[BL] Trick or Treat!

[7] Log.exe


by Killokii


Premise Tags: Sci-fi,

Post-apocalyptic, Android, AI,

Mystery, Obsession, Nonlinear,

Human-Nonhuman Relationship.

Content Warnings: some gore.













Splattered on the ground, the man blinked open his eyes as golden liquid splattered off his body. His mind was frighteningly empty as his eyes blankly turned to the unknown figure above him.

Locking gazes, the one above opened his lips, [Hello patient.]


That was all he could muster back.









Waving his hand in the direction of the camera, the man’s eyes traced the lense with intrigue. He stretched his arm forward, however his fingers caught nothing but air. 

”???…. Why did it leave?” saying so, the man shifted his head to the figure behind him who answered in a dry, monotone voice.

[I moved it.]

The man harrumphed, “Then bring it back? I simply want to see how it works… or, Is that too hard to ask?”

[How it functions does not concern you,] answered the voice, [Moreover, those are part of my main body. Touching them would be the human equivalent of sexual harassment. Any touch will be handled as a sexual offense and be dealt with protocol IPA6213. Please be warned.]

“…..” Yearningly gazing at the camera that stood just out of his reach, the man’s brows tied into a knot. Rather mournfully, he tore his eyes away and focused back on another thing that piqued his interest.


His pupils licked over his limbs, sliding over his pale skin and black clothes and ultimately landing at the thing that felt most out of place for him. It was a metal plate embedded in his flesh that etched with a few digits—


Tracing his fingers over it, the man shifted his attention to the owner of the robotic voice.

It was a male-shaped android that worked dutifully to remove mutated plants that dug into the walls. He had been doing so ever since the man woke up, laboriously restoring this city-like ruin. 

Tiling his head, the man’s eyes locked onto worn writing that was exposed due to the android— 


Yes, this humongous building was called the ARK and it was one of the last sanctuaries of the apocalypse. It also appeared…. That he himself was the last human alive. At least, the last human in this sanctuary. Though this was all information he received from the android.

Zoning out, the young man followed the yellow wires that came out of the androids' back to a giant core-like machine. It was suspended in the middle of the building under that glass dome ceiling above, heaving slowly as if breathing. Vein-like wires originated from it, spreading all over the ARK as if forming an interwoven nervous system.

“That thing… you said it is your main body? Is it not the ARK operating system?” Asked the man, utterly in awe of the sublime structure. As a man who studied science to breathe life into his soul, witnessing such a feat of human ingenuity made his blood seethe.

Sensing his enthusiasm, the android turned to him, [You are not wrong, my function is part of the ARK.] 

With that, the android's face was displayed in full. It was a frankly ominous appearance as the upper half of his face was all but glass, exposing the brain floating in the golden liquid inside

[Have you curbed your curiosity?] the android said, cameras lowering closer again.

“No.” Smiled the man.

He then got up trying to explore again. Though, That task was cut incredibly short as the doors of the room slammed into his face before he got anywhere.

“….” The man’s face darkened as he shot the android a gaze that could kill, “what is this?”

[Registered ‘no’ as ‘yes’. Please submit a health log and return to your sleeping quarters.] 

The man’s intensity increased, “oh? But shouldn't you follow human commands? Isn’t this disobedience?”

[No,] it answered, [currently you are not classified as human but as patient. As such, you do not have the authority to give commands.]

“…..” the man's expression twisted.

[Do not worry, all I do is with the patient's best in mind. We need to finish here and return you to the sleeping quarters. Nighttime is dangerous as the damage the ARK has sustained allows low-level infected to enter. They may pose a danger to you.] continued the android.

“…Fine.” Said the man as he narrowed his eyes and looked at one of the cameras, “so all I have to do is record my condition?”

[It is to help me make an assessment as well as to track your progress.] replied the android.

“Hmm, I see… Uhh… so.. how do I start?” the man scrunched up his brows.

Though even with such a query, the man spoke by himself a moment later, “I forgot my name, but according to this android, my name is Eve. My identification number is 191 and I am… or rather, I was the head scientist at SPES laboratories. It was a couple of hundred years ago by now as I've been persevered. And before that preservation, I was working on the human preservation project— though my memories of that time are largely fuzzy. It must be a side effect of being in the Nano-Chamber for so long…”

“Ah, back to my body… I and this android did some scans and…. it is ruined…. But despite that, it holds no signs of infection or mutation………! and a lot of my cellular structure is very unnatural, not to mention there are little signs of aging. I wonder why this may be, but now saying it out loud, I think it should also be a side effect of the Nano-Chambers. This is probably what happened to the rest of the humans on the ARK, being kept in their chambers until their eventual death….”

At this point, Eve frowned. “I always told those crooks up there that they are too early for implementation… The question is how did I end up in one after that? Uggh….. It’s no use worrying about that now though, rather we should focus on how to repair my body and then….”










In a large lab, muffled screams reverberated in the air.

Eve was currently encased in a capsule with grotesque tubes inserted into his body. He was screaming hard, even the amber liquid all around him failed to keep it from the outside world.

This struggle seemed to have gone on for hours until the capsule doors snapped open. Dumped onto the floor, Eve heaved heavily as bile drained away into the iron grid below, inelegantly joining with the amber slid down his body.

Breathing harshly, Eve's eyes slowly regained focus. He sat up, roughly tearing off the tubes with one hand as the other took a syringe from the side and stabbed it into his thigh.

He watched as blood crawled up the needle into the device, a holographic chart appearing above mere seconds later. And carefully reading through it… a very different scream filled the air.

“Hey Android! Look at this!” Shouted Eve with red cheeks. 

Excited, He wobbly hopped to the other side of the room, making his way up to the android who was mixing various substances.

Sensing his presence, the android did not pause what it was doing as a camera descended to view the hologram in his stead.

[Heart rate increased by 0.31%] said the android, [the new alteration program for the nanomachines is effective. I will look more into it.]

Ecstatic, Eve put his hands on his cheeks, “Ahh this is a breakthrough! Ahh, are you recording this?!”

[Obviously,] replied the android as it went off to the side and opened a hologram terminal.

Pushing the android aside, Eve took over the terminal as he gleefully licked over the code on the screen. Immediately, he started moving his fingers as changes appeared all over the code.

[Patient, stop that…] frowned the android as he tried to pry Eve off the terminal, but that just led Eve to grab onto a nearby column with one hand as the other still furiously typed. [patient….]

Eve grinned, “wasn’t it I who made the improvements that finally propelled my condition? For the last month, you have had no progress! I was the one who pulled this though! Ha! it seems that although you are smart, innovative you are not! Don’t worry, you are not useless, just smooth things over once I am done!”

[But… you are the patient… I am supposed to be in charge of your health,] said the android, his glow changing from a mellow yellow to an annoyed orange.

Eve just raised his brow, “But can you do this better than me?” 

[…] letting go, the android lowered his head as a depressed air grew around him. But even in defeat, the android still bought Eve a chair so he would not strain himself.

Meanwhile, Eve gasped, “34.7C…. This is the highest my temperature has been ever since I woke up! Oh, how splendid!”

Sensing him spiral into thought once more, the android took the chance to insert a tube from the ceiling into the collar on eve's neck. Soon, nutrition supplements flowed into Eve's body while the android rechecked his body for unwanted side effects.

A few more hours passing by, the android internal clock told him it was time for dinner. Inserting another tube into Eve's collar, he turned off all the holograms in the room as he started clearing up the lab.

Eve tried to protest, but feeling the liquid from the tube going down his throat, he shut up.

“It’s already late?” Murmured Eve, lacking any sense of time as there were no windows in the lab.

[Yes patient, it is time for you to go rest, long hours awake could harm your body.]

Eve frowned, leaning back as he spun on his chair, “the curfew is quite the annoyance… and for the last time… would you stop calling me patient? Considering you are my doctor, it’s very impersonal… “

The android did not even pause to think, [No.]

“…” Eve wasn’t too happy.

The android kindly elaborated, [Patient is patient,]

“Why do you have to be so stubborn about this?” Eve rolled his eyes.

[Because patient is patient….] said the android, his yellow glow transforming red. 

Eve knew the silly thing was becoming angry so he raised his hands in surrender. Hopping off his chair, he lost his balance as the android caught him just in the nick of time.

With the android soon helping him out of the lab, Eve spoke as he waited for the dizziness to pass. “Okay, I’m going to sleep then. Ah, can you straighten up my work? I want to conduct a test tomorrow.”

[Very well. Please head to the sleeping area and wash up. I shall come to deliver the morning nutrition at the same time next morning like today.]

Feeling Eve walking normally again, the android let him go as he turned on his heel. However as he walked to god knows where, the cameras still stared at Eve with much intensity, [I must stress, Do not wander off again to a place out of the range of the cameras, you are prone to getting lost. Fainting outside the safe area may cause damage to your condition.]

“Got it.” Smiled Eve as he ran off.

Of course, despite his words, he didn’t get the android’s memo.

He was far too eager to explore this place, in fact, it has become his new favorite pastime.

Skillfully pathing out of the gaze of the cameras, Eve visited the outer areas of the ARK as he used a light lit by nanobots to bring the scenes to life around him. Here, the mutant plants that were all removed by the android in the main area grew rampant, drilling from wall to wall and from room to room as the metal underneath them was all but rust.

With eyes rolling in his sockets, his brain was constantly fed stimulation as he did his best to guess what the rooms' past functions were. But his joy was soon ended as a stench of rot perforated his nose— not of dying plants but one of dead flesh.

He stopped.

Next to him, there lay a headless corpse.

Blood splattered all around, old enough to almost melt into the metal yet fresh enough for it still being identifiable.

Eve tilted his head to the side, intrigued rather than frightened at the sight.

After all, before he was frozen in time, he had lived in the most violent epoch of the apocalypse. Death and violence were not strangers to him. 

But what felt strange was its existence here.

The android did mention the presence of low-level infected in the area, but the corpse appeared far too clean to be killed by them. It was also rather fresh— it had yet to turn into nothing but bones.

Scrunching his brow, Eve swatted down as he brought his light closer. His eyes narrowed, glued to the metal plate that was embedded into the corpse's arm.


Titling his head at the number, Eve chewed it in his head. Immersed in this train of thought, he failed to notice the area slowly bathing in red as creaking footsteps slithered up behind him.
















“Damn that scared me!” Shouted Eve as he dug into the grounds and buried some seeds, “I thought I was going to die you know!”

[I told you not to go out at night, infected are a threat.] spoke the android flatly as he took a watering can and poured red water on the plant. It instantly grew into a flower, a flower that Eve promptly dug out. […I know you're in the middle of something… but what is… all this?]

The android's cameras were all staring at Eve who was now leaning on a shovel, wearing primitive overalls and a large sun hat— mind you, the ARK’s sky was simulated so there was no actual sun to hide from. Not to mention that they had nutritional supplements to feed Eve for the next thousand years, thus android failed to see the need for this.

“Oh come on, those synthetic’s are impressive but don’t taste even a fraction as good as the real thing,” said Eve as he put the petals of the flower into a kettle and poured himself a cup. Honestly, he still preferred the food of the old apocalypse days, even simple tea was blissful.

[…] Noah remained silent, his cameras staring at eve with increasing intensity.

Feeling such a gaze on him, Eve laughed.

“Here, have some.” He smiled, eyes narrowing in satisfaction as the warm liquid swilled on his tongue.

Receiving a cup, the android drank the entire thing in one gulp, his Glow turning a warm cyan before becoming dark blue.


The android played with the cup for a moment before speaking in a particularly dry voice, [I am incapable of taste.] 

“…” Eve wasn’t too thrilled, “then why did you……”

[I simply did what was asked.] spoke the android as he changed back into a yellow.

“So now you're taking orders…. I sometimes wonder if you’re an android or a cyborg with the way you act. You truly are a marvel.”











The sky was raging, bringing down thunder as a radiation storm hit the ARK in full force. With the sound of cracking glass, the ceiling that displayed a sunset was broken through, red rain gushing in. This was repeated a couple of times, making large gaps in the ‘sky’ that exposed the crimson red clouds above.

As the rain entered, any organism unfortunate enough to be touched by it either mutated morbidly or aged rapidly until it died.

Amidst this chaos, Eve sat under the android's core to hide from the rain while watching the ‘sunset’, or rather, watching the destruction below. It was the red rain… the event that started the apocalypse. It was the first time Eve had actually seen with his own eyes… All the previous times it happened, his superiors locked him away as he was too much of an important human resource to lose. 

As he sat there, he felt some heat on his cheek. He looked up, meeting face to face with the android whose cameras were directed below.

Grabbing the tea the android brought, Eve ignored the clear dissatisfaction that came off of the android's purple glow.

[Can you return to your room? The rain is not safe,] he said, reaching out in an attempt to take Eve away.

Knowing what he was up to, Eve hugged the metal pillar he was leaning on as he grinned at the android, “No way I’m going. And if you try to stop me from this, I will throw myself into the rain to see what will be my fate!”

[….] the android's purple color became redder, but it knew that those words were not just empty threats. Standing frozen for some time, the android turned back into yellow as he sat down next to Eve. He followed the other's gaze, joining Eve in spectating a pair of mutated rats fight to the death while drinking his own cup of ‘tasteless’ tea. [patient, I fail to see the point of this.]

“…..” Eve stopped watching and turned to the android with a frown, “you won’t call me by name, will you?”


Eve smiled suddenly, “then…. I will call you by name.”

The android tilted his head as it turned a confused green, [I have no name.]

Eve’s grin became more profound, twirling some of the android's hair in his fingers, “well, I will give you one.”

[No thank you,] denied the android flatly.

“…….” Eve coughed awkwardly, “Ummm…. well I will give you one anyway.”

[I said no thank you?]

Eve ignored him as he pressed on “too bad.”

[I declined the offer.]

Eve stroked his chin, “whenever you like it or not I’m on it… so… for your name…. Noah? Okay, Noah!”

[…] the android froze as if shot.

Eve didn’t notice the change as he excitedly prattled on, “we’re on the ARK, aren’t we? And everyone knows that she needs a Noah, correct? You're the keeper of this place so… isn’t it perfect?”

The android, Noah, seemed to regain himself as he stroked the back of his neck. He then spoke, voice lower than usual. [….. It is…… perfect.]

Feeling accomplished, Eve pulled Noah into a hug, failing to see him turn deep blue.









“Noah…” grabbing the android before he left, Eve touched the back of his neck as he brought their foreheads together. He looked intently forwards, staring into that brain that floated in a sea of gold as he felt warmth permeate his skin, “You know, sometimes I’m glad that I’m the only one here. At least I have you all for myself.”

[it's my job.] said Noah as he pried the fingers off his neck.

Annoyed, Eve shoved him out of the sleeping capsule, “tsk, of course, an android has to be as dense as a rock”

Noah titled this head, [Oh I fully know what is happening here. Please be grateful that you are not being dealt with according to the protocol for sexual harassment.]

“…” Eve deadpanned, his lips forming it to a line, “you just killed the mood”

[You are welcome] said Noah with a certain smugness in his voice. He then lowered the lights with one hand while the other rubbed Eve's hair into a mess.

Eve just rolled his eyes at him as he watched him leave, calling out just as he stepped over the door frame. 

“By the way…” he said with narrowed eyes, “may I ask… why do you have a Noah plate at the back of your neck?”

[…] Noah touched the back of his nape while his head tilted down. He remained quiet before sighing in an exasperated manner. [I simply replaced my old one with this, the name is perfect for me isn’t it?]

Eyes turning into circles, a smug smile blossomed on Eve's face. “Ahaha, really?”

[Yes.] he said reluctantly.

“Now all that’s left is to call me Eve!”  

[Goodnight patient,] The door was closed before Eve could continue, and before Eve could see the other change color.









Laying on the grassy rooftop of the tallest building of the ARK, Eve and Noah gazed into the stimulated starry sky. Eve was entranced, the cloudless night utterly captivating him. It was the first time he had seen such a view… normally nights for him were just skies full of smog and red clouds.

By impulse, he tried to reach his hand out to the sky to catch those fake celestial bodies, but his body however did not cooperate. Just as dissatisfaction hit him though, Noah reached over and directed his arm to the sky.

With his eyelashes lowered, Eve spoke in a lifeless voice, “Am I… finally dying.”

[You….will recover.]

Eve did not seem to be convinced by his words in any capacity, giving out a sardonic grin towards the one above him. He moved his fingers with much difficulty, his fingertips trembling as he barely touched some of Noah’s messy hair.

He felt it, he was an arrow at the end of its flight. As such… he wanted to fulfill his heart's desire. 

Even if… the other was incapable of reciprocating his feelings due to the nature of his creation… he wanted to say it.

“Noah… I… I like you, you know?”

Eve then waited, waited for a dry sarcastic remark to follow. That usual poke at him in his robotic voice.

But the reaction he got was an unexpected one.

The hand that was held by Noah was let go, flopping onto Eve's side. Noah’s expression twisted with it— Eve… didn’t even think his face was able to move. He then let out words that shook slightly, [don’t… don’t say that. You…know nothing… you remember nothing….]

“?” Eve was in utter confusion, his mind didn’t even know how to react, “Noah…”

Eve wanted to say some more, but as his heart rate increased, he felt a choking came as blood rushed up to his throat. He coughed, spitting out crimson to his lips. He was in pain, so much pain that he didn’t realize Noah did not come to his aid this time. He just stood by his side, his face devoid of hope as if he was watching the inevitable take place.








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[Patient… I have already instructed you not to explore. Your condition has improved, but that does not mean you need to exacerbate it again,] nagged Noah, passing tea to Eve who was fidgeting with something. He seemed incredibly preoccupied, not even glancing at the tea.

It was abnormal for Eve to ignore his favorite drink though, [Patient?] 

Eve threw his own question instead of answering, “Noah… what are these?”

While asking, he lifted up the thing that consumed his focus, a metal plate with the number 333 on it— one of many plates spread out in front of him.


Eve's grip tightened around the plate, “Noah. Answer. me.”

[…] at the harsh tone, Noah froze for a second before continuing rather naturally. [It appears to be an identification plate of one of my other patients.…. which I failed to treat… due to my incompetence.]

Eve gave a small chuckle, “‘failed to treat’ huh, but the corpses I found did not die from anything that could be described as ‘failed to treat’. Some had their heads cut off, some were cut in half… it makes me wonder why that is…. unless they are infected here in the ARK? Ah, don’t you keep telling me there are? But I haven’t seen a single one… Oh, but that would not explain why the corpses are so clean? I thought the infected eat people?”

Noah opened his mouth, But nothing came out. [….]

Eve finally turned his face to Noah, a rather nasty smile on his lips, “You…. Are you not treating me are you?”

[….] Noah remained silent.

“Oh god…” Eve got up, his pressure increasing as the lack of reaction propelled his anxiety, “These are… experiments aren’t they?”


Eve grabbed onto the android’s shirt and brought him closer to his face, “Noah… please tell me… what is all this!! What… are you doing to me?!” 

Noah still didn’t let out even a sound, but the wires behind him had turned red and bathed the room crimson.












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Eve ran.

With heavy breaths that hardly made it past his lips, he forced his body forward. His muscles trembled with strain as his heartbeat could be felt at the back of his throat, but regardless of how much his body screamed, he ran.

He needed to escape.

He knew it was near hopeless— his body was long filled with nanobots which were once used to ‘heal’ or rather, repair and test his body. However, now they served as a beacon that showed off his location like a bonfire in the night.

If he had one hope of survival… it was getting far enough away from the core.

Because the further he went, the less 'it' could function.

But right now he was not far enough. As he went forward, he heard it creaking as it walked like a puppet with broken strings, stomping on the ground as it tried to keep balance. Whenever it went, the area was painted crimson, the wires that were slowly breaking off its back glowing more intense than ever.

Scared by the sound, Eve tried to go even faster, making it through the never-ending maze of rooms at a frightening pace. But in his frantic, he entered a long winding corridor that left no room to hide. 

Making it to the end, Eve gasped as he was met with a huge space that let out a rancid stench.

Past the door, there was a meter drop before one would be met with a sea of corpses. All one could see was bones laid on mounds of rotting flesh, all disposed of together like trash to be forgotten about.

It was horrid. Even for him, it was horrid. He had to resist the urge to vomit.

Gazing back to see if he had time to backtrack, his pupils shrunk. On the horizon, the red glow was inching closer and closer.

His exit… was blocked.

Clenching his fists, Eve hardened his expression as he jumped into the rotting bog, desperately searching for a place to hide as his feet were dragged down into the soup of decomposed blood and meat. Hearing it come closer, Eve swallowed down a scream as he buried himself in the necrose matter, his last ditch effort to try to hide his Nano-bot signature.

Right on time, he heard a large thump. 

'It' came down.

There was nothing else to do but to hold his breath and close his eyes, praying to whatever deity or demon could save him from being found. 

Luckily, it had seemed the sky heard his prayers as he noticed that that thing walked around for what felt like hours without getting a whiff of him.

Sadly the blessing ran out far too soon. It.... halted right in front of where Eve hid.

[Patient?] it, Noah, called out in his usual dryness, dryness which would normally be charming but now sent a chill down Eve's spine.

Eve covered his mouth as his entire body trembled, expecting to be caught.

But the android called out again, [Patient, Come out.]

Eve squeezes his eyes together in relief… Noah stopping here was only a coincidence.

[Strenuous exercise can be damaging to the body.]

Now all he needed to do was wait it out, wait until Noah moves to a different location.

[Patient, please go back inside, this area is highly hazardous]

When he gets far enough, he can climb back to the corridor and continue running…

[Patient…] Noah started walking again.

The tension in Eve's body was let out immediately... until he realized where Noah was heading to. In horror, Eve didn’t even have the time to scream before a steel hand was shoved into the corpses, prying him out into the open.

Holding Eve in the air, Noah’s crimson returned to a normal yellow, [patient, will you return?]

Eve struggled.

[Will you return?] Noah repeated.

“L-Let me go! Fucker let me go this instant!” Eve shouted in panic.

[…..] Noah’s head creaked to the side as he glowed red once again, [As mere copy… you dare say such a thing…….? Evelyn would never say such a thing to me…. Changing the label: ‘patient’ turning to ‘defect’.]

“!!!” Eve immediately realized his mistake as he forced a smile, “no… I didn’t mean it. I-I’ll return! Calm down, I will return!”

Noah didn’t seem to care as he lifted his other hand [per protocol, Defects shall be removed.]

“No please no—!”

Before he couldn’t finish his words, the world turned upside down as his lifeless body joined the sea of flesh below.


























Noah walked down a long winding stairway, typing away into a hologram as he talked to himself. [subject ■■■, cause of death: defection. Lifespan: 7 months. Mean lifespan of subject population: 9.24 months. Memory recovery and replication remain minimal. Body state: poor]

He entered a large hollow area that appeared to be the concave of a dome— it was the basement of the ARK. Here, everywhere the eye could see were Nano-Chambers, ones that used to house the remaining human population, but now were all filled with identical clones.

Noah slowly reached the bottom, a large expanse set up like a lab. He approached a desk and sat down, continuing to input the information as a mug of tea was dispersed from his side. Reaching for it, Noah’s cameras caught sight of a framed picture— one that seemed incredibly out of place in this ungodly realm of tech.

It was a simple one, showing two people smiling brightly with hundreds of empty Nano-Chambers behind them.

And those people were an older version of Eve and a human version of Noah with neatly combed hair.

Memories floated inside Noah’s brain as he looked at the picture.

‘We… we should call it the ARK! As Noah, you need your ARK, don’t you? It’s perfect isn’t it?’ Laughed Evelyn as he messed up Noah's Hair into a chicken coop.

‘It’s perfect.’ He smiled back at that time. 

‘Noah?’ Evelyn then called out suddenly while passing him a cup of tea he brewed. ‘I have a favor.’


‘Haha… It’s such a shame, my time is coming soon…. I still didn’t get to see the cloudless sky… so please, Look out for this place for me properly when you take over. I know you don’t care for it much… but for me… protect them and bring the sky back for humanity.’

At that time Noah nodded his head with lowered eyes.

Shaking his head to dismiss this memory. Noah sat up as he finished typing. He then walked to the side, pressing a button as he stated a new log on his hologram notepad.

Meanwhile, a capsule next to him opened as an ‘Eve’ dropped down onto the floor along with amber liquid. As the yellow flowed down its body, Eve coughed, looking up at Noah in confusion.

Noah temporarily turned a deep blue, he knew… he knew he had broken that promise from a long long time ago and that what he was doing was far from sane But…

Alone in this ARK, for hundreds of years….

He had long gone past sanity.

With the eve below still looking at him with those confused eyes devoid of memory, Noah finally passed it his hand, [Hello patient]

“Um… hello?”

















Author's Account:

Killokii (SH), Twitter.

Hugs and kisses for all (˶‾᷄ ⁻̫ ‾᷅˵)

(Shameless self promo below)


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