Birds of Prey: Twisted Desire

15. Trial of the Flesh

This story is one chapter ahead on my Patreon!

Trial of the Flesh

Dinah stood stiff, her heart hammering in her chest. Two pairs of their hungry eyes were on her, silently stripping her bare. She clenched and unclenched her fists, using up every ounce of willpower she had left not to attack the man sitting before her.

Reston only made it more difficult with the insufferable grin he wore.

"This is a very serious decision for you to make." The teen said to her. He slipped his arm back from around Helena's waist and leaned forward. His eyes grew hard, intense as his gaze bore into her, down to her soul. "Are you absolutely sure you want to go down this path?"

At first, Dinah said nothing. She desperately wanted to deny Reston the satisfaction of this humiliation. But as the moment of silence stretched on, the blonde knew her rebellion was pointless. She had no other options. The horrible truth had hung over her mind since the day in the locker room: If the Birds of Prey wanted to save their sister - and all the other women at Kingston - then Dinah had to submit.

The Black Canary bowed her head then, partly in shame.

"I am." Dinah answered. Her belly clenched as the words passed through her trembling lips.

"She is." Helena added, her bright eyes brimming with eagerness and excitement. It nearly made Dinah gag.

The way Helena was looking at her was different from the way she looked at Reston. With Reston, it was like she was some 50s housewife mooning over her dreamboat husband. With Dinah, her eyes were filled with shameless desire. A hunger similar to the wolfish looks she got from Reston, but alongside something else. Something more.

But then Reston spoke again, and Helena's eyes were off of Dinah and back onto the man who stole her heart… And her mind.

"Well, then…" The young man relaxed, leaning back into the bench. "That's good to hear."

He settled into his seat, spreading his legs a little and inching his groin towards Dinah. A typical macho, bullheaded move. Dinah's lips curled into an unimpressed frown, but that only seemed to egg Reston on. The teenager's smile widened.

"Now you need to prove it." He continued, an infuriating expression of satisfaction making his stupid, handsome face that much more punchable. He inched his groin a little further towards Dinah. "Finish what you started, Miss B. With less slapping this time around."

Dinah's heart thundered. She felt something coiling and uncoiling, deep in the pit of her belly. Suddenly, the blonde no longer had the energy to put up the 'angry bitch' front. She had no biting retort for Reston. The catty, vicious attitude she reserved for the street scum she fought on a nightly basis was nowhere to be found.

For a moment, she wondered to herself: Was the Black Canary even real if she couldn't be found when she was needed most?

Dinah stepped closer to the bench. Even sitting down, Reston was still near eye-level with her. It was just as it was back in the gymnasium, the flirting session on the bleachers.

"Right here? Out in the open?" She asked, now standing between Reston's outstretched knees. She was close enough that Reston could reach out with his grubby hands and paw at her body. Just like how he did in the locker room. But Reston made no such moves. Instead he stayed put, relaxed as a young man who was on top of the world could be.

"No one's going to see us. We're at the very edge of campus. Nobody walks through here."

Dinah, struck by the rare feeling of being exposed, glanced nervously towards the stone path she just came from. The iron gate that led into Benes Park was still open. Maybe Reston was being perfectly honest. But there was always the possibility that someone could walk in on them.

The blonde bit her lip, hugging her arms to her body.

"Can't we just go back to your dorm room?" She asked, hoping that her desperation didn't spill into her voice.

"No." Reston told her. His smile had faded somewhat and his eyes grew stony, unyielding. Beside him, Helena mirrored his expression, looking upon her friend with expectant eyes. Reston gestured towards his groin with an open palm. The younger man's request - no, his demand - was unmistakable. "This is how you show me that you're serious about this."

So, that was it then. She couldn't even get the dignity of giving a private performance. A week ago, Dinah would have shouted the bastard's head off. But now? Dinah's spirit had already been deflated. Now it was being trampled on. Stomped into the dirt.

The blonde couldn't look at the man on the bench. She nodded, idly rubbing her arm.

"Fine." This was insane. Dinah still couldn't believe she had allowed herself to fall into this situation. Nor could she believe the next words that came out of her mouth. "Do you want my top off or… Something?"

"Not necessary. Better to save some fun for the ceremony." Reston wore the look of a man who had won. It looked natural on him, Dinah realized to her horror.

Other men - lesser men - used and abused their power, same as Reston. But with them, there was always that lingering realization that their power was bought or borrowed from someone else. A rich kid using his daddy's money or a mafia heir using the power of his family name.

As Dinah knelt on the grass between Reston's legs, Reston's power over her was unmistakable. Even if the Brotherhood influence turned out to be magical in nature, the Black Canary knew that it was still all too real.

Dinah breathed in. Dinah breathed out. She stared at Matthew Reston's groin. Her lips tight, her jaw clenched, she found that her hands were frozen on her lap. She knew exactly what was hiding behind that thin layer of denim.

A beast. A monster made of throbbing, pulsing flesh. Long, fat, and unwieldy. Even back in the locker room, Dinah knew it was too much for her. She had no idea how she was going to do this.

Then there was a shuffling sound, a rustling of soft fabric. It was enough to jostle Dinah back from the flurry of her mind. The blonde blinked in surprise as her friend Helena knelt down in the grass beside her.

Helena gave Dinah a warm smile, so full of excitement and affection that it almost fooled her into believing it was genuine. Unmoving, Dinah allowed her friend to brush some of her golden locks away from her face and plant a soft kiss on her cheek. Then, giggling, the Huntress looked up at her boyfriend.

"Let me help her, Matt." Helena insisted, running her hand along the inside of Reston's thigh.

"Helena, please…" Dinah pleaded, absent of the will power to endure any more Brotherhood or mind control nonsense.

Why can't these two just let me get this over with?

"No, I'm serious." Helena pressed on, gently placing her other hand on her friend's shoulder. The raven-haired woman looked absolutely serious, almost to the point of zeal. The glimmer of raw passion that Dinah could see in Helena's eyes was disarming… and disquieting. Helena gave Reston another look, pointed this time. "If we're going to be sharing you from now on, then we should start getting used to double-teaming your cock! And I've always wanted to see you in action, Dinah."

The teen's brow furrowed as he took on a thoughtful expression. He took a moment to mull over his lovely thrall's words, softly nodding as he did so.

"I can't fault your logic, babe." Reston answered after his brief deliberation, grinning. Because of course he would be grinning. Like hell he'd turn down a second woman. Dinah felt a brief flash of anger, but it flickered out just as quickly as the younger man once again gestured toward his groin. "Go right ahead."

"This is going to be so much fun!" Helena sang beside her. Dinah almost wished her friend's enthusiasm was infectious, before realizing what that truly meant.

"Let's just… Get this started." Dinah breathed in and reached for the fly of Reston's jeans.

It couldn't have taken more than ten seconds but the process felt slow, agonizing. Dinah could feel the teenager's smug, satisfied eyes upon her as she and Helena both undid the button and zipper of his pants. Two pairs of slender, pale hands working in tandem to undress a man more than a decade younger than either of them. Reston helped a little, lifting himself an inch off of the bench so they could disrobe his lower half more easily.

Together they tugged his clothing down - or forward, as the wearer was seated - stripping his waist of pants and boxers both. Free of the denim constraints, Reston's pride spilled forth. The spell hit Dinah first. It was a heavy, pungent scent, drilling itself deep into her nostrils. Dinah groaned then, the smell causing something to twist and coil deep in her belly. Beside her, Helena handled the aroma much better. A sidelong glance showed the other woman taking a deep whiff and then humming in delight.

"Wow." Helena cooed, leaning down so that her face was inches from the monstrosity they just freed from Reston's pants. "I'm never going to get used to this thing. It's a monster, isn't it?"

Helena's eyes were glazed over and she wore an expression that bespoke deep admiration - No, worship. She reached out and slowly, softly ran her fingers down the top of his length, gently tracing the veiny lines from root to head.

Dinah watched her friend in silent astonishment. All of the video evidence she had seen couldn't prepare the blonde for the shock of seeing how deeply the Brotherhood tendrils had burrowed into her fellow superheroine. But as her gaze turned to the object of the woman's affection, that fat, beastly cock whose odor hung heavily in the warm evening air, Dinah finally began to understand.

If the true power of womanhood was to surrender, then the power of manhood was to conquer. Or so the Brotherhood believed.

Of course one of their top dogs would be packing serious heat. A cock like this shouldn't have shocked me in the first place.

"Yeah… Pretty big." Dinah quietly agreed. She inched closer on her knees and Reston spread his knees wider to accommodate both women. She dared to glance up at him, expecting an insufferable grin to greet her. Instead, she found him possessing an expression resembling contentment. Serene gratification. Dinah hadn't seen Reston with such a look before and found that it angered her far less than the usual cocky demeanor he wore.

Yeah. I guess he's earned the right to feel a bit satisfied. He got me on my knees. None of the street thugs back in Gotham can say that, can they?

Dinah was shocked at herself. Was that respect she just felt? For Matthew Fucking Reston?

"It's a good thing you're here, Dinah." Helena's musical voice pierced the haze that had built up around Dinah's mind - interrupting the woman's thoughts before she could discover some uncomfortable facets of herself. Dinah saw that Helena had taken Reston in hand now, running her fingers up and down his substantial length in soft, sensual strokes. The raven-haired woman turned and smirked. "This fucking thing is almost too much for one woman to handle. It'll be nice to have an extra pair of hands on deck."

"...More like 'On dick'." Dinah muttered. Then she blinked, realizing she had said that aloud. "Fuck."

What was worse was that Helena caught the slip up. And seemed more than pleased.

"Exactly my thoughts." Helena chirped, stroking Reston a little faster. Doubtless, she was happy that she appeared to be rubbing off on her blonde friend. "I'm really happy you're here, Dinah. I promise you won't regret this."

"Yeah?" Dinah said somewhat absently. Helena's words of encouragement were slowly becoming simple noise. Dinah's focus was being drawn to the woman's hands - and the absolute bastard of a cock that they held. The blonde's lips parted slightly as her friend began to use both of her hands to stroke her lover.

Up, down. Up, down. Up, down. Helena's hands worked their wonderful magic.

Dinah could only stare, struck silent. Her eyes were fixed firmly on that cock.

She took in every little detail. The shifting of the skin under Helena's fingers. The way the shaft throbbed lightly with every pump of her hands. The swelling of the head, how it was an angry, blooming red.

Hypnosis with flesh. I… I can't look away.

"Oh, yeah." Helena's voice came through again, along with the heat of her breath on Dinah's skin. The blonde felt the warmth of her friend's body as she whispered into Dinah's ear. The Black Canary shivered as she realized the Huntress was aiming her boyfriend's cock at her face. "Now help me show Matt why we're the baddest birds on campus."

Dinah breathed in. She stared at the monstrous length before her. And Reston's fat cock stared back with it's lone, dark eye. Helena held the immense shaft by the root, softly massaging her fingers into the young man's groin.

Reston grunted above them both. With his shirt slightly bunched up from his waist, Dinah could see the faint pattern of his lower abs. His gut, solid with muscle, rose and fell.

Somewhere in the deepest, darkest pits of Dinah's mind, a part of her decided that the sight laid out before her was twisted, depraved, wicked. And immensely pleasing.

Dinah Lance dipped her head forward and pressed her lips to Matt Reston's cockhead. A soft kiss. It was followed by another. Then another. Soon, Dinah's hands joined Helena's, holding Reston's manhood stiff and steady as she peppered his length with more kisses.

She felt someone's fingers raking gently through her hair. She didn't know whether it was Reston or Helena, nor did she care. The touch was affectionate, almost loving. It felt good. And it ignited something deep inside her, the same fire that briefly blazed that day in the locker room.

It spurred her to do more. Feeling a rush, a jolt through her veins, Dinah lifted Reston's cock and swiped her tongue along the underside. The flavor settled on her tongue and Dinah swallowed it down hungrily. The taste of Reston pleased her, the same as it did before. That was the awful truth of it. But Dinah was long past caring. Above her, the man in question grunted happily. Dinah almost smirked.

Dinah pressed onward. The Black Canary never backed down. Certainly not from the likes of a teenage boy. Reston wanted her to prove herself. He wanted more action, more daring. The Canary would give it to him. She darted forward then, pressing her face into his scrotum. The scent was even stronger then, an oppressive odor that struck Dinah into a dizzy haze.

Oh my God, Dinah thought as her eyes fluttered shut. She took another whiff, moaning. I'd almost forgotten what a man smelled like.

"Fuck," Dinah blurted. She didn't care if the other two heard her. She didn't care what they thought. Not when she was on her knees and had fat teen cock draped over her face. The blonde whined and ran her tongue across one of Reston's balls. A salty, earthy flavor graced her tongue, the same as when she licked his shaft. She could hear Helena voicing her admiration, but her friend was just noise. Distant.

Dinah ran her tongue across Reston's testicles again, this time letting one of the bulbs rest on her tongue. Humming, she closed her lips around it and sucked.

"Oh, man." Reston groaned and for a moment, Dinah felt a swell of pride. His body shifted and he sank into his seat, sending his groin further into Dinah's needy mouth. She accepted the offering readily, eagerly. Her tongue lashed at his balls as she enveloped them within her soft, pillowy lips. "That's the good stuff."

Damn right it is, buster.

Dinah suckled at Reston's jewels for a moment longer before letting them drop from her mouth. She pressed her lips to the side of his length, planting a couple soft kisses. Then she dragged her tongue up the length until she reached the swollen head. Locking eyes with Reston, she tapped it against her lips. Once, twice, teasing him. This was what he wanted, what this whole stupid mess was about.

I should have done this back in that locker room.

The blonde superheroine slid the teenager's dick into her mouth, letting her full, red lips glide over the shaft as she lowered her head. She took as much as she felt comfortable taking, her eyes never leaving his. She swirled her tongue around him, lashing, welting his cock with it. Reston didn't smile down at her. Nor could he spare her a grin. But she knew it felt heavenly. She could see it in his eyes.

Dinah began to bob her head. She began to suck.

"How is she, babe?" She heard Helena ask. "Is she better than me?"

"Why? Are you jealous?" Reston struggled to keep his voice level and even.

"Jealous? Never." Dinah felt Helena's presence then, shuffling up behind her. One hand found the back of her neck and brought the warm, soft touch only a woman could bring. The other started running fingers through Dinah's blonde locks again. Dinah continued to bob her head in Reston's lap even when Helena had her face pressed flush to her own. "But Dinah here bragged to me a few times about how well she could handle a dick. Especially a big, fat one like yours. I want to know if she lives up to her own legend."

Dinah felt her cheeks grow hot. More than they already were. Helena spoke the truth. Dinah had bragged to her fellow superheroines once about her skills in bed. But that had been years ago - and she might have been a bit drunk.

Reston looked down at her, having adopted a curious look. He grinned, the look in his eyes telling Dinah that he knew full well that Helena was embellishing things. He reached forward, the warm touch of his palm running across Dinah's cheek… And then moving to the back of her head.

His smile widened and his eyes glimmered with something that resembled affection. Then his hold on the back of her head tightening and he forced her head down onto his lap.


Dinah didn't fight it. Hell, a part of her even expected it. Men like Reston were the types to lord their power over women. As such, the prospect of having a woman choking on their cock was too juicy to let slip by.

She flattened her palms against his thighs, not to resist him, but to keep her body from tumbling between his legs. That wouldn't be fun for either of them.

Reston's hold on her head was firm like iron. He wanted his cock in her throat. And men like Reston always got what they wanted. He forced her down, down, down. Inch after inch after inch of hard, swollen cock slipped into her mouth, into her gullet. She could barely breathe through her nose, her throat convulsing around him.

Bite down? Slap his thighs? No. That side of Dinah Lance checked out the moment she set her eyes on the pride of the Reston bloodline.

In the pit of her belly was now more than just twisted and coiling. Now there was heat. Blooming heat, spreading like wildfire through her veins, her nerves, making her blood sing. That was the twisted truth. That on some level - especially the physical level - Dinah Lance was enjoying this.

Shock, horror, pleasure, all intermingled as Dinah's nose brushed against the bristles of Reston's neatly trimmed pubic hair. She had the entirety of a thick Brotherhood cock stuffed into her tight throat. The Black Canary was deep-throating, choking on teen cock… And she liked it.

"Uh." Reston rasped, his face contorted into a grimace. "Fuck, that's nice."

Dinah gurgled around him, drawing a delighted groan from his lips as her throat attempted to swallow him down.

"GLRK…" Was the noise she made. She almost couldn't believe it. "GLRK!"

"Well…?" Helena inquired, watching the spectacle with rapt attention. She rubbed gentle circles into Dinah's back. The blonde felt some appreciation at the gesture. Hypnotized or not, Helena remained a close friend.

Reston held Dinah's face to his groin for another moment, grunting like a beast when she gurgled around his cock again. Then, huffing through his nose, he pulled her back up by her hair.

In an instant, Reston's immense length was drawn from Dinah's throat, like a sword being drawn from its sheath.

Sucking in delicious mouthfuls of air, Dinah could still see Reston's cock through blurry, tearful eyes. It was bigger than she remembered it being, swollen and slathered in her spit. A few rogue strands of saliva connected the tip of his cock to her chin and lips.

Without thinking, she darted forward and lashed her tongue against it, breaking the strands. Then she did it again, planting a wet kiss on the cockhead next.

"She's delightful." Reston chuckled, his laugh rumbling deep in his chest. He let go of her hair, wiping a tear from her cheek as she continued to lay wet, flower petal kisses along the side of his cock. He grinned down at her… And Dinah grinned back, despite how much she was supposed to hate Reston. She cradled his length against the side of her face, swiping her tongue along the shaft. Reston turned to Helena and added, "But there's some room for improvement. With your help she'll be able to handle me as well as you can, sweetheart."

It shouldn't have stung her ego, but it did. Dinah knew it was stupid to care what Reston though of her blowjob skills. Hell, it was wrong.

What the hell is wrong with me? All it takes to drive me mad is a big, fat cock? What kind of superheroine am I?

They were rational thoughts, but Helena wouldn't allow her to dwell on them.

"I won't let you down, sir!" She chirped, saluting her teen student. It was a playful gesture, flirty. But to see Helena Bertinelli do it… Then the woman's lips were at her ear, whispering in her sweet voice. "I don't think you've ever had a man like Matt before, but that's okay. I'm going to turn you into a world class cocksucker!"

Helena's hands moved to the back of Dinah's head, fingers raking through her hair. Dinah knew what was coming, but could do nothing to stop it. It was as if throating Reston's cock had sapped her energy, putting a damper on her normally quick reflexes.

Or maybe Dinah just didn't care.

"Helena, wait-" It was a token resistance. It probably drove Reston wild, too.

The manly man's way of getting a woman to stop talking: making her choke on your fat cock.

Just as Reston had done moments ago, now it was Helena's turn. She shoved Dinah's head down, forcing her friend to take her boyfriend's cock back into her throat. At least it was easier to handle the second time around, Dinah decided.

"GLRK!" Dinah gagged, her throat tightening around Reston's cock. Helena held her there for a moment before pulling her back up. But she didn't pull her up all the way, only allowing her friend to rise until only Reston's head was in her mouth. Then she shoved Dinah back down. "GLRK! HRRRM!"

The Huntress hadn't been lying about the world class cocksucker part, Dinah realized. They settled into a rhythm. Up, down. Up, down. Up, down. Nice and steady.

Dinah's whole body felt like it was alight with fire, alive with lightning. Her nerves screamed and sang all the same. The heat in her belly was done blooming. Now, it was an inferno. Between her legs, she knew she was wet. She'd have to hurry back to her dorm when this was done, lest she be caught with a wet spot on her sweatpants.

Helena giggled, absolutely delighted as she used Dinah's throat to milk her boyfriend's cock. Another shove downwards and Dinah moaned as Reston hit the back of her throat for the umpteenth time that evening. And as if to rub it in, his balls slapped against her chin. Dinah's eyes clamped shut tight.

"Oh, Jesus…" Dinah heard Reston groan, his voice strained. "That's it. That's fucking good. God."

"Are you close, baby?" Dinah heard Helena ask. Reston didn't respond, but Dinah attributed his silence to his cock being buried deep in a lady's tight throat. Next, she felt Helena give her a quick kiss on the cheek. "You're doing great, Dinah. You're perfect for this. I'm so proud of you, sweetie."

They were lovely, sweet words. She would have loved to hear them from Helena under normal circumstances. But then and there? They were warped, twisted. And they sent Dinah quivering, dripping between her legs.

Helena's voice came again, low and sultry.

"Here it comes!"

There was no need to be specific. Dinah knew what that meant. And she braced herself.

She felt Reston throbbing in her mouth, in her throat. She could feel his body tensing beneath her, the muscles in his thighs tensing up under her hands. Reston first let out a low hiss, his cock twitching against her tongue, her lips.

Then she felt it. Hot and sticky, splashing against the back of her throat. Shooting through his cock, all the way down his length, directly into her gullet. Reston let loose a string of curses, near bellowing as his ending overtook him - all while letting loose ropes of hot cum into Dinah's mouth. Potent seed from those full, fuzzy balls.

"Yes," Helena purred, peppering Dinah's neck with kisses as she held her friend's face to Reston's crotch. "That's it. Take it all. Don't spill a drop."

Dinah moaned around the teen's pulsing prick. She swallowed the cum as it came sloshing forth. There was nothing else she could do. Nothing else she wanted to do. So she took it all in. All of the scalding hot seed that came rushing into her throat.

God, it's like a dam broke. When does it end?

Mercifully, Helena released her hold on Dinah's head, allowing the blonde to pull away. But Dinah didn't. Not entirely. She only retreated enough so that only Reston's cockhead remained in her mouth. Using both hands, she milked the rest of his ending onto her waiting tongue. After all that effort, she would at least get herself a taste.

Salty. Warm. Delectable.

That's how a man should taste. The passion that went into that thought shocked even Dinah. But she knew it was the truth. Her truth.

"Fuck," She heard Reston hiss. "God damn, Miss B."

Dinah looked up at the man who had tormented her for the last several days. The man she just finished to completion. She could taste him on her tongue, the last few spurts of his cum. She realized then that she had a chance for defiance. To ruin his moment of triumph. Spit his own seed onto him.

It was an enticing thought. And a week ago, the Black Canary might have done it.

But tonight, on her knees… Dinah swallowed it. And she made sure he saw.

Their eyes locked together and for a brief moment there was something akin to understanding between them. Choking on his cock, swallowing his cum, it changed nothing. She was still taking Reston and the Brotherhood down. But now, she wasn't sure if she could hate him. At least, not the way she hated him before.

Reston and his cohorts, they were predators. Lions, wolves, and sharks. She couldn't expect men like them not to hunt.

"Still think I need room for improvement?" Dinah sat back on her heels, her voice strained and raspy. She glanced at Helena at her side, finding the other woman looking upon her with pride, joy, and a tiny sliver of envy.

"What do you think, baby?" Helena crawled towards Dinah, reaching out to play with a lock of her golden hair. Moving behind her, she rested her chin on Dinah's shoulder, facing her still-seated boyfriend. "Does the new girl need some extra tutoring?"

"I'm convinced. Mostly." Reston answered with a satisfied sigh. He began stroking himself, running his hand up and down his slick cock. A few pumps later and his length was thrumming back to life, as if Dinah hadn't just drained his balls. "But that was just round one. I need to know if she's got staying power."

Reston stood up then, letting his immense length sway down between his legs. Dinah's eyes widened. This was an entirely different perspective than the one she had in the locker room. On her knees, looking up at the veiny monstrosity, Dinah felt something the Black Canary rarely experienced.

Shockingly, the Black Canary felt intimidated.

Dinah felt a tremble, a quiver shoot through her core as Matt Reston loomed over her and Helena both. But it wasn't one of fear. The task before her was daunting, true. But beyond the hate, the anger, the twisted pleasure, Dinah Lance felt something else, too. Anticipation.

Helena kissed the back of Dinah's neck and the blond felt a rush. Sitting up on her knees, she took Reston's cock in hand, moving his hands away so she could take over stroking duty. He was just as hard as he was at the start. Solid as steel and warm to the touch. Near blazing. Perfect for a girl like Dinah.

She smirked up at him. She had found some spirit again.

"I'm just getting started."

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