Birds of Prey: Twisted Desire

26. Defeat

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Dinah stared, struck silent. The truth about Vivian Kaplan, about Kingston Academy, was so chilling that the words had frozen in the blonde’s throat. All Dinah could do was look on, inches away from the Headmistress draping herself over the teen student’s fit body.

He’s her husband.

Dinah and Barbara had been duped from the start, chasing the wrong leads, focusing on the wrong targets. The mastermind of this twisted plot hadn’t been any of the smug, privileged jocks. It had been the academy’s headmistress - an Amazonian living among mortals - all along! 

She’s his wife!

Dinah blinked, unmoving from her spot. Vivian Kaplan - if that was even her real name - had drawn the Reston boy into another deep kiss. Slow and sensual, their lips and tongues danced. It was the vision of a nightmare - the strongest woman giving herself, her body, her soul, over to the whims and lusts of a man. Dinah could not look away.

Vivian broke the kiss, drawing her hands over the younger man’s firm shoulders. The Headmistress hummed appreciatively as she felt up her most favored student.

“To prove my devotion to you, my love, I brought you another beautiful woman to satisfy your desires.” Vivian said happily, taking a step back from the naked teen. She held out her arm, presenting Dinah as if she were a prize. “Two superheroines to sate your lusts!”

Reston had been moments away from taking the blonde himself, but the reveal that this was Vivian’s plan all along was as much a surprise to him as it was to Dinah. She could see it in his eyes. 

The teen jock gazed hungrily upon the Black Canary, drawing his eyes upon and down her scantily-clad body. Dinah’s cheeks burned hot. But then a look of puzzlement fell over his handsome face. He gave Vivian - his wife - a questioning look.

Two superheroines?”

Vivian nodded happily, her ruby red lips spreading into a wide smile.

“Yes.” She hummed dreamily, pressing a soft kiss to his shoulder. Her eyes glimmered brilliantly as she stared into his. “Ms. Bertinelli is the Gotham Huntress.”

Then Helena was there, as if right on cue, draping her half-naked body into Reston’s open flank. It was only then that Dinah noticed just what her friend was wearing. Lingerie, much every other woman in the chamber, but very distinct as well. Sheer, lace things, colored black and dark purple. The colors of her Huntress garb, Dinah realized. It was an abbreviation of her hero outfit. A titillating mockery she was made to wear. Just like Dinah and Barbara.

The blonde felt her belly coil and twist within her, watching Helena giggle like a woman drunk on love. Reston turned to stare at the teacher he had made into his girlfriend, in disbelief at Vivian’s revelation. But Helena bit her lip, nodding excitedly. 

Reston blinked. Then he let out an incredulous laugh. Vivian drew forward, bringing her lips to his exposed neck. Helena did the same, coming in from the other side. A two-pronged attack. Reston coiled his toned arms around both of their waists, drawing the two women closer. The look on his face was that of a man who won the lottery.

“Holy shit.” He breathed out. “This is… this is just crazy!

Helena kissed him on the cheek, then on the temple. She sighed, teasing his earlobe with her teeth.

“I’m sorry I never told you, sweetie. But Viv wanted it to be a surprise.” 

The teen barked out a laugh, his eyes wide and bright with astonishment. The hands he had set on the smalls of their backs dropped lower. With the cocky surety only a man could have, he grabbed handfuls of soft tushy. Both women gave tiny gasps of mock scandal, wiggling their rears into the younger man’s possessive touch.

“I don’t know what to say.” Reston murmured, turning his eyes on both Vivian and Helena. Like he couldn’t decide which beauty to focus on.

“You don’t need to say anything.” Vivian whispered, her voice like silk. “Just love us. All three of us.”

Vivian kissed him again, though this time their embrace was much more chaste. Though the Amazon did linger on her lover’s lips, she pulled away after a short time. Then, with a warm smile, she reached across Matthew’s lean chest and sought out Helena. Running her fingers through the Huntress’ dark mane, she moved forth until their lithe bodies were flush together. Then she kissed her too. Helena accepted the Amazon’s touch happily, eagerly. This kiss lasted longer, the two women moaning softly. It was a show for Reston… and for Dinah as well. It was an example of what was going to be expected of her. 

A tremble ran through the blonde’s body - with a particular quivering deep in her belly. Dinah felt to her great shock that it was not an unpleasant feeling.

Helena and Vivian broke apart with breathless sighs, thin lines of spit connecting their glossy lips. Then the Headmistress turned her gaze onto her freshly caught prey. 

Dinah stood silent, a feeling of finality washing over her. Through the heat blooming through her body, there was a chill that gripped her heart. 

The end was upon her. The end of her career as a superheroine. The end of her life as an independent woman. Her name was Vivian Kaplan and she approached Dinah with ravenous eyes.

Vivian came to a stop right before her and it was only then that Dinah realized that the Headmistress was taller than her. The rogue Amazon wasted no time, taking Dinah’s face with her hands as she dipped down to steal a kiss.

Dinah could only let out a weak, tiny squeal, hands clenching into small fists at her sides as Vivian’s lips slid against hers. The kiss belonged to the Headmistress, led by her, guided by her. To onlookers, there was no doubt who was in charge. And neither was there any doubt for Dinah. There couldn’t be, not with Vivian freely exploring her mouth with her tongue.

The kiss was long, hungry, and demanding. Each of Dinah’s moans was swallowed up, her whimpers smothered by Vivian’s soft, pillowy lips. It made her head spin, her blood sing, and her heart ache. The pleasure, the heat, frothed up inside of her, making the blonde feel like she was going to burst. 

And then it was over. 

Vivian broke the kiss, extending her arms to push Dinah back. The blonde sucked in a deep breath, nearly stumbling on her heels, but the Amazon’s iron hold kept her steady. Dinah stared at the taller woman, wide-eyed. She could feel her heart hammering in her chest.

The rogue Amazon let go of Dinah’s head, reaching out lovingly for Reston. As soon as she turned towards the younger man, it was like a switch had been flipped. Dinah saw the woman’s hungry eyes turn to dreamy adoration as she beckoned her teen lover over to them. 

Both Reston and Helena came forth. There was an eager skip in Helena’s step, Dinah could see. Reston’s excitement was simpler… and a thousand times more obvious. The hard-on between his legs was an exclamation point on the bout of lust and shock that Dinah had endured in the last several minutes. Long and thick and veiny, colored a dark pink thanks to the man’s hot, swelling blood, the cock somehow seemed even more intimidating now than when Dinah had been on her knees for it.

With Vivian right before her and Reston and Helena on her flanks, Dinah was surrounded. Beaten. Ensnared. And with the realization of there being no way out, there also came an odd sense of calm. Whatever dread Dinah had felt before, it slipped away from her mind, disappearing like thin vapor. And with it gone, Dinah could only feel one thing. Before, it had been buried, intentionally smothered so she wouldn’t have to face that darker side of herself. But now it was free.

Dinah felt excitement.

As Vivian reached down to ghost her fingertips over Dinah’s bare breasts, the two women locked eyes. The rogue Amazon smirked, understanding flashing across her pale, sculpted face.

“Two superheroines and an Amazon against your cock, my love.” Vivian sang to her teenage husband, reaching out with one hand to prod a finger against his bulbous cockhead.

“My money’s on you, handsome.” Helena chimed in, letting out a soft hum as she palmed one of Dinah’s asscheeks.

Dinah jumped slightly, sucking in a tiny gasp. Beside her, she could hear Helena giggling. Her cheeks burned - but not from anger.

Vivian took a step back then, taking a moment to look upon her masterstroke with an expression of beaming pride. The Amazon reached above her head and clapped. Once, twice, silencing all in the ceremony chamber. With all eyes on her, the Headmistress cast her satisfied gaze over her loyal pupils.

“Let us induct our new brothers and sisters!” She proclaimed, her voice carrying loud and clear over the surrounding crowd. “Present the rings!

A cheer rose over the gathering, young men and their obedient women voicing their excitement and joy - eager to finally be joined together in their twisted union. 

Another delightful shiver rolled through Dinah’s body. This was wrong. She knew it was wrong. But she did not care. The ghost of her anger, her fear, her rage, it echoed in her mind. But she did not desire to feed it. She didn’t want to feel the negativity anymore. Not when she had the choice to feel so good instead.

A cloaked woman approached the group of four. In her hands was a small, circular pillow of dark purple satin. And upon it, in the dead center, was a silver band set with a dark, glossy stone. Matt Reston reached out and took it between two fingers. Dinah held her breath, her bare skin prickling under the cool air.

Vivian shot her a look, one that sent her belly into a quivering fit. Then the Amazon stood aside, letting Reston take her place before Dinah. The younger man didn’t look cocky or arrogant then as he looked down on the captured blonde. No, instead he wore a warm, gentle smile. Silently assuring her that it was okay. That this was a good thing, a righteous thing. All with his eyes, he told her that she would be safe in his arms. That he was never going to hurt her… unless she wanted him to.

There was a devious voice in the back of Dinah’s head, whispering inside her mind - that perhaps, deep down, Dinah did.

The woman once known as the Black Canary raised her hand, presenting it to the man who held her ring, her future. There was another voice inside her, Dinah could just barely hear it. A woman’s voice, screaming and shrieking in the distance. Far, far back in the empty reaches of her mind. But this woman was too far away. Dinah couldn’t make out what she was saying. It was important, desperate, Dinah could feel it. But… the blonde couldn’t bring herself to care. 

She was about to get married, after all.

“The Black Canary.” Matthew Reston murmured, shaking his head. “I can’t believe it. So you’re the real deal?”

“Damn right.” Dinah blurted out, a flash of pride forcing the words to spill from her lips. She lifted her chin up, a daring look crossing her face. But it was not to deter him. It was an invitation. A challenge.

A cute grin adorned his handsome face. He held Dinah’s hand, his touch surprisingly tender and gentle. 

The warmth of his skin on hers was wonderful, Dinah decided. And so too did she like how big his hands were compared to her own. Big hands, made for grabbing, holding, caressing. From here on out, they would be used on her, on her body. Dinah very much liked that.

He held the ring to her finger, the silver band less than an inch from touching her skin. Dinah held her breath. Time seemed to slow down.

It was one final chance to break free. One final chance to escape. One final chance to try.

Dinah didn’t take it.

“There’s no going back from this.” Reston said with an unusually serious tone. The silver was just barely touching her fingertip now. There was the tiniest burst of delight as it brushed against her. Dinah shivered. Reston’s voice dropped low, rumbling. “Are you ready?”

“Of course she is.” Vivian cooed. Dinah could feel the woman’s fingers running through her hair.

Dinah gave a short, firm nod.

“Do it.”

There was victory in his eyes. Happiness, too. The look of a man who had more than he could ever wish for.

Reston slid the ring onto Dinah’s finger. And what followed was like a burst of pure starlight. Around her, inside her, Dinah was overwhelmed. Emotion. Sensation. Blinding her until only the truth remained. The truth of her new reality. The truth of her place as a woman. The one thing above all in the service of man.


Barbara Gordon found her inability to resist most concerning. Even more than the fact that she had gotten captured, or the fact that her little plan had completely fallen apart.

The moment Vivian had announced she was to be given to Andrew Westfield, the towering teen jock was upon her. His eagerness to touch, to caress, to have, was overt. Barbara couldn’t blame him, not when her state of dress was so… scarce.

Barbara squirmed in his hold. Not because of any attempt to escape, but because her body was betraying her, reacting giddily to his roaming hands. His thick and powerful arms, they felt nice coiling around her waist. His hands were delightful as they slid over her bare skin, settling on the small of her back. His breath was hot, tingling on her neck as he peppered sweet kisses there.

The redhead sighed, feeling Westfield’s lips on her neck, her chin, her cheek. Frantic, hungry kisses from a young man excited to drag another pretty girl to bed. She’d seen him giving it to Ms. Flores and Ms. Jameson just a short while ago, yet here he was primed and ready to go again.

He was naked, the heat of his body fueling the growing furnace in Barbara’s belly. She could feel his manhood brushing against the inside of her bare thighs. Hot to the touch and hard like an iron bar. 

Barbara knew that what was happening was wrong. Andrew Westfield was a teenager. A very tall, magnificently built teenager. She resisted the urge to look upon that fat, beautiful thing. But still it thrilled her. 

She’d seen that same hard prick go to work on other women. And soon it was going to put to use on her. 

Barbara wondered if she’d even be able to handle it. Would it break her? Would it make her scream?

“Batgirl, huh?” Westfield grunted, his voice low and rough. Primal. It made Barbara’s knees weak. His hot breath against her ear almost drew a moan from her lips. She bit her lip as his hands traveled up her back, ripping the cheap cape from her shoulders. The teen drew back a little, allowing himself a good look at his new woman. A toothy smile spread across his handsome face as he took a moment to eye her up. “I love what you did with the costume.”

Barbara said nothing. His touch, his kisses, they felt good. Blissful fire upon her body. But still there was a part of her that was screaming. She wanted to flirt, to tease, to give in. But there was that one last bit of her rational mind that urged her to act, to be the heroine she worked so hard to become. 

It was not strong enough. Barbara Gordon did nothing to keep Westfield’s hands off her body. She only stood there and swallowed as the tall, muscled jock unzipped her top. She wore no bra underneath the slutty version of her Batgirl coat, as Westfield discovered to his pleasure.

There was a flash of hunger in his eyes. With a hand on the small of her back, he tugged her forward. Barbara let out a tiny squeak, crashing against his broad, firm chest, but was immediately silenced with a deep kiss. His other hand slid under her coat and palmed one of her pale, supple breasts. She moaned sweetly into his mouth.

When he pulled away, Barbara could hardly breathe. Her head was spinning, the whole world around her now a haze. 

She grabbed onto his arms - his very thick, very firm arms - pressing her face into his bare chest. She could feel his cock twitch lightly against her thighs again. The redhead was shocked at how vulnerable she felt. How girly she felt. Small and weak. She was shocked at how much she liked it.

But once more, there was that voice in her head. Screaming at her.

This time, Barbara gave words to her last bit of resistance.

“This… this is wrong, Andrew. In-... oh… Inappropriate.” Her voice wavered as she attempted to reason with the randy young man currently fondling her tits. “Teachers shouldn’t… be in relationships… with students.”

Andrew Westfield chuckled as he pressed a kiss to the side of her head. Barbara could feel his laugh rumbling deep in his chest. The vibrations from his body were pleasant.

“It’s a good thing you’re not really a teacher then, Batgirl.” His voice dropped low. A hungry growl.

“Wait… that’s not-”

Westfield silenced her with another kiss, taking her breath - and her wits - away. He held her tight, his arms like pythons, his hold unbreakable. Desire flared from deep inside. Her womanhood bloomed hot. The panties she had been given were soaked. She wanted him to hold her tighter. To never let go.

His tongue probed into her mouth. It didn’t duel with her own, it dominated. There wasn’t a single part of Barbara that could fight. Not anymore. Whatever fighting spirit she had was gone. Smothered, suppressed, or snuffed out entirely.

Barbara closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around Westfield’s thick neck. She leaned into him, letting his strength hold her up. If he was the man she belonged to, then she figured she ought to trust him. She ought to give him everything.

Moans and whimpers rose from her throat and he devoured them. Their kiss was so deep, so desperate, that when they finally broke apart her lips felt swollen and puffy. 

Barbara sucked in a deep breath and let out a dreamy sigh. The sensation of his large hand palming her ass was what broke the redhead from her lustful stupor. It was only when she gathered what wits remained of her that Barbara noticed Ms. Rita Flores and Ms. Belle Jameson had arrived to watch.

Neither woman appeared angry or jealous - though they did seem envious of Barbara’s place in Andrew’s arms. The teenager threw his two lovers a smile as they approached, drawing away from Barbara. But instead of descending upon their boytoy stud, the two teachers circled his newest woman instead.

Now Barbara was surrounded, just as Dinah was. And a quick glance across the chamber towards her blonde friend told Barbara all the naughty and carnal things that were in her very near future.

It wasn’t just Andrew who was going to have his fun, Barbara realized.

Rita and Belle acted as one, a two-prong attack upon both of the redhead’s flanks. They closed in on Barbara with intent in their eyes… and started fawning over her.

Rita gave a sweet hum as she drew her hand over Barbara’s bare tummy, clearly impressed by her taut abdomen. Meanwhile, Belle played with a lock of Barbara’s hair before running her fingers through it. They touched her, teased her, cooing at her silky hair and soft skin. Like she was their new toy. Because she was their new toy.

“This is your new girl, Andrew?” Belle Jameson asked, drawing Barbara’s half-jacket open to expose her breasts to the open air. Barbara sucked in a sharp breath as the dark-skinned woman took her nipple between her fingers. Belle pulled slowly, gently, until the dark pink nub slipped free from her pinch. 

Barbara said nothing, letting out a shuddering sigh.

“She’s so pretty.” Rita Flores mused. She drew around to Barbara’s front, tilting the redhead’s chin upwards with her fingers. The olive-skinned woman gave a brilliant smile, her eyes glittering with excitement. “And a superheroine, too?”

“It’s good for us. An extra helping hand puts the odds in our favor.” Belle remarked, circling behind Barbara and sliding an open palm over her ass. A moment later, Barbara squealed as Belle gave her tush a firm slap. Then the woman’s lips were at her ear. “I hope you can keep up. Me and Rita can barely handle the big guy.”

Barbara believed her. She’d witnessed more than once how much of a handful Andrew Westfield could be. More than that, she’d felt it. Just moments ago, when his big, fat cock was prodding her between the legs.

In the sensory haze that clouded her mind, Barbara hadn’t noticed Rita slip away for a moment. But she did notice when the shapely latina returned. Rita wore a proud, beaming smile as she presented a ring to her teen lover. Westfield accepted the silver band with a grin of his own, holding the ring up for Barbara to see.

The black stone glimmered as it caught the light. It called out to Barbara. Beckoning to her. And Barbara… couldn’t ignore it. 

Andrew Westfield approached, every step closer making him seem larger and taller until he was towering over the half-naked heroine. Barbara stared up at her lover, her conqueror, the man who would truly have her. She held out her hand, offering herself.

Like a wedding, a sweet voice spoke in her head.

“I’m going to take good care of you. I promise.” Andrew said to her. There was no arrogance in his words. Only genuine care. Genuine desire.

Barbara took a deep breath. This was it. The final defeat. And the beginning of her new life.

“I believe you.” She answered.

It was the truth. It had always been the truth.

Then he slid the ring onto her finger and Barbara Gordon was struck with the brilliance of true illumination.

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