Black Corporation: Joseon

Chapter 391

September, the 15th year of King Sejong’s reign (1433, the year of Gyechuk).

For the first time in a long while, crowds gathered in front of government offices across the country.

Registration had begun for those intending to take the upcoming state examination.

At the government offices in the bu (府), the central cities of each province in Joseon, the General Affairs Department’s section chief in charge of the examination was cautioning his subordinates.

“Registration will be open for three days from today. Keep this in mind.”

“Yes, sir!”

“Don’t do anything stupid like accepting latecomers who come with excuses about tigers blocking the road or whatnot! You’ve all heard about what happened in Gyeongsang-do last year, right? They accepted such people and got into trouble, ending up dragged to the Records Office. You know they can’t leave there for 10 years, right?”

At the mention of the ‘Records Office’, the officials’ faces turned pale. With ashen faces, they shouted loudly.

“Yes, sir!”

“So, handle it well.”

“Yes, sir!”

“Now go out and do your work.”

“Yes, sir!”

The disciplined officials hurriedly went out to the registration area.

Watching the officials heading to the registration area, the section chief let out a long sigh.

“Huu~. Despite giving notice a month in advance, there will surely be troublemakers who come on the fourth day and cause a scene, just like every year…”

A month before the state examination, notices were posted at government offices nationwide, and a three-day registration period was given. However, there were always those who missed the registration period and demanded to be registered.

“It’s not possible this year, so please try again next year. Ah! Next year, calculate the dates well and don’t be late!”

While many people turned away in disappointment at the official’s words, there were always some who couldn’t accept this and caused a disturbance.

These individuals were all arrested, fined 10 nyang of silver, and simultaneously received the punishment of ‘prohibition from taking the state examination for 5 years’.


“It’s about time for the gates to open…”

Many people had gathered on the road in front of the government office, waiting for the gates to open.

They were all waiting to register for the state examination. Males of various ages, from boys who hadn’t even tied their topknots yet to middle-aged men, were waiting for the gates to open. A little distance away from the clustered men, women wearing veils or headdresses and long coats were huddled together, also waiting for the gates to open.

Shortly after, a side door of the government office opened, and soldiers poured out.

“Step back!”

“Move back!”

At the soldiers’ shouts, the people who had crowded right up to the main gate stepped back.

After pushing the people back, the soldiers began dividing the space using small posts and ropes. They were setting up boundaries to prevent people from rushing in all at once.

Soon after, servants from the government office came out carrying desks and chairs to set up registration booths. Following them, officials carrying application forms and stamp boxes rushed out to take their positions.

“Registration will now begin!”


As soon as the official’s shout was followed by the ringing of a gong, people began to move with quick steps.


Thanks to the ropes, the applicants lined up in a winding queue like a moving snake, taking one step forward at a time as they waited for their turn.


“I am Han Yangsu.”

“Hand over your identification tag.”

At the official’s words, Yangsu searched his sleeve and took out his identification tag. The official who received the tag continued to question Yangsu.

“State your clan seat and place of residence.”

“My clan seat is Anpyeong, and I currently live in Namcheon down below.”


After confirming that there were no discrepancies with the personal information written on the identification tag, the official flipped it over and said to Yangsu:

“I’m sorry, but let’s see your face. Please remove your hat.”

“Yes, sir.”

At the official’s words, Yangsu took off his hat and showed his entire face.


In the process of creating identification tags, Hyang had referred a lot to 21st-century resident registration cards.

Therefore, similar to 21st-century resident registration cards, every time someone moved to a new place, their entry and exit records were engraved on the back of the identification tag.

Of course, this was closer to the 20th century rather than the 21st century with its computerized administrative network. In the 20th century, before proper computerization, whenever people moved and reported their relocation, the rubber coating on the back of their resident registration card was peeled off to record the relevant information.

“The problem is the photograph…”

In an era without the most reliable means of proving one’s identity, Hyang employed other methods.

He divided the back of the identification tag in half, recording entry and exit records on one side and distinctive physical features on the other.

“It might be just ‘peeing on frozen feet’, but we need to have at least some minimal measures in place…”



The official made a nasal sound as he compared the facial features recorded on the back of the identification tag with Yangsu’s face.

“It’s indeed you. You can put your hat back on now. Thank you for your patience.”

“Yes, sir.”

While Yangsu put his hat back on, the official wrote down the name and personal information on the application form, then held out his hand.

“The stamp fee is 80 won.”

“Here it is, sir.”

The official who received the stamp fee attached the stamp to the form, stamped it with the official seal, then tore the form in half and handed one half to Yangsu.

“Here’s your exam ticket. You must submit this along with your identification tag when you enter the examination hall in a fortnight. You won’t be allowed in without this, so keep it safe.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Then, I wish you luck.”

“Thank you, sir.”


The idea of having examination takers submit applications and pay stamp fees was also Hyang’s suggestion.

“Is it necessary to increase the procedures like this?”

To King Sejong’s question, Hyang explained the reason:

“It’s to prevent potential fraud, Your Majesty.”

“Even with a receipt, couldn’t someone else take the exam in their place?”

“That’s why we check it against the identification tag. Isn’t it a serious crime to present someone else’s identification tag?”

“Hmm… That’s true.”

Nodding, Sejong pointed out another issue.

“But why charge a stamp fee? And 80 won in copper coins is not a small amount. We might be criticized for being merchants if we’re not careful.”

At Sejong’s point, all the ministers except Kim Jeom nodded in agreement.

But once again, Hyang answered clearly.

“It’s to ensure that people approach the exam seriously, not out of a momentary burst of enthusiasm or immaturity. It also helps cover the financial costs incurred in preparing and conducting the examination.”

“To approach the exam seriously…”

Sejong, seemingly pleased with Hyang’s words, mulled them over a few times before turning to his ministers.

“What do you think…”

“It’s truly an excellent idea, Your Majesty! Of course, most of those taking the exam would have the mindset of serving the country after passing, but there are always a few who muddy the waters! It’s not a small amount, but it’s not so much that it would discourage those truly determined to challenge themselves!”

Before Sejong could finish speaking, Kim Jeom poured out his words, to which Sejong smacked his lips slightly and concluded:

“The Crown Prince’s proposal is appropriate. Refine it a bit more and implement it.”

“We will carry out your orders!”

The scribe who recorded all this added the following words:

-…Thus, His Majesty graciously accepted the Crown Prince’s proposal, and all the ministers followed suit.

The scribe says:

Charging money from those taking the state examination could be seen as materialism in a way. But the problem is that it’s not entirely wrong. Even when I took the exam, there were quite a few people who came to the big city not for the exam itself, but to enjoy entertainment.

While some struggle desperately to take the exam to improve their poor family circumstances, others do it merely for entertainment. These good-for-nothing…

The scribe suddenly poured out nearly three pages of harsh words.

This was one of the side effects that occurred as Hunminjeongeum became more familiar.

When only Chinese characters were used, scribes wrote everything they wanted to say, whether appropriate or not. Now that they had mastered Hunminjeongeum, it was like a tiger growing wings.


The registration process, which had been progressing smoothly, became awkward when women came to submit their applications.

“I’m sorry. I know it’s not proper, but for identity verification, I need to see your face.”


“Oh my…”

Faced with the awkward issue of ‘identity verification’, both the women taking the exam and the officials in charge of registration could only sigh deeply in embarrassment.

According to the customs of the time, women of the nobility were not allowed to show their faces carelessly to outsiders.

Therefore, it was customary to wear a veil or a hat with a long coat when going out.

Even gisaeng wore hats when going out on the streets.

Eventually, to resolve this awkward situation, the female applicants had to make a decision.

“It can’t be helped. However, I won’t remove it completely like the men.”

“We don’t expect that much!”

With the official’s agreement, the female applicant slightly lifted the face cloth of her veil to show her face.

As the female applicant revealed her face, the official compared it with the record on the identification tag as quickly as possible. Delaying could lead to rumors of taking advantage of the application process to dishonor women.

“That’s enough!”

At the official’s hurried confirmation, the woman swiftly lowered her face cloth.

After receiving the stamp fee and handing over the receipt to send the woman off, the official muttered quietly.

“This is a problem, isn’t it? This will happen again at the examination hall. We need an alternative.”


It seemed that many others had similar thoughts, as during and after the registration period, official documents requesting solutions to this issue flooded into the court.


After checking the report that came up through the royal secretariat, Sejong pondered for a moment and then immediately issued an order.

“Assign one female physician to each examination hall across Joseon. Have the female physicians take full charge of identity verification for female applicants.”

At Sejong’s command, Heo Jo immediately responded.

“We will carry out your orders, Your Majesty.”


Thus, after the registration ended and time passed, the state examination began.

Straw mats were laid out according to the number of applicants in the examination halls set up at the provincial offices across Joseon, and wooden writing boards and inkstones were placed for writing on paper.

With these preparations in place, examination applicants were allowed to bring in only their writing brushes from among the four treasures of the study.

After completing the identity verification process through officials and female physicians, the examinees entered while receiving instructions:

“Sit on the straw mat with the number written on your exam ticket to prepare for the test! Good luck!”

“Thank you, sir.”

Having passed the preliminary check and entered the examination hall, the applicants looked around to find the straw mat with the same number as on their exam ticket.

“Ah! Here it is!”

Seated in their assigned place, the applicants took deep breaths to calm their hearts.


Shortly after, when all examinees had entered and taken their seats, the officials in charge of supervision came in and compared the numbers on the applicants’ receipts with those on the straw mats.

After confirming that everyone was in their proper place, the provincial governor entered and took his seat.

When all those who would supervise and observe the exam were in place, a soldier with a good voice shouted loudly:

“Now, we will begin the first test!”

Thus began the first state examination of the stability period.

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