Birds of Prey: Twisted Desire

24. No Escape

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No Escape

The chanting had grown louder. Most everyone in the room spoke in unison with the priest and priestess, the foreign words pouring out into the air, filling the space of the ceremony chamber.

Dinah couldn’t keep from shuddering. The chanting was deep, droning. She could feel it slithering over her half-naked body, under her skin, burrowing into her bones, into her gut. Becoming part of her.

The book that the Priestess Lilith had brought in was set upon the dais and opened. That was from where they were reciting their chants, Dinah could see. It was like a twisted biblical hymn, she realized. But on the page opposite, the blonde could see there were… illustrations. Artistic representations of men and women with their bodies entangled.

Dinah quickly averted her eyes, forcing herself to stare straight ahead. She didn’t want to think about her very near future.

Flanked on one side by Reston and on the other by Helena, Dinah was well aware of her lack of escape options. Even aside from those two, Dinah was very much surrounded. On all sides, there were Kingston Brothers and their lady guests. She couldn’t possibly fight her way through them all. Not without using her Canary Cry and risking killing some of them.

There were women garbed in white robes slowly passing through their numbers. Dinah watched the women in white anoint the female inductees and then bid the greenhorn Brothers to drink red wine from a glass goblet lined with gold.

Helena must have caught Dinah staring as well as her curious expression, because a second later her raven-haired friend was whispering low in her ear.

“That’s a special mix to provide stamina. Those green boys have a lot to prove tonight.” Helena explained, her voice a soft purr. Her excitement was clear, coloring her words. Like she was very much looking forward to experiencing that enhanced stamina in action. Dinah, on the other hand? Not so much.

Just then, Reston leaned over to whisper into Dinah’s other ear. He had been listening. How could he not have been?

“It’s just regular wine, Miss B.” The younger man explained with a quiet chuckle. Even whispering, his voice was deep and rumbling, especially for a teenager. Dinah breathed in, ignoring how her belly quivered as his words slithered into her ear. She said nothing and Reston continued on. “One of the Elder Brothers told me the week after my induction. We don’t take enhancements. That’s just something we tell the new guys to put them in the right headspace. It’s a placebo.”

Beside her, Dinah heard Helena make a tiny, scandalized gasp. Opposite, Reston gave a small sound of affirmation. I’m telling the truth, was his unspoken reply.

“This ceremony for new Brothers has always been about unlocking their true potential as men… and as lovers.” Reston said. Dinah breathed in, her body going tense as she felt his hand ghost down to the small of her back. A gentle, almost-nothing touch. But somehow it felt as possessive and violating as if he had grabbed a handful of ass. Dinah still said nothing and kept her eyes locked forward. Reston’s voice came again, now a low growl. “But you’re already familiar with mine, aren’t you?”

Another quiver coiling deep in Dinah’s belly. The blonde let out a sigh - one that almost came out as a moan. But she wouldn’t let him have the victory.

Before Dinah could bite back a reply, Helena’s hand joined Reston’s on Dinah’s lower back. The blonde closed her eyes, despairing as she heard Helena stifle a giggle.

“You’re so bad, Matt.”

The chanting came to an end. An instant later, there were two, loud claps. Dinah felt Helena and Reston’s hands quickly retreat from her body. The blonde opened her eyes to see the Priestess Lilith with her hands held together above her head. The woman had signaled the next phase of the ceremony.

Around her, Dinah could hear faint shuffling as the gathered crowd all turned to face the dais, to witness their priest and priestess conduct their ritual.

Up on the dais, Priestess Lilith began to speak. Her voice was soft, feminine, but projected loud and with a measure of authority.

“That you stand here tonight, witness to our sacred rites and prayers, means you have shown great promise.”

Nothing sacred about what they do here, Dinah thought bitingly.

The Priest in the red robe picked up where Lilith had left off. His voice was deep and strong, much like Reston’s. 

“For you young men, that means you have shown aptitude not just in academics, but in areas beyond. Social finesse, physical prowess, and most importantly, a talent for discretion. You have shown daring, discipline, drive… and desire. Desire far beyond that of your peers.”

His words boomed within the chamber, sending another tremble through Dinah’s body. Why did she feel so small, so vulnerable? Wasn’t she supposed to be a superheroine?

But despite the unsettling weakness that slithered through her body, Dinah paid close attention to what the Priest was saying. She finally realized why all the Kingston Brothers seemed to be top specimens of the male sex. Because those were the types the organization recruited.

That’s why I didn’t see Curly wearing a ring during gym class. That’s why only the jocks and the prep-types seemed to be wearing them.

In hindsight, it made plenty of sense. Dinah mentally kicked herself for not figuring it out sooner. A group focused on male dominance and superiority wouldn’t be too keen to accept weaklings and wimps. It wouldn’t do well for the image they were cultivating.

Up on the dais, Priestess Lilith spoke again. Her smooth, feminine voice came as a stark contrast to the Priest’s.

“The kind of spirit that you have shown should be nurtured, strengthened. It should be emboldened.” Lilith called out with shocking conviction. Even for a woman under thrall, she was damn near zealous in her support of the Brotherhood. Dinah watched the softball coach smile down at the gathering that surrounded the dais. “The world needs bold, vigorous young men. The Kingston Brotherhood believes you are up to the task. And tonight you are going to prove it.”

The respectful silence was interrupted by a brief bustling of excitement. All around her, Dinah could hear the inductees break into faint murmurs of approval, their lady guests giving quiet giggles and giddy whispers. 

The main course, Dinah concluded. What they all came here for…

“Ladies… You are here tonight because you too have seen the promise of these young men.” The Priest’s voice boomed again as he gestured to the inductees before him, as if he was presenting them. “And as enlightened women, you have come to the same truth that many sisters have before you. The strength and power of Man is a beautiful thing. It should be served… and rewarded.

Dinah herself felt her belly coil and flip. A sane woman would have felt she was about to vomit or gag. But to her dismay, that was not at all the sensation that gripped Dinah’s body. The blonde fought down the implications, forced them deep, deep into the depths of her mind. She wouldn’t give it any attention. It would wither and die in the pit of what was to be forgotten.

She could ignore her thoughts, but she could not ignore her body. Half-naked, dressed in a mockery of her heroic garb, Dinah felt warm. And between her legs, her womanhood ached. She remembered then how Reston’s cock had filled her mouth, stretched her throat. She remembered what it felt like for his seed to flood into her gullet. She wanted that for her cunt. Or rather, her body did.

Damn it. Damn it!

Dinah was a superheroine. The Black Canary was meant to show the world that girls could play rough just the same as the boys. That’s what her own mother had done. That’s what Dinah did. They proved that they were more than arm candy, more than pretty things to be touched and admired.

So why was the Brotherhood’s sick, chauvinist ideology turning her on?

We should have never come here. The thought shot quickly, bitingly through Dinah’s mind. This place, the kids, the teachers, this whole campus is sick. It fucked with our minds, staying around these freaks for so long. We should have sent Zatanna. Or Doctor Fate. Anybody but us!

Priestess Lilith raised her arms, beaming with joy.

“Ladies… Brothers… remove your robes.

There came another round of faint shuffling followed by the sound of soft fabric hitting the floor. Dinah dared to take a quick look around.

Skin. Bare skin, so much revealed for any wandering, hungry eye. Damn near the whole gathering putting themselves on display without a second thought, men and women both.

The women were in lingerie. Scanty outfits that even strippers would find daring. Lush thighs, soft and trim bellies, milky breasts both big and small, pushed together to create deep valleys of cleavage - or without a stitch of clothing at all!

And the men…

The young men, the teen inductees of the Kingston Brotherhood, were completely naked. Their fit, healthy, strong bodies, undraped without shame. No shyness in the way they carried themselves, at least none that Dinah could see. No nervousness. No anxiety. The young men that surrounded her were proud and free. Them and their cocks. Their swollen, half-hard cocks that swayed slightly down between their legs.

Dinah put her eyes forward, her back going ramrod straight. She had forgotten. There was one such strapping young man standing right beside her.

She had already become well acquainted with Matt Reston’s manhood, but still she feared to get another eyeful - or mouthful.

Before she could dare to take a peak, Helena’s sweet voice flowed into Dinah’s ear. Accompanied by the feeling of her hand ghosting just over the surface of Dinah’s exposed buttocks.

“You look amazing, Di. This should have been your superhero costume. It makes your ass look insane.

Then Helena drew her hand back… and gave Dinah’s ass a teasing spank. The blonde jumped at the sting, biting her lip to keep from letting loose an embarrassing sound. She’d never felt so vulnerable and weak before. Hell, she didn’t even feel like a superheroine anymore. Just a helpless pretty thing surrounded on all sides. A feeling that only grew more potent as Reston added himself to the mix, groping her ass possessively, drawing sighs from her lips as his strong hands squeezed the plump flesh of her lovely rear end.

“She’s right,” The young man murmured into her ear. He gave a low chuckle, pressing a small kiss to her temple. “Fucking perfect ass you’ve got, Miss Blake. But I knew that since our little dance in the locker room.”

While one hand grabbed handfuls of her buttocks, Reston’s other hand rose up her front. His thick fingers drew gently up the exposed skin of her midriff until they reached the sweet prize they sought - her pale, perky tits. His hand snaked under her leather half-jacket, cupping one of her teardrop breasts. His palm eclipsed the teat, covering her nipple completely. She felt it graze against his hand, sending sweet shocks down her back and an unmistakable twinge in her belly.

Dinah drew in a breath, almost stumbling on her heeled feet. Her eyes fluttered shut and she clasped her hand over Reston’s, keeping his hold at her bosom. She turned her eyes onto him then after pointedly ignoring his presence for most of the ceremony. 

As expected, he was naked. But Dinah didn’t allow her eyes to drop down. She forced herself to match his gaze. There was a smile on his handsome face, so infuriating for her to see. She locked onto his gaze, staring into his eyes. The eyes that were devouring her body, relishing in her ritualistic humiliation. They had Dinah fuming.

She had her chance right then. To break cover and just go to town on these Kingston bastards. To send her fist hurtling into Reston’s stupid, perfect face. If she kept going along with this, she might never get the opportunity again. Dinah knew she was balancing on the knife edge. The longer she kept her cover, the more likely she’d end up like Helena. The smart choice would be to stop.

And yet, Dinah did not.

Helena’s lips fell upon Dinah’s neck, peppering her with sweet, butterfly kisses. Reston continued to grope his fill of Dinah’s body, shamelessly touching and squeezing and pinching. Dinah gave a soft moan as he took one of her nipples between his finger and thumb, his touch surprisingly deft.

“Well, what are you waiting for?” Dinah struggled to speak, fighting back weak moans as Reston continued to play with her tits and ass. But still there was a fire in her voice, a biting edge that had Reston’s eyes gleaming wickedly. “Aren’t you gonna prove how manly and powerful you are? I want to know what you can do with that big cock.”

Reston only gave a small, rumbling laugh. Dinah fumed silently… but the quivering between her legs was undeniable.

“I’ve already proven myself in the eyes of the Brotherhood.” Reston told her, smirking. “This ceremony is for them.

Reston gestured to the inductees that surrounded them. Dinah’s eyes followed his hand, noticing just then to her shock that many of the couples had already become entangled. Sweet moans, whines, and beastly grunts filled the air. It was the sound of dark, carnal bliss.

Fresh-faced teen boys setting their lusts upon their classmates, their teachers, their coaches - beautiful, voluptuous women, each and every one. Dinah spotted one young man bury his face into his woman’s ample teats, smothering himself with her vast, milky swells. Another young man had his woman on her back, straddling her belly while he fucked her tits. Dinah looked on in silent horror, watching that stud pound his long, fat dick into the deep valley between his woman’s breasts. 

That’s what’s going to happen to me…

Then Reston drew his hand from her breasts and cupped her chin, tilting her face up to meet his gaze. His thumb brushed against her lower lip and Dinah damn near sucked the digit into her mouth. It was a reflex that she had to fight down and she hated herself for it.

“This ceremony is also for you.” Reston said. There was a calmness in his expression that Dinah hadn’t seen before. She’d mostly seen him as cocky, arrogant, or infuriatingly smug. The serene look in his eyes was… concerning. “We’re just waiting for the ring-bearers to arrive.”

“Ring-bearers?” Dinah’s brow furrowed.

But Helena was there to happily fill in the gaps.

“So you can get your very own ring, Di.” Her fallen friend whispered excitedly. “Then we’ll really be like sisters!”

Dinah didn’t have enough spirit to feel frightened. Or angry. Not anymore. She didn’t even fight back as Helena eased the leather half-jacket down and off of her shoulders. With no way out and now with even less clothing than she started out with, Dinah could only watch numbly as the gathering of teen boys and their female companions fucked each others’ brains out around her.

“You know…” Reston growled into Dinah’s ear, pressing kisses to her bare shoulders and neck. “In that outfit, you sort of look like Black Canary.”

“That’s because she is the Black Canary.”

A woman’s voice had cut through the air, soft but somehow firm. Dinah felt a spike of ice cold fear stab deep into her back. She stood still as death, unwilling to believe it. 

This is a bad dream. This isn’t real.

The sounds of lovemaking had ceased, leaving the chamber eerily quiet. Reston drew his hands away from Dinah’s body. The blonde didn’t dare look at him.

She did dare to turn her eyes to the source of the voice. It had been familiar, a voice she’d heard before. But she couldn’t place it. She needed to see. Dinah turned slowly, putting her gaze onto the large double doors she had entered through.

And there she was, with perfect, pale skin and immaculate raven-black hair. Dinah’s heart sank, dread coiling in her belly.

Headmistress Vivian Kaplan was there. And behind her followed a small group of people. Most of them wore robes. All except for one.

Barbara! Dinah damn near shouted.

Barbara was there! But her clothes… the redhead wore not a regular outfit, or even her Batgirl garb. No, she was dressed similarly to Dinah, wearing a scanty, mocking rendition of her hero suit. Purple thigh-high boots, high-heeled. Lace panties, also purple. And a sleeveless abbreviation of her zip-up coat, covering not her belly, and in fact ending just below her breasts. It was zipped down to offer a view of her humble cleavage. Barbara herself had her head bowed. Obedient. Defeated.

Oh. Oh no.

Headmistress Kaplan strode forth, her steps exuding elegant poise and unflappable confidence. She came to a stop before Dinah, reaching out to play with a lock of her blonde hair.

Dinah couldn’t move. It was like her whole body had been frozen. Kaplan pursed her lips, abandoning Dinah’s hair to gently pinch one of her nipples. Dinah gasped. And Kaplan gave a wicked smile.

“Nice to have you finally join us, Dinah Blake.” Kaplan purred, rolling the blonde’s nipple between her fingers. “Or should I say… Dinah Lance.

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