[BL] NEET life in the Apocalypse

Chapter 89—Love at first sight

Chapter 89—Love at first sight

by Bocchan13

New Era Calender—April 19th 22 years after the Fall

Lan Zhou’s stared deeply at the sleeping figure. A blush covered his ears…then his neck…then his face. Ultimately, in the end, Lan Zhou looked like a ripe tomato. Xiao Zi perceptively saw Lan Zhou’s expression, drawing conclusions in his head.

“Hey, we’re fighting for our lives right now. Can you play Casanova later?”

Lan Zhou gulped, his vision still on the beautiful being on the bed.


Xiao Zi rolled his eyes. He wiped the mud off of his glasses and took in the scene intuitively.

“Is this guy dead?”

Lan Zhou looked at Xiao Zi in horror.

“Check on him! What if he’s dying??”

Xiao Zi rolled his eyes, “He’s here for a reason. Is he a captive? Is this Paradise Bases jail? Why didn’t he wake up? Even children don’t sleep this deeply when there’s a (aherm) dangerous entity.”

Lan Zhou got more and more worried. He gently walked to the bed, his eyes roving over the figure, trying to find any hidden wounds while also looking at the cuteness of this person.

He’s too cute to be dead.

Xiao Zi had no scruples about normality and immediately took the wrist of the sleeping man. The man didn’t wake up. Xiao Zi’s eyes furrowed in dismay but continued his diagnosis. Sighing heavily, he turned to the puppy-faced buffoon.

“He overused his ability and went into a coma-like state. I can’t heal this level of overuse. He has to survive on his own. He is malnourished, underfed, overworked and the space here has no sunlight causing a vitamin d deficiency. I’m not sure when he’s going to wake up.”

Lan Zhou’s eyes grew gentler and gentler the more Xiao Zi spoke.

What horrible things could have made him so miserable?

Article #87 When your partner is sick, always make sure they are well-cared for! A card, a bouquet, even a heat pack will work fine! Lovers need the assurance from their partners that they can provide! Buy 2 get 1 free at the supermarket this Sunday for the lovey dovey tissue pair!

Lan Zhou felt up and down on his rubber suit, but could only find some stinky jerky. No lovey dovey tissue, no card, no bouquet!

Lan Zhou dismayed in silence as Xiao Zi took some gloves from his medical kit, checking Song Yu for any injuries. Looking from the corner of his eyes at the stupid Lan Zhou, he could only sigh.

“This person will be fine. I’m going to heal him, at least for now. We’ll ask about the situation of Paradise Base when he wakes up. For now, it seems like there is some food stuffed in that cabinet. Let’s eat a little bit and rest.”

Lan Zhou nodded and went to the cabinet. Peering in carefully, he saw a bottle of water, small crackers and some dried vegetables. With the beef jerky, they could make a few things.

Xiao Zi injected the man with his healing abilities. Xiao Zi had just reached Level 8 a while ago, and was proficient in healing fatigue. Ever since the apocalypse happened, Xiao Zi was always in a rush to make the cure. But there was something that all ability users suffered from: Ability fatigue.

The overuse and over abuse of their abilities causing a backlash, level manifestation and explosion was an ability user’s nightmare. But this individual looked to have always reserved at least 2% before going into a coma.

It was an efficient way to utilize their ability. But the backlash of doing such a stunt for more than a few years would make the user go deeper and deeper into unconsciousness. This is probably the issue with this individual.

A burst of golden light enveloped the room, causing the person in the bed to wrinkle his eyes in displeasure. Xiao Zi didn’t mind and continued to press his palm on the person’s back, not withholding his abilities in the slightest. Xiao Zi could feel the overwhelming power this person possessed.

Lan Zhou watched in rapture as the blue circles under the man’s eyes lessened and the sallow pasty skin turned into a healthier complexion.

It took Xiao Zi three hours to complete everything. Sighing in relief, both Xiao Zi and Lan Zhou lay side by side next to the bed, both in their own world.

Lan Zhou was thinking about the stranger, whilst Xiao Zi was thinking about Lu Jingxiu.

Lu Jingxiu left in the middle of the night a week ago to get back up. Xiao Zi didn’t blame him for doing so. Seeing two of their friends perish was something everyone in their group felt deeply. But although he didn’t blame him, it didn’t mean he wasn’t sad about it.

I wonder if I can ever see him again.

The darkness of the cellar meant that there was no sense of time of day. Lan Zhou took first watch, whilst Xiao Zi went to sleep. Lan Zhou carefully got up from the floor and took a stool before plopping it down next to the strangers face.

Lan Zhou felt the pumping in his blood and the complete sense of fulfillment envelope his senses. Throughout his entire 49 years, he has always been alone. Before the apocalypse and after, seeing love and joy pass him by.

But now he understood why.

Because he hadn’t met him yet.

He gently took his callused finger and pet the tip of the man’s nose. A small smile broke through his face, as the man scrunched it before going back to sleep.

Would he like me as much as I like him?

Would he think I was crazy that I fell in love at first sight?

These turbulent thoughts invaded his mind. Lan Zhou felt a little sleepy, so he gently laid his head next to the pillow, facing the man.

Looking at him briefly, Lan Zhou closed his eyes.

Song Yu felt comfortable.

A kind of comfortable he hadn’t experienced ever since the apocalypse. Eyes still closed, Song Yu briefly smelled fresh pine and wet grass. He could also hear a distinct breath close to his own.

Is Ye Zhou here?

Song Yu groggily opened his eyes. It was still dark…but there was a shimmering blue light in the corner of his peripherals. He blinked a few times in confusion.

Did Ye Zhou finally get a flashlight for him?

Song Yu’s eyes touched briefly on the light before he turned his head. His mouth slowly opened in shock at the sight.

A man in his fifties with silver threads in his hair. A trimmed beard with silver threads covered half of his face whilst the man’s closed eyes showed a cold expression. He had a small scar on the corner of his eye, showing debonair and danger whilst being charismatic. His head was laid next to his, not encroaching on the pillow, but still upright enough for them to be eye to eye.

Song Yu’s heart thumped erratically as he continued to stare at him.

He was really his type! That sleeping figure, that body, that face. 10! 10! 10! 

Am I dreaming?

I must be dreaming! A hot silver fox is sleeping right next to me! Haha! Oh my god! He’s gorgeous!

Song Yu smiled gleefully, turning his entire body to face this stud.

This is my dream! I can do whatever the hell I want! Huhuhuhuhhuhhuu!

Song Yu immediately got up, his gaze still on the sleeping man. He licked his lips as he trailed down his body, seeing the man’s outfit. Awash in dark blue, with rubber infused materials. Although old, he had power in his muscles, even when asleep.

Song Yu slurped back his saliva. Ooolala! My imagination has outdone itself this time!

He was about to slap the man’s butt gleefully when the man opened his eyes. Song Yu smiled happily, his gorgeous eyes lighting up in excitement.

Lan Zhou blinked as the beautiful mirage set aside the blanket showing his slender figure. Although he was quite bony, the smiling face completely changed his visage from a cute kitten to an even cuter kitten.

Lan Zhou watched silently as the man circled his arms around his neck, his face coming closer and closer to his own. A blush spread through his face as the man kissed his forehead.

Devoutly, sincere, and overwhelmingly soulful.

The man smiled as he gazed lovingly into Lan Zhou’s eyes.

“Let’s fuck!”

Lan Zhou:….



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