[BL] Trick or Treat!

[1] Fate’s Winding Paths Under Cathaya

Fate’s Winding Paths Under Cathaya

by Mysticant




Premise Tags: Slice of life, Slow Romance,

School Life, Books, Nonlinear,

Energetic MC, Cool and Calm ML,

Modern Day, Heartwarming.

Content Warnings: N/A.




“Hey, will you no longer stay in Zhejiang anymore?”

A voice echoed out from behind.

Longshan turned his head back as he saw a familiar figure.

Red dyed bangs with a curly perm.

Blue eyes with well-defined sharp features.

A slender build with just the right amount of muscles.

Checkered collar shirt and dark green jeans.

It was a figure that stood by his side and supported him in the toughest moments.

The senior from his literature club at Zhejiang University.






“It is okay even if you want to cry…”

A distant memory flashed before him, whereby he was in the man’s embrace.

It was during a cold autumn evening under the tall 60-feet Cathaya tree.

The giant evergreen cast a dark shadow upon the couple who stood under it.

There was not any chirping of the sparrows nor the screeching of crickets.

Only solemn silence.

Jinfang gently hugged Longshan as tears trickled from his eyes.

It was a stressful period for Longshan.

His studies were not going too well.

His projects had many complications that were difficult to resolve.

His female partner for 8 years had chosen to leave him for another man.

Longshan felt cornered.




“Hey, little Xi, did you see that stone slab. It was an epitaph written in the Ming period by a famed… The tattered book over there is one of the rare works of Confuscianism that survived the fire…”

A little 6-year-old boy followed behind his father as he looked around the museum with sparkling eyes.

Every piece of work inside fascinated him, each hid a story of their own, awaiting to be told.

A story hidden, waiting to be discovered…

A young budding seed lay deep inside the innocent child.




Years later, a handsome young man with black bangs stood by the school gate.

Celebratory cheers could be heard from the distance.

It was his high school graduation ceremony.

Longshan had graduated as the valedictorian of his year.

As an aspiring historian, he had chosen to chase his dreams against his parents’ wishes and his friends’ advice.

Such a career was relatively unstable, the prospects were not very bright.

Even his girlfriend at that point in time tried to persuade him against it.

Longxi had many opportunities to enter many desired courses like engineering and programming in local or even famed distant universities.

However, Longshan still chose to chase his passion as he traversed from his hometown Guangxi to a famed university in another province.

He had worked tirelessly.

14 hours a day for 15 years.

All for an opportunity to realize his dreams.

He thought that coming to university would have been a bright start to his future.

That he could finally spread his white wings and reach his ambition.




Everything was initially manageable at the start as he got used to the new environment.

Longshan had to learn to be independent as he moved out to an apartment on his own.

He had to also maintain a long-distance relationship with his partner as they wrote letters every week.

Things were going according to plan on the surface.

Decent deadlines, cooperative work with friendly classmates, interesting yet manageable curriculum.

Unfortunately, everything had deep undercurrents.

The friends whom he had made were all wearing masks, the workload that he thought he could handle were all illusory, the passion he thought would be inextinguishable seemed to wither and fade as time passed…

Even the letters from home and his partner gradually decreased.

From a week to a fortnight, to a month, and now there were no replies.

Longshan was no longer the young and naïve freshman from the first year but rather a tired weary senior.

All that was left were the remnants of a broken man.

The downtrodden man wandered aimlessly around the campus.

All the vibrance and colors he felt initially of his wonderful new life seemed to dull into a tiring monochrome.




The lost young man then walked past a room in a secluded corner of the campus.

The door was slightly ajar.

A faint sour scent of decay could be smelt, it was the smell of aged yellow paper.

Curiosity welled in the tired man as he chose to give a light knock.

Silence ensued.

He then gently opened the door.

What greeted Longshan was a common scene.

However, that simple scene was burned in his retina as if he could remember it crystal clear even up to this day.

A young man with red curly bangs was seated by a wooden desk with his back facing the window.

The evening glow drowned the room with warm vermillion color as it further emphasized the man’s madden red hair, casting various hues of orange and red.

He was gently flipping the page of a red book.

The man seemed to be engrossed in his book as he did not hear the previous knock.

Longshan was amazed by the sight of this man.

His slender features were as if a work of art.

His serious expression as he concentrated on his book, gave him a feeling of nostalgia.

What kind of familiar feeling is this, I wonder?

Longshan thought momentarily as he observed the man.

There was nothing but silence beside the occasional flipping of a page.

One man was looking at his book, while the other was looking at the former.

Minutes passed as the evening glow started to dim as the sun hid away in the horizon.

Oh right, this dedication and passion. It felt similar to when I was young back then…

Yes, it brought a brief sense of realization to the young black-haired man.

Of what he had always aspired and what he had lost.

Thoughts filled Longshan’s mind as he continued to look at the reading man’s figure.

Soon the sun had set, and all that remained was the light from the fluorescent bulb hanging from the ceiling.

The cycle which seemed transient yet endless finally came to an end.


The red book was shut closed.

Longshan was disrupted from his momentary reverie.

The man with red curly permed hair then placed the book down on the wooden desk before looking upwards.

The red-haired man looked in surprise as though he had not expected Longshan’s presence.

However, the words that came out next betrayed such expectations.

“Oh, what a surprise. Hello there, kind visitor…”

His voice was calm and sonorous, making it pleasant to any listener.

However, the man’s words were suddenly interrupted.

“P-please, let me join this club!”

A loud and strong voice filled with passion came out.

Longshan’s face at that time was bright red and filled with eagerness, yet the sun had long set.




Jinfang’s chest was warm and cozy like a fireplace.

Yet, it was also strong, firm, and reliable like the infallible tree they stood under.

Longshan could always remember that man with his cool and calm smile as he watched over with a tender gaze.

Such memories may have been few, but they were his most treasured ones.

“Yes, Jinfang. I will be moving over to the US.”

A firm reply was given.




It was a very sudden but pleasant encounter.

That was the impression that was deeply imprinted into Jinfang’s mind.

The young red-haired man was just going on with his usual routine as he continued to read books in that small, secluded room in the university campus.

Every day repeated a similar pattern, going to courses in the morning, coming to the clubroom in the afternoon.

This routine continued on and on like an endless cycle.




Jinfang was a man who was raised in a scholar-like family, many of the family members were famed scholars, professors, and academicians that spanned a wide social circle.

“Little Fang, always remember your roots. Your body is like a pen, your heart is like a book. We do not expect you to soar above others, but at least embrace the family tradition.”

These words were repeatedly ingrained into him by his parents, grandparents, uncles, and aunts.

Even his cousins and elder sister were all famed or uprising scholars.

Every fortnight, there would be a family dinner where everyone comes by and talk about the current affairs, developments in academia or talk about various ideas or topics.

To Jinfang who was always surrounded by people who loved books, he too had learned to appreciate them.

However, Jinfang did not share the same level of passion as that of his kin.

To him, books were like his real family who told him stories like-kind fathers and mothers who would read to their children.

This was unlike his father and mother who were too busy to even care for both him and his sister as they left early at dawn and only returned home deep into the night, usually after he had fallen asleep.

This also extended into the weekends.

Despite living in the same household, Jinfang would seldom actually greet his parents besides the fortnightly family reunion.

Jinfang would often feel that books were closer to his real family than his actual family.

He would hide in the library after school and only return home late at night.

They had not only provided him with entertainment of a distant fantasy.

They had also provided him company unlike if he had just returned to that silent and solitary house.

To the studious Jinfang, these books naturally were great assistances towards his grades.

Even without much effort towards studying, his scores were naturally towards the upper end of the bell curve.

Soon, the young man chose to leave Wenzhou for the distant Zhejiang University.

In his heart lay a silent hope, to be away from that suffocating space.

Yet, the conditions for his departure were simple.

Jinfang had to choose a course in humanities and literature to continue family traditions.

To be honest, he did not really mind it either.

Books were his solace.

They were more expressive than humans, less deceptive and one could choose when to stop the interaction.

Thus, Jinfang joined the liberal arts and humanities department as a freshman.

He had met all sorts of people out there.

Some attempted to reach out to him, others ignored him.

People who know of his background may choose to try and curry favor with him and there are others who treat him with sincerity.

However, the young man did not care.

He had long stopped placing significance towards maintaining relations.

As an introvert, he was slowly outcasted.

Therefore, his only solace was the literature club.

There was only one other member who was a graduating senior.

She was a kind young lady with a gentle disposition.

This senior may have only been in the small club for about two short months before leaving to do her thesis.

However, she was one of the few people Jinfang could feel close and comfortable towards.




“Hey, Jinfang. What would you do once I leave?”

A kind and mellow voice sounded out as a girl with a braided ponytail placed a yellow tattered book back into the bookshelf.

Her wavering voice seemed to have a tone of helplessness.

“I don’t know. Perhaps, I will just continue to read by myself in this room. It is nice and quiet.”

Jinfang replied in a calm tone.

“But you would be alone then. It would be good to at least have someone to interact with you.”

She complained softly, though her gentle tone makes it seem like a mother scolding a lonesome child who refused to make friends.

“Don’t worry, senior. I will be able to manage this place, like always. It is like my second home.”

Jinfang replied with cold calculating confidence.

“I already told you to call me Xuehua, not senior! Alright then, I will leave it to you. If you have any problems, do not hesitate to call my number, okay?”

The warm voice echoed out as the door of the literature club gently closes shut.

The figure of the young lady in braided hair then disappeared with the wind.

Jinfang felt no reason to contact her.

Xuehua herself was busy with her graduating project and felt awkward to stop by without any request from the young man.

Time passed.

A year, two years.

Xuehua had long graduated already.

There has only been a single figure in this secluded literature club.

It was a pattern that repeated itself like a broken tape recorder.

Until that day.




“P-please let me join this club!”

A loud yet nervous stuttering voice sounded out.

It came from a black-haired young man.

Jinfang was surprised by this sudden proclamation.

There has not been a visitor in a long time, and one suddenly appeared.

Moreover, this new visitor asked to join this unpopular club which no one may even think to have existed.

Jinfang was at a loss as he had read many novels out there, but he had yet to find one with an answer to this scenario.

The new visitor’s red flushed face soon regain its pale complexion.

The young man in black hair then gave a light cough as he extended his hand.

“Oh, I am sorry for that rude and sudden exclamation. My name is Longshan, from the historical department.”

“Jinfang, humanities and literature.”

A short and astute reply along with a hand to receive that lonesome greeting.

Longshan’s face brightened up as he happily grasped upon the offered hand.

Thus, this was their first meeting and handshake.




“Hey Jinfang, how about going out for once?”

A cheerful and confident voice sounded out.

It came from the black-haired young man.

Longshan was carrying in a cardboard box filled with new books that were meant for disposal from a local library.

“Hmm, I have no real needs besides books by my side.”

A calm voice responded.

The red, curly-haired Jinfang remained seated by that wooden desk, similar to the first day of their encounter.

He slowly flipped another page.

This time it was from another book, which had a blue cover.

‘The Three Body Problem’.

A sci-fi novel that was written by a famed author.

Jinfang seemed fairly engrossed in the content as he deeply concentrated on the text.


A light tug could be felt on his sleeve.

Jinfang momentarily diverted his attention from his book as he looked upwards.

Above was a face that was filled with concern as a pleading expression could be seen.

“Come on Jinfang, you have always been reading in here. Since before I have joined the club, and even after these past 6 months. We should have a change of pace.”

The young black-haired man said in a begging tone.

Jinfang stared at Longshan.

This scene was faintly reminiscent.

One that from a distant past.

That of two years ago.

It was similar to back then with the female senior, Xuehua was it?

He had thought to himself.

Looking back, Jinfang also did felt kind of guilty that he did not accept his kind senior’s offer to help.

I should change.

Such a thought raced across his mind as he closed his eye lightly.

“Sure, why not. I hope that you can plan it, I am not confident with such things…”

His calm and sonorous voice echoed out as if it was a tune from a guqin.

“Really!? Yes, no problem! Leave it to me…”

Longshan’s voice sounded out in pleasant surprise and excitement as his expressions brightened up.

The silent and solitary literature club was no longer solemn and lonely.

It was slowly being replaced with a new glow.

A feeling of joy and perhaps camaraderie.




A trip to the shopping mall.

A train ride to a neighboring province.

A small hike up a hill.

A visit to the aquarium.

Many such small memories were made.

Longshan took the lead to plan the events.

Linfeng silently and patiently followed along.

Often the red curly-haired young man would struggle to keep up with the energy of Longshan.

However, Longshan always made backup plans like nearby cafes or retreats where both could stop by and relax.

“Come, Jinfang! The café is just a few steps away!”

A bright and energetic voice sounded out as Longshan turned his body to face the approaching red-haired man in a checkered jacket and jeans.

Light perspiration could be seen as faint pants could be heard from the man.

“Al-alright, Longshan. Just give me a moment.”

A cold and calm reply returned that had slight stutters as Jinfang gasped for breath.

Yet, the reply had a hint of excitement and anticipation.

A small upward arc could be seen from the usual neutral smile that hung upon Jinfang’s tired face.




“I hope you enjoyed today’s trip!”

A happy voice sounded out as Longshan flashed a big smile.


The train hustled as it departed from the station.

The sun had already set as the street was lit up by the various streetlamps.

The young black-haired man who wore a black windbreaker and red collared shirt with blue jeans turned to face Jinfang.

Jinfang revealed a light smile as his eyes turned into crescents.

“Yes, the journey and your company were very pleasant.”


Jinfang’s eyes opened in wide surprise.

Hands could be seen crossing against his back, pulling him forward.

It was a strong embrace.

Longshan had moved forward and tightly hugged the red-haired man.



Utter chaos.

Such feelings were rampant inside Jinfang’s heart as he had not expected such a move.

This is not within my calculations.

His mind managed to utter out this sentence as many thoughts raced through his head.

He could not see Longshan’s expression due to the hug.

A faint scent of sweat could be whiffed as both of them had just walked a trail in the neighboring province.

“Thank you…”

Two words sounded out.

Jinfeng’s wide eyes softened as his mind processed the speaker’s intention.

“You have actually tried to do things beyond what you usually do just for my selfishness. For that, I am grateful.”

Warm words came out as the two were still hugging each other.

It was a weird sensation.

Both could not see each other’s faces.

Yet, such emotions could easily be transferred to the other party.


A cold and calm voice replied.

“Thank you. You have brought me to see a world beyond these books. A world that I would not have thought to see without you.”

Jinfang continued as his arms slowly wrapped around Longshan.

The two then continued their hug in the train station with only the moon as their observer.




“You know, I have always been grateful for our meeting.”

Longshan’s words echoed out as he glanced towards the setting sun.

“You probably do not know how many times you have saved me. Since our meeting up till now. Perhaps, the biggest and happiest memories I ever had mainly lay inside that small literature club.”

His words sounded out with a faint sense of nostalgia as well as reluctance.

“I have managed to advance my work and produced a brilliant thesis. The professor said that it would be beneficial for my future career to do this foreign study exchange. Can you imagine it? It is with one of the famed universities in the Ivy League!”

His words had sounded out with much vigor and excitement, yet there was a faint undertone hidden between his words.

“None of this could have been possible without you. Thank you, Jinfang.”

Longshan continued to speak in monologue as the red-haired man listened behind him.

Then there was silence.

No words were spoken, but a silent conversation between the two lifelong friends continued as they both looked at the setting sun.

A faint breeze brushed upon the both of them as the leaves of the Cathaya tree above ruffled gently in response.

Dancing in the wind.

Soon, the silence was broken.

“You know…”

Slow words came out from behind.

A light rub could be felt on his neck as Longshan could feel Jinfeng’s head rest lightly on his shoulder from behind.

Jinfeng’s arms gently wrapped around the black-haired young man.

“You have also been the one to save me. You brought me salvation apart from the books that I dearly love.”

He said in a gentle tone.

“You have brought color to my monochromatic life.”

He continued as he turned the Longshan who was staring at the disappearing sun.

“Thank you for that.”

The deep voice said as the red-haired man gently closed his eyes and craned his neck forward.

Longshan did not show any signs of surprise or struggle.

He just accepted the embrace and whatever that was to come.

By then, the sun was already too embarrassed to peek upon their actions as it hid behind the distant mountain.

The only observer remaining would be the lone Cathaya tree who gazed down warmly on the duo.




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