(BL) I just wanted to take a break, so why the script changed?!

Chapter 16 – News

The next day Klaye went out to look around in the city with Queen. He wanted to see, how much it changed during this period. He heard rumors before, but now it seemed the city was more peaceful than he thought.

The ability users looked down on the ordinary humans and some of them collected them as their slaves. Klaye thought that the city would have a depressing atmosphere, but it was almost the opposite. He saw angry ability users and the ordinary humans were relieved, some of them even smiled. He was confused and wanted to ask someone.

An old man sat on a box. He just took a break and wanted to light a cigarette, when his eyes fell on a young man. He was clean and wore new clothes. He walked slowly and curiously looked around. The man almost laughed out loud when he saw the cat in his arms did the same. Those two were so much alike. Nowadays it was rare to see someone in such a good condition and so carefree. He didn’t know which big family let their young master ran around without bodyguards. He saw some ability users maliciously watching them from afar, but he was sure they didn’t dare to do anything.

There was a big rain a month before. That time they didn’t think too much about it, but it changed the world completely. The old man’s son was a soldier and they came here together. He never left the city but heard rumors about how the outside world turned into hell. His son went out sometimes to search for food and other things and almost every time they brought back some survivors. Later, strong ability users came here and asked for a place to stay. They knew that the city owner was sick and waited patiently. The longer they didn’t get information about him, the more they believed he died in the illness. Those big men build up their big gangs and fought with each other. All of them wanted to get this city.

None of them thought that the city owner would suddenly appear and spent only a night to beat up all of them. They lost their faces and were forced to follow the rules. They formed 50 men’s teams and went out to find food and other necessary things, while the ordinary humans got back their freedom and they could work in the city for food.

The old man finished his cigarette and stood up. He saw the young man stopped and seemed to be lost. He sighed and walked over to help him.

Queen was excited to walk around in the city. She still didn’t give up to find a lot of husbands and create her harem. After a while, she saw a nice guy. ’Hey, hey! Go over and ask his address! ’ she pulled Klaye’s clothes.

Klaye felt lost and stopped. He whispered. „What do you want to do with it?”

’What else? If he has a big house, he can be one of my real husbands, if not, then just a lover.’

„You really...” Klaye sighed and didn’t notice an old man walked over to them.

„Hey, boy! Do you need help?” he felt a little odd when he heard the man spoke to the cat, but he saw some pets used abilities too, so he didn’t mind it.

„Huh?” Klaye was surprised and forgot about he wanted to ask for some information.

The old man smiled when he saw Klaye and Queen looked at him with the same big eyes. „I can see that you are looking for something. Why don’t you tell me what it is? Maybe I can help you.”

Klaye finally reached and asked about the changes in the city. He was shocked when he heard about Vincent’s rampage.

’Shit! Such a good man and already has someone!’ Queen was desperate.

Klaye patted her head and thanked the old man. He asked some other things and left after a while.

There was only one road through the forest, but the city had 8 gates. This way the teams didn’t need to go through the city. They could use the closest gate to leave. There was a wide road around the city and there wasn’t any traffic jam. On the other hand, when the city would be under attack from any side, they could go out and build some lines of defense faster.

Today Klaye wanted to visit another gate. Almost all of his questions were answered by the old man, so now he wanted to see if the other teams collected pets too or not.

Queen enjoyed being escorted and looked around. Suddenly, she felt Klaye jolted and his arms hold her stronger.

’Hey! What are you doing?!’ she was angry.

When she looked up and saw Klaye’s shocked and a little frightened face she understood something wasn’t right. She looked around, but couldn’t find the cause of this.

„Why... he here...?” Klaye whispered.

If Queen wasn’t an animal she couldn’t hear his words. She didn’t know if they were in danger or not, so she just stabbed her nails into Klaye’s hand.

„Ah!” the pain helped Klaye to come back to his senses. He looked down and realized he almost strangled Queen. „I’m sorry!”

’You! Just who the hell did you see?!’

„... Someone, who beat me up some months before.” Klaye felt a little lost. He thought that Vincent already took care of them, but it seemed he intend to take his revenge slowly.

’Why?’ Queen was curious.

Klaye laughed and told her about Gardena and the other things. He thought maybe this was a good opportunity to change her thought about building her own harem.

Queen was shocked and for a while, she couldn’t speak. ’That... That woman! She dares to take away all the good man from my harem!’ her eyes shined and looked at Klaye. ’Follow him! We need more information to kill her!’

Klaye sighed. His attempt failed. „Okay.”

The man he just saw was Yeoman Orton, a distant relative of Ulland. He was adopted into the main family as his ’younger brother’, but everyone knew that he was just a little servant. Ha always ran around with errands and did bad things. Klaye never understood someone as prideful as Ulland how could accept a servant sleeping with the same woman as him?!

They followed him and Queen jumped out from Klaye’s arms. She waited until Yeoman reached a place with lesser passerby and ran to him. She meowed some and the man stopped and turned back slowly.

Queen looked into his eyes for a while, then ran back to Klaye. ’Okay, you can ask him.’

Klaye was speechless. He saw Yeoman’s empty eyes and swallowed. He never thought his stupid cat could control anyone so easily.

He went closer and asked him. „Why are you here?”

„Ulland asked me to get some medicine before we leave the city.” he said without any emotion.

Klaye realized he didn’t used the right words. „I mean, why you guys in the city? Didn’t Vincent... send you guys away?” he wanted to ask why they were still alive, but he realized they couldn’t know what Vincent thought.

„Vincent only threw us out from the villa. He never told that we can’t stay here.”

„Why you guys were throw out?” this was the thing he wanted to know the most. Vincent was reborn, but he couldn’t use things against them that happened in the future.

„That night when we beat you up, we mixed sleeping pills into his drink and we spend the night with Gardena. Someone took some photos of us in bed and send to him.”

Klaye’s chin fell. He never thought that they would be so daring to put a green hat on Vincent’s head even on the night of his engagement party. They were too crazy!

’What the hell?! She just became the fiancé of my Male God and slept with others?!’ Queen was bewildered. It was too much to her too.

Klaye shook his head to throw away some dirty thoughts. „Where is Gardena?”

„She living with us.”

Klaye wanted to ask more, but Queen stopped him.

’Let’s go! Now!’ her fur stoop up on her back and she ran away.

Klaye followed her and they only stopped after 10 minutes of running.

Klaye was out of breath. „Why... we ... needed to... leave?”

Queen still looked back nervously and walked around in a little circle in front of him. ’Something wasn’t right with him. When you asked about that woman, my power started to fade away.’

„Fade away?”

Queen finally sat down and tilted her head. ’It was as if it crashed into a stronger power... I not really know. My power only failed when I used it on you.’

„Oh.” Klaye nodded, but his body suddenly froze. „You used your power on me?!”

’Crap...’ Queen realized she said too much.

Klaye grabbed her and lifted her up. „What did you do with me?!”

’Hey! I said it’s failed! Do you understand?!’ she was desperate.

Queen was caught because those people used some kind of sleeping-gas. When she woke up she was already in the city. She wanted to leave the cage, but the humans she saw weren’t enough handsome and she didn’t intend to waste her power on them. She was happy when Klaye appeared. Such a beauty was perfect to be her servant, but she never ever thought that her power, what she used to control a lot of animals before, would fail when she used it on a weak little human.

’I... I just wanted to get back my freedom...’ she sighed.

Klaye watched her with narrowed eyes. „Let’s go back and we will speak about some rules and punishments!”

Queen cried a river in her heart. She followed Klaye because she wanted to know why her ability didn’t work on him. She never thought the ’curiosity killed the cat’ would be so true...

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