Birds of Prey: Twisted Desire

28. Birds Beaten

AN: The penultimate chapter of the main story. Thanks for sticking with it, friends.

Read the main story finale on my Patreon!

Birds Beaten

Through the moans and squeals and the sounds of skin slapping against skin, Barbara could hear Dinah’s unbridled wail.

It made her smile.

Barbara knew what the sound was. It was the sound of the Black Canary feeling ecstasy unlike any she had ever experienced before. The red-head only hoped that it felt as good for Dinah as it did for her.

Here, within Barbara’s own bubble of twisted paradise, she dealt with her own crucible. The challenge of enduring the size and strength of one Andrew Westfield. The younger man loomed large and imposing over her as she lay flat on her back. 

Barbara was astonished by the sculpted brawn that dominated her vision, damn near in awe at the teenager’s body. But what made her breathless was his cock - every time he sank into her pussy, it would punch the air out of her lungs.

Barbara huffed, a broken gasp spilled from her mouth. Her body buckled, writhing under Andrew’s solid mass. He held firm to her lithe body, working himself into her mercilessly. Like a machine - or a beast in rut. 

He was big. Bigger than damn near any other man Barbara had been with. A ridiculous accolade for a teenager to have, but that was how it was. He filled her sex, stuffing her with so much meat that Barbara whined in discomfort. 

At first it felt like his presence would split her apart, leaving her womanhood in permanent ruin. But the destruction never came. Her body accommodated him - almost as if it was meant to. Pain soon mingled with pleasure… and was eventually smothered by it.

“Batgirl…” He grunted, staring down at her. On his handsome, youthful face was an expression of awe. It made Barbara’s belly feel so pleasantly weightless. The younger man smiled. “I can’t believe it. I’ve had a crush on you since I was in middle school.”

“Really?” A laugh almost bubbled up in Barbara’s throat.

“Oh, yeah.” Andrew breathed in deep through his nose. He lifted a hand from her waist, planting his palm above Barbara’s head. Her eyes flashed up to enjoy the solid muscles that corded his arm. The teen Adonis leaned down and stole a quick kiss. Barbara sighed as he rolled his hips into her. “I always thought you were a total babe.”

He bucked his hips, hitting deep. Barbara sucked in a shuddering breath, whimpering. Her hands clung to his strong back, her fingers barely sinking into the firm muscle.

Andrew fucked her, lifting his hips and dropped them back down, hammering at her cunt with his fat cock. Barbara loved it. It was wrong of course, she knew that. But her heroic sensibilities were a faint whisper now thanks to the ring Andrew had given her. With the ring came the gift of illumination, true wisdom concerning her nature and purpose as a woman. 

It was no longer fucked up to be fucking Andrew. The heat and delicious firmness of his body was no longer a forbidden taboo. Now they were delights that Barbara rightfully enjoyed. Taking his cock, screaming so that her pleasure could be known by all… this was what Barbara was meant to do. Feeling her pussy split apart for him, the sensation of being so full, it was complete and total satisfaction. It was good and it was right.

“Even when all the other guys talked about Catwoman or Poison Ivy… I said you were more gorgeous than either of them.” Andrew spoke up again. His voice came out strained, almost a growl. It sent a thrill dancing through Barbara’s body.

“Such… a gentleman.” Barbara breathed.

“He has his moments.” A honey-sweet voice purred beside her.

The only thing that made Barbara happier was that she didn’t enjoy the experience alone. There at her sides, holding her hands and stroking fingers through her hair, were Belle and Rita. Andrew’s other women, so warm and gentle and so gracious in sharing him with her. They would whisper encouragement in her ears as their man drove his cock deep between her legs, peppering her cheeks and temples with butterfly kisses.

Even more than when she joined Bruce’s cause, even more than when she led the Birds of Prey, Barbara Gordon felt like she belonged.

“The Brotherhood teaches us to be more than just sex-crazed barbarians.” Andrew added with a breathless laugh.

“I don’t know…” Barbara snorted. Her hands trailed down to take hold of the teenager’s waist - then onto his firm ass. She attempted to draw him close, to make his hips flush with her own, trying to get his cock deeper. “Sounds like my kind of man.”

“The Brotherhood also teaches these boys how not to disappoint. Show her, Andrew.” Belle spoke, her words coming with a daring edge.

Andrew got the message. His handsome face hardened then and began to really fuck her. His cock worked into her dripping wet cunt like a piston. And Barbara could do nothing but take it. The redhead squealed.

Belle Jameson squirmed closer, reaching over to draw her dark fingers over Barbara’s pale belly. Her touch was warm and delicate, ghosting just over Barbara’s smooth skin. On the red-head’s opposite flank, Rita Flores did much the same, only her hand gravitated towards Barbara’s plump, pale breast. The latina cupped the mound, her fingers seeking the poking, pink nipple. She pinched it gently, rolling it between her digits. And Andrew was there above her, the master of her enlightenment, her ecstasy.

Barbara whimpered, writhing under the touch of three people who so adored her. She had felt nothing so perfect before. It was like a drug, intoxicating. Barbara knew then that she would never leave. Superhero life be damned.

The pleasure of Andrew’s fat cock was just too good for her to give up.

Matthew thought he knew what pleasure was. But his recent string of good fortune had topped damn near all that came before. Hell, it was more than just good. It was outstanding.

Warmth and wetness bathed his cock. Dinah and Helena set their tongues upon his shaft with much enthusiasm, eager to taste his manhood. Matthew looked down at both with a satisfied smile, watching the blonde and raven-haired stunners lick and suck along opposite sides of his cock. 

Their eyes Matt could see were glazed over. Yet at the same time they were somehow focused. There was intensity and heat held within both, two pairs of striking blue locking with Matthew’s gaze. Servicing his cock wasn’t just a delight for them to enjoy - it was their mission. And they would perform their duty with blistering fervor.

What Matthew was feeling at that moment wasn’t simply pleasure. It was pure bliss. It was the sensation of complete and total triumph. With two gorgeous superheroines kneeling between his legs and his beautiful wife cradling him from behind, Matt Reston knew he had won. Straight up.

He could feel the softness of Vivian’s breasts pressing into his back. Then came his wife’s lips brushing so pleasantly against his ear. Her purring voice poured forth.

“Matthew, my love. Look upon my gifts to you.” She pressed a small kiss to his neck. Matthew released a low sigh, leaning back into the woman’s warm embrace. The feeling of her fingers stroking softly through his hair was a comfort, almost as delightful as Dinah and Helena’s mouths. Vivian continued on, passion and zeal seeping into her words. “Two superheroines on their knees, serving at your whim. Look upon the natural state of the world. The rightful state.”

Vivian’s words were as biting as they were sensual. They slithered into Dinah’s ears as the taste of Reston’s cock settled on her tongue. Both sensations entwined into a blistering heat that bloomed within Dinah’s core.

The feeling of humiliation drew a moan from Dinah’s throat - muffled of course by the fact of her pretty face being smothered by the slab of meat that was Reston’s - Matthew’s manhood. His scent filled her nostrils, making her head spin, and his heavy flavor, salty as it was, made her pussy tighten. A delicious shudder carried through her body. Dinah whined then, a pitiful little sound, and pressed her face further into Matthew’s groin. 

She drew past his cock, her mouth seeking his plump balls. She mouthed them, drawing the churning bulbs onto her tongue. More flavor came. She drank it down with a happy moan.

Through lidded eyes, Dinah saw Helena across the barrier of cockmeat. Her friend was doing much the same, only her focus was on Matthew’s shaft. It gave the blonde a thrill as well as comfort, knowing that she was not alone. But even more than that, it gave Dinah great joy hearing that their man was enjoying their adoring touch.

“Oh, fuck…” He groaned above them. To Dinah’s ears, it was better than the finest music. She suckled on his balls with glee, humming in delight as she massaged them both with her tongue. 

Vivian continued to purr into his ears, giving voice to the truth of their new reality.

“These women are now enlightened. They will find no greater purpose than serving you.”

Helena drew her lips from Matthew’s shaft, sucking in a quick breath.

“Damn right.” Dinah heard her friend say with deep passion in her voice. Then Helena dipped her head back down, so that her face was pressed right next to Dinah’s. Helena’s next words came out low and sultry. “I told you we would be sisters. Tastes just as good the second time, huh?”

Dinah moaned against Matthew’s balls, memories of her first encounter with his manhood flashing through her mind. The blonde couldn’t believe she’d once been fearful of the younger man or his prodigious cock, couldn’t believe she’d ever hated him. Those feelings had been extensions of her old life, back when justice had been her passion rather than a fat, studly cock.


The word echoed through Dinah’s head. For the briefest moment, she felt the ghost of her unenlightened. Silly thoughts sprang up, such as the absurd idea that her place wasn’t on her knees. It was enough to make Dinah cease her tongue bath of Matthew’s sac, albeit only for a moment. She sat back on her heels, turning lidded eyes up towards Matthew and Vivian. The pair both wore warm, calming smiles.

“I’m a superheroine…” Dinah couldn’t keep the words from spilling out, her cheeks growing warm with embarrassment. She didn’t want Matthew or anyone else thinking she didn’t want to be there serving him. But the words came bubbling up all the same. “I’m supposed to save the day…”

Matthew reached down and touched her cheek tenderly. Dinah whined, leaning into the warmth of his palm.

“And now you’re going to be my wife.” He told her in his soothing, deep voice. So mature and commanding for a teenager, Dinah felt. She smiled, nodding as her man comforted her with his iron certainty. “I’ll be an honest man because of you. And because of Viv and Helena.”

Wife. That word rang even louder. Reverberating not just through her head, but across her whole body. Her heart, her veins, her nerves, they thrummed with excitement. Unbridled delight.

“There’s more than one way to save the day, Dinah.” Helena said then, speaking the truth that deep down she had already known.

“I… I’m…”

Matthew’s thumb brushed over Dinah’s lips. Her tongue flicked out against it on impulse. The grin that tugged at his lips made her heart flutter like a teen girl’s.

“I’ll treat you right.” He told her, dead serious. No longer did Matthew wear the face of the cocky jock schoolboy. Now, Dinah could see he wore the face of a man. Her man. And his words were now the only truth she would ever want. Reston flashed his gaze to Helena and Vivian as well, looking them both straight in the eyes. “All of you. You have my word.”

“We know, love. That’s why you deserve us.” Vivian praised her husband. Their husband. So young and virile he was, with his fat cock and big, bloated balls. Dinah agreed with the rogue Amazon - the only sane Amazon, she now realized. A man like Matthew Reston needed a harem. It was the only way he could possibly be kept pleased and sated.

Vivian kissed him then, drawing the younger man into a deep, searing kiss. Dinah became short of breath watching their lips collide and grind together - her heart skipped a beat when she caught the hint of tongues being shared.

Dinah could only smile. Vivian was right. Matthew was getting what he deserved. And the blonde felt nothing but joy for him.

Then she felt a hand at the back of her head - Helena’s she guessed. An instant later, Dinah’s face was urged back down between Matthew’s legs, right into his groin. Dinah didn’t fight it. Why would she? As the heavy scent of man filled her nostrils, Dinah Lance knew there was no place she’d rather be - nothing else she’d rather be doing.

Together, Dinah and Helena drew their tongues up the shaft of Matthew’s cock. Slowly, deliberately, they dressed him with a nice coating of spit, leaving a glistening sheen upon the throbbing cock. And when they reached the pulsing head at the same time, the two heroines shared a kiss of their own, locking lips just over the tip. 

Helena hummed in delight, reaching out to take Dinah by the chin. Just as Vivian did with Matthew, Dinah did with her dear friend - her new sister-wife. The thought made the blonde shiver with sheer delight. When they broke the kiss, Helena let out a happy sigh. No words needed to be said. Then the two of them went back to tonguing Matt’s cockhead together. Wet and sloppy, moaning together as they lashed and lathered him with warm spit.

Above, even muffled by Vivian’s mouth, Dinah could hear the teenager groan at their deliciously wicked treatment.

Dinah knew in her heart that she was doing a good thing. A righteous thing. 

Because if it wasn’t, then the flavor of Matt’s precum wouldn’t have tasted so perfect.

Barbara engulfed Andrew’s cock in one quick motion. Her pert buttocks slapped down onto the younger man’s thighs. Barbara sucked in a gasp, planting her hands on the jock’s chest just to keep hold of something - lest she go floating away into the oblivion of ecstasy.

“Oh, fuck!

The word erupted from Barbara’s mouth, wavering so deliciously in her throat as it came frothing up. A tremble rolled through her whole body, the perfect tremors of bliss. The entirety of Andrew’s long, fat dick being nestled nice and snug within the tightness of her pussy left the redhead with an unparalleled sensation of fullness. Something she’d never felt before, not even with Nightwing.

The teenager beneath her only gave a deep grunt as a sign of his own pleasure, his chiseled handsome face otherwise remaining like stone. Except for his smirk of course, so confident and satisfied. As if he knew this was how it was going to end the whole time.

Barbara felt the heat of arousal and annoyance rise up in tandem. Her mind briefly flashed back to her own high school days. She remembered the jocks at her own school, the guys who wore the same sort of look as Andrew Westfield did right then. Cocky, self assured, the kind of confidence that only came from knowing he was hot shit. Those had been the types of guys who never noticed the brainy types like Barbara, the types of guys she had always written off as big and dumb.

Oh, how times change…

A decade ago, she’d have balked, gagged at the thought of getting cozy with the sporty, preppy sort of dude. But now… riding Andrew’s cock and feeling so damn full… Barbara felt glee. More than that, she felt liberated.

Fucking - riding such a stud, a young man in his prime, excited Barbara, gave her an electric thrill that set her nerves alight. But what excited her even more was that she was sharing him. She had to share him. The sensation of his girth stuffing her wet cunt so completely was proof of that. Andrew was too much for her. She knew she could ride him for hours and hours and his cock would still be rock hard and ready for more.

So the extra pair of lips at her neck was a comfort. And so was the feeling of breasts at her back. The hands drawing up her undefended flanks, sliding over her hips, her belly, up to her bare breasts. It was proof of her backup. Proof that she was adored, loved. That she belonged there.

“Go on. Ride as hard as you like. You’re never going to break him in.” A low, sultry voice poured into Barbara’s ear. Rita Flores, one of Andrew’s honeys, being so warm and welcoming to the new girl. She was the one at Barbara’s back, her hands cradling her soft hips as she bucked and rode Andrew like he was a stallion.

“We’ve tried.” Added Belle Jameson, the other teacher that Andrew had seduced. Or was that the ring’s doing. Barbara could no longer tell. And she no longer cared. The pleasure that rolled through her body with every roll of her hips was real enough. “He always outlasts us. Same story with all the other girls. The studs at this school are something else. Must be something in the water.”

“Or maybe I’m just that good.” Andrew growled, somehow in total control even when flat on his back. 

Barbara had thought to regain some agency by climbing on top and straddling his magnificent bulk. But it didn’t matter how she took his cock - the sheer presence it held within her body was enough to deal her a losing hand. Not that she minded. If losing felt this good, Barbara would lose and lose and lose.

The redhead groaned, raking her nails down Andrew’s broad chest, leaving pink lines over his skin. She started to ride him even harder.

Beside them, Belle huffed a tired laugh.

“Maybe you are that good, honey.” She leaned down, holding her face over Andrew’s. Her dark, voluminous body was a shock next to the pale, chiseled muscle of Andrew’s. “You can handle two ladies well enough. But we’re gonna see how well you handle three.

Belle dropped down and kissed the teen stud. Barbara didn’t feel jealous. It was as the woman said: they needed to see how well Andrew could handle the three of them. 

Behind her, Rita intensified her affections, reaching up to cup Barbara’s breasts. Slowly she groped them, her slender fingers sinking into the soft titflesh. Palming them and squeezing them, her fingers rolled over Barbara’s nipples, occasionally pinching them. Barbara was already primed by Andrew’s fat cock striking deep with each buck of her hips. Rita’s insistent touch just lit Barbara’s already short fuse.

Barbara came and came hard.

Lips at her neck, hands on her tits, and a cock deep and snug in her soaking pussy, Barbara Gordon squealed as white hot bliss struck her body full force. An eruption of sensation blanked out her mind for a long moment. Delicious warmth pulsated from her belly, wisps of pleasure dancing through her nerves. She couldn’t even move, leaving Rita and Andrew with the task of cradling her as she came down from her orgasmic high.

Barbara breathed, moaning softly as she fell forward onto Andrew’s chest - Belle was kind enough to move aside, granting the new girl the place of honor. With a sigh, Barbara pressed her cheek against one of Andrew’s pectorals, basking in the delightful warmth - and marveling at the firmness of his body.

Maybe it isn’t the rings… maybe they really did put something in the water…

“My money… is on you… handsome…” Barbara murmured weakly, her pussy still quivering around the teenager’s prick.

Andrew gave a short chuckle. Barbara whined as she felt the pleasant vibrations through his chest. 

A warmth fell across her back, a set of lips teasing affection to her neck. That was Rita. A hand began stroking through her mane of red. That was Belle.

“You’re going to fit in with us just fine, chica.” Rita purred into her ear.

“Good thing, too.” Belle cooed. Barbara saw her lean down through lidded eyes, bringing their faces inches apart. The dark-skinned woman gave the redhead a loving smile. But in her eyes, Barbara could see desire. “We could use the extra help.”

Belle stole a kiss then. Barbara didn’t fight it. Even if she still had her strength, she wouldn’t have. This was where she belonged. 

And if it wasn’t, then why did it feel so good?

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