Birds of Prey: Twisted Desire

Good End Pt. 1

You can read one chapter ahead on my Patreon!

AN: The Good Ending is finally here! The branch-off point is Chapter 18: Threshold. Then we skip ahead to Chapter 23: Secrets Unmasked. Mostly abbreviated and alternate versions of those chapters. Soon we'll be getting into all-new territory! A world where the Birds of Prey won!

Somewhere in the multiverse, in a timeline where fortune smiled upon the Birds of Prey…

"So…" Barbara finally spoke, breaking the unbearable silence. "Tonight's the night."

"The night of nights." Dinah agreed, inhaling deeply. She pressed her lips into a line, staring off into space. "The grand finale of this twisted, fucked up nightmare."

The nightmare you followed me into…

Barbara fought back a wince, shame and guilt writhing like serpents in her belly as she looked upon her dear friend. Dinah had already done the unthinkable to get them this far. And tonight, Barbara was sending her right back into the Brotherhood’s grimy hands. 

The redhead paced between the dorm room’s twin beds, briefly thinking that she might cancel the operation entirely. She only considered it for a moment before her resolve hardened once more. They were close, so close to putting an end to the Kingston Brotherhood’s influence. They couldn’t walk away now. And knowing Dinah, the blonde would want to be there when they finally brought their house of debauchery crashing down.

“The hard part is over.” Barbara said. “We’ve got our way in. From there, handling the Brotherhood should be a cakewalk.”

“Right. Simple enough.” Dinah answered. Her voice was flat, without the fire, the spirit Barbara had come to expect from the blonde. Hearing her friend speak like this was like a stab to the heart.

Barbara hated herself for keeping up the facade that she didn't know just what Dinah had done. She hated herself for playing along. Barbara couldn't look at Dinah without visualizing her friend's lips wrapped around that punk's long, thick cock. 

The only consolation was that Barbara knew it hadn’t been for nothing.

“I know I’m sending you into a den of wolves, Dinah. But you won’t be alone.” Barbara went to place a hand on her friend’s shoulder, a small gesture of comfort, of solidarity. Dinah didn’t react… but neither did she push Barbara away. The redhead took it as a sign to continue, “Trust me. They’ll be too focused on you and the ceremony that they’ll never suspect the back-up.”

That piqued Dinah’s interest. Her eyes flashed with curiosity, the first sign of true emotion Barbara had seen from her since the night before.

“Batgirl’s gonna swoop in at the last minute, cause a scene?” Dinah asked, hopeful. So too was there an edge to her voice, smoldering embers of that fiery spirit that Barbara so admired.

"I'll be suiting up tonight, yes." Barbara held her head high, hoping the declaration of support would feed her friend’s returning spirit. Her lips cracked into a smirk. “But Batgirl won’t be the only surprise guest tonight. I called in some favors, Dinah. I figured as long as all these rotten eggs were in one basket…”

Barbara trailed off, letting Dinah fill in the rest. Just as expected, realization flickered across the blonde’s face. And to Barbara’s silent joy, her friend’s blue eyes lit up. Brave and bold once more. Despite the humiliations suffered these last several days, Dinah Lance managed to smile. It was not kind or warm, but rather the sort of grin someone wore when they knew they were going to get some sweet, sweet payback.

The Black Canary’s spirit wasn’t snuffed out just yet.

“Sounds like we’re going to ruin the Brotherhood’s night. Good.

“You just have to play the role for a few more hours, Dinah. Let them think they’ve won. And then we’ll take them down. Together.”

To her own surprise, Barbara felt her own heart racing. She could feel it then. In the air, in her very bones… that sense of finality. But there was something that was missing… the potent sense of dread that had been weighing her down since day one. In its place, Barbara felt the buzz of confidence. A sense of surety that had been sorely missed.

They were the good guys. The thought rang in Barbara’s head like a bell. It was like a commandment, etched in stone. They were the good guys. And the good guys saved the day.

Dinah rose then, standing before Barbara. Her heart full of purpose, eyes full of fury. Barbara matched it, finally ready to end this nightmare.

“We’re the Birds of Prey.” Barbara said. She spoke with the conviction only the truth could give. “Nobody does it better than us.”

Dinah smirk grew, her eyes shining. She punched a fist into her open palm.

“Damn right. Showtime.

In the interest of time…

While the Black Canary endured playing her role as Dinah Blake, standing half-naked among the thralls of the Kingston Brotherhood, Batgirl set about completing her own objectives. 

Stalking through the dimly lit halls of the Timm building, she moved on silent feet, clinging to the shadows like she had been trained to do. Stealth had become second nature to the young woman, as natural as breathing.

She passed by many rooms, some empty offices… and others not so empty. Witnessing Andrew Westfield getting cozy with his favorite teachers, Ms. Jameson and Ms. Flores, for the third time was but a brief distraction. Barbara only stayed long enough to see the two women put their mouths to work on his prodigious cock together before moving on.

Though her resolve was strong, the further she ventured into the bowels of the building, the more she felt that she was being watched. She couldn’t shake the feeling. It clung to her like a shadow. A shade that was watching her every move.

But more than that, doubt was starting to creep back in. Tendrils in the back of her mind, writhing like worms.

The redhead breathed in, suddenly feeling a dull ache spreading from the back of her head. She sighed, leaning against the wall.

If Dinah was already infiltrating the Brotherhood ceremony… then why was Barbara there at all?

Barbara groaned, rubbing her temples. A pointless effort because of her Batgirl mask, but the motion was reflexive to her aching head. But the dull throb that pulsed through her skull could not distract Barbara for long.

It wasn’t natural, Barbara realized. It couldn’t be. She knew her own mind well enough. Mood swings, racing thoughts, emotional turmoil… those were the problems of a younger, rookie Barbara. Not the veteran she had become.

And besides… Batgirl had faced enough two-bit villains to know when her mind was being influenced. Something was trying to control her thoughts, her feelings… something very close by.

Soon enough, Batgirl found it.

Down at the end of the long hallway, the redhead took notice of a peculiar door.


It was just a regular door. But Barbara knew it was the one.

The young heroine strode forward with surety and purpose, reaching the end of the hall in little time. Reaching the door.

She opened it.

Before her eyes… a towering black stone took up the center of the strange room. No, not a mere stone. It was a boulder! Set upon a short, flat dais, the enormous black rock rose from the wooden floor all the way up to the high ceiling - a full two stories!

The stone stood there, immovable, timeless, without end. It thrummed with power - Barbara could feel it - and almost seemed to be glowing. But not a glowing of light. The stone seemed to emanate shadow.

Barbara stared at the towering rock, reluctant to tear her eyes away from the peculiar way the dim light seemed to dance across its glossy surface. It was mesmerizing. Hypnotic, even.

Barbara winced, groaning as she took a shaky step back. She rubbed at her head through her mask. Rationality came racing back to her mind then, offering the redhead a moment of clarity. A flash of anger followed, mixed with fear.

Barbara clenched her teeth in grim realization. This was it. This was the stone. The same glossy black stone from the Brotherhood rings! This was the source! It had to be!

Then came a voice. Feminine, sultry, menacing. And very familiar.

"Hello, Batgirl. I was wondering when you would take to the field."

Barbara clenched her fists, her body becoming tense. She turned to face… Headmistress Vivian Kaplan.

Vivian strode slowly from the shadows, garbed in a flowing gown of deep black. Even in the dark, her pale, porcelain face looked almost ghostly. Even more unsettling were her icy blue eyes. Her cold gaze was set upon Barbara.

Barbara didn't want to hurt the Headmistress. Wearing a ring of her own, Kaplan was just as much a victim of the Brotherhood as Helena was. But Batgirl needed to get out there. And Vivian Kaplan was in the way.

She didn’t waste time with talk. Even with the stone’s influence pulsing through her head, Barbara kept a tight grip on her mission… and her fighting spirit. In a split second, Batgirl sprung into action. 

She swept at Vivian’s ankles with her leg… Only to be met with a sharp pain shooting through her shin. It was like kicking a metal bar!

Batgirl drew her aching leg back, stumbling back a couple steps. She sucked in a sharp gasp, mostly from the pain. But she kept her eyes fixed firmly on the other woman. Focus. Barbara needed to focus. She could not allow the black stone to plant roots in her mind. Not now.

Vivian Kaplan's smile grew, cherry red lips spreading wide across her flawless face. It was the smile of a woman who knew she had won.

But Batgirl knew better.

After all… she had called for back-up an hour ago.

Her friends would be there any second now. She just needed to buy time.

Vivian began to close the distance, approaching slowly. Dark intent swirled like venom in her cold eyes.

“Resisting is pointless, Batgirl.” She spoke through a wicked smile. “You’re just wasting your time.”

No… I’m wasting yours.

When Vivian had drawn close enough, Barbara struck again. A straight punch right at the woman’s face.… only for Vivian to turn into smoke. Barbara's hand passed right through where the woman's head would have been, the dark cloud swirling around her fist… and quickly reforming! But not into Vivian's head. The smoke closed around Barbara's wrist, solidifying into the iron grip of the Headmistress' hand!

Barbara blinked, stunned… but only for a moment. The shock of Vivian having superpowers came and went. Barbara had faced villains with superpowers before. This was no time to panic. There was no reason to. Not when Vivian had already lost.

Vivian gave a short chuckle. Then, with a sharp tug, she pulled the masked heroine closer until their faces were inches apart. Batgirl didn't struggle or fight back - she had no desire to break her own arm.

“What did I just say?” Vivian spoke low, a mocking whisper.

Then she gave Barbara a shove, sending the redhead stumbling backwards onto her ass. The pale, raven-haired villainess raised her hand then. At first, Barbara feared a magical attack. But instead, Vivian gave a simple flick of her wrist that sent the door behind her slamming shut.

The message was clear.

No escape.

Vivian waited a moment, tilted her head as she regarded the intruder down on the floor. Her expression was expectant. Then… disappointed. It only worsened as Barbara rose to her feet again. Now the woman’s thoughts were written clearly on her face: why wasn’t Batgirl afraid?

Barbara wasn’t going to give her the satisfaction.

“You’re magically attuned.” Barbara observed, taking slow steps to the side, circling the headmistress. The other woman’s expression turned sour now, the venom in her eyes becoming like acid. “Are you a demigoddess? Homo Magi?”

“A curious bat.” Vivian sneered. “What I am doesn’t matter. You cannot hope to defeat me.”

This time, Barbara allowed the faintest of smiles to crack. It was too good to resist.

“You’re right.” She said, almost snorting. The flicker of confusion on the headmistress’ face was most satisfying. “That’s why I called in some help.”

Vivian narrowed her eyes… etched on her perfect face were emotions Barbara had been enduring in droves for the last several days. Frustration, confusion… even a sliver of fear. It was pleasing to see the enemy struck with the same torment.

Then came the flash. Realization.

Batgirl’s circling movement hadn’t been done on a whim. Drawing the enemy’s attention takes their focus away from other things. Such as… where they were standing. And Vivian Kaplan had put her back to the window. The very large window through which the cavalry came crashing.

At the forefront of them all… a towering lioness of a woman. Garbed in red and blue and a shining golden bustier. A star glittering on her tiara. Lasso glowing bright, brilliant against the darkness. Casting it all away, revealing only the truth.

Wonder Woman had arrived.

And at the Amazon’s back, even more help. A dazzling witch of style and skill and a sentinel shrouded in emerald light. Zatanna and Green Lantern - one of the new ones, Jessica Cruz.

“Zatanna, the stone!” Diana cried out, effortlessly commanding. Meanwhile, she swung her lasso above her head, ready to ensnare her target in unbreakable bondage.

Kcolb eht ecneulfni fo eht tneicna enots!” Zatanna threw her hands forward, pointing her wand towards the towering black stone. The effect was instant. The shadow that the obelisk seemed to emanate vanished. Like smoke swept away by a simple gust of wind. And suddenly the stone was just a stone.

The stone’s magic might have been powerful… but Zatanna was the Mistress of Magic. There was little in the world of the arcane that the Justice League’s favorite witch could not handle.

It happened so quickly, Vivian had no time to react. She stared at the heroines who had just smashed through the windows, stared at Batgirl smirking in triumph, then stared at her precious black stone now made inert with a single spell. All with her mouth agape. Like a dumb fish.

For Barbara, it was beyond satisfying.

Vivian gave a shriek of pure outrage. She set blazing eyes upon Barbara.

“What… what is this?

Batgirl leapt through the air, springing from her hands back onto her feet… landing on Wonder Woman’s side of the room. It was four on one, now. Batgirl didn’t bother to hide her smug expression. She had more than earned it.

“This is the Justice League.” Batgirl declared, hands at the ready. Beside her, the other heroines voiced their agreement. It was enough to make Barbara’s heart soar. “Here to save the day. And not a moment too soon.

Barbara gave her friends a sidelong glance, noting in particular the cheeky grin on Zatanna’s face.

“We wanted to let you get a few good hits in before saving your butt.” The witch reasoned.

“It was a good show.” Jessica added. “We almost didn’t want to interrupt.”

Vivian chose that moment to make a break for it. She didn’t make it far.

Wonder Woman’s lasso caught her by the ankle, sending her tumbling hard to the floor. Vivian shrieked again, throwing a fierce look over her shoulder. Then her whole body darkened, becoming smoke again. The lasso slipped through her now formless leg. Kaplan’s smoke-form rose into the air - floating dangerously close to a vent high on the wall. 

But then… green. Lots of green. 

Emerald light shot out, closing around Vivian in a transparent sphere.

“Nu-uh.” Jessica Cruz shook her head. “You’re not going anywhere, lady.”

Vivian became flesh again, crying out in rage. She bashed her fists against the Lantern’s hard light, dull thuds echoing off the room’s high ceiling.

“Is that going to hold her?” Barbara asked, not allowing herself to relax just yet.

“Green Lanterns can give Kryptonians trouble. And Vivian’s Amazonian strength does not match mine.” Wonder Woman answered confidently. “Jessica can hold her just fine.”

“Wait. She’s an Amazon?” Barbara did a double take. But it made sense - explained why her kicks and punches did nothing.

“A rogue Amazon.” Wonder Woman clarified. “One who has betrayed everything Themyscira stands for.”

The Princess of the Amazons strode forth then, coming face to face with her wayward sister. With stern eyes she gazed upon Vivian, unflinching as the woman continued to claw and pound away at the green barrier between them.

“You will answer for this. Using Amazonian magic for this perversion of sex and love.” Wonder Woman sighed and shook her head. “Our Queen will decide your punishment. But until then… this twisted operation is over.

She turned away, facing Barbara now. The disappointment upon Wonder Woman’s face fell away, replaced now with respect, admiration. It was the sort of look that put steel in Barbara’s spine. She offered Barbara a proud smile.

“Well done, Batgirl.”

Ignoring the fluttering in her belly, Batgirl kept her composure. She gave a smile of her own in return, hoping her mask could hide her blushing cheeks.

“We’re not done yet.” She said, looking at each of the heroines who just saved her ass. They all nodded in understanding. “We’ve still got a party to crash.”

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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