Birds of Prey: Twisted Desire

7. Contact with the Enemy

Contact with the Enemy

Even at his ripe young age, Matthew Reston had experienced a good share of unexpected encounters. Most of them turned out more than pleasant for the teenage athlete, sure, but he still had the occasional wrench thrown into his daily routines. Car trouble, no cell phone signal, computer crashes, bitter ex-girlfriends, the usual misfortunes that plagued young men in the modern age.

Now, Matt could add "having your gym teacher walk in on you naked" to the list. With nothing but a towel around his waist and his body still damp from the shower he just finished taking, Matt felt a sensation he rarely experienced: vulnerability.

He didn't like it. But being that his predicament was at a certain blonde's hand… Matt didn't really hate it, either.

Miss Blake stood but two feet from him, her eyes pointedly fixed on his chest and abs. She took another moment to drink in the sight of half-naked Matt before pulling her eyes up to meet his own.

Despite being caught off-guard, Matt felt a small surge of pride at her silent appraisal. Maybe she was only screwing with head, but getting checked out by an older woman still gave him a rush. Matt took another breath through his nose as his manhood stirred just beneath the towel.

"Can I get dressed?" Matt motioned towards his locker.

"No." Miss Blake answered coldly. Well… I guess that's that, Matt thought with a half-frown. "First, you're going to explain your disrespectful attitude towards me."

Frustration fell across Matt's face but he quickly composed himself. This bullshit again…

"Well…" Matt started, his lips pulling back into a tight, flat smile. "To be perfectly honest, Miss B… I don't think I've been acting disrespectful."

"Is that right?" Miss Blake took another step closer. The space between them couldn't have been more than a foot now. She looked up into his eyes, glaring. "You don't think flirting with your teacher in the middle of class isn't disrespectful?"

"I told you I didn't mean anything by it." Matt insisted, jaw clenched.

"Bullshit." Miss Blake hissed, poking a finger into Matt's bare chest. Her finger stayed in place as she pushed him some inches backward until his back was pressed against his locker. "And don't even get me started on you blatantly disobeying my instructions. I told you to take that ring off."

Matt felt a number of emotions. Anger at being intruded upon. Embarrassed at being caught practically naked. But he also felt, on some level, admiration for the short blonde. There was enough admiration to keep his cock stirring between his legs when anger normally would have won out. Though that might have had to do with how attractive Miss Blake was. Matt had a feeling he wouldn't have had this much patience with a male teacher. Especially with a male teacher who was as hyper-focused on the dress code as Miss Blake seemed to be.

The other teachers knew not to ask about the black rings. But Miss Blake was new. It was obvious she wasn't part of the program. And Matt knew that third period in the boys locker room was neither the time nor the place to introduce someone to the finer nuances of Kingston Academy.

But that didn't mean Matt couldn't have some fun with an... Uninitiated.

"Sorry, Miss B." Matt said plainly. "The ring stays on."

Miss Blake sneered, again jabbing her finger into his chest. She spoke in a low and harsh voice, her words dripping with anger and passion. "You are fucking unbelievable, Reston. You don't tell me how things are going to go. That's not how this works. You don't talk to me like we're equals. You know why? Because we're not equals. You got that, punk? I'm the teacher, you're the student. I'm an adult, you're a fucking teenager."

"You're a woman. And I'm a man." The words spilled out, Matt's back-talking nature coming as easily as breathing. The young man knew that it was the type of vaguely chauvinistic barb that drove the Miss B's of the world crazy. The small upward curl at the corner of his mouth was the icing on the cake. There was no way she wouldn't take the bait.

Her widened eyes and faintly blushing cheeks told him that the words had done their job beautifully.

Miss Blake took a half-step back, bringing her finger up to point accusingly at his face. She opened her mouth to speak, but whatever angry or willful retort she had died in her throat. For a moment, she even looked confused, like she wasn't entirely sure that Matt had even said what he said. But that passed quickly. The righteous anger returned, Miss Blake's eyes burning into Matt's soul.

"...Excuse me?" Miss Blake all but demanded an explanation with those two simple words, her voice layered with restrained but potent outrage. Bright eyes, pink cheeks, and nearly a full foot shorter than Matt - Even when royally pissed off, the blonde gym teacher couldn't be anything but cute and sexy.

The young man's cock twitched as a number of fantasies played in his mind. Angry, petulant women had a certain appeal, a taste that Matt had yet to try himself. And Miss Blake, vocal, headstrong, and drop-dead gorgeous, would be one hell of a first taste.

"Just highlighting another way how we're not equal." Matt said with humble confidence, as if he were making simple small-talk and not intentionally poking the very awake and very angry lioness.

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?"

"It means exactly what it sounds like." Matt allowed his smile to get a tiny bit bigger. "You're a woman. I'm a man."

To her credit, Miss Blake powered through the shock pretty quickly. She was back on the warpath, red in the face and advancing on Matt with wrathful eyes full of vicious intent. The young man knew then that he had overplayed his smart mouth. A woman like Miss Blake was never going to be toppled by words alone. No, a woman like her was only going to be brought down by desperate measures. In the split second before Miss Blake descended upon him, Matthew Reston brought out the Nuclear Option.

"Now you listen to me you little shit…" The short blonde had closed the distance to mere inches, her finger stabbing accusingly into Matt's bare chest. The young man deliberately crossed his muscled arms…

...Allowing his towel to fall to the tile floor.

She knew instantly what had happened, most likely catching the movement in her peripheral vision. Again, the righteous fury and indignation fizzled out, like dumping a bucket of water onto a campfire. Miss Blake stared into Matt's eyes, her lips pressed into a thin line and her jaw visibly clenched. He caught her eyes quickly darting down between them, once then twice, as if to confirm the… enormity of the situation.

Matthew Reston knew how impressive of a specimen he was. Even half-hard, he put most men to shame. With his favorite blonde having put such little space between them, the head of his prick was brushing against her bare thighs. The warmth of her skin was heavenly on his cock. And if Matt could feel it, then Miss Blake could too.

"Just in case you needed some proof." Matt confessed with all the humility of a king.

Dinah was struck silent. The mighty thunderbolt of Kingston Academy's resident Zeus was touching her leg. Why she hadn't slapped the little perv and bolted out of the locker room was puzzling. She had more than enough reason to. A student exposing himself to a teacher had to be proper grounds for expulsion. But the blonde powerhouse couldn't move. Hell, she could hardly find the nerve to speak. Dinah looked into the young man's eyes and saw calm, supreme confidence. Then her eyes were drawn downward and she saw why.

Dinah knew Matthew Reston was… gifted. The video Helena had sent to the Clocktower - and the recordings from Barbara's hidden cameras - had given them ample evidence. But seeing him now, literally in the flesh…

His manhood twitched then, causing the head to brush against her bare thigh. Lifting upwards towards the nexus between her legs. It was as if it was a living creature, ugly and swollen and throbbing, a bloodhound sniffing out its prey. Dinah jolted back a step, as if Reston's cock was a red-hot poker. It was only then that she had found the nerve to speak again.

"Am I supposed to be impressed? Intimidated?" Dinah kept her voice level and measured. Her usual fiery attitude had checked out of the building.

Reston hummed a low, satisfied sound. He took a step forward, closing the distance between Dinah and himself. Dinah let out a small gasp as she felt his cock brush against her thighs once again. This wasn't the way this was supposed to go down. A teen boy couldn't put the Black Canary on the backfoot.

"I'd prefer if you were impressed." Reston said, taking another step closer. Dinah felt his length slip further between her thighs, hot skin stroking against hot skin. The blonde shuddered, inhaling through her nose. "Women usually are. Unless, of course, you're used to men like me."

"I've known plenty of men like you." Dinah sneered, forcing every ounce of venom she could muster into those words. She couldn't be the deer in the headlights, not now. She needed the fire her mother had, the spunk that allowed a five-foot-five pintsized blonde to play with the big boy capes. "Some couldn't walk after I was done with them."

From the glimmer that surfaced in Reston's eyes, Dinah knew that he had taken her threat to mean something else entirely. He smirked then, intrigued and eager.

"They sound like lucky guys."

Dinah huffed through her nose. She had built back enough of her nerve to get her mind back on track. Reston was doing some fucked up power play with her. She couldn't lose, not to some teenage punk with a god complex. If he was going to go extreme… then Dinah had to go even further!

"You got balls, kid. I'll give you that." Dinah admitted, pursing her lips. They were close enough now that the tip of her nose just barely brushed against the tip of his. "Big balls. Do you want to keep them?"

There was a moment where confusion danced through Reston's eyes and Dinah took the opportunity to quickly reach down and squeeze. I wasn't a hard squeeze or even a firm one, but it was definitely enough to get his attention. Dinah played her trump card. She had Matthew Reston's most prized possessions in the palm of her hand. And it felt good.

The beast was muzzled… for now. The open smugness that had plastered Reston's face was gone, replaced with a stony expression and… unreadable eyes. Dinah would have preferred more obvious fear and a stammering apology, but a woman can't really have it all. Even so, Dinah was going to leverage the hell out of her position. Even if she was essentially groping her student's balls.

"Aw, what's the matter?" Dinah cooed mockingly, giving a soft squeeze to send the point home. "What happened to all that confidence?"

"Nothing." He answered, his voice strained. Despite the turn-around in the situation, he managed a small quirk in the corner of his mouth. "Just got caught off-guard. This turns me on more than you think, Miss B. You know that, right?"

"I'm sure it does." Dinah spoke softly and with a false sweetness. But even the facade was enough to keep Reston going, his manhood throbbing just beyond her grip. "All that flirting during class… I think you do mean something by it, Matthew."

His scrotum was hot to the touch, agonizingly soft but for the two bulbs hidden behind fuzzy skin. She curled her fingers, rolling them some across her palm. Part of a treat she had given past lovers. Now, it was meant to keep the little shit Reston off balance.

Reston groaned, leaning down to rest his forehead against Dinah's. She could feel his hot breath on her lips and sent a shock through her nerves. She gasped then, a soft, small noise that Dinah couldn't believe came from herself. She could push him away. She should. So why didn't she?

"Feels good, Miss B…" Reston murmured, afterwards letting loose a deep breath. Hot on her skin, it sent Dinah's belly into flips. The blonde hummed at the sensation.

For a second, she was able to remember herself. She gave a firm squeeze, causing Reston to grunt.

"I can make it feel a whole lot worse." She warned him, prodding her fingernails into the skin so that he got the message. "Take off the ring, Mr. Reston."

The young man inhaled. He pulled his head back from Dinah's and met her eyes. She couldn't read him. He had the same glassy eyes that Helena had when Dinah and Barb had pressed her about her own ring.

"Can't do that, Miss B. Sorry."

"And why not?"

"Because I can't. Swore not to."

Dinah frowned. She uncoiled her fingers from the young man's stones… before snaking them around the base of his pillar. Slowly, slowly, the blonde began to stroke.

"Swore to who? Tell me where you got it, then." She pressed, her fingers doing their best to mirror her insistence. Their bodies were pressed nearly flush together now, with space only allowed for Dinah's arm to move between them and between his legs. She felt one of his arms snake around her waist, thick like a python coiling around its prey. His fingers brushed against the bare skin on the small of her back. She wondered if he'd dare to travel lower.

"The Brotherhood." Reston answered - grunted, more like. He was given her old intel. She needed to press further.

Dinah increased the lengths of her strokes, slowly drawing her hand up and down. An arduous task, considering Reston's sheer size.

"What's that?" Dinah cooed, planting a soft kiss against Reston's neck. Inwardly, she recoiled at showing affection towards someone as vile as Reston. But she and Barb badly needed more intel. She had to do this. For Helena.

"Fraternity. Social club. I joined when I was a sophomore."

"So what's with the ring? What does it do?" Dinah hummed, stroking faster. She felt one of his hands snake underneath the waistline of her hotpants - his thick, grubby fingers touching the flesh of her buttocks. She pressed herself into his body, burying her face into the crook of his neck, groaning. Groaning at what she was allowing this boy to do to her body. Groaning at what she was allowing herself to do to his body.

"It's ceremonial. Spiritual." Reston explained, kissing the side of Dinah's head. The arm he had around her waist curled tighter, bringing their bodies as close together as they could be. Dinah's heart was pounding, her blood boiling hot. But she was also listening. "Sons of the Brotherhood wear them to show pride, loyalty. Sister rings are made so our guys can give them to their special ladies."

"I've seen some teachers wearing them." Dinah pulled back from Reston's neck to match his gaze once again. His eyes weren't glassy like they were a moment ago. Now, the vexing confidence was back. And with it came something else. Something far more bestial. A hunger that Dinah knew far too well.

"Yeah," He admitted, smirking. "You're not the only teacher who couldn't help herself."

He smashed his lips against hers. It was quick, forceful, and sent Dinah's mind spinning into oblivion. Emotions came bursting forth: shock, fear, anger, joy… And the sensations that followed only served to feed the storm that had become of her conscience. For a brief moment, Dinah felt the bliss that she had known years before - the deliciousness that came with doing something wrong. She had almost forgotten: breaking the rules felt good.

She kissed him back with fervor, moaning into his mouth as she delighted in the feeling of his large, strong hand groping her bare bottom - her hotpants had been pulled down some to expose her buttocks. Half-naked and making out with a teen boy in the school locker room, the blonde was lost to passion. Dinah felt like she was in high school again, and the taste of his tongue…

His tongue…

Reston's tongue…

Oh, God!

Dinah shoved herself away, violently untangling herself from the beast's arms. Gasping for breath, her face flushed red with anger, embarrassment, lust… She frantically tugged her hotpants back up onto her hips. She stared, wide-eyed, at the… man across from her. The naked man, with the thick, throbbing cock swaying between his muscled legs. She tore her eyes away and forced herself to meet his eyes. He looked just as shocked as she was. But at that moment, Dinah Lance just didn't give a shit.

She belted his face with a resounding SLAP!

"You're a fucking animal." Dinah spat.

Reston softly rubbed his cheek using his fingertips, his face twisted into a grimace. He was silent for a moment, like he was giving time for her words to register. Then he huffed through his nose and gave a half-shrug.

"Yeah," He ceded that to her, nodding. He pressed his lips into a flat smile. "But I haven't gotten any complaints yet."

Dinah clenched her teeth and fumed. Her mind was still a flurry, a wild storm of thoughts, feelings, raw emotions. She couldn't think of a biting retort. She couldn't think much of anything, really. But she knew, deep in her heart, that there was nothing good that would come from staying in the room with Matthew Reston.

Sending him one final, withering glare, Dinah turned on her heel and walked away.

She got the intel she came for. Only time would tell if it was worth it.

This story is one chapter ahead on my Patreon!

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