(BL) I just wanted to take a break, so why the script changed?!

Chapter 07 – Future city

One morning, Klaye was awakened by the doorbell. He sat up confusedly and watched the clock. It was only 7 o’clock. They never had any visitors so early, so he went out to see who it was.

He heard Egbert opened the door and then someone crying. He hurried to the entrance and then froze.

Egbert was hugged by the crying Maia. She desperately held him and her clothes were grabbed from behind. Lex tried to separate them, but she was too stubborn, it was impossible.

Klaye facepalmed. This family really made him annoyed. He turned away and went to wash his face.

In the bathroom, he stood in front of the mirror and watched himself. He ate a lot recently, but he wasn’t able to gain any weight. He didn’t know if it was because of his awakened power or something else, but he really hated it. Even he himself felt that he was petite and it made him gloomy.

When the book mentioned him, it said he was a little fatty guy. His script mentioned he would lose weight while he was sick, but he would gain it back before the apocalypse. Losing his job and being heartbroken because of Vincent’s engagement he ate a lot… He suddenly realized, there was the problem! Egbert always looked after what he ate and he was so busy to find out what caused the changes. He forgot to follow his script and became fat again...

Klaye facepalmed. He was really a failure as an actor. His only job was to sit still and ate until he became fat, yet he failed such an easy task!

He adjusted his glasses and went out. It was still the green one. He bought 3 new glasses, but never replaced it. It was the one and only thing he got from Vincent. At least that was what Egbert said…

In the hall, Maia finally calmed down, but she still held Egbert’s hand. Lex’s face was dark and watched them.

„Hey, let him go! Don’t forget why we come!” Lex said angrily.

Maia smiled meaningfully and hugged him stronger. Egbert smiled at her happily.

Klaye rolled his eyes. Egbert didn’t realize he just made Lex eat more vinegar and cause his ass to get a painful punishment in the future...

„So why are you here?” he saw enough. He was afraid if he didn’t change the subject Lex would jump on Egbert in no time.

„Oh, you are really here!” Maia was surprised.

„How many times I need to say, this is MY house!” Klaye was really angry. What was he? Just a decoration?

„Pack your things. We are moving to our new house!” Lex watched Egbert meaningfully.

Klaye sighed, finally his peaceful days would come back.

„You too! Vincent said you need to follow us!”

Klaye was shocked and pointed at himself in disbelief.

„Who else?!” Lex roared. His patience ran out a long time ago.

Klaye ran back to his room and shut the door. He didn’t know what happened. Why they need to move and where they go, he wanted to know, but he didn’t dare to go out and ask it. He packed his luggage while he was confused and tried to remember if the book mentioned anything about it.

He was too used to follow his script and knowing everything that would happen. He forgot that this world changed after he woke up from his coma…

When he realized this he panicked. He didn’t know how to face an unknown future. He sat on his bed and tried to calm down. He needed to become used to the fact, anything could happen.

After he calmed down he went out of his room. On the table, Maia prepared breakfast for them. They sat down and ate it.

They took those luggages and went down. While Lex placed them in the trunk, Maia pulled Egbert to sit with her on the back-seat.

Klaye mouth twitched. He didn’t want to sit in the front with Lex, but he didn’t have any choice.

„Where are we going?” he asked.

„You will see it.” Lex said gloomily. He was so annoyed about being separated from his sweetheart.

Lex stepped on the accelerator and speeded up. He wanted to reach their destination within the shortest time.

Klaye grabbed his seat belt and prayed for their safety.

They left the city and went deep into a forest. After 2 hours they finally saw their destination.

Klaye watched it with disbelief. It was Future city.

Some nobles just for fun built a whole city deep inside a forest. No one lived here but its name showed theirs intend. They used the newest technology to create a city that only existed in their dreams.

It had villas, high buildings, shops, some office buildings, and even a hospital. Maybe there were more things, but the book didn’t mention it. Some survivors who were able to run away from here praised this place. They thought that it would be the safest place, but it turned into a cage…

Klaye watched the forest and understood it. Once the trees mutate it would really be a cage. Everything in the city worked with electricity. On top of the buildings were solar cells, so even if the whole world would disappear it could function properly. But it didn’t mean there would be food and water…

The city was extremely beautiful. It was really something you could only see in movies.

„No difference how many times I see it. It made me feel astonished.” Maia sighed.

Klaye nodded. He felt the same. It was such a waste to let the zombies take it…

After a while, they reached the villa area. The car stopped in front of a building with 6 floors.

„This one is where we, the men live. The next one for the women. Only married couples could live together.” Lex said and grabbed Egbert’s hand. „I show you our room.” he said happily and pulled him into the building.

„Wait! My luggage…”

„We’ll take them up later!” Lex didn’t care about it. He finally could spend some time alone with Egbert. Nothing could stop him.

Klaye took out his luggage and went after them. In the hall, he didn’t saw anyone and went to sit down on the couch.

After a while, he heard some noises and looked at the entrance. To his surprise, the one who comes in was Gardena. She was followed by some of her servants.

„The young master said that he had a lot of things to do and can’t meet with you. Please miss understand it!” one of them begged her.

„I’m his fiancé! Of course, he had the time to speak with me!” Gardena was irritated. She turned around and her eyes stopped on Klaye. „Why the hell are you here?!”

Klaye was irritated too. The last thing he wanted to see was this bitch!

He didn’t answer, but Gardena didn’t leave him alone. She walked closer to him.

Some people come out after they heard her shouting.

„Heh, I heard that you went through on some plastic surgeries, but you are still nothing compared to me! Hahaha! You really thought that Vincent will look at you! You disgusting gay! Get lost! Don’t dare to show up in front of me anymore!” she shouted.

Klaye’s rage slowly grew in his heart. Everyone was able to hear him being gay and whispered between themselves.

„You have such a pretty face now, but Vincent is mine! Go and sell your ass to someone else!”

Klaye lost his control and slapped Gardena. She lost her balance and fell on the ground. She touched her face and her tears slowly fell.

The hall became silent. Everyone watched them with disbelief.

Klaye slowly came back to his senses and realized what he did. Those who dared to hurt a noble would be punished. Gardena was Vincent’s fiance and she was counted as a half noble. And he dared to hit her in front of so many people!

„Ah, young master, are you back?!” he heard one of the servants call out loudly.

Klaye’s body became cold. The only person they called the young master was Vincent. In the silence, he heard every step the man took. He felt his heart beat in his throat. He closed his eyes and waited for his punishment. If Vincent was in a bad mood, he could even lose his hand. Knowing how hard the coming days would be, he prayed for that the man would be satisfied just breaking his hand and didn’t cut it.

He heard Vincent stopped next to him and grabbed his hand. Klaye bit his lips and waited for the pain… He waited, but nothing happened. He was confused and slowly opened his eyes.

Vincent stood next to him and gently hold his hand while cleaning it with a tissue.

„Don’t touch the trash. It dirties your hand.” he said casually.

Everyone froze around them. Even Gardena stopped to play the pitiful little girl. They couldn’t believe the things happening in front of their eyes.

Klaye opened his mouth, but he wasn’t able to say anything. He felt his tears ran out and he wasn’t able to stop it.

Vincent threw away the tissue. When he saw Klaye crying his body stiffened. Slowly, he took out another tissue and wanted to wipe off his tears.

„I’m okay!” Klaye jumped back desperately. He turned and ran away before Vincent could reach.

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