[BL] Between an Alpha and Omega

A: Long Night*

AN: I might try and add some illustrations to my stories in the future. I don't know yet but I might try.

Also, to those curious about the wait, I generally get 'inspired' to write at work. As such, chapters like this one are... hard to write with co-workers nearby.

No edit cause this apple has schoolwork to do~


The wide-eyed beta watched as the pair kissed, swallowing hard as he witnessed their passion.

W-was this how it was when people kissed? Why did the kisses he shared with the two of them feel so chaste in comparison?

He'd never seen an alpha/omega pair kiss before. He'd heard Chen Guiren growl before but the sounds rumbling from his chest now felt different. Were these the sounds he made when they kissed?

Seeing Li Suren squirm and clench his fingers in the alpha's hair, Jun Yibai swallowed hard.

Was he... feeling jealous? But of who?

No, it wasn't jealousy. It was a mildly unfamiliar feeling that he rarely felt when with these two.

He felt left out.

Li Suren was showing himself off to him, twisting and raising his chest up in offering yet only Chen Guiren was enjoying himself. As they licked and sucked at each other's lips, the nipples he'd been fantasizing about were glistening in the light like dew-covered cherries.

How could he not get a taste?

Jun Yibai, ever the patient sort, ran his hands up the omega's chest, wanting to get a feel for the man. He hadn't gotten a good look when he'd spied on the two weeks prior and wasn't going to waste the opportunity.

Li Suren jumped at the touch, his stomach twitching as his fingers traced the lines of his muscles. Over his hips, glancing past his belly button and up his sternum. Every second making the omega moan sweetly, blindly trying to guide those fingers to the hardening nipples that yearned for his touch.

But Jun Yibai remained determined to tease the omega, smiling to himself as Li Suren's legs tried to pull him closer. It had to be maddening. After all, how could the omega see where he was going to touch next with Chen Guiren's big head and domineering lips in the way?

Worse, both men chose to ignore the throbbing erection that bobbed between them. Even as the omega tried to rub against Jun Yibai, the beta maintained his distance, his fingers circling the areolas before him.

As if weighing his options, Li Suren used his free hand to reach out to Jun Yibai. The beta couldn't be sure what his plan was but Jun Yibai had his own.

"Be good." He said, pinning the omega's wrist to the table.

Li Suren whined, his voice a bit more clear than before. Which meant...

Jun Yibai looked up, seeing Chen Guiren staring back at him with a heated look. His lips were wet and swollen, making it clear just how hard the make-out was between them.

The two stared at each other wordlessly as Li Suren panted between them. The air was heavy with something Jun Yibai didn't want to name but he knew for sure that he'd have to take the next step.

"You have something to complain about?" He challenged, surprised by the weird excitement he felt buzzing under his skin.


"That's right." He pushed, leaning in just a bit. "I'm your master yet you haven't even greeted me."

Chen Guiren let out a rumbling growl from deep in his chest, one that made even Jun Yibai, the beta, feel like prey. Despite that feeling, however, he didn't back down.

"Fine. Then I'll just continue to play with the cute one he-" His word couldn't even make it past his lips as the alpha pushed him to the ground, his lips attacking the beta furiously.

Of the two, Li Suren was a better kisser but Chen Guiren made up for his lack of skill with passion. Jun Yibai could feel how strongly Chen Guiren wanted to conquer him with every attempt at pushing past his lips. The strength of his hands grasped his jaw to allow him access. His determination to make his partner cry out for him.

It was distractingly pleasant.

But Jun Yibai wasn't trying to be pleasant.

He bit down on the alpha's bottom lip, just barely missing his tongue. Chen Guiren was a stubborn bastard so he refused to give in for a moment, glaring at Jun Yibai for daring to bite him.

Jun Yibai glared back, using the lapse to flip them over and free himself from the alpha's kiss.

As he straddled the man's waist, he pushed his hair back, surprised that he was sweating despite the room being cooled.

"I told you to greet me properly." He scolded, smirking at the alpha who licked his reddened bottom lip. "Who told you to pin me? Aren't I the master?"

"I'm your alpha, remember?" Chen Guiren countered, grasping the edge of Beta's wrinkled shirt. "I don't behave so you need to make me."

Chen Guiren was close to his heat-addled mate so he couldn't submit like he usually would. His inner alpha wanted to press both men down and eat them one after another. He wanted to use his omega's slick to slide into the beta's hole and make a mess of him.

He wanted to make his master submit to him as his alpha. To prove that he was mine alone.

As such, he tore the shirt off the beta, using the surprise attack to lurch at the beta's exposed skin.

He needed to bite him!

He needed to mark him!

Only then, could this stubborn sexy beta be his.

Yet, as always, Jun Yibai evaded him, wrestling the alpha until they were locked together but not close to a win.

Meanwhile, Li Suren watched them wrestle on the ground, his skin buzzing with excitement. While he disliked his mates fighting, he liked the display of strength. He was vulnerable after all. He needed the security these two could provide.

Whoever won, he was still happy~

Still, he felt upset at being left alone like this. He was still aroused, having been teased by Jun Yibai and Chen Guiren.

It was only right for him to act, right?

Li Suren rolled on his flanks, sitting with his legs wide open toward the wrestling pair. He could feel the slick wetting the table's smooth surface beneath him but he didn't care. His hole was itching and he wanted the winner to claim him properly.

Feeling eager, he reached down, sliding past his erect shaft and full testicles to the dripping hole beneath. It greeted his touch, just as hungry to be speared on a cock as he was.

They'd both have to settle for the omega's fingers, it seemed.


Jun Yibai and Chen Guiren were well and truly wrestling. Neither paid any mind to the omega, knowing that a second of distraction would lead to the other gaining the upper hand.

Chen Guiren was stronger but Jun Yibai knew how to grapple stronger opponents.

They were sweaty and panting when the first moan reached their ears. It was short, barely a gasp but it tapped into something in their male brains.

It was a mating call.

Chen Guiren, being an alpha, was the first to react, turning toward the sound of a beast catching the first scent of blood.

The adrenaline-filled man saw his omega presenting himself, submissive and wet in ways he'd never seen before. Even during his previous heats, Li Suren was fairly demure, hiding his wetness from sight so as to not induce a rut in Chen Guiren.

Tonight, however, there were no such restraints.

The hole he'd rarely get to see was on full display, clenching and grasping at the omega's elegant fingers in ways he yearned to be doing himself. He knew those tender digits could make him shudder and scream.

His fingers, however, could.

Wanting to fulfill that instinctual desire, Chen Guiren let his guard down. It was only a split second but it was all his opponent needed.

Jun Yibai took his chance, tackling the alpha to the ground and pinning his arms above his head. Chen Guiren snapped his teeth at him, looking indignant but Jun Yibai paid it no mind.

He didn't have time to.

Instead, he used the tie that had fallen off the alpha during their tussle to bind his wrists. Perhaps it was the shock of how quickly he'd done it or just the fact that he was bound at all, but Chen Guiren was stunned for a moment, staring at his restraints for a second.

Jun Yibai refused to admit he'd practiced knot tying out of 'curiosity'.

It had nothing to do with his fetishes, damn it.

Either way, Jun Yibai used the lapse to press the man down beside the couch. When Chen Guiren finally realized he'd been pinned again, he tried to get up only to find his arms stuck.

His restraints were bound behind the leg of the couch.

Li Suren had splurged on the couch, wanting a nice place where the three of them could sit and relax. A place where they could have sex without worrying about scratching his nice floors. As such, he'd gotten a large, heavy couch that required leverage to lift.

Leverage that Chen Guiren now lacked as he lay sprawled on the ground.

There was a moment of silence as the alpha came to terms with what had happened.

His inner alpha was mortified to have been bested. He wanted to rage and free himself. To assert his dominance over the mate he'd challenged.

Chen Guiren, however, was squirming in place, loving how clever his Master was. He was undoubtedly stronger than the beta yet he still lost. The pride he felt for his chosen mate was overwhelming.

This is why I love this man!!

It was a bit disappointing though~

He'd wanted to pin Master down like his instincts told him to do. Yet he lost. He should be raging. His inner alpha, dominant as it was, should be making him want to roar and fight his way out.

Yet he felt... good?

He was vulnerable and exposed yet he wanted nothing more than to relax and let Master do whatever he wanted. Like an overly energetic dog that had been suitably worn out after a walk, he wanted to lay in his Master's lap and let himself be rewarded.

He wanted to be petted.

He wanted to be kissed.


Jun Yibai fisted Chen Guiren's hair, stopping the alpha's approach. At some point, he tried to lean up and kiss the beta but was thwarted before he could think better of it.

"I didn't give you permission to kiss me."

While he was pushed to this point by pure momentum, Jun Yibai still had his own principles. One was that he wasn't going to be forced into anything.

Chen Guiren growled, his eyes taking on a feral glint.


"No." He snapped back, feeling Chen Guiren's strength trying to overpower him.

He was an alpha after all, so their strength was bound to be different now. He was sure in a real fight, Chen Guiren could easily overpower him.

Despite that reality, Jun Yibai fearlessly defied the man, refusing to budge an inch. Even when he tried hooking his leg around the beta to bring him close, Jun Yibai used the strength he had to keep the distance between them.

Sweat dampened his skin, the aftermath of their short skirmish making his biceps tremble.

Chen Guiren glanced at the arm with a strange look before suddenly leaning over to lick it. Jun Yibai flinched, his hand relaxing for a moment from the shock.

"Chen Guiren!"

"Master" He rumbled back, staring up at him from his position on the ground. His eyes were like a melting pool of rudy red, the intensity making the beta's heart race. "Mine."

That brought him out of his daze, his expression becoming stern.

"I'm not yours!" He declared, shoving the alpha's head away. "Why should I claim such a disobedient alpha like you? Behave yourself and I might let you be mine!"

Jun Yibai had no idea where these words came from. He'd never thought about his interests in that regard but it felt strangely natural. He really liked the notion of having an alpha be his.

These naughty guys were so cute when they attempted to be obedient.

As if to prove his point, Chen Guiren's eyes widened at his declaration, looking like a puppy about to be rewarded.

This guy!

"But first," Jun Yibai turned to their other guest, who was furiously fingering himself now that the pair was closer. "Someone has been waiting for his turn and needs attention."


Li Suren was in a daze.

His inner omega was preening, loving the attention he was getting. A pair of strong males were fighting for the right to claim him and impregnate him. The stronger of the two was the one who deserved it.

It was weird that there was only one alpha present but that was unimportant.

He'd soon be claimed and given the seed he craved.


Li Suren opened his eyes, not even realizing he'd closed them.

"Come here."

The omega stood on quivering legs, crossing his legs as slick trailed down his thigh. He was wetter than he could ever recall being.

But his Sweetie was calling him~

He knelt beside him, glancing at the restrained alpha.

Normally, he'd be poking fun at him but that wasn't important right then. No, what was forefront in his mind was satisfying this aching itch inside. The dildo from before helped but he needed friction. Body heat.

He wanted someone to hold him tight and fill his womb. Only then would he feel fulfilled.

Without a word, he presented his ass to Jun Yibai, whining pitifully.

How could they not pity him? While they were acting all tough and sexy, he was left frustrated and aroused. The anticipation was killing him.

"Eep!" The first touch was unsure but firm, like testing the surface before daring to step on it. Even though it was just his butt, it felt like it was sending a shock through his skin.

"It's... softer than I thought," Jun Yibai muttered absently, possibly to himself. He'd heard that omega's were softer, regardless of sex but the way Li Suren's ass cheeks conformed to his fingers was crazy.

He wondered if it would bounce if he smacked it.

Jun Yibai continued to play, running his hands up and down the omega's legs and lower back. There was so much more to grab onto, leaving the beta with fevered images of grabbing hold and watching him bounce against his hips.

"S-Sweetie!..." Li Suren whined, trembling before him. "Stop being mean~ Don't tease me anymore. I'm sorry for being bad. J-just please~"

Jun Yibai glanced down, seeing Li Suren's hole winking at him, the clear liquid seeping past the rim.

Was this... slick?

He'd read about it in books but seeing it firsthand was... an experience.

Ever the decisive one, Jun Yibai chose to pursue his newly discovered curiosity, pressing his thumb to the rim and pressing down. To his surprise, his fingertip was sucked in almost immediately.

"Oh, wow!" He muttered, eyes gleaming with interest. He had to see how far he could go.

It was only at the third finger that he came out of his daze, hearing Li Suren scream for him as his cum hit the floor. There was a puddle that hadn't been there before.

Li Suren was an expert at fingering himself. While his fingers were too short to make him scream truly, he knew how to get close to that threshold satisfactorily.

Jun Yibai was not an expert in any sense. He had no clue what he was doing since this was his first time. Despite this, his fingers were long, callused from long work days, and reached places the omega could only dream of touching.

This left Li Suren speechless, wordlessly gasping for air as the beta blindly rubbed and prodded at his tender hole. When he hit a particularly sensitive spot, making the omega jump and whine, Jun Yibai, ever the quicker learner, made sure to pay extra attention to that spot.

By the time Li Suren was acceptably prepared, the omega had orgasmed a few times already. He was barely hanging on the edge of the couch, panting on Chen Guiren's shoulder as his cum dripped between them.

"Fuck, look at you," Chen Guiren muttered, pressing his nose into the lethargic omega's hair. "Master hasn't even fucked you yet you look like this. Is it too much?"

Li Suren couldn't say when but at some point he'd shifted around so his cheek rested on Chen Guiren's sternum. The heavy beat of the alpha's heart had helped him ground himself as his beta voraciously wrung one orgasm after another out of him.

That didn't mean he wanted to hear the mutts jeering.

Since his tongue felt too sluggish to lash out, he did the next best thing. Bite his pectoral.

"You little-"

"Behave yourself," Jun Yibai ordered, reaching over to grasp Chen Guiren's shaft just under the glans. His dick was huge and thick but here he could touch his fingers while holding it. "Wait your turn."

Chen Guiren hissed, trying to thrust into the beta's hand but losing it too fast.


"Wait. Your. Turn." Each word was enunciated with a squeeze.

Chen Guiren hissed each time but obediently shut his mouth.

Be a good boy and I'll get rewarded. He silently chanted, looking forward to his prize.

Seeing his compliance, Jun Yibai smiled, giving the alpha a comforting stroke. Like the good boy he was, he resisted the urge to thrust into the beta's grip.

"Suren has been waiting patiently so we should treat him nicely, right?"

Chen Guiren nodded blankly, wanting to be treated nicely too. If he behaved and waited his turn would he get to fuck Master too? He needed that man riding his cock or else he'd go insane.

But only good boys got treats, right?

Li Suren, on the other hand, had already caught his breath, feeling another wave of heat hit him. He needed more.

No words were needed, as Jun Yibai had already turned him over so they were face to face. Parting his legs, the beta was surprised by how wet the omega was.

Regardless, he didn't want to dwell anymore, staring down at the winking hole yearning for him. Using the slick that Li Suren had released, he rubbed his cock and pressed it to the tight hole.

As they were both virgins, it was an awkward affair. At least from the outside.

For the men involved, it didn't matter that it took a while to thrust in or that the beta's cock had been pushed out a few times before getting the head past the rim.

The heat still seared the beta's throat into a single word: More.

Impatient, he plunged his shaft in, reveling in the tight grasp that massaged him from all angles. It felt crazy, sending shudders through the beta as he struggled not to embarrass himself.

Meanwhile, Li Suren was not making it easy for him, his hole squeezing down on him like he was trying to bite it off.

"Shit!" He cursed, curling up close to Li Suren's neck, his heart pounding against his back.

He reached down under the omega, intending to scold him for almost making his partner cum early only to find the omega's cock wilted and... wet?

"Eh? So quick?"

Li Suren couldn't speak, feeling like his head was short-circuiting. This was his first cock. A real one, not an artificial one that left him only physically satisfied.

He clenched around it, wanting to feel the heartbeat of the man it belonged to. He wanted to reveal in the heat of its entrance into his pliant body.

If only he wasn't still amid the aftermath of his climax.

"It's okay, you did so well for me, Suren." Jun Yibai prised, whispering sweetly into his ear as he struggled to catch his breath. "You were amazing just now."

For some reason, Li Suren felt like crying just then.

It was weird! He felt happy and content but he wanted to cry too? How did that make sense?!

He decided to write it off as shame for having cum so fast.

He vaguely took in the praise, letting the soft tone seep into his bones and ease the tension he'd felt building in his head.

It felt nice to be praised~

Just as Li Suren got used to the feeling of being filled up so deeply, a wet kiss landed on his clavicle, shocking the omega.

It wasn't a soft or exploratory kiss, either! It was fast and left the slight sting of teeth that left the omega with his mouth agape.

"W-what are you-"

Chen Guiren, who was tired of being ignored by the two, nipped at Li Suren's pectoral this time.

"Ah!" Li Suren shuddered, trying to move away but finding himself trapped between the two. He acquired as his alpha took possession of his sensitive chest, leaving little pink hickeys where he went.

"L-leave me chest alone!" Li Suren pleaded through broken moans. "It's too..."

"Too much?" Jun Yibai finished for him, pushing his cock in just a bit further. He'd finally gotten all of it in. "But you are doing so well, taking all of me in. Don't you like it?"

"No, I lik-" He bit his lip, his pride silencing his response.

Worse, he could feel Chen Guiren's smirk against his skin.

"Then relax and let us make you feel good, baby." Jun Yibai pressed him down, allowing Li Suren to rest his trembling arms on the carpet.

Almost immediately, the wet sounds of sucking started up again, eliciting beautiful moans from the omega between them.

Jun Yibai wished he could be eating his tits like that but Chen Guiren deserved a little treat for staying where he was. They both knew he could escape whenever he wanted but he was such a good boy.

Even though the alpha's cock was still tapping against Jun Yibai's ass.

"Fuck." Jun Yibai let out a breath, finally having calmed himself down enough to move. His face fell into Li Suren's neck, breathing him in greedily before he pulled his hips back and then thrust forward again, feeling Li Suren tremble beneath him.

The omega sobbed beneath him, rocking back into his thrusts. He might have been saying something but it was unclear.

Jun Yibai, on the other hand, was very vocal.

"Suren... You're so pretty like this, flushed and open to me. I'm sad I can't watch your face while I fuck you but god I love when you scream. Even your voice is pretty. It's so cute~ Is it me? Does my cock make you feel good or is it the fact your tits are being eaten by your alpha? Is that what's making you clench on me so hard? Do you want my cum? I'll give it to you, if you are a good boy and call out."

The words spilled from his lips effortlessly, as if waiting for a chance to escape. He could feel a smile forming on his lips as their breaths intermingled.

"Ah... ah... ha ah... Ah..."

Li Suren shuddered beneath him, squeezing down on his pistoning shaft and making it hard to move.

"Be good!" He gritted out, spanking the omega. "I can't fuck you if you clench down on like that. You'll break it."

Despite his scolding, the omega's back tunnel continued to spasm, rebelling against the beta's command.

Jun Yibai was looming over Li Suren at this point, nailed digging into the nice couch that rocked with every thrust of his waist. His panting breath was echoing in the omega's ear, pushing the male into a daze of pleasure and heat.

The scent of his alpha's lust and the sexy moan of his beloved beta praising him.

He just needed his beloved's seed and he'd feel complete.

Unfortunately, Li Suren wasn't the type to talk dirty. The words that came from his mates would set his blood ablaze but he couldn't bear to repeat them.

Perhaps he could... try non-verbal?

He peeked over his shoulder at the beta, his eyes wet from pleasure. The pair stared at one another, unspoken words passing between them before he closed his eyes with an expectant expression.

Jun Yibai responded to the silent plea, kissing the omega hard and ramming past the omega's pulsating grip.

The air was heavy with the scent of their mating. Perhaps it was because of the concentration that Jun Yibai, a beta, felt so overwhelmed. He couldn't bear it and finally ‍‌shot‍‎‌‍‎‎ out his first load.

The two collapsed, shaking as the aftershocks rippled through their joined bodies. The subtle growl beneath them reminded the beta that there was another person present.

The pop of Chen Guiren's lips echoed as the pair rolled onto their sides, panting. Jun Yibai couldn't help but press in deeper, as if unwilling to let a single drop spill out.

His head was buzzing and his heart was racing. The warmth of his partner on his chest felt so good.

Despite that, he felt lonely.

Unconsciously, Jun Yibai reached out his arm, seeking out the warm body beside him only to touch the soft but bare carpet.

Jun Yibai opened his eyes, frowning when his hand didn't touch the bound alpha. To his surprise, Chen Guiren was free and staring down at the pair.

Jun Yibai was too tired to do more than reach out to him.

Chen Guiren took the offered hand, kissing his palm while staring deeply into the beta's eyes.


The moment between the two ends as Li Suren lets out a whine, shivering from the air. Only then does Jun Yibai remember that they are naked.

"I-" Jun Yibai wanted to say he'd get up first but Chen Guiren beat him to it, hooking his arms under the beta's knees and back.

H-he couldn't-!

But he could! Chen Guiren, the dominant alpha who remained submissive and lost to a mere beta before this, lifted not only the bulky beta but the slight omega into his arms. His arms bulged from the effort but there was no shaking to indicate he couldn't handle the weight.

Jun Yibai was speechless, staring wide-eyed at the alpha who wordlessly carried his mates to Jun Yibai's room.

The nest that Li Suren had made before was still loosely scattered on the bedspread but the omega showed no interest. Instead, he clung to the real thing, practically purring even as Jun Yibai's cock slipped out.

"Sweetie~" He murmured, sounding half drunk.

The cute moment ended as Chen Guiren returned and grabbed the omega by the ankle. Chen Guiren reached over, pulling the boneless omega over and grasping his hips. As if mirroring their previous positions with Jun Yibai staring up at the flushed face of Li Suren.

Li Suren was very handsome. The man was a raging narcissist, so he didn't dare voice these thoughts but he really was something to behold. Especially now, with his face flushed with lingering pleasure and a loving gaze.

He was really cute. He thought, stroking the man's soft cheek.

"Stop it!" Li Suren whined, listlessly swatting at the alpha as he rocked his shaft between his ass cheeks. The friction coaxed a bit of cum from the omega's hole. "That's mine!"

"I shared it with you so you should do the same." He snapped back, cheekily smacking the omega's ass.

Chen Guiren couldn't see Li Suren's expression, but Jun Yibai could. The pouting look was very cute, though he was sure the omega was close to violence.

Jun Yibai bit his earlobe, coaxing the omega back into his arms. While nothing was said between them, Li Suren knew he shouldn't argue anymore.

Still, how could the great and powerful Li Suren let that dumb mutt get the last word?

"If you want Sweetie's cum, fuck it out of him yourself you freeloader!" He proclaimed, snuggling up to the wide-eyed beta.

Oi, he was right here! Why were they talking about him like a bottle of lotion?!

"Master can do it himself."

The fuck he will!

Jun Yibai stared blankly at the two, wondering where this brazen assumption came from. He was tired and didn't feel like he could go for round 2 just yet.

He was a little hard but he couldn't get it back up so fast!

Choosing to deny the reality looming over him, Jun Yibai closed his eyes, ignoring the pair while waiting for his fate to come.


He ended up falling asleep, though not for long.

Jun Yibai blinked his eyes open, staring up at the ceiling blankly. He wasn't sure why he'd woken up at all.

Glancing to his side, he found Li Suren curled up beside him, softly snoring. On the other side, was a basin and a rag.

Had Chen Guiren cleaned them up while he was out?

Speaking of, where was he? Looking around the room, Jun Yibai couldn't spot him in the dimly lit bedroom.

That was disappointing. He had wanted to have a turn with Chen Guiren as he'd promised. Especially since he seemed stressed when he'd burst in before.

He deserved a bit of service.

Jun Yibai pushed aside his thoughts and tried to stretch his body but found his leg hooked on something. Before he could even glance down to check, he jumped at the weird feeling below him.

He was definitely hard but his cock felt wet and warm as if-

He whipped the blanket off, finding Chen Guiren leisurely sucking him off. His cheek was resting on the beta's inner thigh, as if laying on a pillow. Glancing up at him, Chen Guiren smiled with the shaft stretching his lips.

Jun Yibai shivered, his cock twitching on the alpha's skilled tongue.

He had thought so before but Chen Guiren was really good with his mouth. Even when the beta was using his mouth that time in the car, Chen Guiren made sure his partner was never in pain.

Now he was cock warming!? Was this guy pulled from the pages of the smut Jun Yibai secretly read?!

Before he could even enjoy the feeling, he felt that strange sensation again. The one that woke him up from his short nap. The stuffed filling continued to create strange pleasure that settled in his abdomen.

"Aaahh!" Something was touched that had the beta's vision going white for a second. All at once he realized that he was being fingered!

The fucker!

His face flushing from embarrassment, Jun Yibai pulled the alpha's head away.

"Oi, who said you could do that?!" He hadn't even decided whether he was going to top Chen Guiren or not. He knew his chances were slim but for the bastard to decide on his own was annoying!

Chen Guiren, having taken a page from Li Suren's tactics, gave the beta an aggrieved look.

"But Master~ I've been so good for you, right?" He crawled up, resting his chin on Jun Yibai's sternum. "I waited and waited but you fell asleep. I've been good but I didn't get a reward. Master is being so mean to his alpha slut~"

Jun Yibai shivered, his cock twitching at his words. He'd called him a slut before but he'd been drugged. To hear it from the alpha's own lips, however, was...

He swallowed hard, feeling the daze of sleep leave him.

"Ugh!" He groaned, wanting to kick the annoying bastard for being so cute. Why couldn't he just be one or the other?

Still, Chen Guiren had submitted to him. He followed the instructions the beta had laid out and even washed them both up.

He had been very good. A good master would reward such behavior.

Jun Yibai was a bit bummed at the thought of letting himself be topped but when he thought about how good Li Suren seemed to feel, he grew a bit curious himself.

Was it that good?

"I'm tired." He grumbled, voicing his excuses out loud. He'd be damned if he admitted to wanting the feel of that vision-altering pleasure again.

"Mnhm." Chen Guiren added another finger, now to three apparently.

"F-fuck!" He gasped, jumping at the slight pull he felt below. It wasn't painful but damn was it distracting. "I-I've had a long daayyy~" He continued, letting the alpha spread his legs wider.

"My poor hard-working Master~" The alpha cooed, kissing the beta's inner thigh. "Let me serve you."

Chen Guiren, having apparently been holding back before, went wild on his hole. Those long, calloused fingers delved deep and stretched him out for what felt like an hour. Despite the mild discomfort, Chen Guiren kept him distracted with his mouth.

That devilishly adventurous mouth that kissed and bit at every place he could reach.

Feeling himself getting close to cumming, Jun Yibai retaliated, refusing to be so passive. Using Chen Guiren's distracted focus, Jun Yibai knocked the alpha over, narrowly missing Li Suren's curled-up legs.

Chen Guiren blinked up at him, shocked.


"Don't move!" Jun Yibai ordered, straddling the alpha's waist.


"You are serving me, right?" He interjected, slamming his hands beside the alpha's ears. "So I decide how this goes and I want you to stay still. You'll be my good boy, right?"

"Y-yes, Master~"

Damn, why was he so sexy?! How could he complain when his Master was making him hard like this?

Chen Guiren itched to grab hold of his Master's hip and pull him down onto his cock. Prepping a beta was a lot more work than with an omega but Chen Guiren was a diligent guy. He was sure he could now slip in and make his MAster scream and-

"Arms up." Jun Yibai suddenly ordered, pressing Chen Guiren's wrist to the edge of the bed. "Good, now keep them there. If you move..."

"If I move?"

"Then you can just go to bed hard."

Chen Guiren whined, wanting to complain but feeling his cock jump at the thought. He hated waiting but the anticipation was really starting to become a fascination of his. Was he into edging? He couldn't say but he felt a bit tempted by the thought.

Perhaps some other day.

Today, he absolutely needed to fuck Master and fill his hole with his cum.

"I'll be good~" He promised, grabbing hold of the sheets. He knew he'd be in for a ride.

Jun Yibai, on the other hand, was trying to get into position. It was awkward, as he was doing it blind and he'd never planned on bottoming. Giving was a lot harder than receiving, it seemed.

With a start, he felt the tip of the alpha's cock hit the right spot. His heart stopped for a second, feeling a bit scared.

Chen Guiren was big.

Like what-the-actual-fuck big.

No, more like 'he wasn't that big in the living room so what the fuck!' big.

How could Jun Yibai know that seeing his beloved beta being so domineering and focused on him would make Chen Guiren harder than anything? He truly underestimated how much Chen Guiren was into his assertive persona.

This left Jun Yibai pressing forward, not daring to show fear at this stage.

It wasn't to say that Chen Guiren hadn't done a good job prepping Jun Yibai. It was that Chen Guiren's cock was just a bit more than 3 fingers.

Still, Jun Yibai refused to let such a thing get in the way of the elusive pleasure he'd felt when being fingered. The alpha's fingers just grazed that spot but his cock?

That would mash it to pieces.

"Damn, look at this thing. Why are you so needlessly big?" He scolded, rubbing up against the tip. "Are you a dog? Getting so horny when I haven't even done anything yet?"

"Yes, I'm your dog!" Chen Guiren replied, smiling lustfully. "Master always makes me like this. Please! Let your dog Guiren fuck you."

"That's not how this goes!" He snapped, the tip of the shaft slipping past the rim and leaving both groaning. Fortunately, Jun Yibai recovered first. "I'm the... ah, I'm the one fucking you!"

Jun Yibai bucked his hips down, the generous amount of lube he'd applied doing wonders to smooth the action. Despite that, the feeling of having a cock inside him was... hard to describe.

"Hahaaa, fuck!!!" He cried out, shaking heavily.

He'd assumed from the screams Li Suren had made before that being penetrated felt good. Humans had sex regularly so there had to be something appealing for the person being penetrated. It only made sense.

This, however, was nothing close to his expectations.

He might even get addicted.

"M-Master! Master, I love it! You are so..." Chen Guiren was babbling, his eyes rolling back as his hands clawed at the bedspread. His arms, those bulging biceps that lifted both him and Li Suren, were trembling from the effort.

Seeing him being so obedient even now just made the pleasure he felt grow exponentially.

"Even a horny dog like you is good for something." He mused, resting his palms on his broad chest.

He raised his hips and brought it down, the invading shaft slipping in a little deeper. Every bounce knocked the breath out of the beta yet he found he couldn't stop. His breaths got louder and quickly became moans as he rode the alpha's cock.

As his skin glistened with sweat, Jun Yibai grabbed hold of Chen Guiren's hair, staring down at the flushed, lustful face of his alpha.

"Come on then, work those hips. Didn't you say you wanted the fuck the cum out of me? Do you dare?" He challenged, feeling his legs trembling beneath him.

Being on top was tiring.

"Serve me well, like the good boy you are." Jun Yibai pushed, wiggling his hips. "If you make me cum,
I might let you hold me."

That promise alone seemed to have set the alpha's blood on fire. The formerly passive man turned into a beast, bouncing Jun Yibai on his shaft like a galloping horse.

"Ah... Ah, yeah, you slut." Jun Yibai called out, raising his face to the sky as he got the pounding he was waiting for. Doing it himself felt great but letting this lust-crazed alpha take the reins for a bit? It couldn't be put into words.

Jun Yibai had already ejaculated once, so the second time would take longer but Chen Guiren seemed determined to make the journey there a struggle of endurance. He relentlessly aimed for the beta's good spots, ruthlessly pressing on it and knocking the breath out of him.

The first time Jun Yibai came, it was by surprise. He'd been too focused on the pleasure and it hit him out of nowhere.

The second time he came, with the newly freed alpha wrapped his arms around the beta, Jun Yibai screamed, though it was mostly a choked gasp.

After the third time, things got a bit fuzzy. He knew he said stuff but couldn't remember what it was. He just knew there were a lot of expletives, and he was trying to get off the alpha cock.

The bed shook beneath them, a rhythmic metronome as the bedpost hit the wall. Still, Jun Yibai felt no concern, his mind getting dim.

His pride, however, took a blow at how much he was climaxing compared to Chen Guiren. How had he come more than the one who'd been blue-balled all this time?!

"Oi, what are you waiting for?!" He complained, smacking the alpha's shoulder. "I told you that I'm tired so why are you taking so long to cum? You want to set a world record or something?"

"B-but Master looks so cute when he cums on my cock~"

"If you don't finish, I'm going to end things now." He threatened, feeling no shame for it. While he liked being fucked, it was late and he really was tired. Even all his time working on a construction site didn't prepare him for the stamina of a horny alpha.

Chen Guiren pouted, looking as if he'd cry if such a thing happened.

"I'm sorry for being bad." He relented, nuzzling the beta's cheek meekly. "You just feel so good and I don't want it to end yet."

"Five minutes." Jun Yibai declared definitively, glancing at the clock on his bedside table. Shit, it was late. "Ugh, can you finish in 3?"

"Master, that's too mean!

"It's been over an hour! Don't act like your pride as a man is being questioned!"

The alpha pouted, looking wronged. "Still, 3 minutes is..."

This guy!

"If I allow you to use your hands, can you do it?" He offered, staring at the biceps that twitched at his suggestion. Even as Jun Yibai was bounced on the alpha's waist and his cock pistoned in and out of his back tunnel, Chen Guiren kept his hands where he'd placed them. Even when the blankets came undone, his hands remained in place.

This needlessly energetic guy was so obedient, it was only right to let him be rewarded.

Chen Guiren, like a puppy in human form, beamed happily at the beta. He was practically shaking with excitement.

"Absolutely! Thank you, master!"

Once again, he underestimated Chen Guiren.

The force and speed of the alpha's thrusts had increased, making his partner lose his sense of reality. He was sure he was ejaculating but it didn't feel like individual climaxes. They were bleeding into each other.

"Hmm...ahhhhhhhh-" Jun Yibai's climatic cry was cut off by the alpha's lips, his tongue pressing down on his own, muffling his voice.

Chen Guiren's thrusts quickly started to lose their rhythm, becoming jerky until he slammed their hips together, holding the beta close. He groaned into his mouth, shaking as his cock jerked and spilled inside him.

Weirdly, Jun Yibai could have sworn he felt something pressing against the rim of his hole but had to just be his post orgasmic high playing tricks on him.

"Did I... say you could kiss me?" He complained after his heart had returned to a regular pace. Chen Guiren was still holding him close, not letting his semi-hard shaft slip out even a little.

"Sorry, Master." Chen Guiren relented, kissing his neck apologetically. "But Suren is sleeping."

Much to his surprise, Li Suren really was still asleep. All the movement and noise hadn't even gotten the omega to stir.

Jun Yibai must have satisfied him.

The beta smiled to himself, feeling proud for making his omega feel that good. What a good feeling to have just before bed.

Jun Yibai suddenly realized that the bastard was still inside him. He frowned and said through gritted teeth. "Shouldn't you pull it out?"

Chen Guiren groaned vaguely, tightening his grip. "Master, go to sleep. I swear, I'll pull out as soon as I can~" He said in an extremely doting tone, kissing his beta's neck affectionately. "Sleep. I won't disturb you. I will definitely be good."

Jun Yibai didn't believe that the alpha would really behave, but no matter what he said, Chen Guiren was unwilling to pull out.

Honestly, he was too tired to argue but gave the stubborn alpha a final warning before closing his eyes.

"If I wake up in pain because of you, don't expect anything good from now on."


AN: A lot of this chapter was determined via coin flip. I originally planned on them boning separately then together but that didn't feel right since they are poly. The only hard part was deciding the order, which I did via coin flip

Also, some Comic suggestions cause why not~

Payback: A guy depressed by the death of his family finds out his ex was involved and swears vengeance. Meets funny guy who can help in exchange for dat ass. Horny but affectionate top x seriously needs-a-hug bottom.

Mission: Save the hunter: (Shounen ai) For those into dungeons in the modern day. MC is a vet who was one of the first to enter the dungeons when they appeared and one of the few who survived the ordeal. His only reason for living is to fulfill the last wishes of his comrades but finds out that for some reason, people are trying to find and recruit him. Depressed veteran who wants to be left alone x All star fight junkie.

AN: I really like this one. The story is actually more interesting than the gay undertones. MC's story is very engrossing and you easily get drawn in.

I'm not the final boss's lover: (Straight) MC is teleported into the side character in a dungeon crawler game. As someone who finished the game, she tries to guide the protagonist from behind, figuring she can go home once the game ends. The issue is that the game has a plot point of restarting the game from the beginning and playing on a kind of new game plus. This wouldn't be a problem except that she was introduced as a character that the protagonist saves from a dungeon and in the second run, he doesn't come to save her. She is then saved by another guy, who is fated to be the true final boss of the game.

AN: I also really like this one. Both MC and the ML have trauma that is presented realistically and the two communicate very clearly with each other. She sincerely wants to help ML because, despite the fate written out for him, he's a good person trying to save people.

Altruistic Warrior: MC is a normal low-level adventurer with 'amazing' luck. While bludgeoning low-level monsters to death with a club, she stumbles upon an SSS rank variant that curses her with extreme pain every few days. Seeking out priests to break the curse doesn't work because she's broke. She then learns that the hero can cure curses with his... bodily fluids. Once again, her 'amazing' luck allows her various opportunities to bump into said hero. Determined if not terrified of being exposed chick x stone-faced puppy dog guy.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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