Black beard, the filial son of the pirate

Chapter 59

Chapter 59

As soon as Tiki made a move, Oden couldn't help but started acting wild.

He chose other slave exchanges around him, and broke open a slave exchange with one sword.

Those thugs in the slave exchange couldn't even handle him with a single move. Fortunately, he still remembered Tiqi's words and didn't mess around.

Whitebey also led dozens of people to besiege a slave exchange, realizing her idea of ​​going to the battlefield.

Anyway, Dad is not here now, so it is Tiki who decides. As long as Tiki doesn't say anything, no one else has the guts to stop Whitey Bay.

What this woman wants is not fighting, or the purpose is not fighting, but power, to prove herself. She was the eldest sister at the beginning, and she couldn't stand being pulled down a little bit.

The murlocs frantically attacked all the slave exchanges, completely red-eyed, ignoring Tiqi's previous words.

"Aaron, if you don't want Tiqi to be angry, you'd better stop these people immediately!"

Whitebee sensed something was wrong, and began to release cold air in a large area to calm down the murlocs above.

"Thank you, Sister Whitey!" Aaron nodded gratefully after his head cleared.

Because he rescued several murlocs who were abused, not only these murlocs, but also him who was racist.

Inside the largest slave exchange.

Tiqi looked at the person in front of him, whose painting style was far from his.

Sure enough, people should not be judged by appearances. He did not expect that such a gentle person would do such a shameless thing as a normal person, which really surprised him.

"Aren't you the owner of the shipyard?" Tiqi looked curious, but he was secretly accumulating strength in his hands.

"On this island, all the forces and I are more or less involved. Last time, I came forward to receive everyone just to show respect."

"Behind me, there are big people supporting me. Can I retreat this time, and we won't harass Murloc Island in the future!"

The man leaned over slightly, although his posture was low, but Tiqi's special ability of knowledge and knowledge sensed that this man looked down on him as a pirate.

The man beckoned, and the people behind him brought out several large boxes.

"Open it and let the friends of the Whitebeard Pirates see it, my sincerity!"


Tiki stepped forward, picked up a pocket watch inlaid with gemstones from the box, and fiddled with it casually.

Becky followed him all the time, and Jerry also followed closely with dozens of his confidantes. He was not afraid of someone sneaking up on him.

"My name is Kaffi Whitman, and I am the secret master of this island, working for the Tianlong people."

The sound of fighting outside kept coming, which made the man a little panicked. He quickly showed his hole cards, and he was no longer as mysterious and calm as before.

"These are the gifts I give to everyone, in exchange for the Whitebeard Pirates to calm down."

Teach didn't answer, but gave Becky a look.

She understood and began to release clouds and mist, covering the building.

"Not enough, your life is worth this little?"

When the people fighting outside couldn't detect the inside, he glanced at the other boxes before responding to Carfee Whitman.

In front of him was just a box of Baileys, a box of gems and gold coins, and a box of antique oil paintings.

If you want to buy your life in his hands with such a little thing, it would be too contemptuous of him.

Hearing what he said, Kaffi Whitman showed a smile, smoothed a strand of hair that was hanging down, and changed back to the calm look before.


Tiki was upset at seeing him, changed his mind, and interrupted him suddenly.

"You only have one chance, if you don't satisfy me, go to hell!"

He doesn't like other people in front of him, showing that they are in control of the overall situation, and he is the one who controls the future.

Kaffi Whitman froze slightly, paused for a while, and said cautiously: "I"

Tiqi interrupted his words again, and said maliciously: "How about being my dog!"

"You!" There was a hint of anger on Kaffi Whitman's face.

He is a man who serves as a dog for the Tianlong people. If White Beard is talking, he can still think about it.

What kind of thing is this pirate in front of him!
"Don't you want to?"

Throwing the pocket watch that he had been playing with in his hand back into the box, Tiki pouted, turned and left.

"Kill him."


As soon as the words fell, Becky punched Kaffi Whitman, who was still a little unclear, and flew out uncontrollably, smashed down the wall and was buried.

Kaffi Whitman was stronger than Titch before, but after half a year, Titch has not surpassed him, but he is no longer afraid of him.

Becky crushed him directly, even if Kaffi Whitman was armed, Becky still abused him completely.

Armed color is only capable of causing damage to nature, not restraining nature. Although it provides defense and attack power, it is not as good as Becky, who is a natural monster.

Everyone is running on the same track, everyone starts from the starting line, and those who are talented can run faster and farther.

Those with poor talent can not only run slowly, but they can't run after a few steps, and then they stagnate.

Becky and Big Mom were cheaters, and they started running from the middle of the track.

Of course, the final destination is there. Except for the mysterious Im, who may have run out of the destination, the others stopped at the destination.

The current Becky is no worse than Oden, and if a fight really starts, maybe Becky can take advantage of the variability of such fruits and drag Oden to death.

"Wait, I do!"

Kaffi Whitman in the ruins, feeling the power of this punch, was thinking about the samurai outside and the other captains of the Whitebeard Pirates.

He no longer dared to think about Whitebeard, these things had already made him desperate, to be precise, he was desperate with just one Becky.

As if he couldn't hear it, Tiqi walked towards the cloud and mist without stopping. As he walked, the cloud and mist in front of him dissipated, revealing a passage.

As he was walking, he suddenly stopped.

Kaffi Whitman seemed to be grabbing a life-saving straw, her armed color covered her chest and resisted Becky's two punches. With blood dripping from her mouth, she yelled humbly as she endured the pain.

"My lord, I will!"

"Give me a chance, I am very useful, all the forces under my banner belong to you, my lord."

Tiqi showed a puzzled expression, raised his right hand to his ear, tilted his head and asked softly, "What are you talking about? What are you going to do for me?"


Tiki hadn't called to stop, and Becky wouldn't hold back her hands, she kept throwing heavy punches, and Kaffi Whitman was beaten to the point of bleeding, but he didn't dare to hesitate, and hurriedly shouted.

"Be a dog!"

"Do you want to be a dog? How do dogs bark?" Tiqi asked curiously, looking sideways at a younger brother beside him.

"Brother, I don't know, but I think this person should know!" This member of the second team is very cooperative.

Kaffi Whitman's face was dark. She didn't know whether she was beaten or felt insulted, and her body was shaking.

"Bang!" Becky punched out.


There was a crisp fracture sound, and several ribs were broken in Carfee Whitman's chest. Compared with Becky's heavy punch, his armed color was really nothing to mention.

"Death" he yelled indistinctly, but he couldn't speak clearly, and Tiqi didn't respond.

"Wow, woof, woof!" Feeling the approach of death, he yelled desperately.

Looking at Kaffi Whitman who was begging for mercy, Tiki grinned, showing his white teeth, and smiled viciously.

"The barking is too ugly. I don't want such a dog!"

"Becky, kill this shameless man who is yelling to be my dog."

Then he said as he walked: "These Baileys and gold coins are given to you, the gems and antiques are shipped to the treasure house on the ship, and the oil paintings are sent to my room."

His room was decorated with gems and antiques when he was in Murloc Island, and he didn't need new additions until he got bored.

Oil painting is still interesting, it can improve his artistic bacteria, cultivate his temperament, and suppress that evil feeling.

"Thank you bro!"

"Long live big brother!"

His confidantes cheered, for these dozens of people, Tiqi has always been generous, money is only valuable if it is spent, and it will only rot if it is kept.



Being teased, Kaffi Whitman wanted to scold something, and Becky punched him fiercely, swallowing his words.

"Thief hahaha!" Tiqi laughed arrogantly and left.

The outside is already a mess, with various shell marks and extremely conspicuous marks of slashing.

Tiqi found a place that was still intact and sat down, watching these people under him wreak havoc.

It's hard to say about the other teams. Under his influence, his team hardly takes the initiative to cause trouble when it is normal, but once it goes crazy, it is a standard pirate.

"My lord, we have a gift for you!"

In the distance, several well-dressed and nouveau riche men shouted at him obsequiously.

These people were surrounded by people from the Second Division, pointing their guns at him, not daring to approach him.

"Brother, these people actively cooperated with our inspection, and no murloc slaves were found."

A member of the Second Division came to him and explained.

Tiqi smiled at those slave traders dressed like dogs, and felt that his soul was trembling.

This is what he worked hard for, carefully planned, and finally wanted to achieve.

Now it's just a few slave traders on an island. If it's the whole world in the future, what will it be like?

(End of this chapter)

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