultra-slow train, with a speed of sixty to eighty kilometers per hour, who would call it an express train?

Draco and his three followers were going car by car looking for Solim. Hermione was doing the same thing with Neville, they couldn't contact Solim during the holidays, and they got on the train and wanted to ask what happened to Solim.

But they were doomed not to find Solim, because the man they were looking for never got on the train. Solim couldn't stand wasting seven or eight hours in vain, just sitting on the train and doing nothing. There was no way he could do it when he was in school. Solim flew to Hogsmeade this time through the fireplace in Diagon Alley. It was so convenient and The way to save time and effort. Solim wouldn't be so stupid as to squeeze the train. Although the experience of using the Floo network is terrible, Solim is more acceptable in this way than wasting seven or eight hours on the train.

Solim is very satisfied with this Christmas holiday, his sister's affairs have settled down, and Selna will be able to go to Hogwarts next semester without accident, but the next semester is a bit dangerous, but Solim is not too worried On the road, as long as you don't run around and go with the big army, nothing will happen, and you will be able to explain clearly to Sirna when the time comes.

The things that Gilvez gave Solim were too generous. In the end, under Elrond's strong request, Solim took the magic potion at the end of the Christmas holiday. In the words of Elrond, the most precious things are given to those who need them most.

Silna is not in any trouble, and no one will attack her. But Solim is different. The Ritchie family and some wizards who depend on the Ritchie family's face are Solim's enemies. The urgency for Solim to increase his strength is much higher than that of Sirna. In view of this situation, it is still necessary to increase Potions are more appropriate for Solim to take.

After all, in Elrond's view, Sirna is a girl after all, and a girl must marry after all. Moreover, in the wizarding world, witches seldom take part in battles. Fighting and dying are basically the responsibility of wizards. So, even if Silna becomes a great wizard in the future, her strength is just for show, and basically she won't be useful.

But Solim was different, he was a boy, bastard or not, he was still a member of the Selwyn family. And when Silna married someone, she was no longer a member of the Selwyn family. Although it is really annoying to say patriarchal, profit maximization, etc., but the general environment of the entire wizarding world is like this, and it is understandable that Elrond would consider it this way.

At the start-of-term dinner, Draco had been bragging to Solim about the reward Lucius Malfoy had given him: next term Malfoy would be sponsoring the Slytherin Quidditch team's seven Nimbus. The reason is because Draco showed Lucius the silent casting of the Disarming Curse when he returned home, which shocked and excited Lucius. Shouting that the Malfoy family did not feel ashamed of their ancestors, they had cultivated such a genius as Draco, and the glory of reviving the family was just around the corner, and excitedly agreed to Draco's request: to sponsor Slytherin's Quidditch team.

Seven light wheels don't come cheap.

If the ordinary Sweep series is the old Jetta, the Comet series is the Poussin, and the Nimbus series is the BMW. The price of seven light wheels can only be afforded by a pure-blooded wizard like Malfoy. You see Weasley doesn't even have a single better broom at home, they're all dying Sweepers and Comet 140s, which are almost antiques. It's not hard to understand why the students reacted so much when they learned that Slytherin had seven halos in second grade.

"Nimbus 2000?" Solim wasn't interested in Quidditch, nor in broomsticks, but that didn't prevent him from knowing the basics.

"No, no, no," Draco shook his fingers proudly, "It's Nimbus 2001, it's said that it hasn't been released yet, and it will take a few months, but our academy will definitely be able to use it next year."

"By the way," Draco suddenly said to Solim in a very strange tone: "My dad said, it's very difficult for people like you Selwyn to get in touch with you, isn't it?"

Solim knew what was going on without thinking about it. During the Christmas holidays, Draco must have contacted him, but outsiders' owls would definitely not be able to get close to Selwyn Castle. Regardless of Solim's letter to Elrond at school, he knew what to do so that the owl would not be expelled.

The house elves of the Selwyn family have a daily task of expelling all owls that fly towards the castle. As long as they do not carry a special emblem, the owls will be expelled if they cannot get close to the castle.

Don't think this is just to show how aggressive the Selwyns are - it's a defensive measure.

Roaring letters, as long as you are a wizard, you know this thing, it seems that it is nothing to receive a roaring letter. But what if it wasn't human voices that were included in the howling letters? What about the recorded call of a ripe mandrake? Anyone who hears it will die. Killing people with howl letters that incorporate mandrake calls is nothing new.

After dinner, Solim is stopped by Filch. After listening to Filch's words, Solim remained silent for a long time.

Snape's potion did work for Filch, that was a given. But with the passage of time, some problems also emerged, that is, Filch was too old, he was different from those little squibs, even if children sealed their magic power, they were still young and could have How much magic? A few bottles of potion down will do the trick. But how old was Filch? Can his self-sealed magic power be compared with those of those children?

Those potions could indeed release part of Filch's magic power, but compared to the magic power that Filch could use, the magic power that was still in a self-sealed state was more. And if he wanted to activate the magic power that was still in the sealed state, he had to continue taking Snape's potion.

But when Solim and Snape confirmed that the potion was working, they left Filch alone. So the magic power that Filch can use now is still a little bit. After all, Snape wasn't warmhearted, he was too lazy to care about such things, so Filch had to come to Solim.

Now the question for Solim was whether to deal with Filch or not. You know, those potion materials are very precious, a bottle is almost fifty Galleons, and the magic power in Filch's body needs at least a dozen courses of treatment.

"Argus," Solim said after a moment of deliberation, "I understand your situation. You want medicine, but you have to pay for the materials yourself. You also know my situation. I don't have much money. You It turned out that the potions he drank were paid for by Professor Snape himself, if you can provide the materials, I think I'm still willing to help you."

Solim said that if you can provide materials or the cost of purchasing materials, then we can still talk. Surely Snape won't care about this matter, should I, a pauper, pay for it out of his own pocket?

Is Filch rich? There must be some, but at his level at Hogwarts, the salary is definitely not much. But considering that Filch has worked at Hogwarts for so many years, as long as he doesn't spend money extravagantly, his savings should be quite considerable. Although there is no five social insurance and one housing fund, Hogwarts includes food and housing, and there is no need to pay electricity bills. There is no place to spend it nearby except Hogsmeade, so Solim thinks that Filch should have a lot of savings, but it is definitely not enough to completely release the magic power in his body.

After dismissing Filch for a while, Solim finally returned to the Slytherin common room. Solim knew that the highlight of this year would be next - the big battle of the treasure guard team.

For this reason, at the end of the Christmas holiday, Solim went to the city to buy a few buckets of popcorn, and prepared to go to the scene at that time. Now those buckets of popcorn are sitting in Solim's box, which has food-preserving magic so that it's still warm when it's time to take it out.

Solim was about to lie down when Snape unexpectedly appeared.

"Get dressed, the Headmaster wants to see you." Seeing Solim staring blankly, Snape repeated.

Solim came to his senses, "Dumbledore wants to see me? Now?"

Solim took a deep breath, he knew what was due would come sooner or later. He was already mentally prepared for this.

"Professor, wait a minute, I'll get something." Solim knew that sooner or later Dumbledore would find him. Solim didn't believe that Dumbledore wouldn't notice Filch's affairs, and it was more important for Dumbledore to make sure Solim would have no effect on his plans.

Solim was fundamentally different from most of the other students at Hogwarts. Solim also didn't believe that Dumbledore would not investigate him. In terms of Dumbledore's status, there was probably nothing that Solim could hide from him, no matter what he did in Skull, or the black glove duel, or in the Hogwarts' every move might not be hidden from the headmaster.

Solim took a few things from the box and followed Snape out of the common room obediently.

"Professor, I've got the stuff, how about we start as soon as the term is over?" There were no portraits hanging in the corridor outside the Slytherin common room, and Solim wasn't worried about being heard.

And Solim felt that it was too stupid to just follow along without saying a word.

"Don't talk here!" Snape stopped Solim, "Follow me honestly, don't talk nonsense."

"There's no need to be so nervous, Professor." Solim took two quick steps, side by side with Snape. "Because of this matter, Principal Dumbledore must know."

Without waiting for Snape to speak, Solim continued, "Because that item is a very special item, and there are some stories about it that Headmaster Dumbledore would like to know."

For the rest of the ride, no matter what Solim said, Snape stopped talking. It was very boring for Solim, but Solim could imagine Snape's mood now. Seeing that he was about to meet the woman he loved, it was inevitable that his mood would be agitated. Solim reckoned that when Snape lay in bed, he thought about the scene of meeting Lily Evans: what should he say first, and what Lily's reaction would be.

To be honest, Solim has been to the eighth floor, but it was to see the legendary Room of Requirement. It was the first time for Solim to visit the corridor outside the principal.

But like women's clothing, there are only zero and countless times.

Solim thinks he might come to this place more often in the future.

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