Black Lotus Daughter She is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 618

Chapter 618: A Beautiful Donkey

Chapter 618 A Beautiful Donkey

Wang Ningxiu asked excitedly: “And then, did the director choose both of you?”

Xie Feng shook his head: “How can it be.”

said, took a big mouthful of powder, swallowed it, and said slowly.

“The plot of the story is like this. The character I played was a cannon fodder. The first scene in the scene was dystocia, and then the heroine gave birth to a baby in the delivery room. The hero held her hand and cried with snot and tears. ‘I know I’m sorry for you, but I love Qianqian. We divorced after the child was born, and we made each other happy and let go of each other’.”

After Xie Feng finished speaking, Wang Ningxiu froze.

What kind of devil is this?

What kind of anti-human line is this?

Wang Ningxiu couldn’t imagine the picture of Su Ran playing the role of the scumbag male protagonist, and hurriedly shook his head, trying to shake the weird idea out of his head.

“He won’t audition successfully!”

Xie Feng stopped his fussing action: “I was lying down and playing a huge pain. He rolled his eyes at me and told me not to learn how to bark like a donkey.”

Wang Ningxiu: “…”



I want to laugh a little.

What’s the matter with being a little fortunate?

Wang Ningxiu held back a smile: “What’s your name?”

Xie Feng cleared his throat: “Just oh-ah-oh-oh-oh-” It hurts.

Before the word    it hurts, the whole class fell into a dead silence.

Except for the two oh-ahs that are still echoing.

Xie Feng: “…”

Wang Ningxiu: “…”

I have heard Shen Lingxi throughout the whole process: “…”

“Xie Feng, I’m in a good mood this morning. I’m eating noodles and learning donkey bark.”

Early self-study is an English teacher visiting the class. Suddenly, she saw her “proud lover” returning to school and wanted to come over to say hello.

Before he walked in, he saw his bowl of hot and sour noodles with red oil floating in the aroma.

Just as he was about to mention a few words to him, he heard a horrific donkey barking.

Facing the gazes of the whole class, Xie Feng raised his head with difficulty, and the noisy English teacher smiled.

“That’s right, coming back from the competition is very energetic.” The English teacher was amused by his expression, “I see your donkey barking performance is good, if you want to add some English, let’s show everyone a small stage play.”

! !

Xie Feng looked at the English teacher with a demented expression.


The English teacher frowned slightly: “Take care of the greens on your teeth.”

Shen Lingxi couldn’t hold back, and laughed outright.

After the beginning, the whole class burst into laughter.

Under the eyes of everyone, Xie Feng was invited to the podium. As an idol who debuted as a dance talent show, he came to the stage to perform a stage play for everyone.

Standing on the podium, Xie Feng’s mind is full of how to translate Ouah.



The   360 stereo surround sound sounded, and the classmates laughed at the hammer table.

“Fuck, your brother Feng is still your brother Feng, hahahahaha, I don’t agree if this English translation is not grade 8.”

“Help me, I still think his milk and salt idol, hahahaha, what the **** is this.”

“My abs are about to laugh, how can it be so funny.”

The English teacher was obviously uncomfortable and let him down from the podium with a smile.

Xie Feng walked back to his position with a blank expression.

When he saw Wang Ningxiu and the others looking at him, they kept twitching, as if they were about to foam at the mouth, Xie Feng took a deep breath.

At that moment, Shen Lingxi seemed to see a crack on his face, and… he was born without love.

Shen Lingxi patted him on the shoulder: “Even if it’s a donkey, you are a good-looking donkey.”

(end of this chapter)

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