[BL] NEET life in the Apocalypse

Chapter 83—More People

Chapter 83—More People

by Bocchan13

By the time they finished preparing for winter, the cold had permeated the country. When they set out of the house for watering, they had to wear windbreakers and jackets. The cold would get even worse later in the month until they were almost unable to leave outside.

In the past, Song Yu had prioritized the animals, but now that he had more mouths to feed, he had to ensure they would make it through the winter. Last year, Song Yu had a small food shortage in terms of fresh ingredients and had to splurge on his ‘savory’ foods like ramen and microwavable foods, so this time during the autumn period; Song Yu planted 10x more vegetables that would be ready before the ground was covered in frost.

Days past and Song Yu took one last dip in the lake for purification just in case, under Lan Zhou’s watchful eyes. Shivering in his now-soaking clothes, a fluffy towel wrapped around him tightly as he left the lake. Lan Zhou used his ability to warm Song Yu up, hugging him warmly.

Lan Zhou pecked his lips and hastily picked him up and carried him to the villa, covering his body from the chilly air. Song Yu smiled cheekily and was about to be let down when they heard a rustling. Sensing something, Song Yu and Lan Zhou quieted down and listened carefully in the doorway.


Lan Zhou and Song Yu lowered their presence as the sound quieted down. Nodding to each other, Lan Zhou gently set Song Yu down and crept to the door on the left side leading to the morning nook. Song Yu was right behind him, his curiosity peaked.

Lan Zhou and Song Yu moved their heads into the doorway, making sure they wouldn’t be spotted. Song Yu wanted to gasp but was silenced by Lan Zhou.

Wu Ding was cornered between Yu Ci and a window. Both were tall men, but Yu Ci was built larger, his entire body blocking Wu Ding. His thick arms on both sides of Wu Ding, leaning in and…kissing!

Song Yu sucked in air and watched flabbergasted at this scene. Oh my god!

Song Yu continued to stare as Wu Ding, who was shocked shitless was now losing himself in the kiss, his hands moving to Yu Ci’s chest…

Lan Zhou wasn’t too surprised since he had seen the sparks fly between the two of them since day 1. But…Lan Zhou looked down to see the enraptured Song Yu with his gaping mouth open, showing his pink tongue.

He wanted to bite.

Lan Zhou gently backed away with Song Yu in tow, and gleefully picked him up to enjoy some of their own ‘exercise’. Song Yu blinked out of his reverie and slapped Lan Zhou’s butt,

“Animal! I still have to help Xiao Zi with the—wufmmmf!”

Song Yu was kissed senselessly and completely forgot about the couple downstairs.


Song Yu and Lan Zhou decided to meet up with Du Win one last time before travel became too difficult. Song Yu had learned from Du Win that he had upgraded. However, he didn’t get the aches and pain upgrading brought and wanted to learn more in depth to what Du Win’s ability was.

So on a cold bright morning, Song Yu and Lan Zhou left to the gasoline pit stop. They way was ridden with leaves that have already lost their color, the dryness creating crisp snaps as the tires rolled over them. It took them a few hours to get to the place, avoiding a few zombies on the road.

The zombies also knew the country was approaching winter and would hibernate in caves or underground. The less fortunate would be frozen until they thawed in spring. They approached the familiar gates and beckoned the watch tower.

The lookout was the young boy from last time. His face was slightly sallower, but otherwise not starving. Song Yu looked guilty as the boy took the spirit stone and nodded.

“I remember you guys. Du Win is inside with the other base leaders. They were actually gonna try to find ya.”

Song Yu and Lan Zhou looked at each other, both curious and alert. Song Yu nodded to the boy and handed him a pack a nuts he had stashed in his backpack. The young teen’s eyes brightened as he saluted them while they drove off.

“Why do you think they want to talk to us?”

Lan Zhou was also concerned but shrugged, “Its approaching winter…they might want to trade for food…They know we are well off.”

Song Yu could only nod silently.

On top of winter, they now had to deal with thieves. Just because they have a truce now…doesn’t mean it would last.

“Let’s just listen to their proposal now. We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.”

Song Yu felt a little bit better and got out when they parked near the building. The building seemed to be…a little more worn out than last time. Song Yu could feel several eyes on them but ignored it. Lan Zhou led the way to the building where they heard an argument inside, with Du Win’s voice being the loudest.

“You fucking assholes! You think I have enough food for that? Fuck that! It’s your problem!”

Song Yu gently knocked on the unhinged door, his voice clear.

“Du Win? You here?”

“Yeah, come in!” Du Win’s angry expression suddenly sprouted into a wide eating grin. He spit on the floor at the three base leaders and turned to see Song Yu and Lan Zhou.

“Oh my god!”

Du Win squinted his eyes as he looked at Song Yu. The light surrounding him seemed to be even brighter than last time. He was just a ball of sun at this point!

“Holy balls, what are you doing to upgrade so quickly?”

Song Yu scratched his chin and laughed awkwardly, “That’s the thing. I haven’t gone through an upgrade. I wanted to ask you if what you saw was really real.”

Du Win blinked as Song Yu’s shine pervaded his vision.

“I can’t lie. Your aura is so bright, I need fucking sunglasses.” Du Win pondered on it, before hesitantly asking.

“What’s your ability? Space ability? Hmm…I need to think on that a bit more.”

Song Yu didn’t elaborate and let Du Win think. The three base leaders were also inside the room and had been silent through this exchange. Song Yu averted eyes with Yu Hong and greeted them.

Ming Ze, Yu Hong and An Wei nodded back, but their worried looks did not dissipate. Lan Zhou shook hands with them, a little bit harder for Yu Hong, and asked questioningly.

“Did we come at a bad time? What’s going on?”

Ming Ze flipped her fiery red hair, her blazing eyes bright with anger. She bit out, “Our three bases have been under attack for the better part of a week. We think a Zombie King has surfaced.” She paused a little bit before continuing.

“My base fell a day ago. We lost around 200 people and left to An Wei’s base, but his base is on the route the zombies are heading. We wanted to leave members here in the gas stop, but Du Win doesn’t have enough man power and Yu Hong’s base was besieged a week prior, but they were able to survive, but their food supply was overtaken.”

The three base leader’s faces were grim. Song Yu and Lan Zhou listened aptly, silently weighing the pros and cons.

They had enough supplies for them to go through winter comfortably…but if they brought over a hundred people into their base…Song Yu and Lan Zhou didn’t want to let their home be invaded, but didn’t want to let these innocent people die.

“Show me a map of the zombie hoard trajectory. They will be slower and ultimately freeze in two weeks or so. There might be something I can think of.” Song Yu’s authoritative voice echoed in the space.

Ming Ze looked at Song Yu gratefully. Since the very beginning of the apocalypse, Ming Ze had always been in charge. From the cubicle company in G City where she escaped with a dozen colleagues, to getting an earth ability and finally settling in a small suburban neighborhood with over 300 people.

Now that the numbers decreased significantly, did Ming Ze feel so helpless. She showed Song Yu where the zombie’s attacked which was from the south.

“You have an earth ability right?”

Ming Ze nodded.

“How many people are left from your base?” Ming Ze lowered her head, tears glistening.


Song Yu gently patted her head.

“It’s okay.”

Ming Ze acknowledged the sympathy but kept firm.

“If I find that fucking Zombie King bastard, I’m gonna fucking pulverize him.” Her tone got colder as her eyes sharpened. Song Yu felt the floor shake quite a bit.

“Aherm, well what I can do is lead you guys to a small village near our base. It’s about 4 hours away from here, the houses are rudimentary but enough for 200+ people. The good thing is, it’s near a lake source that’s not polluted with the virus, and has enough space for vegetable planting. You can settle down here,”

Song Yu pointed to the north-west of their location. Near enough to their base that they could help, but far enough away that they shouldn’t come unless something was important.

Ming Ze looked at the map and saw that the area Song Yu pointed to was in the middle of nowhere.

“Song Yu…you sure there’s a village there?”

Song Yu nodded.

“What about gas, food and warmth for the winter?”

Song Yu patiently ratted off a few things he remembered from his previous life. “These villages still have kang beds, and I can provide coal enough for each family to burn at night. During the day, you guys will have to use any fire ability users and can reinforce the houses using your earth ability.”

Ming Ze listened in rapture, the big cloud of darkness lifting up. Her eyes sparkled as Song Yu continued to speak.

Not only Ming Ze, but Yu Hong, Du Win and An Wei were also listening carefully. Ming Ze suddenly hugged Song Yu, her big strong arms completely encircling him.

“Song Yu! You’re a heaven sent holy god! I love you!!!”

Ming Ze was about to kiss Song Yu, but was jerked back on her shirt collar. Angered, she threw a punch at whoever it was, but froze when she met eyes with the darkening Lan Zhou.


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