[BL] Between an Alpha and Omega

U: Warning Signs*

AN: No Edit cause me is tired//


Over the next few days, Jun Yibai hung out with Jia Li.

As he suspected, they were impatient when he told them he wasn’t seeing anyone and tried setting him up with her. He was young, sure, but who wanted to wait until their son was in their 30s to start a family?

Still, Jun Yibai didn’t mind. Neither he nor Jia Li were all that interested in each other.

She was pretty and fun to talk to but a bit too shy for his taste. He preferred a partner who was brash or forceful since he was the quiet type.

Jia Li and he had found themself unsure of what to do next quite a few times while hanging out.

More important, however, was the fact that she had a boyfriend with whom she was deeply in love with.

“Yet you are here? With me?” Jun Yibai couldn’t help but question when he heard the news. While he didn’t mind hanging out with her, her having a boyfriend while doing so made him feel gross.

“It was my friend’s idea.” She mumbled back, looking suitably guilty. “He seems to be mad at me for some reason so my friend told me to make him jealous by pretending to go out with someone else.”

That sounds like really shitty advice. He thought, wondering how good a friend this person was.

“Wouldn’t that just make him more pissed?” He countered, wondering about the poor guy who had dealt with this lady. She was sweet but very naive.

Her silence spoke volumes.

Jun Yibai sighed. He’d come back home to relax and get away from relationship drama but somehow got dragged into someone else's.

He could just ignore it but knowing his luck, if he did that, he’d be dragged into something even more troublesome. Like getting kidnapped alongside her as a scheme to get money from her probably super-rich elite boyfriend.

Jia Li was a small-town college girl but fuck he’d somehow bumped into the heir of a major conglomerate at a local gym. Who knows what kind of shit she got into?

“Did you ask why he was mad?”

“He told me I should know what I did since I ‘did it with no remorse’.” She mumbled, sadly sipping her soda. The cafe wasn’t crowded so it was easy to hear her.

So it was something she did that he thought was bad but she didn’t?

“What happened before that?”

Jia Li then decided to tell Jun Yibai their whole love story, completely unprompted. It was a wild ride filled with conspiracy and misunderstandings. Honestly, the fact neither ever seemed willing to be upfront about their feelings made him feel frustrated just listening to it.

When she finally got to the present, she mentioned some other guy she was hanging out with often.

“He’s a friend?”

“Yeah, but our parents are friends so he’s like a brother to me.” She explained casually, not seeing the red flag. “He’s even the one who suggested I make Yan Ju jealous.”

Of course, the friend is the guy friend. Who else could it possibly be!? He was probably hoping to be the one you chose to use.

Jun Yibai lit a candle in his heart for Jia Li’s boyfriend. The man must have the patience of a saint.

“Did you tell him this?”

“He never asked me about it.”


“Yeah, he mostly just asked about when we hung out and what we did together.” She shrugged, giggling at the memories. “He’s like a kid sometimes, clinging to me and hugging me sometimes.”

Ah, he saw the problem now.

“Tell me, if your boyfriend suddenly became close to a pretty woman who clung to his arm and spent a lot of time with him, how would you feel?”

Jia Li paled, looking mortified at the thought.

“I-I’d ask who she was to him!”

“How did you respond when he asked?”

Her voice got quieter. “That he’s just an old friend.”

“If he responds like that, would you believe him?” Jun Yibai cocked a brow at her. “That the person being intimate with him was ‘just a friend’?”

“…N-no but he really is just a friend.”

“I get that but it's not right to put your partner in such a situation. It makes them doubt you, especially when they look you in the eye and seemingly lie to your face.”

“I-is that what it looks like?!” Jia Li cried, seemingly realizing her predicament. “Everyone else told me that Yan Ju was controlling and that I shouldn’t let him dictate who I can and can’t be friends with.”

“Sure, but there should be boundaries that you respect as a partner. Just like how you wouldn’t want your boyfriend spending so much time with someone of the opposite sex. They might not be cheating on you but it will feel like it if you ignore their concerns.”

“I-I see…” She muttered, falling into her thoughts.

Jun Yibai wondered too if he was falling into those kinds of thoughts as well. Ignoring the concerns of his partners.

After a few days alone, he found himself feeling less mad about the situation.

For one thing, he knew Li Suren and Chen Guiren pretty well at this point. They were reckless and ultimately conniving guys. Li Suren stalked him in elementary school! Using guile and omissions was his thing.

He was absolutely sure there were other things they were keeping from him.

Truly, the only reason he was pissed off this time was that this was bigger than just the three of them. This was his reputation that would be smeared.

If he was labeled as someone who’d break apart an engagement or even just acting as a third party, he’d have a hard time later in life. People would see him as a parasite, a saboteur.

Him trying to make it as a beta in the business world dominated by alphas was going to be hard enough. Him being a third party would just make people already expecting little from him look down on him more.

That was what Li Suren and Chen Guiren had almost subjected him to.


The last few days were getting harder for Chen Guiren.

Li Suren was not getting any better. If anything, his anxiety was getting worse. The laundry they’d been using to ease his distress was starting to wear out and Chen Guiren’s pheromones were only barely getting him through the day.

Yet the bastard refused to call Jun Yibai.

Chen Guiren had wanted to but he was locked in the apartment with Li Suren and the omega had stolen all the outgoing phones. He could try and take them back but entering an omega’s nest without permission was dangerous on the best of days.

An omega in distress? That would lead to injuries and as his alpha, he couldn’t risk such a thing.

So he could do nothing but try and live with all the incoming reports he got from his men. Obviously, he couldn’t be cut off from the world indefinitely so he got daily reports. He couldn’t give the most rational responses when dealing with a heat but having the information was comforting.

Except the reports on Jun Yibai made him anything but comforted.

Master was still spending time with that beta bitch!

He had originally thought nothing of the matter since his beta was known for making friends somehow despite his surly attitude. Sure, he had some flies around him but they were no real threat to them. Yet hearing the report from his subordinates, he started to feel unsure of his previous assumptions.

He’d used the card they had gifted him to buy gifts for someone else!? He wouldn’t even use it casually for himself but whenever it was someone else, he used it so freely. Just how cruel was Master going to be while they suffered in silence?

Before his phone was taken, he’d had his men look into her. She was utterly mundane but that was the problem. For a man like master who despised complicated situations, a boring girl like her was bound to make him tempted.

He hadn’t considered them for that very reason.

If he hadn’t scared off all their potential rivals, he was sure the man would have been stolen from them by now.

How could anyone resist him?!

He was handsome (to them), kind (in a sense), and an all-around amazing person! He was perfect (except for all the times he punched Chen Guiren for being annoying. While hot, it hurt a bit~)

But Li Suren refused to return the phones.

His inner alpha was in conflict.

On one hand, one of his mates was not with him, driving him insane with the desire to bring him to his home and drown him in his scent. Mark him so he knows better than to avoid his alpha.

His fang tingled with the desire to bite and mark the stubborn beta.

But on the other hand, doing so would mean he’d either have to leave Li Suren or bring the omega with him. Neither was an option. Leaving his beloved omega alone was dangerous.

What if someone tried to steal him away while he was gone?!

Worse, how could he dare to endanger his omega? The thought of putting his omega in harm's way made him want to tear his heart from his chest.

His omega needed him!

These were all his instinctual thoughts and when seeped in the scent of his omega in heat, he couldn’t think past those thoughts. While he wished he could fuck his omega blind, they both knew that wouldn’t help.

On a physical level, it would but heats were a bit more than just lust.

Pair bonds formed during mating and while one could get through it without a bond, it was never fulfilling. The omega would only feel fully fulfilled when the comfort of a bond was established.

That or pregnancy but that was more a temporary solution than anything.

The thought of impregnating Li Suren was enough to set Chen Guiren’s blood pumping but they both knew that wasn’t how their relationship was going to go.

Yet the temptation was almost too much to resist.

“-another request from a Young Master Song about meeting with Master Li. This is the fourth time we’ve rejected his visit, sir but we can’t continue much longer. I Suggest we-”

Chen Guiren was only half listening to the report, keeping his focus on the bedroom a short distance away. He might not be able to fully fulfill his role as an alpha just then but his omega was his top priority right then. Not some random second generation acting like a suitor.

He’d talk to the fucker later but for now, he was hearing a different kind of whining from the bedroom.

He shut off the report, no longer caring as he followed the scent of arousal coming from the bedroom. It was a heavy and sticky smell, like condensation that clung to everything it touched.

He loved that smell, wishing he could rub and hold the source.

Chen Guiren walked in, seeing his omega buried in his nest, rubbing and humping at a pillow. His lithe body disappeared from sight with every thrust like a boat on the horizon. If not for the contrast between Li Suren flushed skin and the blankets, he’d be invisible.

And somewhere in there were the outgoing phones.

The thought of contacting the outside world made him imagine Master in that nest beside Li Suren. A beta would be allowed in since their lack of a scent wouldn’t ruin the comfort an omega got within. If anything, they might be treated like one of the unscented pillows.

Present but just a comfort.

He wondered if Master would be naked too or fully clothed.

The thought of the fully dressed beta sitting in the next while Li Suren and he was naked was so arousing, the alpha couldn’t help but grab his aching cock.

Master would chastise him for keeping them waiting. That’d been stuck there trying to get their impatient omega ready for his own cock. That he’d been begging to get fucked by Master but had to wait for the alpha’s lazy ass.

“How do you plan to make it up to me, alpha?” He imagined his Master’s voice being deep and commanding, weakening his knees until they hit the floor.

Chen Guiren knelt on the ground, stroking himself through his clothes while he moaned at the thought. He hadn’t been wearing a lot with Li Suren’s pheromones looming about. He was so aroused that just the feeling of fabric on his skin was driving him crazy so all he could tolerate were some boxers.

And now even that was getting soaked in precum.


The cry was enough to pull him from his masturbation.

Li Suren was at the edge of his nest, fumbling with a knotted dildo as he tried to push it into his wet entrance.

The omega had been dripping wet for days, wanting to be filled and knotted yet left alone. Even when he tried penetrating himself, he couldn’t get the satisfaction he craved. He needed someone else, someone to surprise and take him.

He’d been naughty, after all.

After a moment of fumbling, the tip slipped past the entrance, being immediately gripped by the hot flesh. Li Suren whimpered at the feeling, wiggling his ass in the air as if begging to be pierced.

Chen Guiren watched, pulling his cock out and stroking it. He let out a growl from the floor, seeking entry.

The growl was loud enough for the heat-drunk omega to hear. His inner omega preened at the thought of being watched. Finally, his alpha had noticed him. Yet why wasn’t he fucking him?

He shook his ass, trying to entice the alpha into his nest. His scent was included in it so why not let him in?

Chen Guiren entered, feeling primal satisfaction at being allowed entry. Li Suren was his already but having the omega himself acknowledge that was a different kind of euphoria.

He let out a rumbling purr, rolling the omega onto his back.

Both men stared at each other, somehow simultaneously surprised at who they saw and endlessly aroused.

They both knew there was supposed to be someone else there.

Not wanting to lose the moment, Chen Guiren moved first, parting the omega’s legs with his knee and taking the dildo from Li Suren’s grip. When the tip of the toy left its place at the omega’s entrance, he whined loudly.

Chen Guiren didn’t make him wait long, pushing it into the soaked hole after coating the shaft with the omega’s spilled juices.

Li Suren sighed, sobering up just a little as he felt the empty feeling he’d been struggling with get filled. It wasn’t his Sweetie but it was enough to fool his inner omega for a few minutes.

In the meantime, Chen Guiren’s hot gaze was on the sight below.

Seeing the omega’s wet hole stretched wide around the dildo was arousing but he was fine with not being the one fucking him. If anything, he wished he lick it himself. He wanted to bury his nose at the intersection, reveling in the musky scent of the omega and the beta he’d allowed to fuck his omega.

Better yet, he wanted the beta to push his head down and make him take the omega’s cock in his mouth while he fucked Li Suren. Then he’d get to bask in the musk of both his mates and-

Li Suren let out a trembling gasp, wordlessly demanding more from his partner

One of his hands gripped Chen Guiren’s bicep tightly but the other was gripping the sheet as if seeking something. Or someone.

“Are you thinking about Master?” The alpha purred, taking his partner's free hand. He loved feeling his soft hands grip him as he thrust the dildo in and out of him, achingly slow.

“Y-yes!” Li Suren’s legs kicked at his back, demanding more force as he canted his hips back onto the shaft. “Sweetie, fuck me!”

“He will.” A short click could be heard, followed by a purring buzz that left the omega crying out. His hips arced up, pressing his dripping cock against the alpha’s bare stomach. Still, Chen Guiren didn't thrust the vibrating shaft any deeper despite knowing what his partner wanted. Instead, he chuckled at the sight of his desperate mate, keeping him still by holding his hips in place. “He will break that sexy hole of yours while I fuck him.”

Li Suren, enraged that this bastard was teasing him at this stage snapped at the alpha.

“Arrogant, aren't you? Will Sweetie allow such a bad boy like you to do that or just make you watch?”

Fuck, he loved this guy! He knew just what to say.

“He will… if I beg just right~” Chen Guiren reasoned, imagining Master sitting beside them, watching them get each other off.

His hips stuttered at the thought, trying to somehow get closer to the omega. His fingers clenched harder, definitely leaving marks on the omega’s hips.

His cock, engorged with blood and dripping onto his omega, begged for his touch. He needed to cum. He had to paint his omega’s skin white with his seed so that everyone knew this fucker with a mouth was his and Master’s omega. After all, Master was watching.

He basked in the faint scent of his Master. It was just the smell from the products he used but all together with his sweat made it uniquely his.

The fantasy was settled and Chen Guiren put both of their hands on their cocks, covering the omega’s smaller ones with his own. No words needed to be said.

Li Suren moved first, his soft hand gripping their shafts firmly and pressing just under the head. Chen Guiren’s head fell forward with a groan, his free hand pushing the vibrator just that bit deeper to hit the omega’s prostate.

Li Suren sucked in a breath, trembling beneath the alpha. For a minute, that was all he did, as the alpha above him thrust into their joined grip.

“S-since Sweetie is watching us,” He whispered sensually, trying to resist melting into the bed just then, “beg him. Do… do it just ‘right’.”

Chen Guiren did.

It was hard to say what was said, his mind racing toward a climax that he hoped would please his beloved beta. The last time he and Li Suren were together was the shower and his pleading wasn’t enough to get Masters permission to cum.

So he did his best, pleading with the imaginary beta sitting beside them. He faintly felt Li Suren shake and shudder a few times, his strokes faltering even as the larger hand kept pumping. His hands were a mess but he couldn’t stop.

He was almost there.

“M-Master!” He shouted, feeling his balls clench as his orgasm hit him like a storm. “Master, I’m sorry! I’m sorry. I’m gonna cum- I’m cumming, please, I’m cumming!!!”

He released what felt like days worth of cum, his body shuddering as he pulled Li Suren close. Distantly, he felt the omega shake in his arms, intermittent choked sobs escaped from the grasping lips.

Distantly, he heard Li Suren Shudder beneath him, possibly orgasming again. It was hard to say since their hands were already a mess.

Chen Guiren collapsed onto the bed, narrowly avoiding the languid omega beneath him. A pair of gasping breaths was all that could be heard over the faint buzz of the vibrator. With a familiarity that spoke of practice and habit, Chen Guiren reached down to turn the toy off.

Li Suren relaxed beside him, his shuddery breaths slowing down.

Chen Guiren eventually sat up and reached over to the bedside counter, pulling out the wipes that had been prepared before. He wiped the smaller man down, gently cleansing him and himself before laying back down beside him.

When he was quiet like this, he really was a sight to behold. Chen Guiren admired his partner, feeling such pride that this omega was his. He was a sly thing that annoyed him to no end but very adorable when he wasn’t talking.

He reached out to poke his cheek, to which the omega scowled with his eyes closed and bit the offending finger. It wasn’t a hard bite but enough to warm him against doing it again.

Chen Guiren kissed Li Suren’s cheek, holding him close. Even when he was being annoying, he was cute. His face all flush and begging for more.

More he’d get if it wasn’t just the two of them.

Feeling a bit hot himself, Chen Guiren touched the omega’s cheek, seeking a proper kiss so he could get something from their little session too.

Before his lips could touch that soft skin, he was shoved aside.

“I’m not giving the phones back.” The omega tiredly snapped, sounding a lot more coherent after orgasming a few times.

Sly fox, using him like that!

“Why not?” Chen Guiren grumbled, pissed that their peaceful moment between them was shattered by this guy’s stubbornness. “Neither of us is getting better and we still have 3 more days of this shit!”

He hadn’t rutted since that first time at the party, which made things easier between them. Despite that, he was still and alpha and more importantly, a man. A man in a room with an attractive omega who wanted to be pressed against every surface and fucked by a man.

It was hell to endure!

Now that the cards had been laid out, he wanted Master to finally join in so they could get the satisfaction both of them craved. Yet now even his omega was being stubborn!

“Sweetie is mad at us and told us to give him time.” Li Suren pushed Chen Guiren out of his nest, fixing the edges even as Chen Guiren glared at the man.

“And we did! It’s been a fucking week and I feel like dying!” He shouted, clutching at his hair like a man trapped. “You are too.”

The omega, while flush from climaxing, was still suffering from rejection. It was an endless feedback loop of Li Suren’s anxiety and Chen Guiren’s frustration that fed into each other.

“...He has to forgive us first.”

“Why me though? It was your idea to get engaged.”

“And you said we should keep it under wraps. If not for me, it would have gone out almost immediately!”

Chen Guiren growled, hating his past self.

He’d only proposed that because his dads were so happy their crazed son had gotten engaged at all. Dominant alpha or not, he was a handful to deal with. If anything, his genes made him more of a danger than an asset to any prospective match.

Li Suren being capable of restraining him was a miracle to his dads. Had it been up to them, they’d be celebrating his engagement for a month straight.

“You didn't disagree.” He shot back, glaring at Li Suren.

“Of course, I didn’t. Sweetie would never give us a chance if he knew.”

It was the reason for everything they did together. Their engagement and their tolerating one another despite their initial dislike of one another.

All so they could have the beta to themselves.

“So why am I the bad guy here?!”

“We fucked up so we have to give him space.”

“No, we don't!” Chen Guiren exclaimed, feeling his frustration reaching a fever pitch. “Master is just being stubborn. He likes us yet feels slighted by this one thing. If we just coax him a little, he’ll-”

“You think it's just that?” Li Suren couldn’t help but look at the man in disbelief. “You didn’t see him when we parted. You didn’t see his face when he…”

When he said he couldn’t forgive them just then.

Sweetie was a serious guy who often said harsh things with conviction. His words could hurt but there was a lightness to them that made one feel that it wasn’t serious.

Yet his words then were so cold.

“Chen Guiren, trust me just this once.” He said, curling up in his nest. The smell that had been keeping him grounded had long faded, making his chest clench painfully. “We can’t rush this.”


Jun Yibai’s ‘date’ with Jia Li ended soon after their conversation. After realizing her fuck up, she left to apologize to her boyfriend. She had considered meeting up with her male friend to explain herself but Jun Yibai reminded her that she could just as easily text him rather than create more misunderstandings.

The fact she considered texting her boyfriend an apology yet meeting her friend in person made him wish only the best for that guy. His girlfriend was… a type to fall for.

Then again, look at his own prospects.

Feeling tired, Jun Yibai headed home.

Upon arriving, he was met with the surprised expression of his parents.

“Oh, you're back?” His father mused, watching his son. “I thought you’d spend the night with Jia Li.”

Jun Yibai grimaced at the remark. “Is that something a parent should be encouraging their son to do?”

“Why not?” The elder Jun shrugged, moving past him. “Your generation is usually so free when it comes to sex, right? It's not like you don’t have birth control and-”

“And I really don’t want to have this conversation with you guys!”

His father was too open, talking about this kind of thing in front of his mother. It’d still be embarrassing but really! Think of your wife!

His mother, to her credit, gave his father an annoyed look, though the man himself never saw it.

“H-he's right!” Flustered, she guided Jun Yibai into the dining room. “ Jia Li is a good girl and we shouldn’t talk about her like this. While having a kid young has its appeal, being too casual isn’t a good start to a relationship.”

Yet, as always, Jun Yibai was taken off guard by his mother as she backed up his father and his views.

“Again, this is not what I want to talk about at the dinner table.”

Actually he didn’t want to talk about this at all. Even if he was that casual with sex, he wouldn’t want to talk about it with his parents. Who would?! Isn’t that gross?

He did not want to associate sex with his parents. Just the thought made him shudder with disgust.

“Well then, tell us about your university life.” Finally getting his desire to change the subject, his mother moved on. “I heard you got into a good college.”

Jun Yibai brightened up, finally having a subject he was willing to talk about with his parents.

Yeah, with a full scholarship! I’m honestly thankful that there was a donor willing to sponsor poorer students.” He sighed, wishing he could properly thank that person for giving someone without the money a chance to attend such a prestigious university. “I don’t know what I’d do if I got in and had to pay all that money myself.”

“You could just work.” His father grumbled as his mother served the dishes. “A degree is just a piece of fancy paper. You take up a trade and you’ll never go hungry.”

Except when an alpha showed up.

It was unspoken but the sudden stiff expression on his fathers face said it all. While his father managed to keep him and his men working, things were getting harder. People his age weren’t as appealing as those who were young and strong.

His father was strong and fit for his age but his body was wearing down. He could only work for a little while longer and his job of choice was breaking him down faster.

Jun Yibai wished his father would retire but he knew his dad. The man was stubborn and his pride made him unwilling to stop.

Not until he couldn’t work anymore.

That was part of the reason Jun Yibai wished to get a good job. He hated the thought of his father being crippled trying to keep up with young alphas. If he could succeed, he could help his dad rest.

“Let's eat.” his mother interjected, pulling her men from their dour thoughts. Having her son for dinner was a rare treat and she didn’t want her husband to start on one of his rants about Alom’s and how they were making their lives hard.

(AN: Reminder that Alom is a collective term for alpha’s and omegas used by Beta’s. Can be derogatory depending on the context)

“You chose business?” His mother asked, curious about his choice. She has been a housewife since graduating high school so she didn’t understand the appeal.

“Yeah, it’s less work than a medical degree and I really want to be a business owner.” He confessed, feeling a bit embarrassed to say it out loud. “Working for someone else is stressful and I don’t want that for myself.”

“Oh?” Jun Yibai glanced at his father, wanting to see his response. His father was a man who had instilled in him to settle. That sticking out was not their place.

His father’s expression was unreadable. Whether he approved or not, his single ‘oh?’ was all his son got from him on the subject.

Jun Yibai continued to tell his parents about his school life. As long as he didn’t mention any secondary genders, the conversation went smoothly, though his father made a comment or two that he wouldn’t repeat.

Then the subject of relationships came up.

“You don’t seem interested in Jia Li all that much.” His father mentioned, looking disappointed. “I thought you liked easy-going girls.”

He’d told his parents about Yang Ru once and how her personality made him feel tired at times. They then came to the conclusion he was into the opposite.

Really, it was that Yang Ru was… better as a friend than a lover.

“She’s nice but-” He contemplated telling the truth. That she was seeing a guy and was a bit of an airhead when it came to boundaries. That she was perfectly nice but too much trouble for even a friend, let alone a boyfriend. “Not my type.”

“I see.” His mother sighed, clearly disappointed.

“Then any prospects at that fancy university?” His father prompted, leaning forward. He was big for his age, looming over Jun Yibai even as an adult.

Unbidden, he thought about Li Suren and Chen Guiren. He felt his face flush as he looked away.

“Oh?! So you do have someone? A girl?” His father pushed, grinning from ear to ear. “Tell me about her? How did you meet?”

He did not want to talk about that. If he told his father it was a guy, he’d lose his mind. Worse, if he knew it was an alpha and omega, he’d be lucky to make it out unscathed.

More importantly, he was still in the middle of a fight with those two.

Before he could decide on how to respond, his phone rang. With much more enthusiasm than was probably appropriate, he excused himself, stepping outside to take the call.

The number was unknown, confusing the beta as he cautiously answered.

As expected, the voice was not one he recognized.

“Is this Jun Yibai?” the man on the other side asked as soon as the call connected.

“Speaking. Who is this?”

“Yan Ju, you spoke to my girlfriend these last few days.” The man sighed, sounding weary. “I suppose I should thank you for the advice you gave.”

Jun Yibai briefly wondered how this stranger got his phone number in only a few hours but he’d learned years ago that rich people could do things that boggle the mind. He was more concerned about why he was being called at all.

“I suppose but I doubt that's why you're calling me.”

Silence fell between them.

“Yes, I wanted to ask you a few questions.”


“Do you know any members of the Song Family?”

Jun Yibai frowned at this. “Why?”

“That's… a bit hard to talk about over the phone.” Again, Yan Ju sighed, sounding extremely reluctant even though he was the one who called Jun Yibai. “I usually wouldn’t bother getting involved but Jia Li said you were a good person and this isn’t something a good person should get involved with.”

Jun Yibai felt confused at the vague statement. Was he in danger?

“What does this have to do with my knowing a Song?”

“Hopefully nothing but I would be careful if I were you. The Song’s are a nest of snakes.” He said, a sneer evident in his tone. “All but the youngest have their hands in questionable industries so I’d advise you to steer clear of them, Cinderella.”

Without another word, the man hung up, leaving Jun Yibai confused by the interaction.

He understood that the man was trying to warn him as thanks for the advice he gave but he couldn’t help but wonder why he assumed he’d interact with any other Song. Song Yang was his old classmate so it made sense but the warning wasn’t about him.

Had his attendance with Song Yang to the party made the other members of the Song family notice him?

He wondered if that was a good or bad thing.

His thoughts were so preoccupied that he never gave any thought to being called ‘Cinderella’ by a perfect stranger.


AN: So I’m gonna refrain from going too deep into the anatomy of the humans here. I feel like it’ll just complicate things. Ya’ll come to your own conclusions.

On another note, this wasn’t supposed to be a * chapter originally but I felt bad for blue balling all of my readers for the last month. The good news is that in return, I got a B in my Organic Chemistry class~ Yay.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.